Week by week things change around here.
And when you only leave the house once within that week - it's noticeable!
Tuesday evening we took a little ride over to the QPO -
Dave with his "to do list" hand written by me to double check that things were done inside for the July Quiltvillians who arrived yesterday afternoon (You know all of those soap and shampoo and body wash bottles aren't going to magically refill or replace themselves!)
And I had a couple of orders to fill that took mere minutes - but it was an outing.
And I think I referenced this in yesterday's post - but neglected to share the photo of us driving home after a soft rain.
The Queen Anne's lace has grown up tall and is blooming along the roadside.
And my favorite of all - how the clouds can nestle right into the trees.
There is a bit of evening sun just barely peeking through, giving the mountains a warm glow.
This is home.
The highlight of my yesterday -
Friends Lisa and Gina drove up from Winston Salem to spend the day and escape the heat. While the heat index was pushing 100 down in the piedmont of North Carolina, we were about 20 degrees cooler up here, hovering around 77 degrees. It makes a difference!
It may make me cranky come winter time - but summers are the main reason we went mountainward.
What's not to love about friends who will drive 2 hours to spend some time?
And I have to laugh - and set up this scenario, because it is too hystlerical.
The phone conversation went like this:
Lisa: "Gina and I want to come see you tomorrow. And Martha Claire gave me her mother's <URN> to give to you."
Me, dumbfounded: "Oh,.......OKAY?"
In my mind I saw this urn of ashes - what was I supposed to do with Martha Claire's mother's ashes?
Are they intended for display at the inn, or??
And then I caught it. In Lisa's gentile North Carolina accent, URN and IRON are pronounced very much the same, especially over cell phones.
It was Martha Claire's mother's IRON, not her URN.
Oh, my goodness, we laughed and laughed and laughed.
So yesterday - the IRON, a heavy duty vintage Black & Decker, was delivered. And we laughed some more.
SO GOOD for the soul, don't you agree?
And we got Stella play time!
Fetching with Zoey's squirrel.
Stella is just a little thing, not quite one year old, and we weren't sure how things would be received, so Zoey and Mabel stayed outside in the play yard during our visit.
As it turns out, the ladies were planning on heading toward Wytheville for some fabric therapy at Batiks Etc. before heading home down interstate 77. What a great way to spend an otherwise hot August day by escaping to the mountains.
As for me - a 2 hour nap followed. I think I cam getting too used to this relaxation thing. It needs to end. SOON.
I was able to share this in person!
This is getting further along and further along with every stitch. Still, when I look at antique beauties quilted so intricately and so heavily, I wonder how the ladies found time to stitch at all.
There was no great light in the evenings. They didn't have all of our notions and marking tools.
And yet the quilting was close, stitches tiny, the workmanship completely amazing.
This doesn't even come in the running -
But if it weren't for the stitching, what would we rather be doing with found moments of time?
The plan for today is much the same -
My friend Jean from up the road is bringing breakfast for a quick morning visit. I don't get to see her often enough as our schedules are completely opposite, and she lives only 1/2 mile away.
I'll still be feet up through the day, but this evening the Hubster will drive me over to the QPO so the ladies can come down for a meet and greet.
I received messages from house mama Rebecca that all of the July Quiltvillians are in the house and getting settled in and sewing away for the next week.
This retreat is followed by the August Quiltvillians back-to-back so she is staying in the interim day in between to help Susan with everything. Martha will be on hand as well.
And soon. Soon I'll be mobile and weight bearing and just watch out "This boot was made for walkin'...."
Only 4 days left:
What happens when you combine traditional triangle units with improv inspired string blocks? Kismet, that’s what!
I had enough units left over to make a wall hanging size!
Quilt Sizes: Full: 78’’X 78’’ Wall: 42’’X 42’’
25% off introductory pricing and no coupon needed, good through 7/31/22.
I've marked Nearly Lemoyne at 25% off as well - just because!
(Also available in the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop)
Seeing all of this scrappy goodness has me dying to dive in and do some piecing of my own.
Sure, I've worked on a few ideas on my computer, and I have ideas swirling in my head, but a quilt isn't a quilt until you can actually MAKE the quilt with real fabric and thread. It needs to become tangible!
And this is where I am begging you to entertain me with stories of what is going on in your own corner of the globe. Please leave a comment below letting me know what YOU will be doing today, and what you are working on!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.
If the same problem keeps happening over and over, change how you react to it!
It just might change the outcome
And boy how I have learned a few lessons over the past couple of weeks!
Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone -

I am cutting and kitting Fancy Baskets and Triple Treat for a sew along on Sunday. I was lucky to get today off! Have a ☼ and Cardinals Day on the Mountain!
ReplyDeleteAs we are getting ready to sell our home in Indiana and move to Florida - I haven't gotten to do much stitching -- however, so I will be back! Meantime, our county fair is going on this week -- I entered a hand pieced/hand quilted that got 3rd place!! And I entered (2) separate machine embroidery wall hangings -- both took Champion in their class!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! That is wonderful!
DeleteNothing exciting here. I am still looking for some blocks I made last year with Gyleen Fitzgerald. They are based on vintage blocks printed in the Kansas City Star back in the 30s. Gyleen took a hiatus last year when her prize-winning boxer had puppies and then my sciatica (and now heart failure) struck so i was down for the count. I am better now and can sit at the machine for a bit to sew. I found the fabric I had set aside for the project, and did see the blocks a week or two ago. But where? I want to get back to them. Also working on baby quilts for the charity our guild supports. So glad you are on the mend. Don't rush things. It will just make the recovery longer. The body uses sleep and down time to heal.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, take all the help you can get. You rob people of the ability to show their love for you when you don't let them help. Me? With my health challenges, I have to hire to have my lawn mowed, house cleaned, groceries delivered and dog groomed (mobile groomer comes to me). At one point my sister had to drive me to doctors' appointments, help with laundry, and even water the house plants. You know, if the shoe was on the other foot, you and I would help others as needed. I know it chafes, but his, too, will pass.
ReplyDeleteWise words. I too am facing having to bring on outside help for some household chores and as you said it chafes. Hope you continue to improve Mary Ellen.
DeleteYour mountain posts are reminders of good times shared with family over the years. My mom lived her early years near Knoxville, TN and during our lives any trip to that mountain range was pure joy, heavenly. I must say we don't want to live there year-round, though. I have been viewing your Scrap Class on Quilting Daily trying to get inspiration for all the 6 inch crumb blocks I have enjoyed mindlessly putting together. Most are my dark or bright color crumbs. I'm trying to get a handle on your neutral/color theory to use to help make the crumb blocks more visually appealing. Put together as is they are too busy. I must say when I signed up I thought it meant there would be interactive sessions/Q&A. If you have suggestions, would appreciate them.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're keeping your spirits up. An injury like that is nothing to mess around with! I've got a couple of baby quilt panels to quilt, I'm currently in a boot too-no fun at all! Thankfully, I can sew with either foot!
ReplyDeleteHello Bonnie, can't believe I get to be the first in the comments! LoL.... guess it best be something profound! So happy that you are improving as each day goes by.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, I'm not doing anything exciting... doing the watering, in Utah we are only allowed to water 2 times a week; so we make every drop count. Watering times are any time on your days until 10:00 a.m. then from 6:00 p.m. to whatever time it takes to finish up. Nothing more than 30 minutes per area. So I go set the water then come back and read your post for the day... and any other important stuff... then change it etc...
Have a great day... naps are very healing... do it when you can. Take one for me!
Hugs from Utah.... Jean
Bonnie i plan on meeting my youngest daughter in pa for lunch and girl time .. you taje care if yiurself and the hubster!! Give martha a big hug! Thank you for all you do..
ReplyDeleteI finished one blue and white ocean waves top, and I'm now halfway through the blocks for your lady of the lake pattern. Because I had a lot of blue FQs and whitish scraps. Because one blue and white quilt was not sufficient for some reason. So, I am using your ruler for the HSTs and leading/ending the small triangle pairs as I piece a coral and green lap quilt top for charity. Also went through my stash again, which I do annually, and have a large bag to give to my quarterly sewing group next month.
ReplyDeleteKeep healing and I'm grateful you were not injured worse. Thanks for all you offer us.
Hi Bonnie - I'm working on a quilt for a friend's retirement, but she wanted it in very dark, sporty colors (think football uniforms) I'm not accustomed to working in - the background is ORANGE, like halloween orange, and then the highlights are dark greens (emeralds/forests), navy blues, dark grapey purples, and nearly-gold yellows. It's exactly what she wanted and she's so excited for it and I keep plugging away thinking.....that is a LOT of orange, sister. And not very much change in value, which is weird to my eye, but I'm showing her progress pix and have her thumbs up, so.....orange it is! She's counting down the days, and I'm getting slightly more panicked as the day draws closer.
ReplyDeleteMy Rhododendron Trail and Hearts of Hope tops are off to be quilted and sent to either Ukraine or a Ronald McDonald House in Tampa. My 44x55 Cabin Corners is waiting to be quilted - I think I will keep this one. Continue with your recovery and don't overdo it. I think I had better rest up, as I imagine that all those ideas in your head will soon be another wonderful pattern I will want to do.
ReplyDeleteI am itchin' to get stitchin' myownself, as my knee has kept me totally sedentary, knitting and watching Netflix... waiting for update of Virgin River, and The Crown, bingeing on Longmire, and thinking about next "adventure" -- several recommendations including the House of Windsor, another take on the life and times of the "Royals" -- they seem to me to be a rather dysfunctional lot, and I'm wondering a bit why the fascination and celebrity... when there's so much "regular" positive pursuits (like quilting). The pandemic has put all the long-arm quilters into quilting heaven, with a backlog of many many quilts!!!! I finished Grassy Creek borders in plain solid grey, with bright greet narrow border and binding! I'm glad you're on the road to healing and getting back in the groove... you paint beautiful pictures of your home and the Blue Ridge... this particular 'adventure' has really been a doozy... please take care of yourownsweetself -- hugs, prayers and blessings from Cats in Carlsbad CA
ReplyDeleteIt's another get ready for the Wyoming invasion. Grandkids hugs Coming soon! Too hot to sleep outside so Inside Airbeds are the ticket. Need more floor space. Fabric getting moved around and organized, extra sewing machine taken back downstairs. I'll be stitching tonight in the cool of the evening... Glad your friends are coming to visit and help with your Cabin fever. Happy Thursday!
ReplyDeleteOff to volunteer at the hospital, my Thursday activity for the last nine years :0) Happy healing, keep up your wonderful positive attitude :0).
ReplyDeleteHi, Bonnie! Glad to hear that your recovery is still on track, and that those close to you are helping to keep your deadlines met and your days full while you wait it out.
ReplyDeleteI just finished a crib/lap throw top that's a Scrap Users/Leader Ender win. When cutting shirt leftovers into scraps, I seem to build up a lot of tiny 1.5x2.5" bricks. I paired them with solid bricks in the same size to make split 2.5" squares, and then set them in a 'streak of lightning/mini rail fence' layout. So many little pieces, but it didn't feel like it took that long bc they were all L/E units.
I wish you continued healing, which will bring you back to your normal active life of quilting. Today I will be binding my Rhododendron Trail to try to get it finished up for entry in our county fair on Monday.
ReplyDeleteI kind of like the thought of my ashes being at Quiltville surrounded every day by fabric and quilters! LOL! In my little part of Canada it is hot, well hot for us, so any sewing must be accomplished early. Take care Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteI love hearing about all the helping hands... it really warms my heart to remember that there are so many loving people in the world. My challenge is that I can never repay all that goodness to those who have selflessly helped me. I guess I can only pay it forward?!
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping Thursday quickly turns into Friday so that I can work on 2 mystery sew alongs I'm participating in. Of course I'm also piecing a 2022 scrapbuster challenge as I'm working on weekly mystery clues, then there's those 2021 fish school blocks that I'm turning into a quilt! Those MANY piles by my machine mean something to me, so do not touch I tell everyone! LOL You'll be back at your machine before you know it, Bonnie! Take care!!
ReplyDeleteWorked a little on Strips that sizzle. My friend Kathy and I are going to Spaghetti Warehouse for BOGO 15 Layer Lasagna ( today only). More sewing later in the day.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, glad you are having visits with neighbors and friends. I think your readers would love to see a picture of you using your knee scooter. I know I would. You will be a whizz with the boot soon. I used one after foot surgery and by the end of the 6 weeks it didn't slow me down at all. I spent last evening at my local quilt store sewing with a group of ladies. We were making quilts for Project Linus. We got to sew and socialize- a win, win.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I was anticipating this being my last day of masking at home after having caught Covid at a retreat 12 days ago. I woke up this morning with possible Paxlovid rebound (vs. The after effects of having fallen asleep on the couch last night until 3 am). I'll be prepping fabric for Gudrun Erla's quilt along Sunday and trying to catch up on chores not done over the last 2 weeks and probably taking yet another Covid test to see if I have to go back into isolation.
ReplyDeleteToday I go to another eye exam, and I'm so excited to get new glasses! A few years ago I suffered a blow to the head, and with the concussion came awful headaches and pain behind my eyes anytime I tried to focus to read or sew. I'm looking forward to sewing and reading again without the pain (I hope). Wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteWe came home last week from a cruise tour of Alaska, including several days in Denali. I managed to find a quilt shop in each town, but I give much love to the shop in Skagway: The Rushin' Tailor! They had all things Alaska related and I purchased "a few" panels and kits. Hubby loved one in particular, Black Bear Face by Janet Fogg, so today I'm running around picking up a few things I need to start on this. It's a challenging pattern but we will both love it whenever it's done because of the memories. (Even though we only saw one bear and that at a distance!) I'm so glad you are letting others help, because they want to!
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie! Thanks for the tune cootie! "These boits were made for walkin..." stuck in my head!!! 🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteWorking on a baby quilt top for the newest addition to the family. The theme is sunflowers and I drug out an old Thimbleberries pattern to use. I knew I kept all those books for a reason :) Hope you are up and around soon. Take advantage of any PT that you are provided. My mom broke her leg at 88 and having therapy was huge in a good recovery. Thanks for all you do!!
ReplyDeleteI’ve been trying to keep myself cool and the plants wet in the 90+ degree heat. The deer have had ideas of their own and have not been helping the garden. Rather they are helping themselves to my Hosta. I had the brilliant idea to go to Lowes for deer repellent. Halfway home the bottle fell over and leaked on the carpet in the back of the car. I CAN NOT DESCRIBE the smell in my car. It is quite the stench and has lasted for weeks. Driving with windows open has been a necessity. The heat during the day as the car bakes in the parking lot at work makes it worse. I tried cinnamon apple Febreze, baking soda and a citrus air freshener. By the next time I use the car, the deer repellent has overpowered everything. At least the deer should run away when they smell me coming! It seems like I have lost all the battles this summer and shall simply have to retire from the battlefield graciously and watch them enjoying my deer salad bar. Even the little fawns are laughing at me.
ReplyDeleteTry some charcoal briquettes to absorb the odor. They sometimes work wonders.
DeleteAt least part of how our forbears got the quilting done was surely done via quilting bees. I remember being a child curled up in the living room corner while 4-5 ladies would gather around the quilting frame to do the hand stitching.
ReplyDeleteToday, I am sewing the border on a Quilt of Valor. The next few evenings will entail clipping threads on the back before it goes off to the longarmer. Next, I plan to finish my youth size Crassy Greek quilt. Bonnie, what a blessing that you have friends stopping by to visit and others jumping in to help out with the Inn. Take care!
ReplyDeleteI'm in the middle of moving still. My go to house is not ready so we are in temporary cottage at the retirement community we are moving to . I've been purging and packing for 5 weeks. Pod with our keep things was to arrive today to in driveway of our new place but truck broke down so maybe tomorrow.Our estate sale of things not taken starts tomorrow. 3 days of sale. Each day another problem. Buyers close tomorrow pray it happens.im just laughing now at the wild ride its been.Bonnie be well soon. CAROL the lady who sent you quilts to adopt. Very hot in Florida.
ReplyDeleteThis morning, I went with my sister to get her new Sheltie puppy his second set of puppy shots. He's a tiny little thing weighing just over 4 pounds! This evening, I'm hoping to spend some time treadling some super-scrappy string-pieced blocks.
ReplyDeleteYour photo of the clouds in the trees looks so cool and refreshing! Beautiful!
No stitching has been done since Tuesday. I made a trip from Arkansas to Monroe, LA to spend some time with my granddaughter before she begins her Junior year of college. Making memories instead of quilts.
ReplyDeleteI arrived late last night from my vacation in Germany. My grandchildren (12 and14 yrs old,) have never been there and really enjoyed the trip. Both daughters and son-in-law have bee there several times and had a good time as well. Today I picked up Lucy, my Iredale from the pet retreat and she was more than happy to see me again. No sewing for me for the ne t couple of days, because I am "suffering" from jet lag. I have to put bindings on one quilt and then continue on Bear Bramch for my grandson. I hope you, Bonnie are soon back to your "old" self again. Take care of yourself. I wish everyone a great weekend.
Hi Bonnie, hope you are healing. Today I press backing fabric and pinned 12 small quilts to quilt with my embroidery machine. I don't have a long arm but quilt all but the largest in my embroidery machine. I'm in central Pa and it's been very hot and humid here.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for the perfect border fabric for my crib size string quilt, and celebrating the completion of the quilting on a top that has been waiting for at least two decades! And now that the rain has stopped, I am going for a walk before supper. 😁
ReplyDeleteI’m happy to see that you are getting out of the house, and that you are getting in time to spend with friends.
This week I dropped off a long term quilt for quilting - it’s a queen sized top made with 2” saw-tooth star blocks and 2” squares. Talk about scrap heaven.
In the evenings after work, while I’m sewing my July Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks, I’m mentally planning two baby quilts from Elizabeth Hartman’s ‘Spectacular Savanna’ and a wool bunny from ‘Luna Lapin’s Friends.’
Recooperating like you, only shattered the radial head on left arm...i am right handed, thank goodness. My day seems to be just getting though activities of daily living for me and my ill husband. I am a full time care giver for whatever he can't do for self.
ReplyDeleteYour daily blog and sewing activities are frequently my entertainment.
I start physical therapy tomorrow!
I'm working to finish the items for the upcoming Victoria Guild Quilt Show. Today I'm binding a quilt, then I need to add a label to my tree skirt. Then I need to finish an art quilt with the thread painting. Intake is next Wednesday and what is distracting me is my new sit down Bernina Q20 which I just want to play with. I saw the Q20 at Quilt Canada in June then last Friday I went to the Bernina Dealer to measure the table and came home with the floor model!
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Bonnie. Henriette in Kansas. I just brought my hubs home from hospital after several days in ICU. He had a run in with a steer, and the steer won! My next few weeks will be at home, helping him, getting him to therapy, etc. I have told myself it will be an opportunity to get more sewing done. I am in awe that you have blogged daily throughout your ordeal, especially since you said that you may not do so. You are amazing and inspiring and I am so happy for you that healing is coming along. It's been a long time since I commented, but I never miss a day of very early morning coffee and your blog, just love it. I finished a baby quilt for new great grandson this week, need to ship it today.
ReplyDeletePutting binding on my Rhodie Trail ,then back to my Rhivanna.I have been sewing on a Featherweight and a 201 for the binding. Love ,love these old machines. I am using the knee lever on the 201 , that's what I learned to sew on 55 years ago! With a walking foot on the 201 it is doing an awesome job of the binding! The featherweight was bought at a local flea market for $300 and the 201 at an antique shop for $125 ! Both were in good working condition.Can you tell how much I love these old machines!
ReplyDeleteI guess we're both feet up for the next couple of weeks. I had knee replacement surgery Wednesday. I won't be able to get near my machine for a while but it's a great time to catch up on hand work.
ReplyDeleteI am on a sleep-in-your-own-bed retreat, started yesterday and is over today. I'm working on red & white checkerboard sashings between some redwork snowman. It had been so hot here in the Midwest that I was hoping the snowmen would cool me off! Ha!