
Monday, November 09, 2020

Nearly Lemoyne & the FB Roller Coaster!

This happened over the weekend!

We had a LOVELY Saturday just perfect for a photo shoot.

The pattern writing was completed, as were the graphic drawings.

And here we are with another PDF pattern release!  (Can you tell I'm excited?)

I had the MOST fun making the blocks that went into this quilt.

When strips can come directly from my Scrap User’s System and enable me to make some really delightful fabric pairings and lighten my load in the process - I am a happy quilter.

The 9 page pattern contains several optional methods for creating the units in this block - choose the one that works best for you!

All the fun fabrics!

Unlikely combos make me so happy.

This porch was made for quilts!

I promised a share of the backing!

The cherubic toile was purchased on a trip to Paris about 11 years ago.  It has sat - because, well, you know my aversion to cutting heads, arms, legs and wings off of angel babies!  it is perfect here.

And I have enough left to play with at another time.

Up close.

It's a beautiful fabric - I just find it a bit hard to use unless I can leave it big like this. And speaking of BIG - That blue Hawaiian print also posed the same problem!  But the color was right for making this backing wide enough to do the job.  Why not?

Nearly Lemoyne  is now available as a PDF Pattern.

To celebrate, I have placed the pattern at 25% off (Regularly $12.00 on sale for $9.00) in the Quiltville Store. No coupon needed.

This sale is good through Friday, November 13th - So Hurry!

I am closing in on the finishing of some other behind-the-scenes projects that will be ready for release shortly as well!

With the inability to travel, teach and lecture - This is one way I can keep myself afloat through these weird Covid times.  Thank you for your support!

Also - did you enter to win a copy of Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns?  I'll be drawing for that brand new 3rd edition on Thursday.  Enter to win ON THAT POST

Yesterday's sunshine brought time for this!

I have to tell you - taking a Sunday away from social media was SO GOOD for my soul. I have just felt so very worn out, like there was no time for a rest, no way to catch my breath. I needed it.

Big Buck on our Trail Cam!

Other than the moment last evening when I was so excited over what we found on the trail cam - I was totally away. I stepped away from the blog, giving myself the gift of time. I stayed off of my phone - not being drawn in by pings and notifications. The day was mine. Or ours.

Sheet rock going up in upstairs attic hallway.

I plan on shelves for linens in here.

Son Jeff came yesterday to help The Hubster with some sheetrock in the upstairs hallway to the attic space that I want to use for linen storage at Quiltville Inn. They worked, I sewed, we enjoyed lunch -

I used the new washer/dryer for the first time and it is fantastic!

It was just THE BEST DAY - a truly restful Sunday, and I believe this is how I am going to handle things for the future. I'm not being VERY STRICT on myself - if something important comes up, I'll post it on a Sunday, but a day away is really what this girl needed.

The other thing I've been thinking about is what to do with my Facebook pages. When you spend 11 years building an audience, it is very difficult to leave 80% of your audience behind. From a business perspective, it's not a good move.

It looks like my problems with FB are solved for now - and I honestly want to move back to the OLD PAGE unless something happens to make us NEED this one again.

I want to put the Quiltville LLC page on hold for now, and see what happens with the old one. It's mystery season - we need to get that information to as many people as possible.

You can put the Quiltville LLC page on "Unfollow" (Won't show in your news feed) but keep it liked just in case something comes up -

For those who DO Facebook -Will you come back and join me on the original page? I know it is a lot to ask, but think of this from my point of view, and what I've gone through with this.

Of course, if you don't do Facebook, this info isn't for you and there is no need to comment that you don't do Facebook or why. Thank you!

It's a new week. Let's grab it by the tail and see what we can do!

Love you guys - thank you for sticking with me!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage double-knit quilt found in Virginia.

The energy you put forth is what comes back to you in return. Make sure your ripples are positive ones! 🤗 

Have a wonderful Monday!



  1. You are so right about several things: first, time for you and your family on Sunday has tremendous value; second, that porch IS made for posing quilts; and third, the Nearly Lemoyne made great use of your fabric stash. The quilt is beautiful, and Zoey's pose is precious.

  2. Your Fb issues have certainly been upsetting, I am happy for you that you got the resolution you wanted. Your quilt journey has been so uplifting for so many, I really enjoy reading your post. My morning coffee wouldn't be the same without them.

  3. Love it! Your Nearly Nemoyne is perfect on the porch! Still following on Both Facebook pages. I'm not going anywhere. A Big Thank you for giving us such fun Quilty inspiration!

  4. So glad you had a day to yourself. Love seeing the finished quilt and your fashion model dog! :) Sticking with you on Facebook on each of the pages. Glad you got things worked out. I moderate two pages, and I understand the frustration.

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM EST

    WOW! what a great post! Thumbs up, Bonnie.

    Thanks so much for making the new pattern available. I've been eyeing that quilt, and it's definitely going on my "gotta make" list.
    So glad that you had a great wekend.

  6. I'm so glad your Facebook issues have been resolved -- and in time for Mystery too! Those of us who quickly moved to your new page are exactly the ones who will promptly go back to the old one. Glad you enjoyed your Sunday.

  7. I can't tell you how much I love that you paired that delicate toile with the tribal Hawaiian print. Such a fun and quirky combo! The quilt is so lovely and vibrant.

  8. Only went to new page because I didn’t want to miss anything. Will be wherever you are. Hope you keep
    Enjoying your Sunday’s!!!

  9. So happy for you! I wish I could get my friend to take a media break. She is addicted and it has made her insane this year.

  10. Yay! A recharge day! Excellent!
    Seeing a new happy quilt accompanied by Zoey was just the best 1st thing to see upon opening my browser.
    Sharing your positive outlook helps keep my own take on life charged up.
    I so love all the photos you post. It's so kind of you to share these snippets of your life with us.
    I love the comment..keep calm and carry on but I prefer...Stay excited and carry on!! LOL ♥

  11. Nearly Lemoyne is such a happy quilt. :) Everyone needs to take time to recharge their batteries. I think your decision to take Sundays off from social media is a smart one. I know I refuse to look at email on Sundays and if I do go to FB it's a very quick look. Usually I just ignore it on Sundays.

  12. I wish someone would establish a page just for crafters, just like facebook but crafters only. I would even pay to participate. Facebook is too political now.

  13. Anonymous1:02 PM EST

    Your unplug plan is great. YOU need to take care of You. I completed my 2019 (and my very first one) Leader and Ender on Sunday. I also "webbed" the top for the first time. I AM HOOKED! I think from now on I am going to Cut and have at hand a project from my UFO's to be my leader and Enders. I am amazed how quickly they really do get done this way. Thanks again for the encouragement. I have my fabrics and ready for the new Mystery!

  14. And on the 7th day REST! unplugging is good for the mind, self, and others. About the page...picking up the bread crumbs to follow you wherever you go

  15. Bonnie, you deserve a day off. I follow a political writer whom I love and she always takes Sundays off. It is just good for your mental health. Everyone needs to unplug to get away from the craziness. Thanks for all you do for the quilting community. Can't wait for the mystery.

  16. Bonnie....Good for you for taking Sunday off!!! Oh how precious are the pictures of Zoey with the quilts..........she is such a precious puppy dog! I love her!!!!

  17. I am finishing up step 4 of the Unity quilt. I had so much fun putting the fabrics together for that one. It seems so similar to the Lemoyne pattern that it makes me want to start the Lemoyne right away! It’s next on my list! Or maybe it will be my leader ended until I finish the Unity! Win-win!

  18. Love the Nearly Lemoyne quilt. I immediately went to your shop and bought it. It's downloaded, ptinted out, and next to my sewing machine. I want to try out a few blocks just as soon as Appalachian Autumn is finished. I am making a table topper and it only needs one more border. Now if only the real leaves outside would pick themselves up, I could get back to it.

  19. Bonnie I joined the new page but as far as I know did not "unjoin" or "unfollow" the old page, so should still have access. Glad the issues are being worked out!

  20. You deserve to take Sunday off, keep up your day of rest for yourself.

  21. Facebook is becoming more crazy and the mean people seem to come out more and more. I put it in a timeout. I will follow your blog. Excited for the new mystery since this is my first year of retirement and all my planned travel got cancelled more time for sewing. Thank goodness for sewing or I might lose what's left of my mind.

  22. Did you feel and earthquake, today, in your neck of the woods? My daughter mentioned it to me. Hope you are okay.

  23. We are with you all the way!

  24. Along with others, very pleased to see you take Sunday off - long may it continue. Helps to rest and revitalise the creative spirit. Thanks for all you create and share.

  25. Seeing that double knit fabric being called ‘vintage’ made me smile. Double knits were the miracle fabrics of my teens and twenties. I guess that makes me vintage too! :-)

  26. Thank you Bonnie for all that you do! I so enjoy all of your posts and all of the pictures you share. I'm glad things are working better on facebook for you too! Love all the quilts! I hope one day to be able to meet you in person and get to one of the retreats at the Inn. Have a fabulous day! Diane

  27. So happy to read that you are taking care of yourself FIRST! Many years ago, I stopped any kind of Sunday computer useage (unless I deemed it absolutely necessary). That decision was a game changer for me. I breathe differently on Sunday morning. I can celebrate my own space - my own rhythm. It's luxurious. Freeing. I spend hours doing the New York Times crossword puzzle - and loving every minute of it. So dear Bonnie, listen to your heart. Do what's life-giving for you. We'll be here - cheering you on your path. Thank you for faithfully enriching our lives.

  28. I just started following your blog and have to say I am delighted to be part of it. Thank you ladies for reminding me that those shirting plaids I had buried make great backs. Two pieces 35" wide 2 1/2 yards long of lovely
    turquoise and tan plaid and turquoise small check I split and combined for the back of great-grandson's doggie quilt. Great fabric 1960's vintage.

  29. Pat Sloan started taking Sundays off, I know that she broke both wrests and it was probably forced on her. I run my own business and I have to take one day a week off. I can not keep going and going and going, I eventually burn out. Good luck with Facebook. Your not the only one with that issue.

  30. What a perfect quote! We've always heard, "You are what you eat!" Well, I believe, "You are what you THINK!"
    I'll follow you wherever you are!! LOL I'm not much on Instagram, but I do try to go there once a week, at least, and catch up.
    Some day I will retire, and I can do whatever I want, when I want to! LOL
    A girl can dream, right?!?

  31. I am still following and liking both right now. Will unfollow LLC if need to. Hoping I will still get regular feed and the mystery stuff

  32. It's a great idea to take Sundays off -- it's so good to have a break and be beholden only to yourself (and your family)!

    I'm so curious about the attic space. I don't remember hearing about that space; I'm going to go back to old posts about Quiltville Inn to see if I can find that. I once had the best dream about finding a whole new room in my house. (Alas, it was only a dream.) Claiming your attic space as wonderful usable storage space might feel a little bit like that.

  33. Bonnie, I'm with you on your FB page, wherever you are. Thanks for all you do for us quilters!


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