
Monday, December 10, 2018

Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 3!


Hello, Monday! How are ya??

There is a whole lot of showing and sharing of completed part 3 units for our on-going Good Fortune Mystery happening all over social media, and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

If you follow along with our hashtags #quiltvillemystery and #goodfortune quilt on Instagram, you are going to see a wondrous array of colors and fabrics  -- it gets the juices flowing! 

I can’t say enough about how much I love this time of year and how quilters are running with it!


Whoowhoooo!  Check out Alice’s teal!


Great greens, Liz!


I love Joanne’s photo!  Beautiful fabrics!


Oh Messy Goat!  You keep me in stitches!!

All of these folks are from instagram, found by following the hashtag #goodfortunequilt.

Go exploring!  Meet some other quilters, be inspired!  That is what social media is all about.

Are you ready to share your progress? 

Now for the nitty gritty of this link-up. There is a lot of info below.  PLEASE DO NOT SKIM READ!

We have many new folks with us this year, so if you’ve never done a link-up before, we will include some info so you can add your photo of your progress to the mix.

You’ll need either a blog, an instagram account, a Pinterest account, a Flickr account or a Google+ account.  All of which are free, and a great way of journaling your progress on any project.  ALL of these must be set to PUBLIC.

Please, no private accounts as no one will be able to see what you are sharing, so what’s the point? Links to private accounts will be deleted.

No matter where you are in your Good Fortune quilt you can share blocks, design wall photos, fabric choices, completed units with your dog, cat or grand-baby – just share!

Be sure when you are filling in your information in the Linky form below that you include a URL to your specific post or photo, not just your main blog or profile address.  We need the address of the page where your photo and post is, not the whole account.

For those who don’t understand HOW to find the URL of any given post PLEASE read this linky tutorial before you link up again.

For an example of a blog post including a link back, click HERE.
For a Pinterest post including a link back, click HERE.
For an Instagram post including a link back, click
For a Flickr post including a link back, click HERE.

Click the links above for examples of folks who have done it correctly!

If you hare having trouble, why not contact someone who has “done it correctly” and ask for their help? Leave them a comment on their photo.  We can help each other.

If you have linked to my main blog address
http://quiltville.blogspot.com that also needs to be changed to the URL for today's linky page. Please check your post or photo and make sure you have the right link.

Our posts are reciprocal.  Which means I link to you, you link back to me.

Include this link in your post: https://quiltville.blogspot.com/2018/12/mystery-monday-link-up-part-3.html

Or Short Link: https://bit.ly/2QG5nXC

If you don’t know how to link it so it is clickable in your blog post, don’t worry about it. Just copy and paste the above URL into your text.

We are also using the hashtags #quiltvillemystery and #goodfortunequilt and a link back to this post for social media.  Please use them so we can find you!

Your link-up post, be it on Instagram, Pinterest, your blog or wherever MUST include an easy to find, obvious link (highlighted helps!) to the link-up post. The link you are to use is given to you above.  Pinterest, Instagram etc - you can just paste the url to this post into the text or even the comment section of your post.

Hash tags are not enough. It doesn’t matter if it is a hyperlink or just plain text, but it must be there.  If you do not link back to my post, your link will be removed from our link-up.

Please do NOT post unit sizes or unit counts in your post.  This is a mystery.  The sizes and counts are plainly available in the mystery directions themselves.  Folks can get them by coming to my directions.

Thank you for working with me to be sure these things happen.  I really appreciate it. And it is so so so simple to just take the time and comply.

The linky pages will be alive FOREVER in the archives, Your link will stay there so people can find you, please link correctly to my post so people can find me and the others who have also shared their links as well.

Don’t be the dead end street for everyone else.  Thank you!

Just look at all of this progress!

Link to your specific post about your progress by clicking the blue "Add Your Link" button.

Do not leave the http:// field blank. This is where you link to your photo or site.

Entries that do not link back to this page will be removed because they break the circle for others.

(Linkup closed)

This link-up will close on Thursday night, December 13th at 11:55 pm Eastern in preparation for Part 4 of Good Fortune going live on Monday morning, December 14th!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

I'm feeling courageous today - but not courageous enough to go outside! It's snowing again!

I absolutely love how the maker of this quilt used sashing in two different widths. Did you notice it?

On the computer front – my files have been recovered *Whew!!!*

Due to the current snow event, and the fact that I lost a day and a half with last week’s adventure to Virginia and the closing on the North Carolina cabin (finally!) I am putting off the next release of 500 copies of String Frenzy in wave 5 until Friday when part 4 of Good Fortune goes live.  

I've got some big deliveries including more Simple Folded Corners rulers and other store items also on their way, and I'd like everything to enter the store together making it easier for folks to get what they need in ONE ORDER instead of two.  Makes sense?

I should start to process and mail wave 4 tomorrow - fingers crossed.

I need some catch up time.  And it is likely that mail isn’t going OUT today as roads are closed.

But I put up a copy as Gift-Away in yesterday’s post.  Did you see it?  It’s a bundle of a give-away with Quilt Now issue 56 including the gifty booklet AND I’ll be sending the winner a free PDF of my newly released Hunter’s String Star pattern.  Enter on THAT POST!

Have a super Monday, everyone!


  1. Love my new adjective “linky”.

  2. I love seeing the block layouts folks create using the various clues.

  3. I love your Monday morning link-ups. So much eye candy. Thank you for all the work and love you put into your mystery quilts.

  4. Bonnie -- a quick message to THANK YOU for the instructions for Clue 3. I pressed carefully and trimmed closely (boy, those are narrow seam allowances) to get rectangles AND HSTs. A little extra time now saves a lot of time later.

  5. Stay warm , plenty of time to quilt when the snow is falling!!

  6. Glad you were able to recover your files! That must be a relief. Thank you for all you do. You are such an inspiration.

    1. Whew! Sew happy that your files have been recovered, Bonnie. There's nothing pleasant about loss of your files and feeling the light at the end of the tunnel is racing toward you. Good news on a beautiful Monday morning. Piecefully yours, Kay Susan

  7. Having FUN while sewing along Bonnie, thanks so much!

  8. So glad your files have been recovered; I'm sure the anxiety of the situation was a lot to handle. Happy days!!!

  9. Seam allowances will be 1/16'' less than our traditional 1/4'' seam, but are sufficient to hold the fabric together. Look at the seam allowances appliquer's use - or miniature quilts call for. BREATHE. It will be okay. This isn't my first rodeo :)

  10. Very happy your files were recovered. :) Today I have spent catching up on my Good Fortune Mystery parts and having a blast while keeping warm. Thank you for all you do. You make my down time world a lot brighter.

  11. I know better, I can't do it this year. But I am having so much fun following along and living vicariously through everyone else's steps and progress. Bonnie, I can imagine your giggles when you see the parts put together as we try to guess parts of the layout....or just the blocks! Does anyone ever get close?

  12. I,ve gotten part 3 done--now working on quilting up a few more Christmas gifts while I wait for part 4. only have 3 more to get done before Christmas. Glad that you recovered your files. Excited about your new string frenzy book--can,t wait until it gets here. Thank you again Bonnie for all you do for us.

  13. I am really enjoying the mystery quilt. This is the first time I have done one. I have started all the steps, but not completed yet. On unit 3, I have some chevrons going one way and some going the other way. Not good. Guess I can save the bonus units on those! LOL.


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