
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Need a Little Christmas, Right This Very Minute -


Last night’s #viewfrommyhoop!

It was a wonderful quiet evening of hand quilting on Jason’s hexie quilt – the main red/green Christmas decor hanging out in my living room right now!

Stitching happened to Mowgli on Netflix followed by a round of Blue Bloods accompanied by popcorn on the stove – there is NOT a packet of microwave popcorn to be found in this house.  Once you’ve made real popcorn, there is no going back.


Even Sadie thinks so!

How long has it been since I put any stitches in this thing?  I LOVE IT!  But, time hasn’t allowed me the luxury or I’ve been too tired, and eyes too bleary by the end of the day to see tiny stitches.

But oh, how I love stitching on cold winter nights!

I’ve been struggling to find Christmas Spirit, and was able to capture some on Thursday night –


An Old Salem Christmas Carol -

The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem!


Blurry, no flash, curtain call photo!

We had a great time the 4 of us – and driving through our snow covered area, seeing the Christmas lights reflecting against the white of the snow in the older areas of town – beautiful stately homes, wreaths, lights, twinking trees behind front room windows, illuminated balls hanging down tree lined streets – it HELPED!

Other things that help -

Hi Bonnie,
I met you back in about 2012 in Houston, Texas at your workshop for the West Houston Quilt Guild. I had just begun quilting, had found your website and was so excited to take a class from you. 

Celtic Solstice was my first mystery quilt and I was sold on scrappy. I had even found the perfect backing for it and finished it before the workshop! I was gung ho! At the workshop, you would come dig through my tub of scraps at the back of the room. Since I was a beginning quilter, I had no stash and I had just gone to the fabric store, bought hundreds of dollars of the lovely stuff and cut it up into strips. 

Anyway, I have a better stash now and this is enough about me.


My neighbor is a quilter also. She is 84 years old and has been working on a quilt for about 7 years. Her husband, who died from kidney cancer five years ago, would help her pick combinations of fabrics for her Grandmother’s Garden as they sat together while he was sick. 

Well, she ran out of the white tone on tone fabric she was using for the sashing and borders and was upset because she couldn’t find more. (She is not a scrappy quilter, but she does fussy cut.)


Anyway, I took a picture of her fabric and posted it to Quiltville Open Studio. One of the members recognized the fabric and graciously sent me two fat quarters; wouldn’t even let me pay the postage, much less pay her for the fabric.


I’m attaching pictures of Pat receiving the fabric and a picture of her quilt. She was totally amazed when she realized what it was and so excited. We are hoping that it is enough for her to finish the borders of her quilt.


I wanted you to see some of the happiness that your work brings to people.

Merry Christmas,
Claudia Duke

This made me SO happy!  And yet, it isn’t me – this is the wonderful group of quilters from my Facebook group, Quiltville’s Open Studio.  

This is the kindness, the generosity of quilters all year long, not just at Christmas time.  Can you imagine our lives without each other?  Thanks for sharing, Claudia!  Please give Pat my very best Christmas wishes.  Her quilt is GORGEOUS!  

I am so happy that she has the fabric she needs to finish it.  I know that we ALL would have thrown some her way if we had the right fabric to share.


Something special ALSO shared with me!

Do you see it?  At the end facing you?


My Pineapple Crazy from String Fling is hanging at the Iowa Quilt Museum!

You can visit the Waste Not Want Not exhibit through Jan 27, 2019!


I am not able to make it to the museum to see the exhibit myself, but @Twiddletails tagged me on Instagram so I could see her photos and get an idea of what the exhibit looks like. 


Close up of border detail -

I love the neutral strings in the border!

I even spy some candy cane Christmas fabric toward the top of the photo –

Do you see it?


Block detail.

As 2018 draws to a close, I’ve been thinking a lot about things that have happened over not only the past year, but the past more than a decade. My journey.  

Most of all, I want to end this year in gratitude for everything that has unfolded in the way it has.  Some very very hard things, but also some exciting and wonderful things and a pathway to follow into the future.  There is more, but I’ll save that for another post.

Because I was up at 5am this morning with the pounding of the rain at my window – brain switched on, thoughts taking over – I set out to compose my Quiltville Quote of the Day, and what followed beyond the image text is completely from the heart – excuse me if it is long.


Quiltville Quote of the Day -

A lesson that still needs revisiting from time to time. In the past, grudges were a way of putting up my guard and my armor to protect myself where I felt vulnerable and wronged, giving me justification to strike back when provoked. And I did.

But the armor also kept me from resolving past issues, and from moving beyond the hurt. In the end, the only person I was hurting was myself. I wasn't allowing myself to grow beyond it. I wanted justice, and wasn't willing to extend mercy.

I am not the same person I was 12 years ago. And I recognize that I would not be where I am now if these battles of the mind hadn't pushed my buttons and set my determination on fire to work harder, better and to prove to myself that I was capable of everything I set my mind to, no matter what was said by the rumor mill and the naysayers.

While stepping UP to my own visions, I stepped ON some folks.

In my heart, no matter what the original conflict was, I know that we are more alike than we are different. We want the same things, we dream the same things, we have shared interests and life experiences. We could have even been friends if life had put us in the same place at the same time with a different approach. And that makes me happy and sad at the same time.

Holidays are a wonderful time for extending a hand of peace, asking forgiveness (of yourself, too!) and sending positive thoughts and genuine well wishes to those we also may have offended while trying to defend ourselves in our own way.

Let go of old grudges, send love and let go. Move forward.

When we extend grace to others, we can't help but get a little bit of it on ourselves.

May you find peace this Saturday -


  1. I enjoy reading your posts each morning and find myself benefiting from your lessins learned. Thank you so much for all you do not just to further the quilting community— which in itself is alot— but to help people calm their spirits like you did this morning — much love to you and yours!

  2. Thanks for sharing your revelation about grudges! Some days are tougher than others & it’s often really tough to open our hearts & minds to the hurts, whether intentional or not. I needed this reminder!

  3. Bonnie, how do you finish to edge of your hexagon quilts? Do you trim them evenly? I'm almost finished with a big tablecloth I started after seeing your hexagon quilts. Thanks in advance. I know how busy you are!!!

  4. And THAT'S why I love your blog!! You are SO inspirational my friend (you don't know me but I now consider you a friend:))

  5. Thanks for this post! Stove popcorn is the best, we don't have a microwave, so it's the only way we make it :)

  6. Bonnie you are so incredibly giving and humble. You have connected quilters around the world. You created the platform that enables this wonderful quilter to receive the FQs she needs to finish her beloved project. You totally get kudos for the connection!

    Wishing you a BLESSED Christmas Season and making new memories while treasuring those of the past.

  7. the Iowa Quilt Museum Is worth a visit. The display changes regularly so even if you've been once you will want to go back.

  8. Thank you, Bonnie, for this heartfelt message. I love your statement about grace. You are absolutely right. I had to learn this a few years ago and realized then that forgiveness is more an action than a feeling. I was expecting warm fuzzies that never came. However, peace did come. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  9. I love your blog and your quote for the day, todays is as always thought provoking and definitely something I’m sure a lot can learn from.
    Jason’s quilt is looking so lovely it’s bound to be a huge favourite with him for many many years to com.
    I love your pineapple crazy quilt and along with about a dozen others is on my bucket list ! Lol it’s going to be so long I hope I ge5 through them all but I’ll have fun trying. Thank you for sharing all your designs a pattern and your wonderful books. I hope you have an extraordinary Christmas and peaceful and productive New Year.
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  10. Very well said Bonnie! It happens to all of us. Thank you for everything you do. I truly enjoy being a part of this community and you will make a scrap quilter out of even if it organized scrap!

  11. Thank you Bonnie, for your thoughts on letting go of grudges. If you don't mind, I would like to quote you. It is important in my life just now.

  12. I saw this exhibit last month. Your quilt was fantastic! Winterset, IA is a lovely town and was not too far off the path from Fort Worth to Green Bay for Thanksgiving. I took a picture of me with your quilt but I can't get it to post in this comment. I'll post it separately.

    1. This isn't Facebook. You can't post a photo in the comments section of a blog post. :)

  13. Wise thoughts to give as we near the end of this year. Giving and receiving grace is the best gift you give yourself. Peace and joy are the reward. I love Christmas,with all the Lighted houses and beautiful Trees. Glad you had some fun on the double Date. Nice share of your Pineapple Crazy. The GFG missing fabric found and gifted warms my heart! Happy thoughts on this Saturday morning!

  14. Well said Bonnie! I learned a long time ago that holding grudges only hurt me and it didn't do a thing to the person I was begrudging. I'm still working on being able to forgive too, that part is a little harder for me to master.

  15. Well said, Bonnie. Sometimes, in an effort to just be heard, we trample on other’s feelings. Thank you for your honesty and willingness to admit what we all know about ourselves: we are not perfect beings. So glad you found some holiday spirit and peace!

  16. Thanks for the quote and the reminder to let go of grudges! I need to do that more often...

  17. So well said, Bonnie. I am oh so glad to have found you in the last year. Until then I didn't save scraps and it saddens me to think of everything I've thrown or given away. In more ways than one, my life is changed because of you. Thanks for all you do.

  18. Thank you, so true. I love reading your posts every day, besides sharing so much of your quilting, patterns, advice, etc, etc you always give me something to think about in life's lessons.
    AND, I too am having a little bit of a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit. Being raised in MN we always had a white Christmas. Snow is close in the mountains here, only a short drive can get you there but it's not like having snowflake's falling outside your window. It does happen occasionally but not this year.
    Again, thank you for all you do.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and your family.🎄

  19. Bonnie, have you been following quilter Cindy Needham on Facebook? she lives in Chico and has opened up her studio as a resource for the many quilters whose homes were lost in the Camp Fire.... people's donations are rebuilding these quilters stash, tools, machines, and healing their heart just a little bit....... worth a few minutes to visit.

  20. Love Jason's hexie quilt, would love to see a full picture of it, it is gorgeous.

  21. Gracias Bonnie, recibí el aviso y yo ya había visitado la página y descargado la parte 4. Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en ella y me acordaba de tí las cuerdas. Pensaba que lo habías pasado bien con tus amigos, yo eso te deseaba. Gracias por este entretenimiento que llena muchas horas de mís días- tE DESEO

  22. I try to start my day with your blog Bonnie, sometimes it is later than I want. But I love your quotes and wisdom. Thank you for all you do Bonnie! And all I can say is Amen to your thoughts today, we all need to let go, forgive and move on to have peace & healing in our lives.

  23. Thank you, Bonnie, for that insightful post. Probably most of us can use a reminder to forgive and let go. I so enjoy all your heartfelt posts and admire all that you do and share with your group of followers. All your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Hope to visit Quiltville Inn when it is open but I know the wait list will be long. Attending a couple of your classes in Napa this year was a dream come true for me. Merry Christmas and blessings for a healthy and prosperous 2019 to you and your family.

  24. Thank you, Bonnie for letting us share your journey with you. I appreciate what you write and do. Growing is hard but necessary. You have had a hard year, but have a great family and true fans to get through it with. There are all these naysayers about blogs and their demise, but yours is golden and needed. I never miss a post and re-read this twice. Thanks, Bonnie!

  25. Great Post Bonnie! A wonderful Christmas season message for all. Thank-you
    You may think this sounds silly but, would you consider doing a Quilt-cam of you hand quilting in real time. Not fast forward speed stuff, just talking and doing handwork. I would like to see how you manage the big quilt and move your hoop etc. Plus, I can listen to you all day :-)

  26. Bonnie Thank you for your quote of the day. I love to start the day reading your blog post and really look forward to seeing your daily post. It is nice to see Jason’s quilt slowly coming closer to completion, it is beautiful and, so is your Pineapple Crazy quilt - I just love all the gorgeous neutrals you have used in it.

  27. I cannot tell you how much I love this pineapple string fling quilt..and how much I appreciate your quotes of the day. You are helping me over a rough spot right now and I just wanted to thank you.

  28. I too am looking for that Christmas Spirit. I lost my brother to that nasty cancer on Thanksgiving Day. In the end his cancer just exploded all over his body in a matter of weeks and I was not at all prepared to let him go. Now I am struggling to make anything of Christmas for my family.

    I do find myself smiling when I am reading your blog and I thank you for that. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  29. My younger sister performed with the Little Theatre in Winston in the '60s. I'm glad to know that it has survived the years and continues to bring joy to many.

  30. :) YOU are a sage. Thanks, Bonnie.

  31. well said Bonnie. Merry Christmas

  32. Yes, when we give mercy, it does have that tendency to splash on us, as well as creating ripples on the pond of life. May you be blessed this Christmas!

  33. This me cry! Much love to everyone!!😘

  34. Love your blog's. We all have much to learn, and reading your path in life helps us all to know that others sometimes have problems , as well as joyous times. Thank you.

  35. Anonymous4:31 AM EST

    Bonnie, thank you for that. I am sitting here with my coffee before my morning quilt session, and preparing for a holiday party with hubby's family. There has been a lot of conflict and strife in this family over the past 7 years... and this quote and post has me reflecting on my contributions to the strife... Perhaps it is time to let it go and make amends, and move on. Wishing you peace this Christmas season, and thanks for all you do.

  36. Many thanks Bonnie. Read you everyday and appreciate all your sharing. String Frenzy arrived yesterday in good shape in spite of the downpour. You've been such a support as I recover from knee surgery and deal with lose and other challenges this year.

  37. Bonnie, I have followed your blog long before you turned me into a quilter simply because of your wonderful heart. You have been a blessing to me thru my painful divorce while losing my mother at the same time. You inspired me when I lost my job and had 2 cancer surgeries in the space of 60 days. I turned to your blog and your almost daily piece of inspiration to get through my father's illness ober the last 2 yrs of dementia and his death in July, 2018. You are a kind, giving person with exceptional talent. I have never met you but still consideryou a wonderful friend. Not everyone has these gifts and the willingness to share so openly and unselfishly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me your gifts of quilting and sharing kindness.

  38. Amen to all that understood your quote of the day. I loved the lengthy piece after quote. Yes, we have just missed each other (I think) over the years. I grew up in Fremont, CA but moved to WY. I couldn't quite grasp the city life. Hope we meet in real time before long. I know our guild is trying to get you to come here. (please come)

  39. Want just say THANK YOU for everything you do, the giving, inspirations! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Mary Margaret Rhodes(Bethel Ohio)

  40. I was one of those that you stepped on toes, but I believe it was mutually. My end was totally unintentional, and words were said between you, me, and Andrea (who was the one most offended) because I spoke about our Father in Heaven. I think you get it now... I LIVE for Him, and everything I do, reflects upon Him... as I read your words above. I would love to come back into the FB group, but Andrea threw me out a couple of years ago. I've been lurking on your blog, since then, checking for your mysteries, remembering your routine. Do you think that I might come back, as the proverbial child?

  41. My husband’s father was Polish and I’m reminded of our Christmas Eve sharing of the Oblatki, the head of the household breaking a piece off and going to each member of the family in turn—asking forgiveness if he had hurt or otherwise wronged that person during the year—then all do the same....ending with “Peace be with you”.
    We always tear up but feeling so close as a family.
    Forgiveness is truly bliss!
    Merry Christmas my virtual Quiltbuddies!

  42. Thank you for sharing the letter with the photos - that was pure joy to see the expression on the lady's face. Wonderful.

  43. BRAVO, Bonnie Hunter. Congratulations, on your journey. Your quote of the day really hit home. I have had a grudge with 2 people in my life and it is time to let go to have real inner peace.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  44. Bonnie, you are a treasure. I love your blog, I love your quilts, I love your quotes, I love your recipes, etc. Thank you for all you share. Thank you for all you do for the quilty world. Merry Christmas!


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