Outside on the deck for lunch at the time the eclipse was set to begin.
It was a beautiful afternoon, but the sun was shining through fluffy banks of cloud cover and I just wasn’t sure we were going to get anything.
Still, it was fun to watch a bit of TV reporting, and live website updating on just what was being seen around the country.
Last night we watched the Weather Channel feed, and to hear how bad the traffic was as folks were crawling home from South Carolina and through Georgia made me glad to just be where I am stitching away with my friend, and celebrating what eclipse there was in Southwest Virginia from the comfort of my deck!
“See anything yet?”
“NO! It’s up there somewhere!”
“I can’t tell if it is darker because of the moon cover, or just the cloud cover!”
Another check on a website told us that if we came back out in about an hour we would be as covered as we were going to get.
So go sew some more!
DANG! More clouds!
The sky, what sky there was – turned a vivid almost navy blue and we could see the corona rays, but those CLOUDS!! Right where we needed to be.
Trying to get the Quiltvilla Sign in the cloud photo from the ground. LOL
This just is not a pretty pose!
Yes. I have white socks and my slippers on. What else would you wear for multiple days of sewing frenzy??
It’s up there somewhere!
We had a good laugh about it all, and I guess we’ll be doing it again in another 7 years!
Some friends had great experiences though, so enjoy this little 3 minute video by none other than our Ricky Tims:
And meanwhile, a whole lot of stitching took place!
Irene’s pumpkins from Lori Holt’s Bee Happy Sew along – a shop sample!
More hand quilting to West Side Story!
Irene had never seen West Side Story before. As it ends on such a sad note, we segued right into Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn for some feel good funny and romance.
This quilt has 3 hoop-fulls and then it will be DONE DONE DONE! Only 10 years in progress - yikes. Next up on hand-quilting deck is to finish the pink/brown Jane Stickle variation.
Today is going home day. We are making a morning pilgrimage to Wytheville, VA for a stop at Batiks, Etc. and a bite of lunch out and then she will go her way and I will go mine. It’s been a great time up at the cabin and I have loved having her here, rotary cutter incident (which is healing nicely) and all!
SO MUCH PROGRESS has been made behind the scenes and I am so excited about our upcoming Quiltville mystery – our first post on colors, background info, yardage requirements, etc. will post in about 8 weeks. Begin the count down!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Everyone needs a little help. When you figure it out, lend a hand and lift someone else up!
Thank you for the reminder, Maya Angelou.
Have a great Tuesday, everyone!

Thank you for showing Ricky Tims eclipse footage ,,, we had only about 87% coverage in southern Ontario, Canada. Glad Irenes rotary ouch is healing.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE overboard. One of my all time favorites. We didn't see much of the eclipse either. Next time
ReplyDeleteThanks for including Ricky Tims video of the eclipse.
ReplyDeleteAmazing video from Ricky Tims. The pumpkins??? I thought they were Christmas ornaments 😃
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Irene's moshap is healing and didn't keep her from stitching. Cute Pumpkins. Love the Quiltvilla sign with the clouds. You made your own Eclipse memories. I watched Ricky'video from Facebook last night. He had a secluded spot. No crowds in his view. In 7 years you might see more of it from your porch. 8 weeks!! Getting ready, I picked neutrals with my Row by Row win at the LQS. I thought of the mytery as I drove past our Sherwin Williams store before the Eclipse. Maybe the paint chips will be from that store this year. Hint, hint.
ReplyDeleteEight weeks--golly! I need to get a bunch of stuff finished to clear the decks. :)
ReplyDeleteI bought the three-in-one color tool last year from your shop. It would be great if, in addition to the paint chips, you could reference the colors with that. I love that tool and use it all the time. :)
Hi Bonnie! Thanks for the Ricky Tims video. We had "Totality" here in Charleston, SC, but it was Thunderstormming!! However, at 2:46 p.m., the sky got totally dark. If I had not known there was a total eclipse, I would have headed under my desk with my dog!! Freaky!! But it lightened back up and the storms continued. I appreciate being able to see what I missed!! I'm glad Irene's boo-boo is healing good. Happens to everyone at one point (or two)!!!
ReplyDeleteWest Side Story!!! One of my favorite musicals!! I passed on the eclipse, saw the darkening surroundings from my sewing room window, good enough for me. I knew millions of people would be posting their pics on social media for me to see. LOL!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post, Bonnie! So glad that you had a productive, fun time with Irene. Thank you for sharing Ricky's video...it gave me goosies all over again and I loved their reactions. Safe travels to you both.
ReplyDeleteLoved the shots of you on your lawn trying to get photos. You are so real. No dressing up for the camera here, and it is great!
ReplyDeleteThanks for including the Ricky Tims video. He was obviously near the Tetons somewhere. We weren't far, in a rural Idaho community, and watching his video made me relive that magic space of time. Gave me chills seeing it all over.
so sorry you had cloud cover and were unable to see the eclipse. We were blessed to be in TN and along the path of totality. I had my son and grandson out on the back deck! It was so amazing!!! My camera wasn't able to get pictures but we got pix of each other with our shirts! We even made eclipse cookies.... black&whites!
ReplyDeleteI just got home to Ohio from Jackson, WY where my mom lives. Ricky was in the area teaching and performing at the Star Valley Quilt Trail. Seeing the total eclipse was absolutely amazing. From the looks of the Grand in his video, Ricky was on the Idaho side of the Tetons. Where I live in Ohio will be within an hour of the totality range in 2024, and I can't wait to experience it again. There's a much greater chance of clouds here, however.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried Acorn tV. My current favorite is "A Place to Call Home". You can get them on netflix too, haven't tried Brit Box yet. Btw I have satellite internet too. Acorn now has Android set up too, and I am loving it on my tablet!
ReplyDeleteThank you for Rickys post, it was awesome. On Netflix I am watching (addicted to) Reign, about Mary Queen of Scotland, I am loving it!! Also looking forward to the mystery quilt!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting that video. I found it really emotional. we live in an amazing world.
ReplyDeleteI also watched the total eclipse on the Idaho side of the Tetons. Any traffic was worth it. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life!