
Friday, November 20, 2009

Oscar Update

Here's Oscar on a pile of newly aquired, not yet washed shirts! I forgot I had this pic in my files, and it's a good one for this post, even with the red-eye going on.

I got the call from the vet. He does NOT have leukemia. It still doesn't explain the mass in his lung (it showed up in 2 views....)and so, we continue on antibiotics to see if it is indeed just a pneumonia thing and not a cancerous mass thing. A week should tell.

He is under the weather, but I can say I didn't hear him cough today, and he's only been on antibiotic 24 hours, so.....cross fingers and we shall see!!

Today....I sew. I just couldn't yesterday.


  1. My figners are crossed!

  2. Glad he doesn't have Leukemia! Sounds like pneumonia since not hasn't coughed today after two days on antibiotic.

  3. That is such a good sign that the coughing has stopped. I am sure the vet gave him a good shot of antibiotics while you were there.

    Are the antibiotics in liquid form?
    That makes such a mess. I ask for the pills. I find pilling a cat much easier. Don't know how the kitties feel about my finger down their throat. But I am happier not have a pink splatter pattern on me.
    XOXOXO Subee toes and fingers crossed here.

  4. my fingers are crossed too!

  5. Let's hope the antibiotics work. I am sure he's glad to be at home in a pile of shirts rather than at the vet :) Just made a pile myself this morning for my cat to sleep comfortably.

  6. Hope it's just pneumonia..... my fingers are crossed as well!!

  7. Hooray Oscar! Repeat X ray will tell the story. In the meantime Oscar- Please know that your Mom is doing her best. Maybe a liverwurst chaser would help?

  8. Bo and I send our best to Oscar.

  9. That's wonderful news!! I'm so happy!! Just that he's responding to the antibiotics so quickly is a good sign. Terrific!!

  10. I'm happy to hear he does NOT have Leukemia. And I'm glad you sense the antibiotic is improving. The things we go through for our babies. Uh. One 24 hour stretch at a time should stitch us right up.

  11. Oh, I so hope Oscar will be OK. NOT having leukemia is a good thing and maybe the antibiotics can take care of the problem. Fingers crossed, as well.

  12. Purrs and good thoughts for Oscar's recovery! One of my kitties has a heart murmur, which causes her to get fluid in her lungs. She's on medication which allows her to cough it out. A persistent cough is one of the symptoms of this particular problem as well.

  13. I'll be keeping you and Oscar in my thoughts. Hope the antibiotics work.
    I really miss my Cooper and I don't want anyone to have to go through that too.

  14. Anonymous10:27 PM EST

    Prayers for your kitty!

  15. Anonymous11:12 PM EST

    I'm hoping that Oscar will continue to improve

    what did you do to your foot?

  16. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for Oscar's recovery. He is just a beautiful boy.

  17. My fingers are crossed, too. Get well, Oscar!

  18. GREAT news about Oscar. Hope the antibiotics do the trick and have him fighting fit again soon :)

  19. Diamond and I are sending prayers for you and Oscar!

  20. Hoping for more good news about Oscar. Is he feeling better?
    Keeping you both in my prayers,


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