I've uploaded Part One of Double Delight!
I had some fun with this, and coerced DS Jeff into filming a video of me squaring up some units.
I had some fun with this, and coerced DS Jeff into filming a video of me squaring up some units.
Hi Bonnie,
I just stumbled across your blog tonight. What a difference the Internet now
makes in the lives of quilt historians! Just think of all that information
right at our finger tips about what is happening out there is the larger
quilt world beyond our libraries!
Would you be willing to post press releases from The Quilters Hall of Fame
on your website? I have dropped one of the latest ones in below.
Also, here is a link to an exhibit I current have up at our wonderful
Unfortunately, the bio info is already outdated since I just stepped down from the Board of TQHF after 8 years, 4 as president of TQHF. But they have given me a new job --Public Relations!
Thanks for you help and Happy Holidays!!
Karen Alexander
The Quilters Hall of Fame, Marion, Indiana
The Quilters Hall of Fame cordially invites you to enter the TQHF Triple
Anniversary Challenge They Left Their Mark: Celebrating the Honorees of The
Quilters Hall of Fame.
The Triple Anniversary Challenge 2009 will hang in Marion, Indiana, July 16
thru July 19, 2009.
The Quilters Hall of Fame's annual 4-day Celebration honoring quilts and
quilt history, has been taking place in Marion, Indiana since 1992.
At Celebration 2009 we will not only induct quilt historian Merikay Waldvogel
of Knoxville, TN as our 39th Honoree, we will also honor Marie Webster's
150th birthday; The Quilters Hall of Fame founding 30 years ago in Virginia;
and the fifth anniversary of the grand opening of the restored Marie Webster
home as the headquarters of The Quilters Hall of Fame.
To participate in the TQHF 2009 Quilt Challenge, select one of the Honorees
of The Quilters Hall of Fame who has influenced you in some special way and
interpret this influence in a new work.
You may review a brief biography of each Honoree at www.quiltershalloffame.net
for ideas, or purchase the book "The Quilters Hall of Fame" which contains the story of each Honoree.
The book is a three-ring binder format to which you can add the additional
supplements about new Inductees that are published every other year and is
available through the TQHF Museum Shop and is currently available at 50% off
as a special BONUS to any who join TQHF before the end of the year.
Founder's Purchase Award: Hazel Carter, the Founder of TQHF, will donate
$500 as a purchase award for one quilt that best exemplifies the theme of
this Challenge. The quilt will be a memento of this Triple Anniversary TQHF
Celebration Challenge and will become a part of the permanent TQHF education
Conditions of Entry in brief:
Challenge open to all quilters age 18 and older; must be made by the person entering the challenge; must be no largerthan 160" total of all four sides and shall consist of three layers of textiles stitched together; photo and narrative must accompany the entry; Intent to Enter Form and fee is to be received by June 1, 2009. A second
check to cover the cost of return shipping must accompany your quilt at the
time you ship it. WRITE us at TQHF 2009 Challenge, P.O. Box 681, Marion, IN,
46952; E-MAIL us at quiltershalloffame.com; or CALL 765-664-9333 and request
the complete entry Form.
Please feel free to email me if you have any further questions.
Karen B. Alexander
Past President, The Quilters Hall of Fame
You can drop me a note if you want to order a t-shirt ($10 plus shipping)
The tattoos were ordered from www.blockpartystudios.com
they are great!!!
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or reproductive harm.