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Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving, 2024
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Hexie Dilemmas.
When do you get to the point where you are so invested in a project, that even if it is becoming more of a challenge than you first thought - you continue to plod through even if you aren't super pleased that what you saw in your head really isn't working?
I reached that point last night.
This hexie design that I graphed out is almost like setting a quilt together on-point.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Parade Day Finish!
It happened!
I took the last stitches in my Parade Day quilt - and it was one of those moments that was bitter sweet.
I am so happy to see this big project complete.
I loved just being able to sit down in the evenings, recline my comfy recliner side of my couch, settle the hoop up into my lap, place the thimble upon my finger and just spend the evening watching (mostly listening) to something on the TV.
Everything else that happens during my day can be mundane and fleeting. But these stitches? They will outlive me. And I put each and every one of these stitches in by hand.
Monday, November 25, 2024
And Then There Was This -
This was my weekend!
After a whirlwind Opening Day of Old Town Excitement on Friday (You'll find everything under the Old Town Mystery Tab at the top of the blog if you missed it) I made the executive decision to put all things on hold for a sewing day at my own sewing space at home.
Audio book, hot beverage, and not only a bin of neutral strings, but an extra basket!
You know why two?
Well...besides the fact that it would take more than one bin to contain this bonanza, but...
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Snow Day, Sew Day!
I wasn't expecting this.
Not BEFORE Thanksgiving.
I don't think I've experienced the first snow of the season up here any earlier than Christmas week =
But as it has been an extremely weird year of Mother Nature pulling punches....I guess it's time to just throw my hands up in the air and say "Whatever!"
After all, I've got loads of fabric and projects to keep me busy until the end of time...
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Feeling Pinkish!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
When We Quilt -
I didn't sew yet.
Not by machine yet.
And I've been home for over a week.
NO......that's not really true, because I did have to make some units and take photos of some units while writing up future mystery post releases, but that wasn't really piecing on something coming together.
It was just pieces and parts and step-out photos to go along with computer drawn graphics.
All the while this has been laying out on my "design floor" just waiting for me to get back to it.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
All Day Long, In All Directions -
It's a sight to behold. Every day.
The tree trucks are still rumbling up and down the highways and byways - in both directions in front of Quiltville Inn.
I wave as they go by.
Harvest began early November, but with a forecast of snow coming this weekend, everyone is in a hurry to get the job done and get the trees to where they need to be -
The big tree selling weekend begins Black Friday - it takes a bit of time to get things to where they are going.
And some folks don't wait for trucks. They bring their OWN trailers, load up and haul them back to their own garden centers!
Monday, November 18, 2024
In the Done Column!
Say Hello to BLOOM!
I was working on finishing up this little quilt before I headed to Arizona for a much awaited visit with my Dad and brother Scott.
This little quilt was designed and made with my Craftours travel in mind - and will be making its debut in January when we travel to Australia.
I am SO super excited!
Small projects are great for travel - and it's my hope that by the time we return home that folks will have their center embroidery done, and will be excited to get their patchwork borders on -
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Tree Harvest Time!
Yesterday was a big day.
But at the same time it was a big day with the release of Moonflower and the kick off of our gift-away, it was weird in that everything happened solo - by myself, with no retreaters at Quiltville Inn -
The November Quiltvillians checked out on the same day I left for Phoenix.
The December Quiltvillians come the first week of December, while I'm in England with my Craftours group. They head home the morning after the evening I arrive home.
So essentially - I am done with retreats for the year?
And that realization had me feeling all kinds of weird about yesterday.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Moonflower Gift-Away!
In my mind, there is no way we are already half-way through November! Didn't it just start?
As I look out at the grey rainy skies beyond my window, somehow autumn is turning toward winter, and it's the perfect time to get this quilt out to everyone.
My love of travel keeps me inspired, seeing new places, new
things – with one common theme.
“Where are the quilty inspirations?!”
In the case of Moonflower – it is my love of photographing the geometric designs found in tile floors, tile walls, ceilings, and even woodwork.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Easing Back In -
Progress is happening - but it is moving so slowly that I was a bit disheartened when I laid my completed units out...Didn't I have more than this already?
Maybe this will just be a table runner and I'll call it done! LOL!
Who am I kidding....It's the perfect travel project, and since I NEED to have a travel project, I'll just keep plugging away on it until who knows...maybe lap size? We shall see.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Reflections in Windows.
We seem to always - or at least *I* mostly always strive for the best photo - often times taking it through a car or plane window.
"Oh no! There is a reflection!"
But is that really a bad thing? Somehow parts of "What the photograph is seeing" puts the photographer IN the photo as some sort of hologram, and there you have it.
And Yep - that's me in the passenger seat as I try to take photos of amazing Arizona landscapes , not intending to catch myself.
Monday, November 11, 2024
Monday in AZ!
Hey all -
I've been in Arizona for almost a week now, and I know I've only gotten one post out during the time that I've been gone - but there comes a time when family time is the focus. And that's where I am.
Knowing that my brother was only going to be with us until Saturday, I just dropped the ball of staying in contact, let all social media and blogging go and just settled in to that family time.
I don't know when the last time was that it was just my dad, me and my siblings. Since we've become adults, it's rare. Extremely rare.
So what did we get up to? We did some history stuff. You see, these apples didn't fall far from the tree, my brother and I. We are history nuts, and love having our feet in places where amazing things happened in the past.
Wednesday, November 06, 2024
From Virginia to Arizona!
Hello From Phoenix!
I made an early morning trip to the airport in Tennessee, flew into Atlanta where my connecting flight was already boarding by the time I hit my gate - and arrived in Arizona around 3pm to be greeted by my dad and my brother.
There has been much catching up since.
This morning while everyone still snoozes, I am posting our last photos with the November Quiltvillians -
Look at these beautiful Scrappy Mountain Majesties quilt tops!
Monday, November 04, 2024
Quilting Through The Weekend!
I walked in the front door to find a group gathered in the dining room -
Dianna was presenting a featherweight maintenance demo to a group of vintage machine lovers, focusing mainly on featherweights, but also talking about 301 machines and how much they have in common.
Chances are, if you have a featherweight or two, your next "Must Have" is a singer 301!
Both are very popular machines for bringing to retreat, and easy to maintain on your own.
It also goes to prove that dining rooms are good for more than just dining!
Saturday, November 02, 2024
It's Started!
As soon as we hit November and Halloween is in the past - THIS starts to rumble up and down the road in front of Quiltville Inn.
And I love it!
I know some think it is too early - if that is you, you can wait and go to one of those "chop your own" tree kind of farms.
But these trees are shipped everywhere - and this is when it starts.
They will go into refrigeration until they are trucked to wherever they go.
Some trailers passing by are just loaded with boughs and branches destined for wreath and swag making.
You never know - they things you find in your local stores may come from the Blue Ridge Mountains of SW VA and Western NC!
Friday, November 01, 2024
Welcome. November!
You guys, it was 75 out?!?!?! It felt all kinds of wrong, but then there have been loads of weird things on my 2024 bingo card.
I'm not complaining. I know when Mother Nature decides she has done enough making up for what befell us during Hurricane Helene she will throw some winter weather our way and we'll be looking back at these balmy October/November days as the gift they are.
Porch weather in November? It's happening.
And....there just may well be ONE MORE fire pit opportunity this weekend because - why not?
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