
Saturday, June 01, 2024

Miles of Binding, and Mountain Hiking!

Isn't this picture just perfection?

I found these three nearing the end of our busy day - just rocking and talking and getting binding stitches in.

Shown here from right to left: Indigo Way, Emerald City from String Frenzy, and Bitcoin.

I know they are in a binding rush (though they don't need to be - it's okay if things shown are as yet unbound) to get things done for our over-the-porch-rail photos that will happen this afternoon since I leave for New York tomorrow.

We are fitting in ALL the things before I go!

The morning was quite chilly so we put off our Appalachian Trail hike until the warmer afternoon hours and I'm so glad we did.

That gave me a bit more time to sew - and I dug in.

By popular request - here is a video in "slow time" so you can see what I am doing.

Unlike Quilt-Cam which was live (Can't do that with our slow speed internet here) I am limited to 10 minutes and it takes forever to upload, but it was worth a try.  Click to Play:

Hoka falls was amazing! And unfathomable.  Just to give you an idea, here's a video I posted back in January.

  Click to Play:

And the colors didn't record as brilliant as they really were.

Which is why I chose THESE!

And so far I'm here.  And I like seeing the secondary designs come together as blocks are laid out.

Yesterday's hike was wonderful - and the mountaintop rhodies are starting to bloom!

Gorgeous color!

These are just opening.

And yes, there were ponies!

Click to Play:

We evidently found where all the new mama mares were keeping their babies! There were 5 foals napping in the sun, and another couple of pregnant mamas looking ready to burst.

Xenia the horse whisperer.

As a horse owner herself, she's not afraid to get in there and commune with the quines.

It's okay, mama - you are safe with us!

Gorgeous afternoon and great to have Zoey and Mabel with us, too.

Are we ready to get back to quilting now?


Today there is the fun of a community yard sale behind Corner Market and I'm going to hit there first before heading to the inn.

There is a Bear Branch road hike scheduled for this afternoon.

Over the porch rail photos will happen this afternoon - and if all is right it's going to be a fire pit night if everyone is willing.  It's up to them and what they want.

I'm packing like crazy.

And I had weird dreams last night that my luggage and passport got taken and I was stranded. So glad I woke up and none of it was true!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's the weekend!
What will you do with it?



  1. Anonymous9:29 AM EDT

    Love the quote today and the new Hoka Falls quilt! Enjoy your travels.
    Cindy Roosma

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM EDT

    Have a safe trip, Bonnie . I wish I could be part of your trip, but I am taking the entire family on a Mediterranean cruise in July.

  3. Wishing you safe and happy travels, with no hiccups like lost luggage or, heaven forbid - passports.

  4. Ahhh hand-binding friends--maybe I'd like to do it more if I had friends to chat with lol. Love all the scenery pics and pretty horses. Glad none of your dream was true too! Have a wonderful trip and safe flights. Jenny

  5. The babies and the rushing water were wonderful. The power of that water is a bit intimidating. OMGosh! I like this meaning to WTF sooo much better!!

  6. The ponies were beautiful ❤️.
    Hope you had fun at the yard sale.
    I love the binding part as it signifies it's the end. Also it's handwork which I love.
    Dreams can be funny. Meaninglessness.
    Are you all packed and ready?
    Have a safe trip.
    Have a Sparkling day ☀️

  7. Safe travels Bonnie, can't wait to see your pictures :0)

  8. Thank you Bonnie! Loved all your videos. Safe and fun travels!

  9. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the video about string piecing. I struggle with that process because I am a little bit OCD and a perfectionist so choosing random things is hard for me. Watching you make that piece and listening to your thoughs as you choose what to use helps me a lot. A while ago I wanted to make a Jelly Roll Race just to see what it was like to make one. I didn't want to use a whole Jelly Roll so I pulled out all of my 2 1/2 inch scraps and tried to sew them together randomly. I couldn't do it. So I had my 2 and 3 year old grandsons sit on the floor and randomly hand me strips from the basket and I sewed whatever they gave me. It was a hoot and we all loved the outcome.

    Also your videos are great. They don't need to be perfect. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

    Have a safe and wonderful trip.


    1. Awww, what a wonderful memory! I'm also a bit too rigid to be completely spontaneous, but I'm working on it! I recently made a scrappy log cabin and TWO YELLOW STRIPS TOUCHED from separate blocks. And I let them! We gotta embrace the small victories.

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM EDT

      Kathie, that sounds like a great way to achieve randomness, and I bet the boys had fun too. I ran a mystery quilt at a retreat where all the shared strips were scrambled, then each lady received a large “lucky dip”paper bag each of lights and darks to make log cabin blocks.They had to use whatever they pulled out, unless it was already in that block. Sometimes they got very dramatic,and there was some creative cheating, but afterwards everyone said it was great fun.
      Pauline in South Oz.

  10. Love seeing the 3 ladies stitching a binding on the porch... wish I could join you! That's my idea of a fabulous afternoon!

  11. I wonder if you would be willing to share the Model of the Juki you are using ?

  12. Anonymous3:57 PM EDT

    Love to see the ponies in their shiny summer coats and their cute foals. The colour of the water at Huka Falls is amazing!

  13. I'm seeing fish in the Hoka Falls blocks. Also wondering how they'd look with the corner aqua triangles all turned in to make a square as one of the secondary patterns (seriously wondering, to the point that I might take a screen shot and play!) The quote gave me my first laugh of the day.

    Hope your travels are nothing but wonderful!


  14. I'm almost positive Bonnie is using a Juki TL 2010 and she has the Sew Q Laser attached. I have the above mentioned machine. I researched brands and liked the simplicity of machine. Juki started as commercial machines. Plus,, I like the metal bobbin. It's not a complicated machine and only does straight stitch. I primarily make quilts for my QOV group and that's all I needed.

    1. thanks for the information. I had a juki in the past and loved it. It went to my daughter. I am thinking I need another one.

  15. Connie S11:47 PM EDT

    I'm curious --- your t-shirt. I need one like that. where can I get it?

    1. Go to Bonnies Store on Amazon. You can get it there. I have a purple one.

  16. WTF, love that. The ponies are so cute. It's wonderful that you can see them up close. Love the group of binders. Be safe and enjoy your travels.

  17. Such a cute quote!! I may have to try that trick around the kids & see what they say... HA! Anyway... putting a top together this weekend, & nearly there. It just needs a border. Finally enjoying our summer, with leisurely mornings & "island time" in the evening. Hoping to get a few WIP's done this month. I hope your trip goes smooth; & that dream was just a dream! :)
    So glad you got to see the ponies, & hopefully there will be more when you get back! Enjoy your trip! <3

  18. Anonymous11:30 AM EDT

    I did a foundation pieced quilt a few years ago using those same colors as a thank you for a close friend who does so much for others. I sandwiched my quilt with batting only and quilted each section using the decorative stitches on my machine. It was a fun quilt to make and her reaction was priceless.

  19. Love the combination of quilting and hiking! What's your favorite trail for finding inspiration?


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