
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sewciologists at Play!

Look at these creative beauties!  Each one of them a work of not only art, but endurance!

We all know how endurance sometimes wanes - but these gals have got the stick-to-it-iveness that it takes to make gorgeous quilts happen!

Frolic on the left is followed by a quilt made with this center flag panel with borders and border stars added by the maker. fabrics from this fabric line can also be found HERE.

Irene's top is simply called Barn Quilt and this is the shop sample for a BOM that she's running at Cotton to Quilts .  Click HERE for more info or to sign up.

Framed four-patch quilt top finishes the lineup on the right.

There are not only finishes at retreat, but some starts, and some continuations on long term projects.

Twisted ribbons from unknown designer, hawaiian applique, red/white Ruby Jubilee sampler.

The star quilt is an adaptation of Knitted Star by Lo and Behold with the maker's own border design. Finally to the right is a fun strip star quilt.

Sister's Choice quilt in red and white, lovely brown/beige quilt featuring birds, and Rhododendron Trail.

Appliqued flowers, unknown designer.

Binding still to finish!

Another shot of Rhododendron Trail followed by Grassy Creek  and Triple Treat from the Free Patterns tab.

And there were a couple of finishes that didn't make our over-the-rail line up:

This is an Edyta Sitar Laundry Basket quilt pattern with a lovely story.  It was started by a mother-in-law who worked on the center until dementia took over and she couldn't sew any more.

Finished by daughter-in-law with so much love - and soon the quilting will happen.

Super fun!

Blue Onion is a great one for all of your funkiest fabrics!

Thanks for the amazing show and share, everyone!

It's been lovely having you here with me this week!

I am wishing everyone a safe journey home today.  We'll see you back here next June!

And yes, I even got a bit of sewing in for me for the first time since leaving for Ireland at the beginning of the month.

There may be more of this as I dive into laundry this morning - time to flip the house!

Judy's Stitchers arrive tomorrow afternoon.

What's up for your Tuesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Admit it, you smile when the veggie showers come on -
I do!

Happy Tuesday, everyone!



  1. What a beautiful collection!

  2. Another fun over the rail quilt show :0) I really enjoy seeing what everyone is working on. So much happening at the INN :0)

  3. All of the "over the rail" quilts are beautiful but the flag panel finish is awesome. It speaks to my heart. Having a grandson in the Marines makes a person appreciate patriotic quilts even more.

  4. Hi Bonnie, so many lovely quilts.... especially the one started by the mother in law... I have one I need to finish that was started by my mother in laws mother! Such a good reminder that there is always something to finish. Thank you for your blog... I have enjoyed it for years! Jean

  5. Such a cute quote! Yes, I always think of them getting a shower when that sprinkler goes off! :) As always, what a great porch photo! Loads of inspiration! Today I got a quilt top finished, & working on some other small projects. Happy Tuesday!

  6. Anonymous7:19 PM EDT

    At my grocery thunder rumbles just as the veggies get a shower. It’s funny!

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM EDT

    At my grocery thunder rumbles before the veggies get a shower. It”s funny! Judy Scott

  8. My brain is definitely not turned all the way on today. All I could think when I first read the quote of the day was why would anyone bring their veggies in the shower with them??? It took me way too long to figure out that no one was bathing with their produce. LOL. Thanks for the chuckle, even if it was at my own expense. :)


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