
Thursday, June 27, 2024

All Because of YOU!

While I was gone to Ireland/Scotland there were other road trips being made -

Quilters near and far were heading up to the Quilter's Hall of Fame in Marion, Indiana to visit the quilts I have on exhibit!

This tickles me to no end - and really touches me as I am not able to make that journey myself with my schedule the way it is.

These are in no particular order, and I'm going to leave the commentary to a minimum as I'll let their captions speak for what it is.

I'm sure I've missed some (many) but these were all gleaned from within my Quiltville’s Open Studio group on Facebook.

Hobbs 80/20 is my machine quilting batting of choice!

If it's hand quilted, I like the Quilter's Dream Cotton in the request loft - and sometimes wool.

So happy that you enjoyed your visit and you got to see those crazy fabrics up close! I love weird combos and silly fabrics that make me smile.

Thank you, Patsy!  I love the different angles and aspects that everyone has taken to give me a feel of what it is like in this fabulous museum.

Thank you, Erica!

If you have time - You can see my quilts until July 27!

Thanks Brenda!

I love that you brought your own Straits of Mackinac for a photo!

Thanks, Martha!

Such a cute photo, Jan!

Emerald City


The back of something! And I can't remember what the front is! LOL!

Pineapple Crazy!

Pineapple Crazy in front with "Just Quilt It!" Wonky Logs in the back.  That one is all solids and hand quilted.

Wildl & Goosey!

Great overview!

That's Jason's Log Cabin hanging closest on the left.  The first log cabin quilt I made and hand quilted for his first big boy bed when he was 3.  He is now heading toward 41. Easy Street in the back on the right.

That Pineapple Crazy is a good group photo spot!

Little gallery with Blue Skies, Lazy Sunday, Rivanna Runner, and the back of that one I can't remember the front of! LOL! (Is it Friday yet?) I think it's Narragansett Blues.

Bricks in the Barnyard, Xing, Garden Party, Hawk's Nest

There's the back of that one again! LOL!

(Didn't anyone get the front?)

Silk Path, Smith Mountain Morning and Lucy's Baskets

I love seeing people actually looking!

(hopefully not picking out my mismatched points!)

New River Star

Morning Glories, Midnight Flight and Pat!

I love the detail shots folks have taken to really capture the weird neutrals and other fabrics that find a place in my quilts. You really CAN use it all!

And then there is this from my PAST life (Back in the 1900s!) These little things are on display too. I don't have the dolls anymore (Hey, that's stuff from over 30 years ago and who would guess I needed to save that?) But I do have these patterns from when I designed for Butterick, and my own first mail order catalogue.

Nola's Bonniacs made a visit!

Nola has been on my trips to Kenya and New Zealand with me - and she is pointing at both of the small stitcheries we did on those trips.  Such great memories!

We'll be doing Twiga the Giraffe again in September when we go. Have you made up your mind to come along yet? 

Click the All My Tours tab for more info and to see where else we will be traveling in the future. We've got quite the line up for sign up!

And if you have a chance - really - do go and visit the Quilter's Hall of Fame!

Say hello to the quilts for me.

And find out what is on the front of that one that folks only photographed from the back. (Still laughing!)

If you do visit, please tag me in your photos so I can see you there.  

Better still, post them to my Quiltville’s Open Studio group on Facebook.  I have a greater change of seeing them there.  You can also email me photos if you'd like.

I love seeing your smiling faces and getting to know YOU - because you are the reason this exhibit is happening in the first place.

YOU are the reason that the Quilter's Hall of Fame exists.

It wouldn't be there without YOU visiting and supporting.

So thank you, from the bottom of my scrap loving heart!

Judy's Stitchers have arrived from Mississippi and we have been happily graced with much gentle rain starting last night, and is continuing through the morning.

Our grass is crispy! I have been watering the poor little plants that I brought home from moms - they were fairly wilted, but I think they'll survive.

These kids of cooler rainy summer days are perfect for hand stitching on the porch - I just may make that happen for me today.

What's up for your own Thursday? (Is it Thursday?)

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Is it only Thursday? 

It feels like Friday.

It needs to be Friday!



  1. Connie S Wolfe9:42 AM EDT

    These were great photos to see. My husband and I will be traveling up that way for the Redwood Rally next month. He planned a stop at the Quilter's Hall of Fame just so I can see the show! Guess that he is a keeper! I am going to look for that quilt back and post a comment or email you with the answer .

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM EDT

    Bonnie, these tributes are so well-deserved!

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM EDT

    It’s Idaho square dance on the other side of the mysterious back😊

  4. It is so neat to see quilters enjoying your lifetime of work. You are a joy and inspiration.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM EDT

    I still have your patterns from your first mail order business. I still have a couple of the critters I made too. Love it all, past and present. Elaine Latulippe

  6. Anonymous10:09 AM EDT

    How long will this display be there?

  7. Bonnie, I thoroughly enjoyed the "virtual tour" of your quilts in the Quilters Hall of Fame this morning. Thank you! :) -Kathy

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM EDT

    It's wonderful to see your inspirational quilts of art displayed so beautifully.

  9. You missed me! I loved seeing your quilts up close and personal. Can't wait to see what you are up to next. Happy sewing!

  10. Anonymous10:36 AM EDT

    It's wonderful to see your inspirational quilts displayed so beautifully.
    Marcia Andrews

  11. Wish I could get to Marion. My grandparents lived there & grandma made quilt and doll clothes for the grandkids

  12. Wow, Bonnie, Wow! What a wonderful display! I can't imagine how proud you must be. :-) Love that Betsy brought her own quilt to have in her picture with your Straits of Mackinac quilt. Jenny

  13. When Friday Comes , it will be Fri-yay! It has been a long week. Glad to see Quilters/adies with your exhibit. My Hand Stitching will be tomorrow. Are your Hexie Stars Quilts in the exhibit?

  14. congratulations Bonnie. how fun to see so many of your quilts and your admirers together

  15. That was so much fun! Thanks to all those who are posting photos of their visits for those of us who can’t get that far to see it in person.

  16. Anonymous2:33 PM EDT

    Idaho Square Dance is the front of the back that keeps showing up!! Deb Geyer

  17. Oh, to live closer. I would be there in a heartbeat! So happy for you for this well deserved honor.

  18. It's a wonderful display, & even more amazing to think that these are only "some" of your beautiful quilts!! I have made several, but plan on making dozens more!! Thank YOU for continuing to inspire us each & everyday. Not just in quilting, but in taking care of ourselves, & the other little things. Love you, Bonnie, & keep being you! Happy quilting! :)


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