
Saturday, January 30, 2021

I Did That ONE Thing -

Remember yesterday morning's Quiltville Quote and how it said "Think of many things, and do ONE?"⁣
I tackled something I have wanted to do since I first moved my long arm machine up to Virginia from North Carolina -⁣
After more than 20 years, I am tweaking my Scrap User's System.

1 1/2'' drawer of multiple colors.

Scrap strips have previously been sorted by size (1 1/2'', 2'', 2 1/2'' & 3 1/2'') separated by color families. All the 1 1/2'' strips together, multiple colors by drawer, etc. ⁣
I am switching that up - bundling strips by width within each drawer, but separating the drawers into color families -⁣
In the red drawer I have all of the different sizes of red strips, but bundled by size so I can easily grab which strip width I need.⁣
Sorting them into color family drawers and keeping sizes bundled also shows me that I have more BLUE than anything else, second only to neutrals!⁣
There just may be another blue quilt coming up in my future. Like soon.⁣ Evidently the Winter Blues  quilt didn't make enough of a dent!

FYI: The zip lock bags are not closed all the way to allow air to circulate. My building is climate controlled. I am not worried about rot, moisture, mildew or mold. the bags do keep strips from becoming excessively wrinkled or shreddy at the edges.

Do what works for you. This works for me, and has for over 20 years.

All of these strips were rehomed to their new color sorted drawers and bundled by size within each drawer.
Do you ever plan a quilt to use up what you have the most abundance of to give you a bit or breathing room?⁣

To make best use of the drawer space, some colors I am low on are sharing a drawer - such as reds/purples and yellow/gold/orange.

Once the rail was cleared of strips, I could load this!

And before long I was binding it!

I quilted my Forever Mine one block small quilt with rosy pink thread in an edge to edge design called Cupid by UrbanElementz.com.

Hey, you two!  How am I supped to bind this?!

And this is where I stopped last night.

About half-way.

Do you recognize any of these old red prints?  Or how about that cream backing with the little red tulips on it?

After trimming the backing, the rest of that tulip yardage was stripped down and put right into my newly organized drawers.  You'll be seeing more of that fabric in my scrap quilts now that it is not a piece of yardage on my shelves anymore.

Iced over rain chain!

I actually took this photo yesterday morning before heading to the Quiltville Post Office Studio.  By afternoon it had gotten so heavy (temps never got above 24) that it crashed to the ground making quite the racket according to The Hubster.

Zoey loves to chew ice - she was carrying big hunks of it across the yard and chewing on them like they were bones. Crazy dog! (Yes, she begs for ice from the freezer too!)

This is me - starting to wonder if this winter will ever end.  Here comes another storm to issue January out and February in!

This is the look on my face as I stand at the back door to let Zoey out in the morning.  I'm dreaming of daffodils and tulips and things turning green.  Sigh.

See that red circle where the arrow is?  That's me!

The van will remain parked at the bottom of the hill.  Groceries came home after the hubsters run to Jefferson yesterday - 

Tomorrow will be a #snowdaysewdaysunday evidently!

I can't stop it, so I may as well make plans for it and enjoy it!

Some cookie baking today, maybe? 

Some binge watching and sewing - of course.

Those of you also in the path of this storm - hunker in, sew away, and stay safe!

And this is the last reminder I am sending out about our Forever Mine Gift-Away featuring a fat quarter bundle of Mary Koval fabrics by Windham!  

Our drawing happens MONDAY MORNING, so get on over to THAT POST !

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage goose in the pond quilt from my collection. Love those indigoes and pinks! 

We tend to forget that mistakes are a part of being human. 

We need to appreciate our mistakes for what they are, precious life lessons that can sometimes only be learned the hard way. 

Each day is a new day to choose another way! 

Have a terrific weekend, everyone - we'll catch you back here on Monday!



  1. Interesting! I've learned so much over the years from how you process your scraps, that anytime you discuss the topic, my ears perk up. Would love to hear going forward how you like the change and how well it works for you.

    To answer your question - yes, right now I'm working on a slow project (in between other things) to use up a ton of 2" squares in recycled shirts. Doing variations on Great Granny Squared blocks, inspired by a wild, delightfully mismatched antique block featured behind one of your daily quotes a couple of years ago. The blocks are simple but slow and steppy, but I'm done with about 80% of them. Really liking them so far.

    Oh, and also Leader/Ender-ing about a mazillion tiny 1.5x2.5" bricks in recycled shirts into a crib quilt. Not sure what I was thinking.....

    1. I love your description of your projects, Leah! The recycled shirt stash also has no end. LOL! I am playing with some blue ideas to make that drawer just a bit easier to shut in the future -

    2. I love your scrap user system. I think I'll try your updated way. Right now Im working on deconstructing shirts I got from the thrift store. Im reading your Scraps & Shirttails II book right now and I am wanting to make The Smith Mountain Morning Quilt.

  2. Oh, Bonnie! I am just so in love with your scrap system. Hoping to find something that will work for me. I’ll be investing in even more ziplock bags, too! Thanks for the inspiration. Loving the fur babies!

  3. I'm working on your Blue Skies pattern. All the blocks are made and ironed. Today is trimming and then a billion HST! Marilyn Marks

  4. My 5 year old granddaughter decided that collecting ice was a new hobby. She placed "cute pieces of ice" to show her mommy, and put them in her coat pocket, along with her mittens. She forgot about them until later, and was mystified where they went. Her mom was also confused why her coat was so wet! I love ice, as long as I don't have to go out into it! Enjoy your snow. Those of us in SW lower Michigan are waiting to get some. Only 4 inches TOTAL this winter!

  5. VIRGINIA STORM - My son lives in my 'old' house in Virginia about 30 miles north and slightly west of Charlottesville. They're preparing for the storm to start Saturday at 10 PM thru Sunday at 10 AM. Son works for VDOT and they;re preparing for a foot of the white stuff. I miss Virginia terribly, even the snow ! I so appreciate Bonnie's pics of the area where she lives; looks a lot like parts of Virginia I know.

  6. Loved reading about Zoey and ice cubes - our greyhounds used to BEG for ice cubes - anytime they heard the icemaker dropping ice into our cup, they would be in the kitchen wanting their share. Have a great weekend!

  7. I started a quilt called "Missy" nearly five years ago, and have added enough borders to make it a queen, and will finish it probably today. Then I'll return to Grassy Creek; I'm stuck on the trimming of step two, but will be brave soon. Then I'll return to Box Kite that I started when you were in Omaha in 2018. Then... Yup, I have no shortage of UFOs to keep me busy, and am doing my darndest not to start anything else!!

  8. We finally had a decent amount of rain this past week. We also had high winds that knocked out power to a lot of scattered places. Four days later, some people are still without power. On my way to the store yesterday, I saw some DAFFODILS blooming. I only have a few in my backyard and they seem to be the last ones in the neighborhood to start blooming.

  9. Your baggies in bins makes me think of penny candies right at kid level. LOVE IT!! Still working on Grassy Creek and made myself buy some white neutral print fabrics to enhance my stash for next time. While pressing my fabrics I went through and culled the odd pieces to put into your strip system. Still figuring out how to make best use of my storage space. Must get in there more and sew to reduce bulk, haha. My girl Nikki likes to help sort the piles by nesting them into a comfy spot. LOL. I have mostly adopted your free Sundays and so far am loving it! Thank you!

  10. Just finishing up my Grassy Creek mystery today!
    Happy Saturday!

  11. I is see a pattern I like usually try one block. If all goes well I will continue. I haven't successfully used your system because I always have to cut for the above mentioned pattern. but your new idea is appealing to me. I think I will try it. I usually don't strip piece, but make quilts block by block. It is more fun that way to me. Thank you for the new advice.

  12. The Eleanor Roosevelt quote is one that I tell my grandchildren often. Along with don't write anything that you wouldn't want to appear on a billboard, or nowadays, online. Projects for this next week: sandwiching Grassy Creek and binding Appalachian Autumn and starting Forever Mine. Just a regular week!

  13. Meanwhile in Alsaka, we are trudging alone with minimal snow and temperatures in the 20s. Mich better than the 40 degrees and rain we had earlier in the month. We do have over 7 hours of daylight now and gaining 5+ minutes a day. I am sewing with 5 friends ths weekend (4 of us vaccinated). I am still making blocks for several years ago leader and enders checkerboard rail fence. It will be done this year!

  14. I'm sorry! I think that's the storm that blew through So. Cal 2 days ago!! Central Cal coast got 14 inches of rain.

  15. The mid-Atlantic is gearing up for some snow frenzy too. So far we have not gotten much except for sleet, per the usual, so we'll see if this is 'real' snow or 'slurpy' snow like we usually get. Thank goddess there is still plenty of organizing to do in the sewing studio. I am of all things kitting up a Christmas throw as we speak so I don't have to store so much Christmas fabric any longer. Better late than never!

  16. Your "ice chain" reminds me of rock candy. You may be too young to remember rock candy, but it made me smile. As for your 1 block "Forever Mine", Ivy and Zoey are just claiming it as their own! They know Mama made it just for them.

  17. Orlena left over 7 feet of snow in the mountains around here and over a foot of snow in the valley!! Heavy, wet Sierra cement! Orlena has certainly been on a tear across the country, but obviously saved a bit for your side of the country!! Enjoy your sewing day!

  18. i have been sewing on frolic. just 3 more border rows to make. am replacing a few bad flying geese before I finish putting the rows together. i love snow and we don't get enough in our area of eastern VA. usually only when storms come from the south but are on the very outer edge of this storm so they are predicting a little. Betsy K in Chesapeake

  19. Following your lead Bonnie, I started a Leader Ender to use up 2' by 3.5" scraps. Try to keep the small pieces "handled" project to project.

  20. I've been using your scrap users system ever since I discovered your blog, and have sorted mine by colour! I love it when doing your mystery quilts because the hard work of getting enough strips in a certain colour and width is already done. You've had more snow/winter than I've had in my corner of Canada, so far we've only had a skiff. This weekend, I'm finishing sorting out my sewing room and working on Step 4 of On Ringo Lake. My goal this year is to finish all my mystery quilts (3) that are at various stages.

  21. Bonnie.....
    Ivy looks like she is getting so much bigger!! She was so little when she first came to you...which seems like just yesterday!! I love seeing those fur babies!!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  22. I have wondered how your user system worked with size vs. color... I like this one! For a long time I thot I would never have enough scraps to make anything! Lol! Well, now that I am sewing all the time I have baskets, bins & boxes of strips & larger scraps. One of these days, or weeks, sorting definitely needs to be my “one thing”!

    Oh how I would love a real snow day!! We keep missing the big ones!!

    I love the single block heart project! A pillow would be cute too!!

    Blessings... Marci H💕

  23. We are supposed to see the first flakes from said storm about 7pm here in SW MI. But not getting lake effect as usual this time. Yay! Those 2 fur babies are cute. They also look like they are planning something sneaky!

  24. 24" in McCall in 48 hours. Welcome winter. You know that's not a surprise here!

  25. I have finished the machine quilting on a twin sized quilt and am also machine quilting on two small baby quilts. All the quilting is done on a regular sewing machine. For some reason, I haven't made binding for awhile and am so hesitant, but need to accomplish it in order to donate all quilts locally.
    Then I have gone through years of fabric looking for "baby" fabrics. They are stacked on a chair with the possibility of at least 15 or more baby quilts.
    Today we drove to Greensboro to have the older Pfaff machine serviced. Husband will pick it up next week and then we'll have the Baby Lock serviced.
    I always look forward to your advice, as acts of love to us, your readers! Thanks for all you do!

  26. heh heh....i am about 7 hours northeast so it's coming my way as well...i've got pizza and braised turkey legs on my weekend menu and plenty of quilty stuff too!

  27. Oh my! What a great idea about your idea for changing up your scrap system. I made the mistake of cutting strip sizes, putting them into their size bin, but I didn’t separate them by color. It will be so much more organized this way and possibly a space saver. I’m anxious to see. Thank you!

  28. I'm in the path of the storm as well. My Saint Bernard LOVES it. That makes one of us! Stay warm.

  29. Y'all stay safe in that storm. Here in South Texas we hardly get any, but when we do, it's not much! I love when there are reveals in the snow, it makes it so much prettier! I am thinking about taking my box of scraps and spending some time whittling them down to 1 & 1/2" and 2" strips and 5" squares, since most of what I plan to make use those sizes. We'll see if that happens! Right now just taking it one day at a time and working on Grassy Creek. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  30. I had a white german sheperd that said the word "ICE" when she wanted a piece.

  31. Don’t you just love rain chains!

  32. Bonnie, Thanks for recommending the Outlander series. I have you to blame for getting nothing done since I can't tear myself away! :-).

  33. According to the weather gurus at AccuWeather we should miss out on this weekend's snowstorm. We still have plenty left from the last one.

  34. I see Ivy has already claimed the topper while Zoey is considering how she'll fit on there too. I see more furball sized quilts coming in the future for them! LOL!

  35. I love reading about the scrap users system and how people tweak it for their own purposes. I use "ranges" now for sorting - so one range is 1.5" up to ALMOST 2" and so on. Yes, I might have to trim down when I need to use a piece, but I hate to need some odd size and have to cut down from a much bigger piece.

  36. Love your quote of the day. I laughed at it. You're right about learning from others mistakes. As one of the younger family members got to see what happens to those who make mistakes and not do that particular thing. I just made my own instead.

  37. Anonymous8:01 AM EST

    My dalmatian, Maggie loves ice! she makes a beeline for the fridge when she hears the icemaker. I am finishing a baby quilt, then hoping to move into my new sewing room soon. Trying now to find a color I like enough.... I plan on starting the scrap maker system as I organize my fabric.

  38. I don’t have my scraps under control. I have realized I don’t have to do all, will start with one color. I want to start using your leaders and Enders.

  39. Thanks for the saying today. I have said that many times.
    We got the snow here and are in for at least today and possibly tomorrow as well. My husband is currently out using the snow blower on at least 7 inches of snow and still coming down. I decided to read what you are doing since I can't quilt today if I wanted to. I have an Esty project to help with. However, I do enjoy all you do and are encouraging us to do. Have a great week.

  40. Bonnie, I love seeing your fur babies! If Zoey and Ivy were in my house, I wouldn't get anything done because I would be watching them all day! So precious. I love your scrap users system, too!

  41. I'm quite interested in hearing about your scrap system and how you are now separating the strips by width and color. I'm curious how you sort and store the squares?

  42. It's kind of like "pantry quilting". If I look at my stash and ask, "What do I want to make?" I will almost always need to go to the LQS. If I ask "What can I make with this?" I will probably find everything I need and the quilt will be better because I didn't get too matchy.

    I read somewhere that good judgement is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgment.

  43. I have just sorted all my strings by color, I cut most of them 11/2" wide so I can make small log cabins. I found I have a lot of blue green and red, compared to the rest. It made me feel good to get that done.

  44. Your quote the other day mentioned do ONE thing. At the same time another blog was talking about "squirrel" I think the powers that be are trying to give me a wake up call! SQUIRREL... well one thing at a time. February I will get all my tangled bits and pieces out of the HUGE sterlite tub and give birth to my new "Squirrel Scrap Users System" LOL. Hope your Sunday has been blessed!


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