
Saturday, December 05, 2020

Well Dang, Skippy!

Sometimes days just get derailed!

I could jump right in with the problem - but that would make the problem take up the main focus for my day - and here I am one day later and looking back on it.

The problem that "ruined" my day - really wasn't as bad as it could have been, and as I look back - there was SO MUCH GOOD that this little minor set back does not need to be given that much credit for "ruining" my day.

Mountains out of molehills, as they say?

My morning flew by quickly - and I spent more than an hour talking to a friend I hadn't chatted with in a long time.

I think of all of the advancements in technology - and the best of all has to be HANDS FREE!  Whether I've got my phone connected to my blue tooth headset, or simply on speaker phone with the phone in the pocket of my denim over shirt -

The ability to talk and work at the same time?  Win/win!

And by the time the call was done, I had all of the mail order ready to go to USPS - and the crumb quilt loaded into the machine ready to go.

And it was going along really well!

I was down to the last row - when something happened with the tension on the TOP THREAD - and I didn't notice it until I felt underneath and....

Well Dang, Skippy!!

That whole row needed to come out.  Whhhhaaaaa!!!

I admit it.  By this time I was tired.  My feet hurt.  It had been a long day (Even though it was a good one) and the last thing I wanted to be doing was picking out an entire row of pretty intense quilting - the rows with this pattern are undulating and quite large - I think the pattern quilts a pass something like 13'' tall.  The full width of the quilt.  BOOGERS!

I let my bad mood shift get the best of me as I unloaded the quilt and headed home.

 But it is looking so good - as long as you don't look at the stitches on the back.

It was about 4:30pm.  Rain was starting to fall pretty heavily.  I dropped everything on the couch, headed for the bedroom, shut the blinds and decided that a nap before dinner just might make things better with fresh eyes and new determination.

Is picking out an entire row of machine quilting the end of the world?  Of course not.  But it might look better if I got some relaxation and rest first.

I am loving this pattern!

And where the stitching is good, it's good!

I scaled the design fairly large as I am using a wool "Frankenbatting" that I pieced together from left over batting margins.  I thought the larger design would allow the wool to poof between the stitching lines and add some great curved texture over the straight line piecing of the crumbs.

Today we'll try again.  The bad stitching is out - thankfully the tension issue made it very easy to remove.

I hope to have binding on by feet up time tonight.

Who is my sneaky Secret Santa?!

This box was delivered by UPS direct from King Arthur Flour - no note inside, no return address other than King Arthur flour!  

I am delightedly perplexed!

12 individual sized gluten free microwave brownies in cups!  Just add water!

With the day I had yesterday - warm and gooey chocolate brownie in a cup was just what this girl needed to turn her world around.

Whoever you are - Thank you, thank you!

Let's draw for this Sulky Mystery Box!!

Who is entry 2,894 out of 5,757 entries?

Sandra Stubbs!  Congrats!

Sandra, please reply to the email I sent to the address you provided with your entry.  This box will be coming your way soon!

And there is still time to order your own box - find all of the info by clicking to the ORIGINAL POST!

Thanks, everyone for playing along - 

And there is still more Gift-Away fun ongoing.

Each IronEZ ironing board spray bottle holder purchase (use coupon code BH15OFF to save 15%!) includes the new misting bottle.

Get two or three while you are at it.  You are going to LOVE keeping those spray bottles in line and off of your ironing surface.

Need more bottles? They are now selling the new fine-mist bottles in a 2-pack so you can have one at your stand up ironing station, and one by your machine for work station pressing.

Fill them with your favorite spray be it Best Press, Flatter, spray starch or sizing, or the homemade version – whatever your favorite concoction is.

And we are going to draw for three winners!  One for an IronEZ ironing board spray bottle holder and original bottle, and a second winner for the holder and the new mister bottle, and a third winner for a 2 pack of the new spray bottles!


This drawing will happen on Tuesday, December 8th - and you can enter to win ON THAT POST.

So here we are at Saturday.  Do you have mystery sewing planned for this weekend?

I'm looking forward to a very quiet #mediafreesunday here at the cabin.

I am actually not making any plans to do anything - we will just see how the weekend unfolds!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

So maybe yesterday didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. 

That doesn't mean today can't be better! 

Don't let yesterday carry over! 

I'll catch you back here on Monday.

Have a great weekend, folks!



  1. what sizes are those crumb blocks?
    Mystery sewing for me today and binding later. Also Christmas shopping on line.

  2. I love, love, LOVE the quilting pattern you chose for the crumb quilt; what a delightful play of soft curves against all the sharp angles. Perfect choice!

  3. My mom is usually the one on the other end of the phone when I am mid project. She always asks what’s under my needle, and added bonus my machine sounds just like her moms used to do it usually gives us a moment to talk about grandma and remember her and all her quilts and creations.

  4. Picking out is never fun, but at least it wasn't one of those super-intricate patterns with crossovers and lots of stitches stacked on top of each other. *shudders* Glad you got that headache sorted. Fingers crossed for smoother sailing today!

    Meanwhile, you're right - Ba Da Bing is a super cool design, and looks great on that crumb quilt. That panto is going on my (ever growing) wishlist at UE. Thanks for including the info.

  5. Hi Bonnie:

    Yes, I hope to start the Grassy Creek mystery this weekend. I did get the fabrics pressed for step one the other evening. Now I will be ready to cut some pieces using the "Essential Triangle Tool". I think I am just going to make a half size to begin with. After all, you only need so many full bed sized quilts. I don't want to be spending all my time changing and washing quilts either.

    Have a Great weekend!

    Kasilof, AK
    Where it is clear, sunny and cold ( -2 last night).

  6. Absolutely LOVE your scrappy quilt! You inspired me to start my own, and so I did last night! :)

  7. Hope you have a great media free day Sunday- with virtual hugs Susie

  8. My sewing plans is the mystery sal. I sew enjoy this journey every year.

  9. I don’t understand why I can never get my comments to post. What am I doing wrong?

  10. Been there done that with my long arm lol. I haven’t tried this, but I read a comment on a FB post that suggested the easiest way to take out the stitching is to carefully pull the layers apart and use a razor edge or a box cutter to to cut the threads from the inside. It should be quicker but you would have to pick all the threads off so....But we won’t ever be faced with this issue again will we lol

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM EST

    My Sunday is picking up my new-to-me frame and quilting machine!! I am excited and nervous at the same time! I am so lucky to have so many knowledgeable people here that helped me make a decision!

  12. That quilt is just so beautiful! There are no other words for it!

  13. the skinny red inner border and neutrals around the outside truly made this quilt. Kudos! I feel you pain regarding that row you had to pick out. Been there, done that...more than once! LOL. Glad it was loose enough to come out quickly. Once I did several rows with perfect tension before ai finally admitted to myself that the color of the thread did not complement the quilt at all. That was days of unseeing, but it, too, was worth it to end up with a quilt I was proud to gift to one of my DsIN. Have a fun Sunday!

  14. So sorry you had to unsew but I love how you rose above the problem. I am of the age that sleep/rest is very important and lack of it makes me unpleasant-there I said it! I hope you are expiring Peace today. I really like the quilting design. It softens the angles of the crumbs.

  15. I always enjoy reading Bonnie. I just do not comment much these days
    toooo busy with 97 year old daddy, 5 grandbabies, hubbs, and maybe some time for myself haha

  16. I have the same problem, Diane. I don't think my notes ever get posted either.

  17. Working on a Hunter’s Star quilt. Love the blue and cream..I just keep petting it!


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