
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday - Where to Start?

This happened over the weekend.

I am happy to say that I worked on these blocks through Saturday afternoon, and by Saturday evening time I was feet up in my chair with a trash can between my knees (Oh, isn't that just an attractive image!) removing paper from all of the string blocks I'd completed.

I will be sewing these together and complete that quilt top soon - it may be this week end coming up. I hope so.

And then #mediafreesunday happened - I completely disconnected myself from my online life and set into working on this:

All laid out and ready for row assembly.

Look at the shrinkage that happens with seams!

I worked on it for a good chunk of Sunday -

Where I stand now is 9 out of 11 rows are sewn, leaving me a couple of rows to set together yet, and then I will sew the rows together.

Borders as of yet undecided.

And yes, there will be a PDF pattern when the quilt is done, photography has happened and writing completed. So this is another one of those "Please stay tuned!" moments.

There is a wonderful ruler I used while making these blocks, and I needed to be sure I could also get rulers in stock, making them available at the same time the pattern is ready - 

And then there is the whole Grassy Creek Mystery thing starting a week from Friday!

I'm trying to breathe deep, relax, and let any pressure just roll off of my shoulders!

And Thank You for all of the Pine Tree Point love!

This was seriously hard to keep "somewhat" behind the scenes - and the response has been so great!

I even heard from people who had started their string foundations not knowing what they would be come, just based on the photos I had shared earlier! Now they know!

And there was no way to just stick with one project - I needed to include the runner in the pattern too.
You’ll find the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point, including both the lap size and the runner in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store along with other recent releases:
Appalachian Autumn and Nearly Lemoyne.

Yes, we've been extremely busy! 

My Monday was pretty typical.  That's the downside of taking a Sunday off (even though much needed) as it tends to put double the work on Monday.

That was followed up by an afternoon trip to the Chiropractor, after which I was supposed to go to CVS for my second shingles shot - only when I got there, there was a big yellow sign on the door stating that they closed at 1pm for store deep cleaning, but the drive up pharmacy was still available.


Just another sign of the times we live in.  I firmly believe that if people are ill and contagious, drive up pharmacy windows are a great thing so that you don't spread germs throughout the store.  And it keeps kids in the car as well. And there wasn't anything I really needed that I couldn't do later, so I left.  I was so glad I was not in that crazy drive up line!

(Okay, I nearly deleted that statement 3 times as I know someone is going to take offense, but these are extreme times.)

I filled up my car with gas next door and headed over to Food Lion, grabbed my groceries, avoided maskless people and hurried home - praying as it got darker out that I wouldn't hit another deer.

That's the side effect of attack deer encounters - it makes you a bit leary to drive past dusk!

(I'm counting down to the Winter solstice in my head so that daylight can go back to lasting just a bit later each day.)

I have written paragraphs this morning - and deleted them. Trying to keep this somewhat of an encouraging space. But just because I'm not writing about it right now doesn't mean that my heart isn't in knots over what continues to go on with this pandemic, and the political climate in this nation.

All of this is so heavy on my soul so I just keep creating - I just keep sewing.  I just keep pressing fabric, cutting fabric, sewing up the pieces - hoping that as the projects fall together, that life will do the same.

Today - hair cut day!  It's been 6 weeks since the last cut and I'm needing it.  So I'm calling today a self-care hair day.  

How about you? What are you calling this day?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Where is your focus today? On what you have in front of you, or on what you feel is missing?

Checkerboard Rails was our Quiltville Leader & Ender challenge a few years back. Pattern from the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.



  1. Cut, sew, pray, repeat.

  2. You amaze me with the amount of things you get done in a day or a week. So smart to have a day off of social media. love the new pattern with the string blocks turned to trees!! How is it possible to lay out blocks on the floor and keep Zoey out of the mix?

  3. We all just keep plugging along doing the best we can do in these crazy times. We got our flu shots via drive-up and it was a blessing. No, I won't call you out for avoiding that long line! LOL!! I would rather come back then sit in a line all day but many don't have that option. Have a wonderful Tuesday and enjoy the day.

  4. My husband's cancer battle consumed our 2019, he died in February this year. 2020 is of course defined by the pandemic and election. I'm trying to find some joy in each day and every morning I look forward to your posts. Thank you for your commitment and the energy it takes to post each day - quilting friends are the best!

    1. SO sorry for your loss! How hard to go right into the pandemic after your husband's death! Great that we have all of our projects to keep us busy and our mind somewhat occupied.

  5. Oh I definitely see the donu! I love donuts!

  6. In general I haven't worried about what I feel I'm missing, I'm not one to worry about what I don't have control over, and worry doesn't seem to change anything. Like you Bonnie I just keep quilting daily, and have high hopes all will be right with the world. Reminds me of something my Grama used to say " it will all come out in the wash".

  7. Love your quote! So inspiring! Today I am channeling my "inner Bonnie" as I go to teach a Quilt of Valor. I've never done this before, so wish me luck!

    1. Take a Deep breath and have FUN!
      Robin in Leavenworth,WA

  8. You can't write/say anything now without blow back. Apparently "if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all" and "mind your own business" are no longer practiced.

  9. Eat, sleep, sew, repeat and trying to remain thankful and positive. 🤪 Thanks for cheering us on❣

  10. I hear you, Bonnie. I'm doing my best not stress out over all the bad stuff beyond my control and stay focused on the good stuff in my little corner of the world, one day at a time. Today, my family is well, the sun is shining and Appalachian Autumn is ditch-stitched and ready for free-motion quilting. Thanks for the super pattern. Can't wait to get it finished and snuggle under it every evening.

  11. Anonymous9:36 AM EST

    My #mediafreesunday has become a mediafree weekend from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. I've been going to my mom's since the pandemic started. I take care of her grocery shopping, laundry, and yard work. I have been able to get so much sewing done this way and enjoy getting to know my mom, she is 84 and she has many stories to tell of her upbringing.

  12. You are awesome in your approach for staying upbeat Bonnie. Love your donut! The holes are only necessary for a finger to fit threw to consume a donut in the round 😊. Happy Hair Day to you.

  13. I'm with you Bonnie regarding self-care. Since my back issues are preventing me from attending retreat in December (sad face), I'm going to practice a bit of self care also. I have lost track when my last haircut was and I don't want to end up with the mess I had at the beginning of this Pandemic. Depending on the back, I'm hoping to go for the trifecta - haircut, mani and pedi! Wish me luck. These days are tough and a girl's gotta do what a girls' gotta do to stay positive. Take care.

  14. Here in my area of Arkansas we are facing the dreaded hoarding of toilet paper and paper towels. It makes no more sense now than it did months ago. Wipes have never come back. Our world is on "crazy mode". I am staying at home today waiting for the plumber, so I will "piddle" in lieu of getting immersed in projects. It is my husbands 74 birthday but it will be a quiet celebration tonight. Have to share this. We had a very small guild meeting last night. Our program was UFO's we had completed. Our precious president had no idea what a UFO was. She is a one project at a time quilter. Bless her heart she was rather overwhelmed. LOL

  15. I hear ya, wish I could stitch today. My Stitch day was doing some mending. My angel Mother-by-Love wispering in my ear. 1 week and 3 more days!!! Gonna stitch instead of shop!

  16. Bonnie, I have huge respect for you as I watch your resourcefulness and flexibility during such a difficult time when a large portion of your work is temporarily sidelined -- no travel, no teaching. To see how hard you work at creating new patterns for us is truly inspirational! Thank you for your diligence and persistence!

  17. I am getting a haircut today, too!

  18. I am so happy you took time off of media on Sunday - you so deserve it! I hope you continue to do so each and every Sunday just to keep yourself sane! Your blog, facebook posts and patterns are what is keeping us all sane throughout this time! Thank you so much for your upbeat spirit!

  19. "Just keep sewing" has been my personal mantra for the past few months. Steady progress with one thing in my in life helps me combat that out of control feeling too.

  20. What would I do with out my fabric and being blessed to live on a ranch and able to hunker down sew. I too feel the pain of what has happened in this country and wish every day that everyone could find some love and peace in their souls. As for me, I will always keep looking for the bright side of things and believe that we can make it through all this. Thanks for all the time and joy you so graciously share with everyone.

  21. Bonnie, you did a great job of keeping Pine Tree Point a secret and it's well worth the wait! Your motivation to sew and create are amazing, and they give you a chance to "fix" the things you can!

  22. Alot of us feel the same way Bonnie. We just gotta keep going.

  23. I'm so glad you set your half-diamond blocks in a row. Those shirt plaids look great!

  24. My heart is heavy too, Bonnie. Like you, I'm choosing to focus on what I CAN do- my work, being there for my people, cooking and mask making for loved ones, down-sizing my stuff as I can summon the energy and sewing. This week I'm attempting to clear out my sewing room, getting rid of things I no longer want/need/use. I'm a therapist and it turns out that the room in my home that has the best lighting for virtual sessions is my sewing room!? So I think I've figured out that my desk for work can go beside my sewing table facing a window. Hopefully, if I can position things correctly, what will be seen over my shoulder on the screen will be my design wall! (After I move the ironing board!)

    1. Sounds like you figured out~

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM EST

      I understand... my long awaited sewing space in my new home has become my remote teaching office. Not complaining... I am designing it so that I can sew on my breaks! (I love multi-tasking, and finding silver linings!) Heat was installed yesterday... walls coming in the next couple of weeks...picked out flooring~

  25. I so agree with you Bonnie. It is hard dealing with the virus and then political stuff on top. Let’s just say 2020 was a bust and hope and pray 2021 will be better. I so love your creativity and your use of color in your quilts. I just purchased three of your books and hope to do your Grassy Creek Mystery as well. I am so glad you have taken Sundays to keep for yourself grounded and to give yourself time to relax. Keep on keepin on girl. We will make it through this together

  26. Hi Bonnie, love your blog and your candor. These are troubling times, but it's still a beautiful world, and quilting helps keep my spirits up. I've been working on finishing my shoo fly shoo leader and ender 😊

  27. I was thinking of you as I got up this AM, thankful for your upbeat posts -- wondering how challenging it must be, at times, to stay so upbeat. Thanks so much for your daily dose of normalcy. Bless you.

  28. Like you, I’m struggling with the endlessness of our lives right now. Both my 31-year-old daughter and I broke down in tears yesterday. A dear 48-year-old friend and co-worker died of stage 4 skin cancer a week ago and then my brother-in-law had a brain tumor removed yesterday. It’s all too much, right? I stay home, wear a mask and keep my distance but crave some human interaction. I hope today brings you some light moments, joy with your furry loved ones (I so enjoy the pictures of Ivy and Zoey ❤️), and only positive comments. You deserve it!

  29. My focus for today, other than work, is to wrap up the two charity quilts I'm working on ahead of Grassy Creek. Tops and Backs are done, they just need to be quilted and bound. And I'm anxiously waiting for fabric I ordered for GC to get here. :) Can't wait! The stinky part of this year's holidays is that we will be restricting the amount of festivities. The silver lining is that this year is the first year I'm going to be able to follow along with the mystery in real time since there won't be holiday chaos to take part in. Thank you again for the effort you put into putting on a mystery quilt every year. I know it's got to be a huge lift, but it brings so much joy. So thank you again for doing it.

  30. Good morning.....thank you for your efforts to get this post out- I and I would guess many others are in search of a #politicscovidsocialunrestfreezone......and you nailed it! I am not a string piecer but Grassy Creek may be the start after seeing the photos of Pine Tree. that means digging up more greys in the next 12 days!

  31. I just commented online that I have turned off my cable as I can't listen to the craziness anymore. Too much! So I too just keep sewing and trying to keep my little life sane. My project now is getting laminate down in place of the carpet in bedrooms. Will be glad when done. It involves moving all furniture out and then back. But my body will be so thankful. Carpet and I do not get along allergy wise but it was here when I bought house as new construction. It was time to do myself a favor and go with wood. Keep on truckin' Bonnie. We are all so happy for your posts and quilting.

  32. Am counting down the days to Black Friday and our mystery start. Stay safe.

  33. I understand your feelings. I tomam trying to be positive, someday it is a real struggle. We can do this Bonnie! Lots of hugs from California!!

  34. When I go to get my hair cut and my nails done on the same day I call it my monthly maintenance day!

  35. Self hair cuts, is what I do too - that and my hair that keeps growing longer. I only allow myself to watch one news show, because being upset about things I cannot change is not good. Thank you for writing this blog. It is important to me and I think many others as well. We read and enjoy reading it, because it shows things being created, and shows how many experiences of this crazy year we all share. Shared and similar experiences unite - I very much hope so. Andrea from San José

  36. Thank you for doing pdf patterns. I love not having to wait for the next book on these fabulous projects.

  37. You hit the nail on the head Bonnie. Truly trying times. Surprisingly, I have been productive. Sewing a project is one of the few (only) things I can control. Stay well!

  38. I haven’t minded all the pandemic stuff. I’m a homebody anyway, so now having a legitimate reason for not leaving the house fits right in with my personality. I don’t mind the masks, or having to shop early to avoid the crowds if I HAVE to go into Walmart. Otherwise, it’s groceries online. It does annoy me that I can get copy paper in my grocery order, but they won’t pull my shower spray...🤨. What’s with that? Isn’t it a cleaning product? The only other complaint I have had is that my chiropractor removed the sign to wear masks into the office. The doctor still wears one, but the receptionist has never put one on. And, now the patients are coming in without one, and they always want to sit by me! Plus, they have relaxed their cleaning procedures too. I’m hoping my insurance this year will include chiropractic care. Right now, I barter with the one I see, so I can’t really complain and threaten to leave...no money out of their pocket. It just disgusts me that a doctors office is so lax!

  39. Anonymous12:53 PM EST

    Oh, I had to share that my thought went to a pattern bundle with the beautiful, seasonal patterns you have recently released. Brava!

  40. Bonnie, May I have permission to post your parting photo about the donut/donut hole on my bible study groups FB page? It's kind of how we are all viewing the world these days. I would, of course, give you full credit (I'm not that clever).

  41. I enjoy hearing about your days and the joys and struggles you go through. I'm going through a lot of the same ups and downs just on the other side of the country. I was so happy to see the Pine Tree Point pattern as I loved the Appalachian Autumn pattern(it's at the long arm quilter right now). I wanted to make a string tree something and now I have a fun pattern! Have a great day

  42. I enjoy hearing about your days and the joys and struggles you go through. I'm going through a lot of the same ups and downs just on the other side of the country. I was so happy to see the Pine Tree Point pattern as I loved the Appalachian Autumn pattern(it's at the long arm quilter right now). I wanted to make a string tree something and now I have a fun pattern! Have a great day

  43. I would not only see the donut but eat the “hole” thing!

  44. Donut holes have 'O' calories, and taste so good rolled in powdered sugar!

  45. The focus for some time (and for the foreseeable future) has been massive reorg of the sewing studio, mainly refolding of the fabric to better fit the shelves and be easier to retrieve. Pretty sure I do not have near the stash that you do, Bonnie, but I can see this taking a couple of months! As I go I am also squaring up yardage edges and adding strips of various widths to the bins, or just stripping the whole piece if it's much less than half a yard. Then it will be sorting by color and figuring out how many bins are needed for each size (most will only need one bin). Also expect a new laptop to be delivered today which will live in the studio so I can keep up with the news (call me a glutton for punishment) and use my design software closer to the 'source'. Fingers crossed that will keep me out of the kitchen (where the main laptop is) and away from the refrigerator I have become way too friendly with this year! ;>)

  46. On my plate today....just finished working with my special needs grandson on his virtual learning, Checked off my youngest grandsons work. Printed out tomorrows schedules, for the 3 boys. Baked potatoes in the crock pot and Chicken soup simmering on the stove. NOW I am heading downstairs to get some sewing in. I want to put a quilt on the longarm and start stitching the baby quilt.

  47. Bonnie, the deer ran into YOU. Don't worry about it and just enjoy the drive!

  48. I'd be a "basket case" if I had to face scrutiny of my personal thoughts and feelings and having to worry about someone feeling offended by them. A BIG THANK YOU for mentioning New Tricks. Have thoroughly enjoyed watching this show and seeing each character grow in their relationship with each other! It's my escape.

    1. I want to thank you also for the New Tricks. I enjoyed it so much I might watch the whole series again. I am running out of new shows to watch. Too much of what is available is not suitable for me to watch. At 80 I am not old enough for the content.

  49. Hello from Victoria, Australia. Our local quilt group finally met last week, after many months of cancellations. We were all very happy to see each other and to see our UFO's that were completed during lockdown. Also hair that was longer than usual, and greyer. So now that hairdressers are allowed to reopen there will be many appointments being made I'm guessing. Our state has successfully reached the zero mark after 2 spikes and many weeks of strict lockdowns. Masks are compulsory and will be for quite a while yet. It's a funny old world we all live in at the moment, isn't it.

    1. Hi Sandra,

      I couldn't help but notice you live in Victoria, Australia. Two of my grandmother's uncles emigrated there from Germany so I suppose there are a bunch of descendents scattered about. The name is Fadersen, changed from the original Vadersen because of the German pronunciation.

      You are so right that we are living in a funny old world now. It's a good thing we have our fabric and sewing to see us through. Hope your area can stay Covid free. We're in the thick of it here in the States.

  50. Just have to write.
    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    To show the deer how.
    Love you, Bonnie.

  51. Today is my enjoy the day! It is my birthday. I went and got a massage, my husband took to lunch at our favorite restaurant that was nearly empty. Just a nice relaxing day with some early morning quilting.

  52. I’m a pharmacist- thanks for being patient and delaying your trip for another day. Some of the people in that line probably needed help today, urgently.

  53. DAMN DEER anyway.... I need a hair cut bad! I finally cut my hair myself in Late Sept.... but I didn't do a good job. Man is she going to be upset. I was going to schedule a hair cut 2 weeks ago then our Covid Numbers spiked. I put myself back on shut down.... waiting.....

  54. I totally agree with the paragraph you wrote, deleted and rewrote. I’d say 90% of this pandemic is going on because people who are sick AREN’T STAYING HOME!!!!!! I am a nurse and quite honestly it’s always disturbed me that people do that. So many times I worked with people who’d come to work sick, bad cold, etc...... I sent one home one time - I don’t want it, she’d spread it to staff and patients. I’d take the line as a sign from the universe that that task is to be saved for another day...... have a wonderful day everyone and stay safe.

  55. I was wondering what people use for the paper backing for the scrappy string blocks at the beginning of the post. I don't see phone books anymore and I know many of you used them.
    Always love watching what you create!

  56. I've have been staying mostly in the house since March. My stash, a SABLE, has been occupying me. I found a big box of white fabric, so I have been making a lot of tops with that background, rather than shopping for something darker, which is my usual choice. I have made & used crumb fabric in several projects. There is now a stash of extra HSTs. And I still have enough fabric to make as many quilts as I want, so I'm handling the lockdown as well as can be expected. I miss my quilt guild, but I hope that when we meet again, we will still ALL be together.

  57. Quilt class in Columbus. Every person has their own 6 foot table, 10-15 feet from nearest person. Everyone masked properly. Tonight reading a book to my 4 year old granddaughter's class in Singapore. Hope I can make it through the technology. Going to show them some pumpkins from Ohio. And read The Book With No Pictures.

  58. I am looking forward to the new mystery quilt and have been choosing fabric from my stash. Unfortunately, I don't have nearly enough grays. I do have one 5 yard piece of a medium gray print that has a subtle print that reads as a solid. I do love to do string piecing but I wonder if one gray would work in the design instead of various scraps or would it be too boring and blah? I hope you see this Bonnie but I know you are so busy. I'll go out and buy a variety of grays if you think I should. I appreciate all that you do and can't wait to start the mystery quilt.

  59. Love your string blocks but I have a question that maybe you can address in future blog. Why do you do it on paper? What paper? Can't you just sew strips together and then square up?

  60. Check out the reverse side as a possible lighter grey tone. I've done his on numerous occasions. Afterall, you've paid for both sides of the fabric. :) PBJ

  61. Love your black sewing machine. My son in-law gave me his grandmothers 301 slant that was found in an old barn. Cleaned it up and tuned it up and it is a true work horse. None of my newer ones (2006 and above) could ever sew as nice. Every time I use it I wonder why I don't use it as my daily sewing machine.

  62. Bonnie is kind enough to share life and ideas with all of us. Seriously people: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't post your comments. Better yet, find another quilting website that is more to your liking. Bonnie should not have to worry about verbal attacks from readers.

  63. I am grateful for your writing about safe behavior during this pandemic. We need good role models. It’s so maddening to see the irresponsible behavior of others causing me to miss seeing my family and close friends.
    The majority of your writing is sewing and home related. Admitting to some frustrations is how we all are feeling

  64. Dear Bonnie: How do you do it??? We have two, 7-month old Shih Tzu puppies and my quilting projects have all been on hold since I almost completed the Jelly Snowflake quilt along. I need to press and sew borders. SMH The puppies have taken over our lives. Purchased the Pine Tree Point quilt pattern and I just love your quilts and designs! Thank you for all you do! You are an inspiration to all of us! Roxy in Hudson, WI

  65. When I got a flu shot last month, Kaiser has it laid out like a car wash or "speedy oil change" in that there were 4 stations, you pulled up, showed your ID and got jabbed. I was lucky enough to show up at a time when I was in the next group, but it was pretty strange. Normally waiting in line """is what it is""" but I'd hate to be waiting in line, in a car, for medical attention.

  66. I’m in a bit of a lull with my sewing my mojo is a bit lacking, but I’m keeping busy with knitted and crochet gifts two hats and a cowel completed and working on my first cardigan for my youngest granddaughter another needed and I have a panel of my grandsons favourite super hero’s to turn into a quilt . I’m thinking I need to make pin wheels around the sides for one of the borders and some string piecing for another.
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xx


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