Sew many blocks to go!
Can I just say here how much I appreciate air-conditioning? Especially when it WORKS!
We had a freeze up of the old unit at the Quiltville Post Office over Sunday night. When I arrived Monday morning it was 79 degrees in the post office at 9am. I turned the unit off to let it thaw - and I watched that thermostat climb through the morning as I worked to get mail order out to the breeze of a floor fan.
It was at that point, hot and sweaty and only 11:30 am that I made the decision to let the unit just sit for the day and go to NC to start the moving of the stash.
But what to do with Lola? It was far too hot in there for her – 84 degrees and still climbing.
We have a split unit in the garage/shop keeping that space climate controlled for my book storage. In these parts you deal with the humidity or end up with books with curling pages.
It was 72 in the garage, so we moved Lola and her stuff there overnight until the a/c could be dealt with.
At least with the storm came falling temperatures, and cooler overnight lows. By morning the power was back on, and we moved her back over to the QPO – the a/c unit unfrozen and functioning like it ever had. Thanks for small miracles!
I know at some point I’m going to have to replace that unit – but it is an expense I just can’t deal with right now.
Yesterday I reveled in cooler temps in that confined space – and by afternoon I found myself a bit of free time to dig into the Snails Trail project. (Pattern coming when the quilt is DONE – please stay tuned!)
These blocks make me so happy!
The whole object of this project is to use hunks, chunks and triangles that don’t fit my Scrap User’s System. And there is LOADS of that kind of thing around here. Baskets and buckets full. Some of the pieces are really too big to be called crumbs, but too small to be saved as a strip – you know that “stuff.”
This is perfect for that and I am loving putting all of the weird combinations of things together.
3 hours worth before it was time to come home – the entirety of my afternoon.
And this was the rest of it.
Unloading the van from Monday’s Stash Haul.
All of the fat quarter collection. And stash yardage in neutrals (white to cream to beige to tan) all of the pink, all of the red, and a small bit of blue.
I need to invests in more Sterlite tubs!
And yes – I need to sew faster! LOL!
I had a good long conversation with my dad last evening, it is our daily ritual. His daily challenge is to find some interesting topic or tidbit that we can discuss so that our conversations don’t simply revolve around “Another day in lockdown.”
As he is in the Phoenix area, and things are particularly bad there, not to mention the oppressive heat of the summer season – we laughed over his story that he got out and about to drop off the recycling. LOL! He said it was too bad it wasn’t further away because it didn’t take long enough.
I told him next time to just take a drive out in the country, play the music as loud as he wants in the car, sing along and just have a nice drive AWAY from his four walls.
We are extremely lucky that he is healthy at 80. That he is active at 80. He laughs about doing his exercises in his house because it is too hot outside.
He isn’t in assisted living – he is completely independent, but of course it feels like being on house arrest as he isn’t doing his usual pickleball thing or going to movies – any of those things that he takes pleasure in, and of course there is no girlfriend or spouse to talk to. He feels the isolation.
And that is why we text in the morning and then talk in the evening. We will get through this.
So this morning – he sent me this link and I LOVED IT! I hope you do too. Click to Play:
Thanks for the Wednesday ear worm dad!
Today – much of the same. And as I flip through my memories of things that happened a year ago, 3 years ago, 7 years go in my facebook, my biggest fear is that I will run out of things to share with you here. I’m not traveling, not teaching, not wandering antique malls like I used to do. (Though we did hit one place last week – GRATEFUL!)
The big question is – How to stay interesting and relevant without pulling in too much LEFT or RIGHT in this age of upheaval?
Can we hang on until mystery season when we once again have that excitement to fuel us?
Hope and Keep Busy -
Louisa May Alcott.
This was my friend Martha’s necklace the other day and I fell in love with it. This is all we can do, right? Hope. And keep busy. And stay off the news, keeping up to date minimally. To do what we do. To care for ourselves and our families and take precautions when we need to go out. To care for each other as much as we care for ourselves and our own rights.
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Be kind!

Star Struck was one of the first free patterns that hit my fledgling website more than 20 years ago. It's fast, fun, and found under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog.
Have you made one?
And did you see that we have an IronEZ Gift-Away happening on Yesterday’s Post? Enter on that post to win! Drawing to happen Sunday.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!
I'm so glad you get to visit with your dad so often. Thanks for sharing the good quotes. Happy to see your Stash getting reorganized. I tried to do that last Fall before coming to Nebraska. I miss my STASH!!! Have a great Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteLove the snails nails blocks. Would it be possible to put a timer on the AC unit so it can defrost a bit each night? That might buy you a bit of time on replacement.
ReplyDeleteYou share with us thoughtfull words, kindness and above all, happiness with fabric snd sewing. It does not need to be more complicated. Stay safe.
ReplyDeleteLoving those snail trail blocks!! And also love today's quote!!!
ReplyDeleteYou commented yesterday that you refolded your fat quarters. How did you fold them so they store nicely? I love the way quilt stores come up with innovative ways to fold them for display but they don't store easily in those fiddly little rectangles or triangles.
ReplyDeleteTaking an idea from the Hippocratic Code (first do no wrong), my motto is "First be Kind"
ReplyDeleteI am organizing scraps to do a snails trail of my own! Love all the colors! And the sing along you posted was great. A much needed chuckle.thank you.
ReplyDeleteYour Star Struck pattern was how I found you about 21 years ago. I was searching for a pattern to make a quilt for my sister’s new baby. It was perfect and turned out so cute. Two years ago, when that baby boy graduated from high school,I made another Star Struck as his graduation gift. Thank you for sharing that pattern as well as all the other free ones on your site! 😊
ReplyDeleteThe snail trail block has always been one of my favorites. I'm still making small four patches as leader ender units and have a very healthy amount of them complete. This block will be the perfect block to use them in. I have studio accu quilt dies for lots of triangle sizes so hopefully I can use those dies to make these blocks! Sharing your quilting journey with us is great entertainment, I look forward to each day's quote!
ReplyDeletei love your dad! Thank him, for me, please, for the "Longest Time" it's so appra pro at this point...I'm 79 so i think i know where he's operating... although i'm not jogging around my house! it IS a little cooler in soCal Carlsbad... Bonnie, i just can't say it enough -- thanks for sharing your life and 'adventures' and most of all your contribution to my life... starts me off every day with something to think about and creativity ready to go...
ReplyDeleteI look forward everyday to reading your block.You live an extremely busy and interesting life even in lockdown. Thankyou and please don't stop writing!
ReplyDeleteYour daily posts always inspire me!
ReplyDeleteMe also, they are the first thing I look for in my inbox. Please Bonnie don't ever stop writing.
DeleteIn Nov we moved into a new home and everything appeared to work during the home inspection. First hot day in April I turned the air on and NOTHING! I contacted the warranty company and opened a claim. Closet contractor was 5 hours away. It took them over 6 weeks to get someone to evaluate the system. By that time 100 degree days were the norm. The warranty company then declined to provide any assistance and we were on our own to replace the entire air conditioner unit. We ordered a new one but a week prior to I stall out temps hit 112 degrees. It was 95 degrees in my house as our small portable unit just couldn't keep up!! The air is now working however they found a few other things that need to be repaired, of course they did, that once done will assist the air conditioners functioning. One blessing in all this is that it is dry heat so no humidity.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the video. Fantastic rendition !
ReplyDeleteYour stash will get sorted out. You will find space for everything -- in awhile. You will build Tara again ;)
hugs and kisses to your dad for finding the Phoenix choir singing the 'new' song For the Longest Time.....loved it!!!!!
ReplyDeletethanks for all your scrappy ideas/patterns and positive loving support
thoughts and prayers to you
I love that you share your life with us every morning. You are bright spot in my day! Please keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteOur Provincial Health Officer in British Columbia, Canada - Dr. Bonnie Henry concludes her live briefings with "Be Calm, Be Kind, Be Safe", that quote is now showing up on masks, coffee mugs, T-Shirts........
ReplyDeleteA really good quote, especially during these times of anxiety and upheavals. Thank you, I have posted this on my monitor screen.
DeleteI really like your column every day, so don't worry about running out of ideas. You could do a whole day of Zoey-on-her-head shots and that would be fine!
ReplyDeleteWe get a call from my MIL every night to check on each other. She is 94 and has no short term memory, so sometimes she calls 2 or 3 times! But we love her, and we answer.
Every now and then a quilt stops me in my tracks and catches my breath--that was Star Struck the first time I saw it! I've made my own, and Star Struck was one of my Mom's Christmas quilts. When her arthritis made cutting too difficult I made a pre cut kit for her every Christmas for 10 or 12 years. She's left us now, but the quilts are precious keepsakes.
ReplyDeleteLove reading your daily posts! I can relate to an elderly parent living at a distance; my 84 YO mom lives a couple states away. She too still lives at home, alone. I’m thankful she is in good enough health to continue taking care of her yard. It’s been her sanity through this time which has otherwise been hard in her. She’s always been very active outside her home. Doing my part to stay healthy so I can visit her the end of August!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the ear worm, I shared it on Facebook. Be kind, hope and stay busy - good rule of thumb right now!
ReplyDeleteLove the video! But where did that lady find Lysol wipes???? Shelves have been empty here since February!
ReplyDeleteNot to worry about not having enough to write about...we are quilters and there are as many things to write and talk about as there is scraps!! and that is saying something. We are always interested in what you are up to and what is happening in your world.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the uplifting music!
ReplyDeleteI start every day with a "visit" to Quiltville via your blog. It always brings a smile or laugh. Watching Lola, who is the spitting image of my Lulu, vicariously taking a walk through your beautiful hills, sitting on that welcoming porch, all give such a feeling of peace and joy. And today I got to sing-along with the Phoenix Camber Choir! Please know that your simple words from the heart bring so much comfort.
ReplyDeleteLola is the cat at QPO. Zoey is the name of the dog.
DeleteMy brother is 86 as of July 14th. His walking is not good and this confinement has been really hard on him. I try to call him everyday, as does his son and daughter. He just recently got on face book which gives him the opportunity to see some of his grands and great grands antics. Being very social humans - we are not okay - the huggers are not okay. LOL But we are well and blessed with each day we are given. Let's be kind and make the very best of each day.
ReplyDeleteI actually liked your blog way more when it was just you sewing, all the time! I enjoyed watching your day-to-day quilting process work itself out and watching you develop as a quilter. Apparently, you are much more fascinating than you think you are!
ReplyDeleteHad to share the video. It was so good! I am caring for my 90 yo slightly dementia'd (is that a word?) mom. Fortunately we are not social butterflies. I am using up stash, she is knitting. Your blog is one of my daily hightlights. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI made your Star Struck quilt in memory of my daughter. The quilt and the title just fit perfectly for me. I haven't been able to bring myself to the quilting part yet, but the picking fabric and piecing the blocks together comforted me. Thank you for your free patterns. They inspired me to buy all your books! Looking forward to your next book. I think it is going to be a whopper.
ReplyDeleteThe used video was too cool! Thanks for sharing. I will now be singing it all day...🤫. You can always entertain us with Zoey antics if you run out of things to write about. She’s always good for a giggle!!,
ReplyDeleteI don’t think you will run out of things to blog about. You always have quilts in progress. You have Zoey’s antics to report. And you have stories to relate. Loved your dad’s video he forwarded to you. Stay safe and keep up the good work.
The video is exactly what I needed. Thank you from Vancouver, Washington.
ReplyDeleteYour dad and I are the same age and I also live alone. My daughter lives about 20 minutes from me but she still works so don't see her as often as I like but thank the Lord that I can. Your every day ventures fill my day with hope and joy so keep it up.
ReplyDeleteDearest Quilt Leader! Hah! The only thing that I can imagine making me stop following you would be if you put in "too much left or right". I am avoiding the news and spending lots of time in the sewing cave. As to your posts, its really you and your interesting life stuff that I enjoy reading about, not so much the travels and etc. And I especially enjoy seeing your various projects as you work on them. It's like a daily visit with a friend. Yall have nothing to worry about concerning your following! Christy
ReplyDeleteI loved the video. I especially liked the lady keeping time with the Lysol wipes.
ReplyDeleteWhat I miss are hugs. My other half is not much of a toucher but all of my friends are. Your blog is the first email I open every day. Thank you so much.
Yes, I made Star Struck for my son several years ago out of flannel plaids and some plain burgundy. He just asked me to make him a new one. He insists the old one isn't flannel but it was when it was new, now is threadbare!
ReplyDeleteHow about once a week during a flashback post where you revisit some of your older tips and techniques post such as your definition of neutrals or youe scrap users system. You wouldn't need to rewrite the whole post, just provide a link back and mention the highlights. I'm amazed at the number of people who ask you questions in the comments or on IG which you have written in detail on the blog. I think a lot of new followers don't realize how much info is under all those tabs. Most likely some who follow on their phones don;t even know the tabs are there. But somehow I don't think you are going to rum out of things to say.
ReplyDeletegreat idea, MissPat! And you can always thru in a few pictures of Lola and Zoey - and a video or two of Zoey's acrobatics!
DeleteJust seeing pictures of where you are, Zoey, people coming to retreat, seeing your progress on projects will keep us entertained because all these things happen outside of our homes! I am probably the only quilter on the planet that is doing leader/enders for the first time. I am having so much fun with it! Thank you, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the singing and the lady 'playing' the Lysol wipe container. Very funny. Also, love the saying we don't have to agree on issues but we can still be kind. Such a perfect saying. Kindness and love for our fellow man is what life is about......and sometimes sewing. Happy Wednesday. Patty McDonald
ReplyDeleteI’m looking forward to snails trails. I just love it and though I know there are ways and patterns already in the world, I’m waiting for your input. You’ve taught me so much. I’m still doing shoo fly blocks for now. Using up those bonus triangles I’ve accumulated. Thanks for all you do and all you share.
ReplyDeleteWe had an AC catastrophe too this last weekend but the repairman was so kind! He passed on some knowledge too....and that is, if the unit is freezing up it is usually low on freon and adding some can make an older unit live on for quite a bit longer. I love your snails trail. My next project includes a snails trail along with another block. I can hardly wait to get started. Am going to finish a couple of small things before I start. Hang in there and look for the small blessings each day!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you visit with your dad everyday. My mom is in assisted living in another state from me and she doesn't always hear the phone ring. Three staff now have the virus and the residents are isolating in their rooms. She is at that difficult to discuss things with stage as she doesn't always follow the conversation. And some days she is too tired to want to talk. I could fly down and visit her...through the window for about 20 minutes per day. Ugh. I'm like your dad only 20 years younger. I work alone, no spouse or pets. Some days I think I'm going mad! You are doing a great job at finding "fodder" for your blog. I haven't felt like sewing since this started so it is extra fun to see your progress.
ReplyDeleteLove that your moving your stash up from walburg, all those beautiful quilts in your future.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the YouTube ear worm and I’ve shared it on my own wall I think it’s wonderful.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx
That is not STASH. That is INVENTORY! After all, you do run a business. It is all in how you look at it. Happy sewing. Thanks for keeping us connected and entertained.
ReplyDeleteMy mum will be 92 in a couple of months and, like your dad, she's missing a lot of stimulation being away from people. Funny that she never really liked being around people until the last couple of years. She is quite able bodied and still has her marbles, but I'm noticing a bit of a decline since lockdown. She's keeping her fingers crossed for a vaccine. She has her own bungalow with a garden to walk around and she knits. It is a very hard time for the elderly.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess there's always something to test us - if it isn't wars, then it's germs. At least this one is mainly bringing people together and trying new things, growing vegetables, learning crafts - not entirely a bad thing if that part continues.
No air con here (boohoo sometimes) but rain due so back to chilly! LOL! Take care and don't be beaten by the covid blues!
the only good thing that has come from this pandemic (for me) is that I now get a daily call from my son (in New York, I'm in NC). If he can find a different job where he can work remotely, he will plan to split his time between here and there, so long as the school schedule permits. My studio is hot - need a portable a/c something!
ReplyDeleteDon’t worry about running out of thing s to write about! I find your posts relaxing and entertaining,
ReplyDeleteYou could fill it with multiple pictures of Zoey and Lola and they would still be great! Keep it up.
You bring pleasure and enjoyment to many more people that’s you realize! Thanks
Great post. Loving the snail trail blocks and that song was wonderful. More power to your dad!
ReplyDeleteAmen! You have such a fresh eye, you will never run out of things to share!
ReplyDeleteDon't stop posting,please.You are that best friend that we share a cup of coffee with every morning! One of my favorite tips I learned from you is if the fabric is still ugly it only means that you haven't cut it small enough! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI love the comment " if the fabric is still ugly, it only means you haven't cut it small enough"! Never thought of it that way. I still have some ugly fq's that I think I'll run thru my electric fabric cutter and maybe I can use use them now in a scrap quilt! I believe that the more scraps you use in a quilt, the better it looks.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your Dad's choir post. It was uplifting and sad at the same time, but I loved it! May we all be kind to one another and trust in the Lord to bring us through!
God bless!
Gayle in Tennessee
My dad is with me right now. Finding activities for him is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated now the the pandemic continues on. We did a zoom wine tasting ($25 per computer for the conference) and had a blast! The wine list was given to us and we bought the wine, some crackers and cheese, and got ourselves educated about red wine tannins. Maybe a zoom wine tasting with your neighbors might be fun for some of your readers looking for something different to do? Pick a wine and get three different vineyards producing that wine. The wine store will tell you what cheese goes best. Zoom accounts are free :-). Quilting ongoing as you discuss the wine, of course.
ReplyDeleteI like your snail trail blocks. If you liked that song, I think you will like this one It is a song by an acapella group called Home Free. It is clever and funny.
ReplyDeleteThe video from your dad was just what I needed. It made my day!🤣
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed that video