Are you ready for this?
Big desk top in the background.
Laptop and new tablet in the foreground.
External camera on top of laptop.
When I record, I actually see in real time what happens on the tablet, but what I see on the laptop has about a 5 second delay.
I have to tell myself to “talk to the blue light! talk to the blue light!” and NOT watch the tablet because when the camera is running the light on the external camera is blue around the edges and looking at the blue light means I am looking at YOU. If you see me watching off to the side, well --we will figure it out.
I know you can’t see it in this photo, but here we go.
To tune into Quilt-Cam on Facebook Live, visit my Quiltville Facebook Page! Quilt-cam is starting at 2pm Eastern.
If you get to my page BEFORE 2pm remember to refresh the page so you get the feed when it IS posted and running.
If you don't have a Facebook account, you can watch on YouTube or here on the blog after we are done.
There is no video being embedded in this post until AFTER quilt-cam is over. Then I will save the video from Facebook, upload it to my YouTube channel and then come back here and embed it to place it in our archives. It’s a new dance! But this should be fun.
I’ve done some trimming and de-papering.
I’m adding some corners and stems for the pumpkins in my patch!
I’m sewing on my 1957 301 short bed in a cabinet. And it feels SO GOOD to be sewing, even just for a little bit.
If you want me to read your comments on air, you still have to email me. Comments fly too quickly up the screen on Facebook for me to read them. Plus you can see the location of my laptop in regards to where I am sitting. I can’t read that far, and I doubt you could either.
If you want to email me your photos so I can share them so they become part of our YouTube archive version, that would be great. For those of you watching in Facebook, NONE of the comments, floating hearts, thumbs up, or smileys will SHOW on the YouTube version once I’ve uploaded it. Those are strictly a Facebook feature.
Are you ready to give this a try? Remember we are still learning here and there may be some bumbles along the way, but what is better than bumbling along with a bunch of quilty friends?
Let’s do this!

Hi Bonnie
ReplyDeleteI don't do Facebook- but I know I'm an oddity. I'm just not into it. I'm glad u will be posting archives over at you tube. If not, I know you have tons on your plate... It's fine. Best of luck to you with all you do. I enjoy your blog.
Love it this is great and I could see and hear you. Thanks for trying so hard, success jean hudson in Upper Michigan
ReplyDeleteQuilt-Cam was perfect!!! Thanks for persevering to find the right answer. Loved every minute of it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming right to Norway. I did much sewing wathing you. You always inspire me a lot. Now I'm waiting for your next Mystery.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed Quilt cam today, AND I received verification my book and ruler are shipping!!Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteThanks for still uploading the video to Youtube for all of us that don't do FB. Waiting forward to this year's mystery.
ReplyDeleteNow I can watch it.... You are the most tenacious person I know.
ReplyDeleteGo get em Bonnie!
I saw quiltcam in facebook after it was over. I watched it and saw the scrolling facebook comments and all the floating circles of thumbs up and hearts.
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie did you know that if you click on the CC that is next to the button that makes you full screen will give closed captions. I think I remember on one of your older quilt cam someone asking about this. I only found it by accident a week ago so thought I would share. Hope it helps someone because it frastrated me beyond belief as every video i watched had captions until I worked out what I did and was able to undo it.
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie did you know that if you click on the CC that is next to the button that makes you full screen will give closed captions. I think I remember on one of your older quilt cam someone asking about this. I only found it by accident a week ago so thought I would share. Hope it helps someone because it frastrated me beyond belief as every video i watched had captions until I worked out what I did and was able to undo it.
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie did you know that if you click on the CC that is next to the button that makes you full screen will give closed captions. I think I remember on one of your older quilt cam someone asking about this. I only found it by accident a week ago so thought I would share. Hope it helps someone because it frastrated me beyond belief as every video i watched had captions until I worked out what I did and was able to undo it.