When I think of Europe, I immediately think of old churches and cathedrals.
And the lives of the people who worshiped there.
People of all kinds, the rich, the poor, the widowed, the hopeful.
The heart of the people is found in places like these and I am so happy that our visit to Aix-en-Provence included a visit to Saint Sauveur. It was iffy as whether we would be able to enter or not. But luckily there wasn’t a mass in progress and so the men removed their hats and we quietly stepped inside, instantly going back in time several hundred years.
The cathedral was built on the site of a temple to Apollo, so the legend goes, between the 5th to the 18th century.
Aix-en-Provence was claimed by the Romans in the year 123 BC. That’s a long long history with battles and takeovers and plundering and…well. I’m so happy I didn’t have to live in 123 BC, aren’t you?
Front door.
Following my group in!
Remnants of beautiful frescoes.
I can only imagine how lovely these frescoes were when they were intact!
When you step out of the cathedral, you will come face to face with this sign:
Place of Martyrs of the resistance.
WW II Memorial
It’s a relatively short slide show, but I think you’ll enjoy it!
I took some time this morning to fix the broken photos on our Cinque Terre post. You can review those HERE! There will be more to come on that tour day.
And that brings me to NOW. Addicted to Scraps book has ALREADY gone into reprint status! They can see stock dwindling and are rushing to make more available! Hooray!
I awoke this morning to an email from the CEO of C&T publishing with congratulations on another bestseller. I couldn’t be more thrilled as it hasn’t been officially released yet!
If you missed yesterday’s Pre-Order Kick Off Event, you can catch up on that HERE. Keep those orders coming in!
This is in the machine!
We’ve got a nice long holiday weekend ahead, and as soon as I finish quilting up the tumblers quilt, hopefully by late afternoon today, I am headed up to the cabin to enjoy a nice long holiday weekend. I hope you have something nice planned for your extended weekend as well!
Can we just hint that there is something very “Mysterious” about what I will be working on?? It’s TIME!
Keep Moving Forward!
This quilt is called Pinwheel Fancy, and the pattern is found in the Addicted to Scraps Book.
Oh, one other thing. The drawing for the winner of the August Quilty Box happens TONIGHT! Did you enter HERE?
Happy Friday, everyone!

Good morning, Bonnie. The slide show of the cathedral was beautiful and the music that went with is so appropriate and soothing. I love all of the pictures you send us but the cathedrals are especially lovely!! Have a great holiday weekend at the cabin. I hope its not totally ruined by the hurricane. Peace.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful slide show. Thank you. My first thoughts as I viewed the slides were "texture and neutrals!" There are so many shades of white, cream, taupe, gray, and ecru in the stone work.Relates to our quilting, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteThe Latin inscription over the altar, "Ego sum panis vitae", translates to "I am the bread of life." (Thank you, Sister Rose Marie, for four years of high school Latin!) Clicking over to the Cinque Terre post now. Happy weekend!
Good morning, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing your travels with us. Pinwheel Fancy! That is the beauty that tipped me over to adding "just one more book" to my quilting bookcase. And all the extra goodies in the bundle deal make just that much sweeter. No wonder it is going to reprint immediately. YOU ROCK!
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking out your mystery, and looking forward to my 5th year. Thank you for the little tease!
ReplyDeleteI love traveling the country through your eyes! And I am excitedly waiting for this years mystery. And as for your new book, I couldn't order it fast enough! Thanks for all the inspiration you give us.
ReplyDeleteI have tried two times to buy Addicted to Scraps and other items. It doesn't let me get beyond choosing items.
Thank you for the photos of Saint Sauveur Cathedral. As a senior in the University of Arkansas college choir, Schola Cantorum, we had the honor to sing and be filmed by the French National Television (similar to our PBS). It was an incredible experience as the reverberation in that cathedral was something like seven seconds. We were invited there to sing after having won an International Polyphonic Competition in Arezzo, Italy two years before. Quite an experience for a little gal from a small town of 743 people in southern Arkansas. How our lives do change!