
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Goat Farm Adventures :c)

Yesterday Lucy and I had a fun day taking her little girls to the goat farm! We also had a wonderful evening with her quilting friends and collegues at the shop where she works.

You can catch up with both of us on Lucy's Blog!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Too Small for Stash Shopping!

Just putting a quickie pic over here because there was no more room over on Lucy's Blog! I have hogged it all! I wonder if space on her blog is like "roll over minutes" My posts are long, hers are short...so she has more room for mine?! :cD

When I read "The Davinci Code" a couple of months back, I was curious as to what a "Smart Car" was. Today I found one! I think I can even put it in a SPACE BAG and bring it home with me :cD

Today's installment IS over at Lucy's Blog, so please stop by and follow our travels through the Waterland!


Monday, April 24, 2006

A Week In Holland...

This week my installments of my trip to The Netherlands will be found on Lucy's Blog! I hope you will come to her page and find out what we have been up to!

I will give you one hint....no sewing has happened yet at ALL..although we have talked about it a bit :c)

Bonnie & Lucy

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The wonders of Packing...

I started packing for my trip last night. And freaking out because all this needs to fit in two bags, and a carry on! AUUGHH!

I mentioned that I was going to get some of those space bags. Let me tell you....THEY ARE AWESOME! They have this travel size that you don't need to have the vacuum to suck out the air....they are double zipped at the top, and you grasp the top, and roll it towards the bottom...there are one-way flow valves in the bottom that let OUT the air, but keep it from coming back in!

This is my coat! I know I need a warm coat there for evenings and mornings....and I didn't want to carry it on the plane, and it takes up A LOT of room in my luggage..so...voila! Suck the air out and here you have it! It's like..Coat-in-a-seal-a-meal!! Only these bags are reusable!

I can't go to Lucy's and not have a handwork project! I've seen so many pictures of her front living room and that comfy couch...now I'm going to be sitting on it enjoying the evening and her family and stitching on MY hexagons while she works on hers! (Or whatever she is working on!

Would you believe there are THREE quilts and their trimmings in the third space bag?! That batting holds a lot of air....Suck it all out and you have one small package! They might need to be dryer fluffed when we get there, but these would have nearly filled the suitcase by themselves if I didn't put them in a space bag!

This pic is of some goodies I'm taking to Lucy and her family. Other than the ballcap on top (for Pim) I don't think that she can tell what they are right now...they are all squooooooshed :c) Fun fun fun!
I also reamed the local goodwill store for a bunch of plaid shirts for her..all 100% cotton and NOT homespun. It's hard to find plaids that have an old look, but still that cotton feel, where homespun is really thick and ravelly, you know? So...I'm taking a bunch of shirts. Those are also packed into a space bag, along with 3 good sized samples of different battings for her....and it sucked out SO SMALL!

Now if I could only put space bags around my thighs and tummy and suck THOSE small too...wouldn't that be great? :c)


Monday, April 17, 2006

Testing New Camera

I have SIX days before I leave for Lucy's....It's time to master the new camera! I tell you, they need to make things SIMPLER instead of more complex! I love the size..but this is the first cam I've had where there is no eyehole to peek through to frame the shot..just the screen. I don't know why this is so difficult for me but it just is! All my life I've been looking through a peep hole, and it is a whole new skill to just align something in the screen on the back of the camera without putting it up to my eye!

So far I have loaded the software....taken a couple test shots, and uploaded them to the computer. I know for quilt pics I need to figure out where all the gadgets and settings are for doing things like turning off flash, and chosing the image size, etc. But for this test pic..I'm pleased! I went to upload it and found it was already the perfect size for uploading to the web! Usually they are 22" wide or something and I have to size them down. Whooowhoo...I'm liking this cam already!

This pic is of my old Kitty....Oliver, otherwise known as Ollie Boy. He is about 10 or 11 years old, and getting that old man grey peppery look to his fur coat..he was jet black other than a few select white spots on his feet....Now he is flecked with white hairs. Makes him look distinguished, huh? :c)

I'm meeting a friend for lunch at Olive Garden at 12:30. I'm hitting UPS and the Bank as well. Not planning on going into the massage clinic today unless I get a call in...Mondays are usually slow. THANK HEAVENS!


Squares & Spirals!

I had fun playing yesterday with the spiral template from Circle Lord. Sometimes I get busy doing my own thing, and forget how cool these templates can be if I would just remember to USE THEM!? I have templates that I bought with good intentions, completely...and they have yet to be tried. Maybe the right quilt just hasn't come along yet.

The spirals can be done either as a single spiral with the lines farther apart, or you can double stitch it, so the stiching is closer together..In this quilt I alternated double spirals with single ones to give a fun texture to the quilt..I filled in the corners of the blocks with flaming "stuff" I don't know what else to call it, not really enough room to do mc tavishing.....just kind of sunflower petals or flames.

It was hard to get a pic of this that would show the detail, but I hope you can get an idea!

I've got THREE more quilts to do before leaving for Lucy's on Saturday. Talk about nose to the grindstone...or is that quiltstone? These three quilts are going to a customer who lives in Amsterdam, so she is getting personal delivery service from me! Hmmmm...I wonder if this means I can write my miles and my airflight off as a business expense? :c)


Friday, April 14, 2006

Long Time, No Post!

Oh you guys...life has completely run away with me and I don't know which way is up! Working at the massage clinic has taken over everything, and it is great and exciting. Yesterday I had the priviledge of working on an Olympic Gold Medalist! I was SO nervous, but she was so great. She has a meet this weekend at Clemson, and we needed to get all the toxins and lactic acid flushed out of her leg muscles so she is able to compete at her best tomorrow. I enjoyed her so much! So that's the kind of exciting thing that has been going on here.

I leave for Lucy's one week from TOMORROW!! Have I packed? NO! I'm quilting customer quilts like crazy so that no one is waiting on me when I get back.

I bought a new camera, would you believe I haven't even had time to load the software in my computer? I took the following pics with my old camera because I didn't want to stop and do all that with the new one yet. I've got a week to learn to use it! *LOL*

I'm posting a pic of a customer quilt...there were two identical ones. I thought this was a GREAT pattern for signature blocks! She used 5" squares of red prints, all different red prints...and then the signature blocks were 5" X 2.5" I believe, she put it all together basket weave fashion. I thought it might look fun scrappy too, if anyone needs an idea for a signature quilt...This one has ease of construction, and definately possibilities.

These belong to an "older" (Oh I hope she doesn't read my blog) gal, and she still does not use rotory cutters! I showed her how I used mine, and she said "This old gal is too old to learn new tricks". She learned to quilt with scissors, and scissors it is. When she brought me the tops they didn't have borders on them...I offered to add the borders for her because she didn't know exactly how she was going to cut 2" strips with scissors and have them straight, and her tops were a bit wibbly wobbly. Adding the borders squared them up and stabilized them a bit better.

The quilt also has a musical theme, being centered around black gospel quartets and their members, promoters, church members, too...so the outside border (and backing fabric) is that fun sheet music print you've probably all seen before. It just doesn't photograph very well. I had fun reading all the signatures and quotes and imagining the great southern black gospel music ringing through these churches. I've always wanted to go hear that. I love quartet music!

The only dang thing I still need to do is add hanging sleeves to the back. I FORGOT! Which means that I don't have the ease of sewing one edge into the binding...and only having to stitch one side to the back...I'm going to have to stitch both sides to the back and not into the binding because the binding is DONE! It's machine topstitched binding, and I'm not picking it out to insert a hanging sleeve under it.

So that's the kind of stuff that is going on here! Nothing really super exciting in the way of my own quilts, but sometimes life just goes on day by day in it's own normal routine, and that is okay too. Can't have excitement every day, right?


Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Prom...

The prom went off without a hitch as far as I know...Jeff is still sleeping, and I haven't gotten the run-down from him yet, as if he's likely to tell me!

I arrived here after running to the clinic to squeeze in an afternoon massage client, to find his date already here. They were watching something on TV....This is the first time Jeff has ever had to wear a tuxedo, and man...he looked so handsome! So grown up!

The table was already set with the good china. The potatoes were already baking. I left instructions to turn them on at 4:30. DH started the steaks, I began to make salads, heat rolls, cook veggies, and saute the shrimp.

They ate by candlelight and I served them their dinner on my great grandmother's engish china. I think they had a good time, even if it wasn't a restaurant. We took pics before all the light was gone outside. Lily's mom picked them up after dinner to chauffer them to the Prom. From the prom they were being transported back to the school for the "after prom" all nighter that the school puts on. They actually keep all the kids participating INSIDE so there is no hanky panky and no drunk driving going on on prom night.

The school is only two blocks away, and the one thing I can complain about is that every hour they were making announcements over the loud speaker that I could hear from my HOUSE through the open windows! ARGHG! It was nice knowing that the kids were there having a good time, but what a pain for all the houses in the neighborhoods that surround the school to have to listen to that all night?

The plan was that when the school opened the doors to let everyone home about 5am, that they would go out to breakfast at waffle house and then come home. I don't think they ever made it to waffle house because Jeff came in about 5am and straight to bed he went and he is still there now. I guess that means that he really had a good time, plenty of food at the afterprom at the school, and he is TIRED! I'll get the full story after he wakes up and is coherent again.

The Tux jacket we rented has to go back between 1pm and 6pm today....which reminds me that I've got some DVD's to take back...and since the time changed last night, I'm already late on returning them. DANG! OH well. Such is life!
