Hi hi!
I had a terrific time in Georgia on Tuesday night! The Covington guild was wonderful and receptive. And I tell you what! If you ever want to go to a place that has fabulous door prizes....GOOD GRIEF!!!
Melissa told me the way they do it is this....if it is YOUR birthday month (the way it was my birthday yesterday)...the birthday gals are the ones who bring the door prizes! And it seems there is quite the competition for who brings the best door prize! This means lots of participants buying tickets. Each prize has a numbered gold paper baggie next to it. You buy tickets, and put the tickets in the prizes that you want to win. It was fun to see who put what tickets where, and when the drawing started, there was lots of hooting and hollering! FUN!
BUT! Before I run away with myself....Melissa and I met up with a couple of other gals who took me out to dinner! We went to the BEST BBQ place...Mad Dog BBQ! I love going to "NON" chain places to try different foods, and this was tops! I have to admit, Georgia BBQ has it hands down all over SC BBQ! I never did understand that yellow mustard based sauce they use here....it just looks bad..*heheh*
I had so much fun talking to these ladies about their scraps and how to USE them instead of just hoarding them. They asked great questions, and we got some good discussion going. Got them thinking, and hopefully got them inspired to stop pussy footing around, and start SEWING!
Now this is where I admit to really being blond. I made sure I charged the camera battery..yep..fully charged..ready to go..back in it's case, you know the story? Well I pulled it out at the guild meeting to take some pics, and the screen said "OUT OF MEMORY". UGH. Yep...I forgot to put in the memory card! It was still at home in the slot on the front of my computer! So some of the ladies took pics and will be sending them to me.
I finished the binding on the Double T quilt while in my hotel room. I had a wonderful nights sleep in a very comfy bed at the Comfort Inn....
The next morning (yesterday) I got up, had breakfast, packed..and then mapped my way home...OFF THE INTERSTATE! My plan was to hit some really quaint little towns, look at all the victorian and mansion style houses, see the court house squares, find a little place to have lunch,and of course hit the antique shops. I was going to wander with no thought to the time! It was my birthday after all! I just wanted the whole day to myself. And that is just what I got.

The first place I stopped was "Church Street Antique Market" in Covington GA. I found three goodies there that I could not pass up! The first thing was the big basket with the lid. I love baskets. I find them so versatile! I also found the green ceramic jar there, perfect for cotton balls or something. I also nearly MISSED the other goodie....the little rocking chair pincushion!

From there I hit "Barn Raising" in Rutledge, GA, and then on to several shops in Madison GA!
I think Madison was my favorite..so picturesque. I love old country towns that center around a courthouse square. I can almost imagine what it was like in the "good old days" of yesteryear.

And don't forget the little hexagon doll quilt. Oh...I fell in love! It's tied...but all hand stitched. It's OLD...it's so old it LOOKS like a repro, but it is the real thing! I took a bunch of close ups so you can see the fabrics. This was my find of the day....I love it so much!
The patchwork Bunny came from another shop in Madison, and the picture is a quilter's cross stitch...I picked that up in Augusta!

Also, in Augusta I found this! A string star top in really wonky shape..but it was only $18! It had to come home with me. The pieces in it are huge...I'm not sure if I want to re cut the stars and re piece them correctly so it will lay flat or just hang on to it as a fabric study..but I just love it, even as wavy as it is! The greens have started to change color...not sure if they (or at least one of them..there are two greens that I can tell in the background) were hand dyed or not.
I took some close ups of my favorite fabrics in it!
I made it back to Columbia just in time to drive straight to choir practice...from there I came home and went to bed. Today I've been at the office all day.....
But the best news I have to tell you is that I have a PACKING/MOVING DATE!! The movers are coming to start boxing me up on Feb 7th. They'll load the truck on the 8th. They will deliver all to my new house on Feb 11th. So this is going to happen rather quickly now. If you don't hear from me....you'll know why! I'm not sure how long it will take to get internet hooked up at the new place. We are just taking it one day at a time.
And since this post is so long and photo intensive....I'll end it here for tonight. I took pics of my birthday fabric too, but that can wait for another post.....