I’m so happy so many of you are thrilled with the mystery revealing! I’m always so nervous with that…what if people don’t like it! I know it has been a stretch --- And I am aware that it is a huge leap of faith as well for you! ALL those weird neutrals into string blocks! But don’t you feel GREAT about cleaning out so much STUFF?! I know I do. I started out with a whole big comforter bag (You know, the zippered bags you buy bedding in? Aren’t they great?) full of unwanted neutral stuff, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE how my quilt turned out!
I’ve had a fun couple of days --- Yesterday morning Lisa and Shelby came to play Chez Quiltville and we started quilting on these little memory quilts for a lady that Lisa knows ---made out of her father in law’s ties. While we were at the beach, Lisa sat and took all the ties apart and fused them to some very light weight interfacing….stripped them down into random widths and started string piecing them onto paper foundations on her featherweight. There is SO MUCH FABRIC in a tie! I had no idea! But when you take it apart and unfold it all…wow…ideas ideas ideas!
No, I am restraining myself from accumulating more recycled fabric in tie form. I have boxes and boxes of fabric from shirts and other articles of clothing that need to find their way into quilts. If I start up with ties --- I have to start a whole ‘nuther stash! Not going there. Well, not yet anyway!
Can you see the texture of the quilting? We used a black thread, so it’s hard to see, but I tried to get the light right. They are only about 36” square, one for each of the children who’s father wore the ties. I think they are a great tribute, and a neat way to preserve those memories. There were some WILD ties, let me tell you!
Can you see the texture and quiting now? Some of these prints are so beautiful I kept wishing they were available in COTTON!
Yummy Yummy! I just love string anything…but this was so neat, I couldn’t resist petting it---OFTEN!
After the second quilt was quilted, and the third one bordered, we decided we had had enough for the day, and jumped in the car and drove to the Ikea in Charlotte! Was this a good idea? on an almost holiday weekend? NO!! Let me tell you, if you go --- do it on a week day when kids are in school! It took us 2 hours to wander the aisles and pick up goodies we wanted NEEDED! I came home with a soap pumper for my kitchen dish soap that I HOPE will not spew soap from any where other than where it is supposed to come – every other pumper I’ve tried leaks around the cap.
We topped the shopping trip off with a stop to the snack bar for the best $1.00 Cinnamon Roll that I’ve had. It could be that I was just ravenous from all that quilting, driving and shopping? But no --- they are really good!
Here’s a pic of Chloe for those who asked how she is doing --- She is here to wish you Happy New Year, too! She contentedly lives outside, soaking up the sun on the front porch. She’ll come when I put food out for her. She will begrudgingly let me pet her while she stuffs her face in the bowl, but she does not purr, and she is not lovey, and you can not pick her up. She really is quite the pain in the rear, and it’s a shame because she is so beautiful! I hope she is doing her job keeping rodents at bay, etc. I feel bad for her because I know how tormented she was before she came to us, and maybe this is the best we can give her, a sunny spot by the front door, food in her belly, a safe place to call home even if it is outside!
Happy New Year Everybody! I’ve got a cozy spot on the couch waiting for me, and a quilt just waiting for more stitches as the ball drops!