“When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!” said a funny greeting card I came across once.
I’m not a big shopper. Not when it comes to shoes [hate it.] clothes [hate it more.] or girly things like handbags or cosmetics [hate it worse.]
But all bets are off if you get me with in 1/2 mile of a favorite antique mall haunt that I haven’t visited in the past 6 months.
There might be NEW goodies to discover!
And such was the case when my errands were finished yesterday. I dropped off my deposit at the drive up ATM, and Moby took control of Auto-Pilot, taking me around the corner to the Lost in Time Antique Mall in Winston Salem.
I can make a quick do of an antique mall. My eyes are on rapid search, looking over and under everything in every booth just waiting to land on that one thing that catches my interest.
Now cookie jars are NOT my thing, but this elephant made me smile. SO CUTE! And, just like everyone else who has likely walked past this very same cookie jar, I lifted up the lid to peek inside.
WHY do we do that? It’s not likely that there is anything hidden inside, but I just have to lift lids and peek. And replace the lid just so, making sure that little elephant doesn’t do some sort of “exorcist” thing with its head on backwards. Move on, Bonnie….you are in search of sewing stuff. You know. Quilts. Blocks. Linens. Fabrics. Sewing notions. Sewing machines. and…