
Friday, July 26, 2024

Quilters - Start Your Engines!

Yesterday morning on the porch - we've had much cooler (amd much wetter) weather this past week than in the weeks previous and we will take it!

It's quite comfortable to enjoy meals on the porch.

Most of the July Quiltvillians have not seen each other since last July - and we've got folks from California to Connecticut and everywhere in between in this group.

It's so fun to be part of the catching up and hearing whose son got married, who has new grand babies, who is newly retired and all of the good things that come with chatter amongst friends.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Break In The Rain -

I had a quick break in between rain showers yesterday morning to do something I've been wanting to do since I took those last hand stitches into the binding of mom's hexie quilt.

It deserved its own over-the-porch-rail photo op!

It was also the only place I could photograph it -really.  At 110'' X 117'' it barely fit between the columns in the turret section of the porch.

And I needed to hurry - as you can see by just looking at that "I just dare you!" sky!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Whittling Down The Binding Queue

Stuff is moving faster in the binding queue than I thought it would!

I'm on side TWO of my Huka Falls Binding - 

We had quite the discussion over whether I would choose a turquoise, aqua or neutral binding when I was showing the newly quilted and off the machine quilt to Christ's Christmas in July group.

There are many factors that come in to play here - if I want a "Dead Stop" at the edge of the quilt I will often use something contrasting and darker -

But in this case:

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Pardon The Sunbeams!

There are those kinds of days where there is blue sky and sunshine over head - but immediately in the near distance and moving quickly is the blackest cloud-filled sky you've seen and you know - you just KNOW that it is going to rain buckets.

That's how it was on Sunday lunchtime as we sat on the porch enjoying homemade pizzas.

Those clouds were gathering - and if we were going to get our over-the-porch-rail photos in - it had to be NOW.  Like right now.  No matter where the sun was overhead.

I love this group photo shot!  I'll have to remember this for future reference.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Before The Rains Came -

Yesterday's lunch on the back porch - not knowing what would be erupting within the next hour.

Holy cow did it come down! 

We could see it coming in the distance - and before the deluge erupted we were able to get sme over the porch rail photos taken - 

I'll share those tomorrow - in the meantime, here is what happened through the weekend from within the Quilting Quarters:

Saturday, July 20, 2024

While Some Went Hiking -

A few retreaters left uber early to head up to Grayson Highlands yesterday morning - in search of ponies and avoiding rain.

I skipped on this trip - I get my computer work done before 9:30am and they were already 2 hours gone by then...but I wished them well and hoped they would have some pony-finding success.

They did!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Quilt Lovin' From the Oven!

While the quilters are hard at work making beautiful things in the Quilting Quarters, I captured some of Chris's Christmas in July group cooking and baking up quite the storm in the kitchen!

Who says we can't do both?

I love a full and happy retreat house with folks spread out everywhere!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Binding Mama's Hexies!

It's getting there.


So I thought it was best to take photos of what was going to happen to the edge of the quilt before I bound it.

I think you can see here that I basted close to where I was going to be trimming, and then used a ruler to square the corners and trim the edges straight.

In this view here - I am losing half of every-other hexie - but there is enough float of background fabri beyond the flower border that it works.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hamilton Gardens PDF Gift-Away!

Whoowhooo!  I have never been so glad for a Wednesday to finally arrive!

It seems like forever since we released a new pattern - it was mid-May when Mabel's Choice had her debut.

It's TIME!  I know you've been waiting for this one - and I can't wait to push send on this post and make it available.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pieceful Hearts and Quilty Friends!

How fast can a week fly by?

I'd like to slow it down a bit!

I tell you, we filled every day of the past week full with quilting, porch time, hikes and more.

And it still flew by too fast.  Once a year is not enough to see these ladies!

Our Illinois Contingency left last night to get a jump start on their long drive home.  The remainder will be heading south to North Augusta, SC this morning.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Van Full Of Quilters!

Mornings are meant for being outside -

That is for those who are willing and able to leave their sewing machines and projects for just an hour or so - and do something that is good for body, mind and soul -

Saturday's walk up Bear Branch road provided us with a glimpse of mid summer -

Different things are blooming in mid-July, and we were out to beat the heat.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

While They Went Shopping...

I've been working on my Huka Falls quilt in my home sewing room in the evenings.

Sometimes it's hard at the end of the day to get myself to sit at my home sewing machine. 

But somehow I found an hour or so here and there in between getting home and my usual time that I call my dad each evening to just slot that in there.

And lo and behind - block parts became block quarters.

Block quarters became blocks.

Blocks became rows.

Rows became the quilt center.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Fun Times With Pieceful Hearts!

You know what helps me realize just how much I love it here?

Folks from other ***Hotter*** places marveling how COOL it is here and loving it!

I've got the Pieceful Hearts group here this week, and they are from North Augusta, SC and Augusta GA area and beyond.

SC/GA has been hot hot Africa hot over the past month or so, and I love that they come up here in July just to cool off.

I also love that I have a bunch of quilters eager and willing to get out for a good walk before they settle into quilting for the day.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Creative Mess In Progress!

Shirt Parts. Everywhere.

If I made a commitment to stitch with nothing but shirt parts I could probably still quilt to the end of my days and never have to come up with anything more than backing fabric.

I'm dead serious.

It might get monotonous, and monochrome - It turns out I didn't have as many red shirts as I thought I did.  I had to go digging in the shirt vault (Quiltville Inn cellar!) yesterday to see if I could find some more to enhance my variety.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Come With Me to Kenya!

I've been home for just over 2 weeks.

That means - My sights are set on our next great Quiltville Adventure.

We are headed to Kenya in September for the trip of a lifetime!

In anticipation, I pulled out some favorite photos from that trip - and I'm sharing them with you here to get those who are already signed up with me a bit excited over things we will be seeing.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

A Quick Post -

My stack of County Clare blocks is growing steadily!

This is the space behind my machine at the QPO Studio - this desk is wide and deep and I like it that way!

I haven't counted them yet - I just kind of like how they look here, all of those scraps playing so nicely together!

It's fun watching them stack up while I work on the red/white/blue star blocks that have taken over.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Fantastic Weekend!

I really should get out more.

I'm not sure what it is about this advanced age that has me preferring for the most part to just deal with small groups of retreating quilters, a few local friends and choosing basement sewing time over wanting to be out and about around crowds of people.

I am mostly content to just be faced with a project that has captured my attention, with something binging on some streaming service, or podcast, or just music.

But every once in a while, with much prodding and encouragement, I find I can have a wonderful time with friends playing social of an evening!

Saturday, July 06, 2024

2024 Leader & Ender Challenge: County Clare!

After spending 2 weeks in Ireland in June - I KNEW - just KNEW that I wanted to do an Irish Chain variation of some kind.

It would make the perfect Leader & Ender challenge - but what?

What would make it fun, leave loads of options for others, and put good use to scraps?

We had the most beautiful weather on our trip - I'm not saying that there wasn't any rain, because there was - but there was enough rain to make us appreciate the abundant sunshine we were graced with.

So many of my photos are blue and green.  More blue and green.  Even more blue and green.

And so I've had just 2 weeks to pull some scraps and get things going so I can show you just how it is going to go.

Friday, July 05, 2024

It All Starts WIth One.

What else is a girl left alone to her own devices to do on a long independence day holiday weekend?

It all started with yesterday's Quote of the Day.

Star quilts have always been a favorite.

I'm down to only 10 blocks left to hand quilt on my Ladder Star, so SOMETHING has to fill the hoop next, don't you think?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Independence Day 2024 -

It was one of those nights where deep sleep eluded me.

So it was a surprise to me to finally wake up this morning, look at the clock and find it was already 8:30am.

I guess I made up for lost sleep after all!

Independence Day.

And I'm solo because Hubster Dave went to Oregon for a friend's celebration of life  - and is spending the extra holiday time with his brother and family.

Son Jason arrived at uncle Bruce's yesterday - and they will be together for the next few days.

I love this for them.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Tuesday Time Out!

It was 11 am...laundry had been running since 9 am.

I knew I had an afternoon chiropractor appointment - what if I went early and filled more time?

What if I treated myself to lunch out and a bit of antique mall time?

I put the last loads into the dryers and away I went.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

From Virginia to Mississippi!

And Judy's Quilters are all on the road back to Mississippi.

I wanted to get to the retreat earlier this morning to wish the last of everyone off - but alas - Zoey Jo has decided to take an extra long walkabout this morning and I can't leave without knowing she is back home.  Crazy dog! She hasn't done this in the longest time.

We had an amazing week - and one of the most delightful things - the rains did come and cooled everything off.  Temps are in the 50s this morning!

Monday, July 01, 2024

Hello, July!

There is no doubt what went on here through the last weekend of June 2024.

We quilted until it was time to turn the page on the calendar and welcome in JULY!

Someone please slow down the speed of Summer passing us by - seriously.

I wait all year for summer and boom.  Gone in a flash.

Meanwhile at Quiltville Inn -

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Runaway Friday!

It was a day of "Out And About" for everyone that decided to go - leaving only a few behind to hold down the fort.

I had a haircut at 11:30 - much needed!

Friend Martha and I ride share to haircuts - and as it goes when you live out this far, when you are "out and about" you do ALL the things. 

And of course lunch!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursdays Are For Quilting!

Let me just tell you that trying to get photos where everyone is in their spot and not running off to elsewhere in the house for whatever it is is a challenge!

Herding quilters can be as difficult as herding cats!

But I caught this blissful scene yesterday morning and all where in their places with bright smiling faces!

I love coming in the morning to the hustle and bustle and hum of the machines - barely heard over the ever present chatter and laughter of quilters on retreat.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

All Because of YOU!

While I was gone to Ireland/Scotland there were other road trips being made -

Quilters near and far were heading up to the Quilter's Hall of Fame in Marion, Indiana to visit the quilts I have on exhibit!

This tickles me to no end - and really touches me as I am not able to make that journey myself with my schedule the way it is.

These are in no particular order, and I'm going to leave the commentary to a minimum as I'll let their captions speak for what it is.

I'm sure I've missed some (many) but these were all gleaned from within my Quiltville’s Open Studio group on Facebook.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Finding My Sew-Jo!

It has taken a few days.

I only returned home on Thursday - and when I returned things were busy beyond measure.

Some things just can't be forced, but yesterday, in between rounds of laundry - I was able to finally sit and do some string piecing just for pleasure.

I had played around with some block ideas before leaving for Ireland, and now that those ideas have gelled into something with great possibilities, I am diving in!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sewciologists at Play!

Look at these creative beauties!  Each one of them a work of not only art, but endurance!

We all know how endurance sometimes wanes - but these gals have got the stick-to-it-iveness that it takes to make gorgeous quilts happen!

Frolic on the left is followed by a quilt made with this center flag panel with borders and border stars added by the maker. fabrics from this fabric line can also be found HERE.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Weekend At Home!

Is this what happens with a retired man?

They work harder and dive into bigger projects than their work life would allow them to before retirement?

We've been spending some time deciding on what "big" projects we would like to fit in this summer.

While most big projects have focused around making things better at Quiltville Inn, this time it was time to do something for us.  At home.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Porch For Quilting -

This was my welcoming committee when we stopped by Quiltville Inn on the way back from the airport.

YAY!  The quilters are quilting and the porches have become a summer gathering place.


It was a long journey home, but I had to stop by and check in with Irene's Sewciologists who had checked in for their retreat just the day before.

(I find it a boon to know that I only missed their first day.  Sometimes travel is like that.)

Friday, June 21, 2024

Back-Tracking and Catching Up!

Hi everyone!  I'm back!

And this is what happens on the first day back - We play catch up.

My apologies to the June Quiltvillians - I left 2 days before their retreat was over with the promise that I'd get this post made before I left New York.

Of all the things NOT to forget when one has to do computer work on a small laptop screen while traveling - I forgot my mouse.  I had the dongle. I had no mouse.

I went searching in Queens around the area of my hotel to find a computer store or somewhere that had a mouse.

No dice. No mouse.

I thought I'd get one in Ireland, but there wasn't a computer place anywhere near where we were.  There were phone stores with chargers and cases and batteries and all things phone related - but no mouse.

I finally gave up. Editing photos and doing what I do REQUIRES a mouse.  A touch pad isn't a skill I possess. So here we are.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Miles of Binding, and Mountain Hiking!

Isn't this picture just perfection?

I found these three nearing the end of our busy day - just rocking and talking and getting binding stitches in.

Shown here from right to left: Indigo Way, Emerald City from String Frenzy, and Bitcoin.

I know they are in a binding rush (though they don't need to be - it's okay if things shown are as yet unbound) to get things done for our over-the-porch-rail photos that will happen this afternoon since I leave for New York tomorrow.

We are fitting in ALL the things before I go!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Quilting With Friends!

They checked in Wednesday afternoon and this is what greeted me when I walked in yesterday morning!

Happy design walls!

Conversation and much laughter, and the reconnecting of friends who hadn't seen each other since this time last year.

And last year, if you remember - I was just leaving for Egypt and missed much of this group because travel dates are travel dates and life happens.

But this time - I get them all the way until Sunday and we are filling up every moment with everything good that we can.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Throwback Thursday!

Growing up I didn't get to be a Brownie or a Girl Scout.

I was lucky to be the daughter of my Bluebirds leader, and then later into Camp Fire Girls.

How many of you belonged to either of these and found fast friends that have lasted through the years?

I was lucky enough over the past year to reconnect with my childhood friend Charlotte - a friend from 3rd grade

Little did I know living in her attic were the remnants of her childhood - including these photos, and even her old Camp Fire Girls vest with beads yet to be sewn on.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Mountain Laurel in the Morning -

The sun actually rose this morning, not hidden by clouds -

There was a gentle breeze that beckoned me to get outside, to walk around the edge of the yard and see just what mother nature was gifting us this morning.

Mountain Laurel.  Such abundant delicate clusters -

It's Mountain Laurel season!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Quilters of the Night All Weekend!

They quilt all day.  They quilt all night.

Some as late (or early) as 4am, or so I'm told.

How do they do it?  I'm not sure!

I'm worn out just thinking about it - but what fun we had over the long holiday weekend!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

Flag Season has begun!

Before the Quilters of the Night arrived - I took a quick swoop through the house and put away all of the "spring" things and pulled out the red, white & blue full stop.

I didn't realize just how many patriotic quilts I had - or even those that would pass for patriotic - as in our last mystery, Indigo Way!

Here in the front foyer I have hung my Solidarity quilt, and on the table is Courthouse Square.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Quilters All Through The House!

There's much more than just quilting going on over at Quiltville Inn this weekend!

I walked in yesterday morning to a sourdough bread baking workshop in progress.

There are so many more skills to share than just quilting alone, and I love how this group has offered several different things to each other in the form of mini demos so each and every one has the possibility of returning home with new things to try.

And the bread wasn't bad, either!  BONUS!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Quilting - Resumed!

I shared a photo yesterday of my Eclipsed quilt in the machine yesterday -

But I didn't share with you how I got there!

Tuesday/Wednesday was a "Do or Die" kind of push to get it done.

Blocks were completed on Monday - and I was raring to go to get them together.

Quilting needed to happen - June is right around the corner.  I leave for Ireland/Scotland one week from this Sunday!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

When It Rains, It Pours!

That number in the bottom right corner? 5.46?  That's the rate of how much rain was falling. 

5.46 inches per hour.

And it continued for about 90 minutes giving us a total event measurement of just under 6'' of rain fall in a very short amount of time.

It was completely insane.

It broke loose when i was driving home from the inn after welcoming the Quilters of the Night and seeing most of them settled in for retreat.

By the time I reached Grassy Creek rd - the creek was starting to look more like a river and rain was falling so hard that I could barely see in front of me even with the windshield wipers on turbo.