It's a milestone day today. Today my youngest son, his first car at 17. He has been saving for a long time and had enough for a good chunk to put down. We made up the difference and he will pay us back over time on it.
We bought a 1995 Toyota Corolla....and it will be just great for him. It still has a lot of life left in it, and will be great for taking him back and forth to work this summer. It's been pretty hectic since his job is in the opposite direction of my office. I drop him off one way....come back the other way and go to my job...then come back and go all the way to pick him up in the evenings..I think this uses more gas and time than it is worth. He says he's ready to pay for his own insurance (on our policy) and pay for his own gas. So tonight we drove to Newberry and picked the car up from the little used lot there.
I remember getting my first car! It was a big day! I was 18, and it was a mercury capri...we called it a crap-i....because it really was a beater, but it was my first car. I learned to drive stick shift on it, and I have lots of good memories around that car. It symbolized my love of independance...(and my fear of stalling out in the middle of a busy intersection!)

I sewed 100 3" 1/2 square triangles tonight. Power sewing. Very boring. Not scrappy.....all two fabrics...auughh! But the fun part came when I was able to sew them into jacob's ladder blocks using the scrappy 4 patches.

I made 25 blocks and laid them out on the floor...looking good so far! I need next to do the 36 Peaky&Spike Stars.....but before I can get there I have to assemble 144 star point units..urg. At least those will have scrappy backgrounds, but I am using the same blue fabric for all the star points....

Thursday is my oral surgery for the extraction, implant, and bone graft.....I just want it done and over with, I'm tired of dreading it,you know?
We bought a 1995 Toyota Corolla....and it will be just great for him. It still has a lot of life left in it, and will be great for taking him back and forth to work this summer. It's been pretty hectic since his job is in the opposite direction of my office. I drop him off one way....come back the other way and go to my job...then come back and go all the way to pick him up in the evenings..I think this uses more gas and time than it is worth. He says he's ready to pay for his own insurance (on our policy) and pay for his own gas. So tonight we drove to Newberry and picked the car up from the little used lot there.
I remember getting my first car! It was a big day! I was 18, and it was a mercury capri...we called it a crap-i....because it really was a beater, but it was my first car. I learned to drive stick shift on it, and I have lots of good memories around that car. It symbolized my love of independance...(and my fear of stalling out in the middle of a busy intersection!)

I sewed 100 3" 1/2 square triangles tonight. Power sewing. Very boring. Not scrappy.....all two fabrics...auughh! But the fun part came when I was able to sew them into jacob's ladder blocks using the scrappy 4 patches.

I made 25 blocks and laid them out on the floor...looking good so far! I need next to do the 36 Peaky&Spike Stars.....but before I can get there I have to assemble 144 star point units..urg. At least those will have scrappy backgrounds, but I am using the same blue fabric for all the star points....

Thursday is my oral surgery for the extraction, implant, and bone graft.....I just want it done and over with, I'm tired of dreading it,you know?