
Friday, July 26, 2024

Quilters - Start Your Engines!

Yesterday morning on the porch - we've had much cooler (amd much wetter) weather this past week than in the weeks previous and we will take it!

It's quite comfortable to enjoy meals on the porch.

Most of the July Quiltvillians have not seen each other since last July - and we've got folks from California to Connecticut and everywhere in between in this group.

It's so fun to be part of the catching up and hearing whose son got married, who has new grand babies, who is newly retired and all of the good things that come with chatter amongst friends.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Break In The Rain -

I had a quick break in between rain showers yesterday morning to do something I've been wanting to do since I took those last hand stitches into the binding of mom's hexie quilt.

It deserved its own over-the-porch-rail photo op!

It was also the only place I could photograph it -really.  At 110'' X 117'' it barely fit between the columns in the turret section of the porch.

And I needed to hurry - as you can see by just looking at that "I just dare you!" sky!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Whittling Down The Binding Queue

Stuff is moving faster in the binding queue than I thought it would!

I'm on side TWO of my Huka Falls Binding - 

We had quite the discussion over whether I would choose a turquoise, aqua or neutral binding when I was showing the newly quilted and off the machine quilt to Christ's Christmas in July group.

There are many factors that come in to play here - if I want a "Dead Stop" at the edge of the quilt I will often use something contrasting and darker -

But in this case:

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Pardon The Sunbeams!

There are those kinds of days where there is blue sky and sunshine over head - but immediately in the near distance and moving quickly is the blackest cloud-filled sky you've seen and you know - you just KNOW that it is going to rain buckets.

That's how it was on Sunday lunchtime as we sat on the porch enjoying homemade pizzas.

Those clouds were gathering - and if we were going to get our over-the-porch-rail photos in - it had to be NOW.  Like right now.  No matter where the sun was overhead.

I love this group photo shot!  I'll have to remember this for future reference.