The bigger they are – the harder they fall!
The harder they fall – the bigger the bruise on their hip as they come crashing down, legs sprawled out from under them…
It might not look steep to the average on-looker, but it is definitely a scary ice-covered descent down our concrete driveway to the bottom where the garage is. And on top of that, the driveway winds around….it’s not a straight shot.
Last night after trying icy melt and finding it was doing NOTHING to the ice –we had to use two containers of kitty litter and repeated attempts to get my van to the top of the drive or I would not be making a pilgrimage to Quilt Villa this weekend until we have a thaw.
The temps have stayed with highs in the 20s for several days now, and the shady bits on this drive never see the sun –that ice wasn’t going anywhere.
So here I am – van finally at the top close to 11pm last night. This morning I tackled all of the book orders that have come in while I’ve been gone, only to realize that I have to hike those books in a USPS mail tub to the top of the drive over the ice to get to the post office.
I made it UP just fine….it was tricky, but I stayed mostly to the edges walking on frozen plants and fallen leaves and avoiding the ice covered concrete.
However, on my way back to the house after once again parking the van at the top of the drive, I hit a slick spot on my way down – and I do mean down – because down I went.
I didn’t break anything. But I am sore. All. Over. My right hip will be purple for a while, my right wrist feels a bit stiff and jammed, and my pride…let’s not even go there!
Ridiculous that after all of that I STILL had to pack what I needed for the cabin, and also trek THAT back up the drive to the van. Jeff was at work and wouldn’t be home until way after I left. The Hubster has been working in Hickory this week – so unable to help me. His plans were to meet me in Wilkesboro after he got off work and we would end up at the cabin at the same time in two different vehicles coming from different directions.
Someone please send some above 32 degree temps? I need this ice GONE!
But we made it.
I love that first view of mountains up Highway 421!
Sadie’s nose in high gear!
Yeah..those are MY sliding tracks trying to get the van up the ice covered gravel drive! Notice her feet are NOT leaving prints in the snow. There is a hard layer of ice on top of everything. It is not the lovely fluffy white stuff that we find pretty. It's solid.
But OH, it is SO quiet and so beautiful!
And yes, those mountains ARE blue!
Sun going down behind the ridge through my side yard trees.
I’m planning a lazy weekend ahead. I brought two quilts to bind.
I plan to sit in my comfy chair, icing my sore hip, stitching down my bindings and watching copious amounts of Netflix.
I plan to drink loads of hot cocoa.
I plan to make a big pot of potato soup that will last us for 3 days.
I plan to sleep in, take naps ---
And count down the days until SPRING!
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