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Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Where Scrappy Magic Happens!
All in a week's retreat!
The October Quiltvillians arrived last Wednesday afternoon and here we already at Tuesday morning.
The house feels so empty. Laundry is running. (Always laundry. It keeps me grounded!)
We had a marvelous time petting fabric, shopping for fabric, planning quilts, making blocks, watching projects grow and become.
What more could a girl ask for?
Monday, October 28, 2024
Last Fire Pit Night! (And A Drawing!)
Wow! What a weekend!
As the weather begins to get chillier - we gathered the October Quiltvillians around the fire pit for one last sit-around-the-fire evening of 2024.
Now, the November Quiltvillians are the next group in line - arriving on Wednesday, but I'm not sure if the weather will be cooperative. As it was, this called for jackets and sweatshirts and by the time we were about ready to go in, rain had started drizzling a bit.
We snuck this one in just in the nick of time!
Saturday, October 26, 2024
While Quilters Go Shop Hoppin'!
Yesterday was a wash-out for me.
The meds took the headache away, but also left me feeling a bit fuzzy around the edges and my tummy not quite right.
If you get these kinds of headaches, you know just what I mean.
I was about an hour later than usual showing up at the Inn - Tula chastising me for being late with her breakfast. LOL! First smile of the day! She really is a peach.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Sew, Ladies, Sew!
It's a busy little bee hive in the Quilting Quarters at Quiltville Inn!
The October Quiltvillians are in the house and already creating wonderful things!
It's wonderful to have them back and see what they've brought to work on. Some projects are a continuation of what was worked on last year - as in - "I only work on this at retreat." LOL!
Some are in a rush to get done by the holidays -
And it's all good, no matter the reason or the season!
Thursday, October 24, 2024
One Of THOSE Days -
"This will be so quick and easy!" I thought to myself.
Just put some borders on - quilt it up quick, get the binding on there and voilĂ !
Easy Peasy, right?
I think things like this out loud, get to sure of myself and the universe laughs.
Not only at the quilting, but with the rest of my day too.
Read on folks - if it makes you giggle and perhaps commiserate we can get past this, move on, and get back to quilting.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Bye Bye Brown Birds!
We don't get late October weather like this every year -
And truly, I think it has got to be a makeup gift for what Helene did around here.
It's been glorious for a couple of weeks now. "So sorry we dumped on you, here's some sunshine!"
We'll take it!
It was the perfect weather to put on quite the over-the-porch-rail quilt viewing for all of the passers by!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Warm Days of Autumn!
I've had some very enthusiastic walkers this past week, and have we ever had the weather to encourage us to get out and enjoy it!
It also gave folks the opportunity to see some of the Helene aftermath - and yes, there are still things blocking roads - still bridges washed out, still mess that remains 3 weeks past the event.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Down By The River -
We have had some lovely unseasonably warm days this week - and I've been lucky enough to have quilting retreaters that were as gung-ho about getting out on a walk in the sunshine as I have been.
Temps have been in the low 70s in the afternoons - just perfect!
This is also the first time I had really gotten off the main road to see just what storm damage was left after Helene blew in and blew out a few weeks ago.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Brown Bird Bees On Retreat!
The Brown Bird Bee gals are at Quiltville Inn...driving all the way from Northern Virginia -
I am so happy to have folks from the other side of our great commonwealth experience a bit of SW VA hospitality!
I know this photo is a bit washed out - I was standing at overhead light height when I took it - just consider it a *natural glow* filter. LOL!
The weather has gone from super chilly to fairly nice and it looks like it will stay in that trend through the weekend.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Ladder Star Gift-Away!
Autumn days crisp enough for "Sweater Weather!"
Fall nights cold enough for cozy fires and yummy satisfying meals and hot beverages.
I love fall!
Sadly, it never lasts long enough - but while it's here I'll enjoy every day.
I thought a lot about my love of fall while making Ladder Star. The muted tones and shades of the recycled shirt fabrics - the yummy creams of the neutrals used as star points - it's just a cozy love of a star quilt that says "Fall is HERE!" and I loved every minute of making it -
Thursday, October 17, 2024
County Clare Lay Out!
Quilter's Yoga Day!
You know how it goes - bend and stretch and twist and reach and....
I honestly think that doing this for as long as I CAN do this enables me to keep doing this.
It's a move it or lose it kind of ability.
At least that is what I keep telling myself.
Design floor. It's all I've got. This would not fit on a design wall anyway - I'd never be able to reach the top row. Beside - I have no design wall space to speak of in the QPO studio.
So design floor it is.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Antiquing Day!
We'd set a time for a 10am departure with b oth Cindy and Martha meeting me at the QPO Studio.
We waved off Hubster Dave and SOn Jeff who were busy with some winterizing and some re-leveling of the back pavers path the lead from the unloading zone to the back porch steps (Gotta keep the good men busy!) and off we went.
Destination? N. Wilkesboro NC!
There are a couple of antique malls worth wandering that are just across the street from one another, and a good place for lunch within walking distance of both.
And Halloween decor was in full form - some vintage (fun) Some made in China....(eh?) but all colorful enough to enhance our fall moods.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Well, Isn't THAT Special?
Half of my County Clare blocks were at home.
The other half? At the QPO Studio.
I've been working on them fairly diligently in between the lines of stitching other things - just as Leader & Ender projects are meant to do.
It's time to set them together - at least I think I have enough to start laying out and determining how I want to go with them and then?
Oh no!
Monday, October 14, 2024
These Are My Peeps -
I'm looking back 7 or so years in time when I was sitting on Lisa's stoop to her quilting studio in her back yard -
"I think I want to do this. I want to buy this house and turn it into a retreat."
I pulled up the listing and started showing her photos - this was even before I had done a walk-through on my own to know if it would work or not. It was just a listing with photos and bit of history of the place.
It felt like an impossible pipe dream. And here we are.
These are folks who belonged to the Winston Salem quilt guild I belonged to when I livlburg, NC.
These are friendships now more than 15 years old.
And along with that core group of friends are new friends who come as fill-ins and alternates and our circles expand with room for all.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Where the Fog Nestles -
Early morning, Highway 421 toward Boone, NC yesterday on our way to Hubster Dave's doc appointment.
I don't knot if you can see it off to the right - that white area?
One of my favorite things about living in the Blue Ridge mountains is the magical fog that tucks itself in and around the hills and hollers like a fluffy white blanket.
There is something comforting about morning fog in the fall.
It's time for pulling out the warmer clothes (I've got my new cute ankle boots on this morning that I bought back in August. YAY!) and planning for the pumpkin-spice-everythings that flavor the season.
Sweater weather!
Adding that 3rd quilt to the bed, more for the weight of coziness than for the warmth I need - and then kicking one leg out of the covers half-way through the night because I'm too hot.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Look What I Can See!
I took this photo last evening as we returned from a trip to town.
The objective was to get Hubster Dave out of the house and relieve his boredom.
I get it. I remember well the time I broke my foot and was laid up for a while non-weight-bearing.
And then there was the time I twisted my knee in Vietnam and managed to fly home in a full leg brace...fun times!
Now it's his turn.
But I digress. We have now lost enough leaves that I can see those ridges past the edge of our yard - and more mountain views are appearing to the east as things thin out more.
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Rhapsody in Blues -
A morning blood draw appointment. A day in the office. A day getting the inn ready for today's arrivals.
And time to finish the quilting on my Waterford quilt.
Questions came up yesterday asking about the pantograph name. I thought it was Random Fans - but it turns out it is Random Clams by Jessica Schick.
I love the texture of this one and scaled it so the arcs were about 3/4'' apart. I didn't want the quilting too dense, but I didn't want it too sparse either. This did the trick.
I used a gold colored thread which blended through both light and dark areas without shouting too light on the navy blues, or too dark against the whites/creams. I use this color a lot.
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
Quilting Up Waterford -
Monday, October 07, 2024
And Suddenly - It's October!
Hi Gang!
It's Monday, October 7th. And I seem to have lost a whole 9 days somewhere. I guess that's understandable.
But miracle of all miracles - all of those hard-working linemen from as far away as Canada have been working tirelessly to restore power all through the 6 states affected by Hurricane Helene and our power at home came on Saturday afternoon after I had sent Saturday's post from the QPO where power was restored on Friday.
Little by little we clean up the mess and things start to settle into a new normal.
Some things will never be the same. And the Shippenstitchers will always remember what it was like to weather the storm - thanks to a Generac that did what it was supposed to and kept them in power through the whole thing.
Saturday, October 05, 2024
10/5/24: Saturday Update
Welcome to the weekend, everyone.
The past week has flown by.....though at some times it seemed like it was moving at a crawling pace.
We eventually get through -
We wake up, we do all the needed things, we fix meals....run the generator when needed to keep things cold...and eventually it is time to go to bed.
We get up the next morning and start it all over again.
I'm putting something quilty at the top of this post to remind me what I need to get back to. If I can find my sew-jo again.
At some moments I'm still having to remind myself to just breathe.
Keeping it real in the kitchen.
There are 4 jar candles burning as dawn arises - this is the morning routine.
The pitcher of water next to the fridge and the tea kettle were filled full before the generator was turned off at bedtime last night.
The generator gets turned back on between 9-10 a.m. to keep things frozen/cold - but neither of us can sleep with the generator going, and it is an unnecessary use of fuel so we are only running it 12 hours a day.
I start my day by lighting the candles (It's an odd combination of ALL the different fragrances) using a flashlight and a BBQ lighter.
Then I turn on the gas stove and use the lighter to get the flame going to heat the water that becomes our morning coffee (for me) and hot chocolate. (for Dave)
I brush my teeth at the kitchen sink, And use the remaining cooled down but still warm water in the tea kettle for my waterpik. It's amazing how much better I feel just knowing my teeth are brushed and I am ready for the day.
Dave is still experiencing pain from the fractured clavicle more than he is the 31 staples in his head. It's the muscles further down the arm that ache, so cold packs and some massage to the rescue.
Breakfast is easy thanks to the gas range. Today it was bacon/cheese omelets. We are not starving by any means.
I am typing this form the QPO studio where the power was restored on Friday evening. It's nice to be able to sit at a keyboard instead of trying to compose a post on my phone using voice-to-text which presents challenges of its own.
These images keep flooding through my mind when I least expect it. We were on the ambulance for 4 1/2 hours waiting for this to recede. We are actually ON the road here...but it looks like a lake of mud. Terrifying.
Photo from ambulance window.
Before the ambulance arrived - we were in the parking lot at Corner Market watching a road across the way turn into a rolling river...and some farmer upstream had recently cut his pumpkin crop from the vines in preparation for them being picked up by truck.
We watched pumpkin races float on by.....it was incredible. It was comical in a very surreal kind of way. Much like those yellow duckie races some communities hold as a fund raiser. Only this was not for fun and games or prizes.
In talking to the Shippenstitchers before they left last Saturday for home - they too had stood on the back porch at Quiltville Inn watching the creek rise and expand and roll fiercely on by, carrying all of the pumpkins further on down toward the New River.
I do have photos from that retreat - but I think I'll wait until Monday to post them. I still need more time.
The last loads of laundry from last week's retreat went in the wash this morning. The inn has power. So many do not.
Today is day 9 without power at home on the mountain.
In spite of it all - what a beautiful week of weather we've had in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.
The leaves are falling - thinning out the curtain of trees giving us a glimpse of long range mountain views to the east, and even the sunrises are able to peek through if we are awake enough to witness them.
Folks are still in survival mode up here. A call went out for those with ATVs to help get supplies to families that are completely cut off.
In spite of it all - what a beautiful week of weather we've had in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.
The leaves are falling - thinning out the curtain of trees giving us a glimpse of long range mountain views to the east, and even the sunrises are able to peek through if we are awake enough to witness them.
Folks are still in survival mode up here. A call went out for those with ATVs to help get supplies to families that are completely cut off.
And that makes my whole problem of the One Drive mess up on my office desktop computer less of a problem than it would have been PRE Helene. Files can be recovered. I am reminded that I can do better at backing things up.
I lost my EQ8 files. I had to uninstall and reinstall EQ8 and Blockbase because One Drive changed all of the directories and the programs couldn't locate files.
I had to uninstall and reinstall Chrome - of course Microsoft tries to demand that you stick with edge. What a pain.
Supposedly files are still on my hard drive somewhere.
But if the worse thing I have to do is re-type up some documents, re-draft up some quilt designs and graphics - it was worth getting rid of One Drive and losing stuff in the process.
It's all about perspective, right?
Our community continues to grow in love for one another by lending helping hands.
Lifting one lifts us all. And we see ourselves reflected in the eyes of each and every one of us.
Lifting one lifts us all. And we see ourselves reflected in the eyes of each and every one of us.
And that's the best part of all of this.
Find small things to be grateful for this weekend no matter where you are -

Friday, October 04, 2024
Friday Update
I'm still here. And I'm still posting from my phone as I just completely screwed everything up on my big desktop computer at the QPO.
I won't go into that right now - it's small potatoes compared to everything else. But I am excited to say that we do have power at the retreat, and at my post office studio.
I am washing all of our household laundry first. Then I will be washing Retreat laundry. This is my list of to do today.
I am grateful for it!
Thursday, October 03, 2024
Thursday Update
This is such a welcome sight!
We are currently on day 7 without power, but hope is all around us.
We made sure to thank these folks for all of the hard work they are doing to restore power to our area after Hurricane Helene.
This morning was for early Rising as we had an Orthopedics appointment for Dave at the hospital in Jefferson to see about his fractured clavicle and what we need to do to make sure he has the best healing possible.
While he headed in for that appointment, I went into town to see how the local Walmart was faring. And things look almost normal.
I picked up some reusable ice packs for the shoulder, some gluten-free baked goods that Dave needs, some Dairy that we are low on. And a few other assorted items.
Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Wednesday Update
Good morning, Wednesday.
Son Jeff was up yesterday to help clear debris in our driveway and in the backyard. So many sticks, downed limbs, leaves and yard mess.
He brought us milk, eggs, and a couple of full gas cans to run the generator. He has been our trooper!
I headed over to the local school where I spent a couple of hours helping to prepare meals that were handed out to lineman and other workers who are doing all they can to restore power in our area.
Meals were also prepared for those in need.
You know my favorite saying of "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from?"
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
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