This button says it ALL!
I’ve enjoyed this little interlude of being home for more than just a couple days! I know most people who work a 9-5 job, 5 days a week, have 2 days off in between work weeks for a total of 8 days off a month, sort of.
I have been running in such a way lately that consecutive days off to do more than just wash the contents of my suitcase before heading out again have been rare!
But I’ve had Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ((today)), and half of tomorrow to do all kinds of NORMAL things! It’s like a 4 1/2 day weekend! NICE!
However, that doesn’t leave much to talk about. For instance, in search of normality, I did such things yesterday as cleaned the kitchen, polished appliances, swept floors, vacuumed….and laundry, always laundry! Can I find an interesting blog post in that normality? Nope!
I turned the music up loud in the car as I drove to the bank, only to be frustrated at the fact that the drive up ATM was blocked and being worked on by fix-it men. Is that worth writing about? Nope! Cuz in the same plaza is the Chinese Buffet, and it called my name for lunch. Is that worth writing about? Nope!
Returned 2 pairs of shorts to Sam’s club that were TOO BIG!! ((oh yes oh yes oh yes!!)) and ended up treating myself to this:
A girl can NOT go to Florida without a pedicure. It’s a summer rule, don’tcha know! And because it REALLY needed it, I went to the carwash. NOTHING happened out of the ordinary at the carwash to write about. But when on a road trip, I like to start off with a clean machine. However, we all know that by the time I return it will look like I’ve been living in it…..
Winston Salem has these intersections that I dread. Why? Homeless people with signs. Panhandlers that you don’t know if you can trust. Winston Salem has just put laws into effect requiring Panhandlers to obtain a PERMIT to panhandle. Is this going to help the situation? I dunno!
My heart breaks for them, if their "homeless" story is true. But is it? I don’t know. And here I was so wrapped around my "normal" life of house-chores, bank runs, lunch out and a pedicure...the stark difference between my life and that of the panhandler just stopped me in my tracks. How easily could THAT be ME?
I keep bottled water in the car. Yesterday it was so hot out, and while sitting at a light, I lowered my window and figured at least I could pass a fresh bottle of water to the guy who stood there with his sign. It was something. I’m not comfortable handing out money. But water, I can do. I can’t imagine my life in that situation. It always makes me feel so guilty, and so blessed at the same time. It’s a conflict of emotions….but I honestly don’t think that handing money to strangers is the answer to any of the problems long term. Give a man a fish, or teach him to fish? It always has me in knots as to what the best thing is to do to help….and I still have no answers. I’d rather buy them a meal and hand it through the window, than to give money through the window. But yesterday, it was water. And I spent quite a bit of that afternoon reflecting on the situation.
I spent the rest of my day SEWING MY BRAINS OUT!
The pile of brown strings is being sewn to phonebook page foundations….but it doesn’t seem to be going down at all! Some of this stuff….OY! How LONG have I had this? And while unearthing more browns ((because there was not enough in the one string basket for a good variety)) I encountered a big flip-top bin of bigger hunks and chunks that had never been cut down to go into the Scrap Users drawers because the drawers are already full….Serious. I can’t wait to retire so I can just sew and sew and sew and sew for the rest of my days!
Yeah, and WHY did I buy fabric in Texas last week!? Because --- I needed those black-on-whites to help me use some of the stuff I already have. And that coral piece that came home? Ummmm….that one I have no reason for!
The fabrics aren’t gorgeous….but just wait until you see what they become!
Oh, and THIS Little Peanut could use some good thoughts and heartfelt prayers:
Ya’ll! This is Little Miss Michelle! On her QUILT! Have you ever seen such a sweet girl? Just LOOK at that hair!
I was informed by DH last evening that Michelle is back in the hospital after a routine exam at the doc’s yesterday discovered she was running a fever. No explanation for the fever, tests are negative, but she is spending two days in the hospital under observation. Her mama is going through baby-withdrawls I’m sure, and is having to pump her milk to take up to Michelle. I’m sure she will be fine…but any thoughts you can send are well appreciated!
Today? Repacking the trunk show, loading the car, packing the suitcase, printing up invoices, mapping a route…looking forward to heading out tomorrow to meet up with Kim, Jason and Charlotte for dinner at San Jose’s in Columbia SC! I miss that place! And Friday…I’m driving all the way down to Brandon FL!
Traveling angels on you Bonnie! And I'll be lifting up little Michelle too.... what a little sweetheart!!! She looks absolutely adorable on her new quilt!
ReplyDeleteI relate to your conflict about the homeless. It isn't so much a problem where I live, but 80 miles away in the big city I have struggled with the same issues. An investigative reporter even did a story--following some of them. They weren't homeless. The city has now installed "parking meter" type donation boxes. The money goes to provide services for the homeless and they encourage giving to those rather than the people. I can do that.
ReplyDeletePrecious little girl on her quilt--prayers will be in her behalf.
Coming from a large county in Florida...we discovered that a group of our "homeless" corner sitters worked in shifts and would only take money...everything else...including work was refused....!!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your trip...
Sending good thoughts to Michelle, sweetie girl!! <3
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, I think a bottle of water, an apple, a McDonald's coupon will help, always.
And I cannot *wait* to see what the brown string blocks become!!
Have a great time in Fla.!
bonnie, you did exactly the right thing, offering the water. i was homeless, lived in a shelter, and believe me, i will never give cash again. i will give coffee or food but never, never again money. if you want to donate money, send it to an organization...and love those brown strings!
ReplyDeleteI will keep baby Michelle in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteHave a safe trip and keep cool in Florida. Hugs
I saw a man at the entrance to Walmart yesterday with a sign that said "Father of 3 needs work". I made me feel guilty.
ReplyDeleteWhat a world!
Prayers for Michelle coming her way from Indiana.
Inquiring minds want to know what size are your brown string blocks?
I love the pedicures...you know the massage and the painting of toenails. But they cut my nails way too short. I am going to try another place. I ask the man (who doesn't speak English) to cut the nails STRAIGHT across so there will be no ingrown nails...he does not listen. After two times I will never go back there.
My DH frequently keeps a box of cereal bars (the soft kind, with fruit in the middle) in his car to hand out. Some of the men he has met don't have teeth anymore, so they are very grateful he gives them something they can actually eat. It keeps us from worrying about what they would buy with money, and if they REALLY need the money for food, they will be grateful for the food.
ReplyDeleteDid you know those foam pedicure toe separators are good bobbin holders?
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the homeless dilemma...I really don't think handing them money is a good idea.We offered someone work once as we had some jobs we were doing that we could use an extra able body...but our offer was not taken up.
Looks like you've definitely made the most of your days "off". I'm with you on the panhandling angst. They're all over the Durham intersections, as well. I'll pack an extra peanut butter sandwich in my lunch every now and then. It's not going to change lives, but I'd like to believe it helps some.
ReplyDeleteDrive safe Bonnie! I'm like you. Some of the best comes from the mundane, everyday stuff. Lane
ReplyDeleteoh poor baby Michelle, are Mothers not allowed to stay at the hospital with there babies? Hope she is home soon
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean - we have very few people standing around asking for handouts here in our small town area and I hate it when they are by a stop sign and I have to stop - I usually ignore and look the other way and have my door locked - it isn't safe -- I do give to homeless organizations. In Little Rock 80 miles from us someone did a story once on the panhandlers and they too found the people worked in shifts and just wanted the money and didn't work.
Good thoughts for the gorgeous and precious little bundle on her beautiful quilt. I hope she's home soon. Safe travels and here's looking forward to seeing what you get up to with those strings...
ReplyDeleteCo-sign with other comments about baby Michelle and about helping the homeless....I will add that you MAY NOT retire. We want to sew your patterns and attend your workshops for decades!!
ReplyDeleteOnce a week for the past 17 years I have gone into town early in the morning, rising at 3"30am, to deliver packs of rice cakes to the homeless sleeping in the area around our church, under bridges and in train stations. One of my friends complained that I was "enabling" them. Well, I did not ask their stories. Some are old, some are ill, some are mentally un-fit for work, some probably came to Tokyo with high hopes and are afraid to return a failure to their hometowns, some may be escaping from constant harassment from bill collectors, (I can relate to that!)Christ told us to "feed the hungry". I don't remember him saying to judge them (or give them money either)It is part of our church's mission for our homeless neighbors (MOHN)which includes clothing and hot meals. I can't help thinking there, but for the grace of God, go I.
ReplyDeleteI keep granola bars in my car to give beggars. I never give money. Ever.
ReplyDeleteSaying prayers for Michelle! Please keep us posted! Safe travels for you!!!
ReplyDeleteThose panhandlers make more money than I do working a full-time job - some studies estimate up to $200 a day. Yes, they may not have lifestyles as nice as ours, but I always refer them to the shelters that my tax dollars and donations help support rather than giving out cash.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could figure out why Blogger won't let me log in under my Google/gmail profile anymore in order to comment. It sticks me in some endless validation loop to login even though as soon as I click "sign in" it takes me to my dashboard page. Ugh. Anyway, I have to say I'm anonymous and then tell you it's tenquilts [at] gmail.
No retirement for you, Bonnie, as we are forever going to want your patterns and instruction....and your fabulous sense of color and humor! No getting away from it.....you'll be quilting all of the rest of your days, and we'll all be hovering over you, watching everything you make! lol