
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Carolina Christmas!

~A Quiltville Mystery!~

Bring in the Holiday Spirit by sewing through the season!! The quilt center measures an ample 82" X 82" before borders!

This is a "limited edition" mystery, as the quilt I am making will be appearing in a future book. If you start this project, you will need to follow along and print out the instructions as they are revealed. The project will be available on the Quiltville.com website until June 1, 2010 when it will be retired.

Though I am making this quilt using fabrics from recycled clothing, you can use anything you would like! Not in the mood for a quilt in Christmas colors? Choose any 3 complimentary colors and add a background fabric to it!

I will be posting the first challenge the day after Thanksgiving. (You know you really didn't want to spend that day shopping with the crowds, right?) So on Friday, November 27th, be watching the Quiltville.com website, or my blog for the link to the first clue! You can also join my "announcement only" email list, Quiltville@yahoogroups.com and receive an email in your inbox when each step is posted. If you like to participate on a list with lots of chatter from other quilters also participating in this mystery from around the globe, our other list, Quiltvillechat@yahoogroups.com might be the list for you! I do hope you plan to play along! Turn on some holiday music (Only AFTER Thanksgiving in my house!) make a cup of tea or cocoa, and quilt in the Holidays with us!

Click here for Fabric Requirements and other info!~


  1. oooooooh!!! I am so excited to see that Carolina Christmas will be starting in just 17 days. I haven't finished (ok, or even started) the mystery from Quiltmaker but that's ok, cuz who ever has enough mystery quilts? I don't think I'll be doing Christmas colors but I'll have to go home and check the stash and 2.5 strip bin to see what I have already.

  2. Oh, I'm so excited. I think this'll be just wonderful. And best of all it'll be for me!

  3. Oh, I can't wait to start. It looks like a winner to me. I like mysteries because I can work on them a little at a time. And, it's going to be a quilt for me!

  4. I am so ready for another of your great mysteries. I wish the days would pass quickly. But that would make me WAY behind on my Christmas shopping. I actually started shopping today.
    XOXOXO Subee

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM EST

    I am readt to party and love the colour choice and will make it very similar.

    cheers for al you do

  6. aaaaarh, I'm so excited to hear this great news, looking forward to getting started!

  7. OOOO Miss Bonnie you are too sweet. I'll add this to my 'future Bonnie quilts' list..... thank you so much for sharing!


  8. Looking forward to another adventure with you! The sewing room with be a disaster again as I decide on my colors.

  9. Anonymous6:53 PM EST

    Thank you, Bonnie for your very generous quilting efforts! Look forward to playing along with everyone and enjoying following everyone's progress.

  10. I'm ready to pick my color combination out this week. I also wrote about it on my blog with a link. Hope that helps spread the word so everyone can join in on the fun.

  11. I'm in! Of course this means I should put the pedal to the metal and finish up the Tobacco Road that got boxed up and put under the bed...I can do that!

  12. Sounds awesome!!! I am going to join your yahoogroup too!:)


  13. I'm ready to rock on this one!! Can't wait :) :)

  14. Almost a year ago I "found" your website and participated for the first time in a mystery quilt - your "Double Delight". Loved it! So count me in - again. Not sure about my color scheme yet, but most likely not x-massy. Thank you for all your patterns, tutorials, mysteries, and....

  15. So fun! Thanks for doing this for us again :o)
    Have a great week :o)

  16. I'm looking foward to playing along. I've never do a mystery quilt before. I'm going to have to let some OCD go and jump in with both feet.
    Scared but excited,

  17. I planed to make the Quiltmaker mystery, but it can wait, I love the colour you have chosen for this mystery, I'll try to find similar in my stash! Looking forward to it.

    Astrid from Germany

  18. Boy, I'm sorely tempted. ...and this doesn't usually happen either.

  19. Anonymous5:13 PM EST

    I cant wait!! I have never done a mystery before and all of your quilts are so gorgeous! I have ordered my easy angle ruler and will be going through my stash tonight! Thanks for hosting such a fantstic quilt-along!! :)

  20. Could this be made smaller then the 82 x 82 ?


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