Yes, I'm still writing pattern info. It's really difficult to explain that Scraps mean Scraps, so I'm having to write some stuff using Fat 1/8ths because Fat Quarters are too big. What are the dimensions of a fat 1/8??? When you cut a fat quarter in half to get a fat 1/8 do you cut it the long way, or the across way?
*ADDENDUM* (or should that be ADDEND-DUMB!!!) A Fat Eighth (why does that look like it has one too many h's in it?!) is 9"X22". Thank you to those who answered so quickly! I knew I could count on you... :c)
I just didn't know if it was going to be 9"X22" or 11"X18". You can tell I've never bought Fat Eighths....or if I had, I probably wouldn't care about the exact dimensions anyway!
Carry On, Quilt On!
I think a fat 1/8th is 9" x 22". . gotten by cutting a fat quarter in half along the 18" side. But, I could be wrong. Have you tried an internet search through Ask.com or another search engine?
ReplyDeleteI love Orange Crush.
I have only bought a few but they were a fat quarter cut in half the long way.
ReplyDeleteHope that helps!
If a standard 1/8 yard is 4.5 x width of fabric (roughly 44"), then a fat eighth should be 9 x 22.
ReplyDeleteThat is how I would figure it anyway.
Kathie in Washington
Since a Fat Quarter is half a yard, cut in half. I would assume a Fat Eighth is a quarter yd cut in half (so 9 x 22), is my guess!
ReplyDeleteI understand the issue with scraps. Most people think a scrap is a fairly large piece. My definition is anything that is at least 1" square! My sister and I often do collaborative quilts for graduations, weddings, etc. and we prefer to make scrap quilts. So we usually just find a pattern we like and figure out how many squares, triangles, etc. we need and cut them from our scraps.
ReplyDeleteMy smallest scraps I use for crazy quilt blocks to be made Project Linus or other donations.
I could probably make several full size quilts from just scraps!
Quilters are such smarty pants! Thanks for clearing that up!!
ReplyDeleteI have found that Fat Eighths are both sizes depending on who is cutting them. Most places cut them 9" by 22" but sometimes they are "11 by 18". I don't think there is actually a standard size.
ReplyDeleteI would think that the operative word is "fat". Cut so the eight is "fattest". In other words, squarer. Same as a fat quarter.
ReplyDeleteIf I bought a "fat" eight I'd be annoyed if it wasn't fat! :-)
I'm sure by now, 3 years later you have found your answer but if not here is a really good link to your answer, but basically the dimensions are 11" x 18".