Happy First Day of Spring, 2024, everyone!
And that sounds about right because it was spitting snow last night on our way home from dinner with temps dropping to a brisk 22 degrees when I woke up this morning.
It looks like we'll have to deal with brownish grass and bare trees just a bit longer.
I'm not letting that stop me though!
It's time to get the PDF pattern for Big String Quartet in your hands, and get this gift-away going!
It all starts with strings!
I've had questions as to "Just what are strings?" And if you are new to quilting you just might not know.
EVERY project you make gives you the opportunity to start to build a string stash.
Strings are narrow strips of fabric - anywhere from 3/4'' up to 2'' in width that you don't want to save for another purpose.
I cover paper foundations - usually in the form of phone book pages - and cut these "string pieced" units into whatever shape I want be it squares of any size, rectangles, triangles, you name it.
Start a string stash with your next project.
You can separate by color families, or just light and dark. I also keep an "everything" bin for those times that I want to stitch up a riotous rainbow of string blocks as I did with Big String Quartet.
String bins are cat magnets. Just letting you know.
They take little time - and I can't stop making them!
I chose to sash Big String Quartet in an orange dotted neutral, and used a rainbow of cornerstones to tie it all together but keep the color play going.
I quilted Big String Quartet in an edge to edge design called Bread Basket, loosely resembling a traditional orange peel pattern.
I love the look of the short and long sashings!
It's just a bit different and really breaks up the busy-ness.
Why is it Big String Quartet? First off - it's huge.
The pattern is for a quilt that is 93'' X 93'' but you can tell by the pattern that it would be easy to eliminate or add rows/columns to make it the size that you want.
I love it!
Make Big String Quartet your way. But there's only one issue. You'll still have scraps left over. I promise. There is no way to sew them all up. Ever.
And this means there will be more string quilts in my future. (And that's a good thing!)
Big String Quartet. SEW ALL THE STRINGS!
Dig into all of your fabric scraps and turn them into a beautiful string quilt!
Perfect for beginners. Entertaining and satisfying for everyone.
Full color diagrams and photos and step-by-step instruction provided. Sew Much Fun!
Quilt Size: 93’’ X 93’’
Introductory Pricing: The PDF pattern for Big String Quartet is currently 25% off in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store. No coupon needed.
Pricing good through 3/31/24.
And there's more! (Of course there is!)
I'll be drawing for 2 lucky winners to each win a PDF copy of Big String Quartet from me, AND a Rolling in Color rainbow roll from Cotton to Quilts!
Color rolls contain 20 fabrics measuring approximately 8 1/2'' X 21''. Perfect for enhancing your scrap stash and brightening up your own string collection.
We'll draw for our winners on Saturday March 30th!
And for those who have also been waiting for this - it's ready!
My Kiss Me, Kiwi! Stitchery pattern is also available. This was the projected we stitched during our New Zealand Adventure with Craftours.
While I used some abstract fabrics (and all kinds of stash scraps!) for my borders, my traveling quilters were more than happy to pick up fabrics in New Zealand to use to finish their own Kiwi projects the way they wanted, capturing so many memories of our trip together.
My own Kiwi project started in Vietnam!
(Yes, I was stitching ahead - knowing there was a deadline looming!)
The design is easily printed from the pattern PDF directly on to Sulky Stick n Stitch and then embroidered with 12 wt thread or embroidery floss.
This fall won't be soon forgotten!
Sulky Stick n Stitch easily washes away leaving just the stitches behind. It's a wonderful product! There are 12 sheets in a package.
Pressed and trimming to size!
Super cute and ready to join my collection of traveling stitcheries!
The pattern includes full color photos and graphics and instructions for using my Essential Triangle Tool as well as other options for making units for those who do not have access to my ruler.
For those asking why my triangles are topsy-turvey? The objective was to keep a dark triangle from connecting to another dark triangle. You can turn your own inner border triangles whichever way you want for the effect you want. That's the beauty of patchwork.
The PDF pattern for Kiss Me, Kiwi! is currently 25% off in the Quiltville Store. No coupon needed.
Sale price good through 3/31/24.
And that's it for today. Today Jason goes back to the airport in Charlotte and starts his long flight journey back to Portland, Oregon.
My mother's heart is being torn apart not knowing when I'll see him again. It's been wonderful to have both of my sons in the same place at the same time.
After that - I'm heading right into getting the inn ready for Irene's Sewciologists.
Much Quilty Fun Ahead!
Quiltville Quote of the Day
Remember this -
You already have it all!
Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!

Spring weather will be in Virginia soon.
ReplyDeleteSpring in Virginia will be here soon. I spent many years living in the Blue Ridge and waiting.
ReplyDeleteHubby says it's already 60 degrees in Walla Walla Valley. He wants me to go for a Walk with him. He saw our first Tulip in bloom. They should be all abloom for Easter Morning! Thanks for sharing the Quilting Designs on your Reveal! Have a great Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteWe've had a taste of spring here in Portland over the past 5-6 days. Beautiful sunny and warmer days, but the rain returns tomorrow. However, the rain is why it stays so green here.
ReplyDeleteLove your quilt pattern!