
Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Things That Make My Heart Smile -

Tree harvesting is in full swing in the Blue Ridge mountains!

Living in an agricultural area - we mark the seasons by what is going on with the farms and fields around us.  Pumpkin trucks start in September, and I love seeing them rolling on by.  I have loved pumpkins since childhood.

As a child, I loved and anticipated Christmas with wonder, just like every other child - but as an adult the "It's too soon for Christmas yet!" mentality actually stopped me from enjoying the preparation that goes on behind the scenes to make sure that Christmas does arrive on time wherever you are.


  • Since 1966, the National Christmas Tree Association has given a Christmas tree to the President and the first family.

  • Growing Christmas trees provide a habitat for wildlife.

  • An acre of Christmas trees provide the daily oxygen requirements for 18 people.

  • Recycled trees have been used to make sand and soil erosion barriers and are placed in ponds for fish shelters.

  • Christmas trees remove dust and pollen from the air.

  • Christmas trees take 7-13 years to mature.

  • In 1856 Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States, was the first President to place a Christmas tree in the White House.

  • Artificial trees will last for six years in your home, but for centuries in a landfill.  They contain non-biodegradable plastics and possible metal toxins such as lead.

  • Christmas Trees are grown in all 50 states, including Hawaii and Alaska.

  • 100,000 people are employed in the Christmas Tree industry.

  • 98% of all Christmas Trees are grown on farms.

  • President Coolidge started the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on the White House lawn in 1923.

  • More than 1,000,000 acres of land have been planted with Christmas trees.

  • On average, over 2,000 Christmas Trees are planted per acre.

  • Thomas Edison's assistant, Edward Johnson, came up with the idea of electric lights for Christmas Trees in 1882.

Actual harvest times vary according to species and climate, but most plantations begin cutting trees during the first few weeks of November. We are right on schedule here as we have had several frosts which set the needles and keep the moisture in.

Usually, trees that will be shipped outside the originating country are harvested first. Then, those set for domestic sale will be cut from mid-November to mid-December.

It's a big operation here, and I do get that little inner child anticipation when I see the loaded trailers hauling trees down the road past the Quiltville Post Office -

However - Christmas music and blow up yard décor needs to wait until AFTER Thanksgiving!

Okay, maybe NEVER on the blow up yard ornamentation.  LOL!

What the harvesting of Christmas trees does for me is put me in the mood to sew up some red and green of my own.

I loaded something special into the long arm yesterday. I can't wait to show it to you.

Soon - very soon!

I hope to get the quilting finished today, binding on and ready to start the hand stitching part by feet-up time tonight. 

I love what throwing a bit of aqua in with blue-green and yellow-green does to tie the greens together and freshen them up a bit!

Sunrise full of wonder.

Why do I keep taking photos of sunrises?  To me they are so filled with promise, that I can't resist trying to capture them.

Of course, the camera does nothing as compared to what nature really presents.  The best sunrises are those observed out from behind the camera. I took time for that too.

"Wanted to share a sun-down times picture of my Appalachian Autumn quilt top!

Since I have no tables that use a topper but do have a bed that could use another quilt, I added a row and borders. 

After quilting, it’ll spend the fall and winter in our Blue Ridge cabin! Loved the pattern and it was a great project to bust the stash!!"

Thank you for the share Anita!  Enjoy your cabin time - I know there is nowhere else I'd rather be than on a mountainside!

This one is Shirley's!

"I finished making the back today for my Appalachian Autumn..... Thank you for this exciting pattern."

I love the scrappy back!

Such a super way to use up odd pieces.

And did you see the label is pieced right in and will be quilted through so there is no way it can ever be removed or lost? Great idea!

The PDF pattern for Appalachian Autumn is available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

On the Facebook front - most of you know that I have not been able to reach any real people to help with the problem of combining my two profiles and thereby being able to get Page Publisher's Authorization for my old page.  Tomorrow is the deadline to get Authorization - or they will revoke my ability to post to that page.

All of this - because they think my audience is too large and "wide reaching."  If only they would LOOK at the page and see what it is we are promoting!

It has been devastating to me - but I am moving forward with hope.  If you follow me on Facebook on the old QuiltvilleFriends page - would you mind giving me a LIKE on my new page so my posts will show up in your newsfeed?  All posts going to Facebook are happening at the new page.  I am not posting at the old page anymore, other than telling folks where to find me now.

Click HERE for new Quiltville LLC page.

Today - ruler and merchandise orders received over the weekend continue to be processed as quickly as I can get them out.  More rulers are on their way - and another order after that one has already been placed as they continue to fly out the door.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your support of the Quiltville Store. 2020 has been devastating with loss of income from workshops and lectures, and the store is really the only thing keeping me afloat right now.

This is why I am working hard behind the scenes to bring more digital patterns to the store - 

Enough about that.  Today is a brilliantly sunny day, and many good things are at my finger tips.

A bit of Zoey-Ivy Love to start your day with a smile!

What do you have going on for your Wednesday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

And what if all the information we are being force fed every day has shut off our own ability to critically think about what is really important?

I vow to to do better with the people in my life. 

Are you feeling that way too? ⁣

Enjoy your day, folks!



  1. Beautiful day here in Okie country. Going to sew with a group of ladies making quilts for area people in need. Mask will be worn and social distancing. Ice storm over sew back to working together. 😊💕

  2. Hi Bonnie, I appreciate the reminder that the store is keeping you afloat! I often think, "I'll wait for the next book" rather than purchase individual patterns, but I'm one of the lucky ones. The pandemic has not affected my income, and the fact that we can't go anywhere means we are saving money! I will be sure to check out the store and see what is there that I don't already own :-)

  3. Thanks so much for your praise of the Christmas tree!!! We will be making our annual pilgrimage to the Boone area in just 2 weeks to get trees for our family. It’s a game for me to see how quickly I can get from “sawing down the tree” to getting it to my house in a bucket of water. Best time so far is just under 4 hours and no speedy driving was involved!

  4. My best friend (she is not a quilter, but I love her anyway) recently suffered a broken femur and has been wheel chair bound and house bound for several weeks. Her church built her a ramp and we are going on a car ride today with her 92 year old Mom to see some local fall scenery. I can put off a little quilting for a friend. Have a blessed day.

  5. Critical Thinking Skills...some folks let the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Alexa, FOX, CNN etc. do their thinking for them. I'm afraid that won't end well! Come on folks, we are so much smarter than all the above. We don't need them as much as they need us.

    1. You are spot-on with your assessment! Thanks for voicing that!

  6. Oh boy! I have a good feeling about that green and red quilt! It is going to be just what we need to pass the time until the Mystery begins! Hooray!

  7. Seeing the Christmas tree truck reminds me of the trees from my childhood. Sweet memories.

  8. Really interesting info on Christmas trees. Also, I love your sunrise photos. Have a good day.

  9. I am fairly sure you bump was a ganglion cyst. I had one on my wrist and my brother had one on his thumb. They are very common on or near your hands.
    In the 'olden days' they would hit them with a bible to make them go away. Maybe yours got bumped on something?

    1. I used to set tile. I got a ganglion cist on the top of my foot from being on my knees so much. When I went to the DR. he got so excited when he saw it. He asked if he could drain it. He drew out a lot of liquid.

  10. Thank you for staying on Facebook. I am not an instagram or tweeter person. <3

  11. Just LOVE when you share the snippets of life with Zoey and Ivy with Lola sauntering in now and then. There's no possible way to be glum when these personalities share our lives. It certainly centers us and shows what is really important in life when we can share their pure joy. It's all good♥

  12. Always enjoy seeing all the quilts, also, enjoy your puppy’s “nose art”.

  13. I agree that we need more wisdom.Thank you for the thought for the day. You are a pleasure to see in my feed each morning. Thank you for all you do!

  14. Bonnie, thank you for your words of wisdom in these dark days. I too was vowing this morning to do better with the people in my life. Concentrate on the positive and let the negative fall to the wayside.

  15. I'm not a big fan of the Christmas blow-ups or millions of outdoor lights. But I really love the enthusiasm behind all that stuff. And yes, let's wait until after Thanksgiving.

  16. A friend recommended watching "The Social Dilemma" on Netflix. It describes exactly what and why you are going through with facebook. It is an important film for everyone and speaks to your sign off today. Thank you for all you do for quilters.

  17. Two quilting friends and myself are meeting at a park for a socially distanced & masked picnic. The tables are more than big enough to maintain a safe distance, and still be able to hear each other. this is our first attempt to meet up - it's suppose to be 70 today and the sun is shining. Looking forward to the green/red (love the aqua touches) reveal. When i get home there will be charity sewing happening.

  18. I spent most of my yesterday morning taking a handicap friend to vote and the afternoon out in the beautiful weather raking leaves.

  19. I LOVE the smell of fresh cut pine...Anita's quilt with that little pop of lavender/purple is gorgeous! I will have to remember to throw a little into mine when I get started on it. Sometimes I think I could do away with modern technology completely - especially as I get older. All that nonsense means nothing to me, but I would miss connecting with and seeing what all you beautiful creative people out there in the world are doing and that's what stops me from disconnecting. But give me a little home in the woods...Mother Nature's beauty...wildlife...what more does a person need? Keep hope in your heart for better days ahead.

  20. Anonymous1:55 PM EST

    Love the quote of the day. I agree and made the decision to compete for a spot and enroll in an educational program about a year and a half ago. Grateful for the opportunity. I have less time for watching re-runs on TV and more time toward learning and, hopefully, gaining wisdom. Thanks for all you do Bonnie.

  21. so true about the bit of aqua with the forest green....it works well...

  22. It was a beautiful day here in southern Ontario. Spent a couple of hours this afternoon doing some outside work. Not finished but hope to finish the up tomorrow. Then back to my quilting and maybe some knitting this evening.
    Your fur babies are so cute. Make me smile with their antics.

  23. Had to chuckle as I too am not a fan of the blowup Christmas yard decorations! But when my 9 year old grand daughter told me she really wanted one for her yard, I got on Amazon and we picked one out together. She now has an 8 foot Santa waiting to be blown up a bit closer to Christmas!

  24. Yesterday, my husband and I went fishing at Matagorda, Texas. Lovely Fall weather. Then I worked on Christmas stockings for my great-nieces and great-nephews. Today, I substituted for a third grade class and I am wiped out. Maybe more sewing after I substitute for a fourth grade class Thursday. Love the colors for the mystery!

  25. Bonnie! I loved the Christmas tree facts! Thank you so much for sharing all that great and interesting information. It's inspiring to see all the magnificent versions of Appalachian Autumn that are coming in, too. Thanks for sharing those pictures. I want to start mine so much - bought the pattern the first day - but have my thumb in too many pies just this minute. Appalachian Autumn may be my Michigan Winter project.

  26. Loved Anita and Shirleys' versions of Appalacian Autumn. And the quote is so true especially now!

  27. Funny you should mention your love of aqua in this post. I mentioned to Debbie as we were driving to Jonesborough, TN, to fabric shop for Grassy Creek, that you hadn't pulled any aqua into this quilt, and I had tons of aqua left over from Straits and Unity. Now I know where I can use it! Good seeing you on Monday.

  28. Thanks for the history of the Christmas tree.

  29. I love the scent of a fresh Christmas tree in the house. Reminds me of where I grew up, the Sierras in CA. Wanted to Thank you Bonnie for the digital downloads of your patterns. I have all your books and I love them. It is also very nice to be able to get a pattern instantly too. Thank you.

  30. (I may have accidentally sent a comment started but not finished?) Oh my goodness--Yes to your quote! If there is one thing I hope to have taught my children it is to learn to sift through all the....muck (for lack of better term) and logically think things through for themselves. If only we could get back to the thinking (and discussion abilities) of our country's fathers! Not that they didn't argue but they were able to think logically and come to an agreement eventually. Anyway, the truck load of trees is a happy picture!

  31. Does the new site mean I can't log in to your news Bonnie.
    I don't do facebook Havn't the time too busy making quilts LOL
    I really enjoy your running commentary and will miss it.
    Love love Zoe, I have a red cattle cross and she delights me the same way as Zoe
    Keep on sewing
    hugs from Roslyn from Australia

  32. Thank you for the history on the Christmas Trees - so interesting!!

  33. Thank you for the information on the Christmas trees it’s so interesting to know.
    Love your sweet Zoey and Ivy playing so cute
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx


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