
Monday, November 02, 2020

Grassy Creek Mystery Rolls and More!

You asked, we answered!

Especially during this time of lock downs, sheltering at home, and social distancing - more than ever we appreciate and support our online fabric sources - and just in time for our Grassy Creek fabric pulling!

My sweet friend Irene is the former co-owner of The Cozy Quilter in Louisville, Kentucky.

We were saddened (and gladdened!) that the time had come for the shop to close its doors - giving Irene the opportunity to focus on what she truly loves the best - Long arm quilting!

You know what they say about doors closing and windows open - well, Irene's windows are open WIDE with opportunities and she will be focusing on long arm training, and machine rentals! If you are in the Louisville Kentucky area - be sure to look Irene up after this madness is over.

Heaven knows we all have multitudes of tops that need to become finished quilts due to the many hours we've been piecing away over the past months and months.

Along with building her long arm business - she is offering Mystery Rolls, just as The Cozy Quilter has done in the past, through her new venture Cotton to Quilts!

View and purchase mystery rolls HERE.

The re-branding of the old Cozy Quilter website to Cotton to Quilts is ongoing, so we thank you for your patience!

Parakeet Green!


Robust Orange!

Show Stopper Red!

Sensuous Gray!

Pure White (mixed neutrals!)

It's going to be a wonderful journey through Grassy Creek!

Best part of my Sunday!

I walked in the door and into the laundry nook to find that the Handyman Hubster had added a second shelf BELOW the first shelf - the only shelf- that had been there from our cabin purchase.

This doubles my space here - and though we could put more shelves up higher, it would become an eye sore, and impossible to reach without climbing up onto the washer to retrieve things - so we are calling it good for now.

Ivy and Zoey NOT giving up my comfy chair for binding last night!

We know who rules the roost around here.

Last night - oh last night, the kind of sleepless night we dread.  The winds were howling fiercely, taking the power out for a time.  It was the kind of night where you sleep soundly, hard as a rock for 3 hours and then forget it - I was up until about 5am.

This morning it is BEAUTIFUL but cold - there was evidence of frost that had blown around in the wind as well.  Brrrrr!

November, you came in like a lion!

But you gave us THIS beautiful sight this morning!

The ridges in the distance are back along with a magnificent sunrise.  Yes - I slept way past daylight. I think I needed it.

I'm still working on the Facebook thing - at this point, without reaching a real human for help, I think we are toast.  We will have to see.  No forms that I try to complete are completed or accepted, no matter which browser I use. I need a real person.

I think the problem is that I started that page as a "FAN" page - I never started it under my business name, and now it won't accept my business name as verification for authorization. I'm so tired of the whole thing I could spit.

But instead - I'll be at the QPO filling all the merchandise orders that have come in over the weekend - More Simple Folded Corners rulers are on their way and I will get them added back to the store as soon as they arrive, so if you missed out on one, just stay tuned - there is time yet!

Also!  Today is the last day to receive FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING on your SEWPAD order!

Celebrating Mystery Season with a SewPad Special!

Mystery Season brings hours, days and weeks of anticipated clues and sewing! It can cause back/hip discomfort.

We all know that quilting is a sedentary sport - and we need to take care of ourselves, so we can keep on quilting longer free from pain.

Earlier in the year we shared info on these medical grade seat cushions that are life changing for me.

This thing is a miracle. It is such a wonderful addition to my sewing studio and will cut down on my Chiropractic visits saving me money in the long run.
  • Gel Comfort Seating for Quilters!
  • 1/2” Thick Medical-Grade Gel Filled
  • Cushions & Supports Your Hips & Back
  • Sit Longer in Much Greater Comfort
  • AirMesh® Cover Keeps You Cooler
  • Feel Better at the End of the Day!
  • 100% Made in the USA

Gary and Laura, the owners of SewPad have graciously offered up FREE SHIPPING on your SewPad order using coupon code TREAT at checkout.

Code MUST be used to take advantage of FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING.

Sale ends midnight on Monday, November 2, 2020 so hurry!

Orders must be shipped to a USA address.  International shipping not available, as these weigh in at at 4 1/2 lbs of ultimate seating comfort!

This is the time to be thinking of your holiday gift-giving to quilting family members and friends.

But remember - it's not just for sewing!  Try it in the car for long trips.  When we get back to life and can attend sporting events - think of bringing it for bleacher seating.

Your body will thank you!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This reminder is for me personally. I allowed my stress and my fear to keep me from sleeping last night. I need to not take those heavy loads to bed with me. ⁣
The good thing is I was up sewing from 2:30am to 5:30am!⁣
There will likely be a nap by afternoon...⁣
Have a great Monday, Everyone! ⁣



  1. Many blessings to you today, Bonnie, and a nap, too. Peaceful sleep, restful sleep. Praying for you.

  2. Just loving these colours, will look so beautiful in a quilt. Your shelf look it has always been in place, your hubster is a true gem to have around.
    Lol the guys sure know where to relax and be comfortable, just a shame they didn’t let mum have a turn.
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  3. Good Luck on taking Sundays off from social media! It makes for a much quieter Sunday. I myself have been aiming for more gospel-centered Sundays, so no blog reading/posting, no novel reading, no tv watching unless family oriented, no sewing. Puzzles, pain-by-number, church books and scriptures, church website, indexing on familysearch.org, a game with my husband if he agrees, naps...No Baking!
    I hit a deer once, at sunset. I was going the 35mph speed limit already and hit the brakes as I came around the bend and saw a deer coming out of the field on the right. He dashed across the road in front of me, I hit him gently with the van as I stopped. He fell over, then got up and bounded away to the left into the trees. No damage to my van, no damage to the deer. Scary though.

  4. Bonnie- Just a thought, there is a singer named Janis Ian (you're probably a bit young to remember her the olde times LOL) who has had a project called "better times". It's a great project, but she has been having THE SAME FACEBOOK troubles you have had for about 2 weeks now. It has completely crashed her project, but she has somehow managed a work around occasionally. She's a lovely lady who, I'm sure would be happy to share what she has learned to combat the FB "rules". Good luck! Thanks for the mystery!

  5. thank you Cozy Quilter-Fabric to Quilts... I just love those rolls...and how you put those colors together!!! thank you Bonnie for the link!! i have tons of green but not much Parakeet and same w/grey!! mostly black & white... hope your challenges re FB melt away and solutions abundant...you should only worry about getting to your chair first! maybe coax them down with a treat? LOL breathe and take the time you need, i know you don't need my permission! Prayers and blessings from Cats in Carlsbad CA

  6. Bonnie, my nephew works at facebook I emailed him a few minutes ago to see if he can get someone you can phone Fingers crossed.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM EST

      Fingers crossed your nephew can help! Thanks for giving it a try.

  7. Thank You Bonnie for putting the link to Cotton To Quilts. I tend to over think my color choices. Now I know my choices are "Bonnie Approved"!!!

  8. Thanks for the inspiration. I needed it today!

  9. Trouble with technology makes me slightly crazy! I can (most days) be patient with my husband & dog but let a mess occur with my laptop and I am toast! Don't understand it-it just is this way. So I get why you could not sleep but am sorry to hear it kept you up. The bright side is we have the love off working with fabric to mellow us out. And, yes, we can nap! Bless you!

  10. Love the colors. No quilting for me today as my husband is having a kidney CTA done this afternoon. Maybe binding on the King Size Log Cabin gift tonight. We will communicate with you somehow, even if it isn't Facebook. You are important to a lot of women confined at home right now.

  11. Thank you sooooo much for Cotton to Quilts and those bundles. Let the Mystery Begin! Woo Hoo!

  12. You deserve a day off, Bonnie. You are the hardest working quilter on earth. Thanks so much for the link to the shop formerly known as Cozy Quilter!

  13. Dang! The fabric rolls are already sold out and it's only 10:30 am here in the PNW! Oh well I'll don my mask and venture out to my LQS. It gives me a reason to get up and stretch my legs, LoL!! ps... FB is a love/hate relationship but I hope you get it figured out. Hang in there! ~M

  14. I love Facebook for keeping up with extended family activities and browsing quilting pages. When I first started following you, it was a reminder to read your blog. But now, I'm more likely to go to your blog before I even think about opening Facebook ... and I bet there are a lot of quilters like me. We will find you and we will follow you! On the mystery front, I have plenty of everything except Parakeet. Did some shopping on Gudrun's site and she has a stash builder bundle of chatreuse and then I ordered the grey stash builder bundle so I'd have more variety of grey prints. So excited for the mystery fun!

  15. I was in a vegan group that showed #of Followers, but there was more than one vegan group to choose. Could you form a 2nd or 3rd group under pseudonym names? And tell us to Follow? surnames A-F would follow you under brand X, G-M, brand Y, and surnames N-Z, Follow brand Z? Just my Admin brain searching for options. I don't know IF Dave is your computer geek behind the scenes, and IF whoever could post same stuff to multiple
    FB places, it possibly could be a work around.

  16. Oh those two critters of yours sure gave me a laugh!! They know where their mama sits! lol they made my day! thanks Bonnie

  17. Bonnie,
    Zoey and Ivy are so cute together!! I loved the picture of them lying together in yesterday's post!!
    So happy for Irene!
    Enjoy your day.
    Many blessings, Bonnie!

  18. Hey I have a small business too and one of the facebook experts I follow is Mari Smith. She might be able to help you:https://www.facebook.com/marismith

  19. I'm really starting to hate Facebook and have been considering getting off of it completely. Thankfully, your blog is stable and we all know where to find you, however this gets resolved. Your peeps are not easily discouraged!I'm hoping you sleep well and fret not.

  20. Thank you for the sale on the Sew Pad. I bought it for my dear hubby. He has been working from home since the beginning of the pandemic and will be here working till next July (at the earliest). He works on his computer in my quilting room and using my sewing chair 8 hours every day. He's been complaining of being uncomfortable so I'm hoping the Sew Pad works well for him. Ordered it yesterday and it was shipped today. Thanks again.

  21. How very dare you even think of sitting in your comfy chair! LOL! Oh Zoe and Ivy - lovely little beasties. I also laughed at your sign in the laundry room!
    As we approach another lockdown I can only foresee more shops closing as a result. All very sad. But all good wishes for Irene's new adventure.

  22. When I read the title of your post, my mind automatically removed the r in Grassy which caused me to reread and giggle.🤣Apparently, my mind is plumbing for trouble.🚽

  23. Good luck, dear heart!

  24. all but the red is sold out! it has only been a day

  25. Hi, I'm new to this blog but have followed your Facebook page for a while. Keen to do the mystery quilt! Have enough fabric for all the colors and ready to go.


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