
Saturday, November 07, 2020

Exciting Things from Barbara Brackman! (Gift-Away!)

Did you know this was in the works?

A bit of backstory - I have a very loved and often used, long cherished copy of the 1993 edition of Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns.  

It was $34.95 in 1993 - hard bound and heavy, and little did I know what a great investment it would be for my quilting library, and how often I would turn to it for information and inspiration.

Isn't it fun to look back in time and see how things have changed?

At this time the volume was full of hand drawn graphics - black and white, leaving room for our own imaginations to fill in the colors, prints, styles and more.

I devoured this book - often taking it to bed with me to turn pages while I awaited sleep to overtake me.

It is the backbone of my quilting reference book section.

Fast forward many years into EQ land, and I was so super excited to purchase the DIGITAL version when Electric Quilt published BlockBase, which integrated with the old EQ5 (Or was it 3?) at the time.

Now the block images could be tweaked changing the colors, fabrics, styles to our own liking and the possibilities were truly endless.

But still - there is something SO SATISFYING with a paper page book.  Seeing the pages at a glance - all of the variations right in one page view.  You can't get that on a computer screen, and don't we have ENOUGH screen time in our lives already?

So here is the exciting bit!

Electric Quilt is releasing a THIRD EDITION -


The graphics are no longer hand-drawn.  They are in COLOR, not in black and white pen and ink.

AND....they asked me to give a review to be printed IN the book.  Can I just jump up and down and burst now?

Here's the nitty gritty I get to let you in on:

The Electric Quilt Company and Barbara Brackman are bringing you the THIRD EDITION of Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns! With FULL COLOR AND LINE DRAWINGS of over 4,000 pieced quilt-block patterns (including 161 new ones!), this fabulous resource book should be in every quilter’s library! 

Pre-order and SAVE 30% through November 24 at ElectricQuilt.com

That's right!  Save 30%!  Got any quilty friends or family on your Christmas gift list?  At 30% off you could save yourself some $$$ and make your quilty folks extremely happy.

Not only that - Electric Quilt is providing me ONE COPY to gift away to ONE LUCKY Winner!

Would you like to win a copy??

Giveaway winner will receive one copy of the book shipped in early December, 2020. 

The Electric Quilt Company will ship our winning prize to U.S. addresses for free, others will have the option to pay for shipping costs if they win. Free shipping is only available for the prize winner. Purchases do have a shipping fee as the books are HEAVY! (And worth it!)

Good luck, everyone! We will be drawing for our winner on Thursday, November 12!

Yesterday's big excitement included this!

New washer/dryer at Quiltville Inn!

It is not a secret that I have detested ALL of the front-loader washing machines that have come through my life in the past 14 or so years.  Long may they rust in piece - somewhere else.

(Just my personal opinion, you can have yours - this is not meant to start a comment war in the comments below!)

The old set that came with the house when we purchased it ALWAYS leaked.  ALWAYS.  And when washing bulky loads like sheets, blankets and towels - the machine would break dance it's way around its little laundry closet and shake the house. No amount of leveling would fix it.

And let's face it - it was over 12 years old according to the stickers - it was time to go.

We had a stacked unit like this in the Buck Mountain cabin that I dearly loved - it did LARGE loads, washed quickly, ample amounts of water, and was a quiet running machine. I wish I could have kept that set, but we sold it with the cabin.

After last week's leaky laundry debacle, and finding this set on sale at Lowes, we made the decision quickly without looking back. 

The decision was also greatly amplified by the fact that son Jeff & Ashlyn's dryer had kicked the bucket and was going to cost too much for them to repair.  

The 4 Lowe's installers that came by yesterday were FANTASTIC!  They removed the old equipment, they hooked up this one and carted off the old washer. BYE BYE, GOOD RIDDANCE!

The old dryer is on the back porch waiting for Jeff to pick it up tomorrow.

It's the little things that work out like this that just set the day right, don't you agree?

We are also moving forward with our plan to put a second laundry in the garage/shop with extra capacity Speed Queen machines to cut my laundry time down.  The machines in the laundry closet in the Inn can be used for smaller loads (kitchen towels, cleaning rags, etc) and big loads can go to the garage.  

Last night's feet up and hand quilting was interrupted by:

Kelpie time!  Oh, Zoey Jo!

If I am back to hand quilting on this 20 year project, that means that all bindings, sleeves and labels on behind the scenes projects are DONE!

Today should be a photography day.  Over the next few days it will be pattern writing and design time - I can't wait.

Big things to happen in November/December!

Anything happening for your Saturday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage yoyo coverlet found in Virginia.

It's easy to appreciate the big things most days.
Today, look around you and appreciate the small ones.

Remember - I'm moving forward with taking Sunday's off of blog posting. So I'll see you back here on Monday.

Have a great weekend, everyone!



  1. At one time I thought I would like a front loader. Then I used one at my sister-in-law's house and realized I probably wouldn't like it. Hers works fine, cleans well, and doesn' leak. However the instructions to leave the door ajar when not in use were concerning. I have a very narrow laundry room and having that door open would have been a challenge. Also, I have found in the past that I will drop an item and not notice it until the washer is running. You can't stop a front loader to add an item after it starts for obvious reasons. I got a top loader instead that is very efficient and uses little water, much like a front loader.

  2. Enjoy your quiet Sunday! Priorities have changed through this year. We also semi retired this year, so many adjustments! I enjoy my front loaders though it does "dance" and mine is on cement. Going to a retreat this week and the plan is to get a flimsy done of Boxed Kite which I started in a class with you in Manchester, NH. Have a restful weekend.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM EST

      Beth I was at that workshop too. alas, my Boxed Kite is still in baggies waiting for me to finish!

  3. Have a Wonderful, Peaceful Sunday. Glad you got a more efficient set. Love the hand quilting on the Hexues. Hurray for more surprizes coming. Thank you!!

  4. That would be the perfect birthday present bonnie. My birthday is the 12th. It is awesome when the delivery guys set it all up for you!

  5. Enjoy your weekend! I love that you can gift your old dryer to your son! Can’t wait to see your holiday surprises!!

  6. Oh how precious is that ZoeyJo......absolutely love her!!!
    Have a wonderful and free Sunday, Bonnie.



  7. I can hardly wait to see your new creation. The anticipation is killing me!

  8. Congrats on giving yourself the gift of Sundays as a personal day....every.....single.....week :-)

    I am so with you on the front loader. I don't think it cleans well. I miss that I cannot soak anything. Our set is probably 12yo and with my luck will last 25 years (we average only 10 loads/month).

    Happy Saturday Bonnie!

  9. I've had a Speed Queen washer for 8-ish years and love it. It's fast and efficient. I had a problem with it about two weeks past the warranty and my mom and pop repair place called them up to talk about it. Next thing I knew, Speed Queen had extended my warranty for a year and the repair (parts and labor both) were free. No problems since. Hope you like it.

    1. When I had a minor repair done on my top loader several tears ago the repair man told me his opinion on front loaders - not good. He recommended speed queen when I needed to get a new machine. Mine is going strong - over 20 years, a whirlpool I bought used.

  10. It is truly the little things in life that are our greatest gifts. Have a super weekend, Bonnie

  11. Congrats on your new equipment. Mine should arrive this week -- in the form of a refrigerator! My 23+ year-old model that came with this house has finally decided to retire. The freezer's working over-time, producing frost (when it's supposed to be frost-free) and the bottom isn't cold at all. Thank heaven for my back stoop, where my dairy products are camping out in a cooler! I'll be passing the time today watching it snow, making a "Broken Bricks" scrap quilt for charity -- and the "Frolic!" sashing as leaders and enders! Have a great day!

  12. I have been waiting patiently for this book! I am buying one for my best friend for her birthday and winning one would give me a copy also!!!

  13. I spend some quiet time each time counting my blessings big and small. The small ones add up quickly. Especially during these times, it is so important for us to focus on the "good", to do "good" when we can, and to accept "good" from others when offered. Keeps the "good" circulating. Enjoy your weekend

  14. Applaud your decision for Sunday off. Everyone needs a day without commitments.

  15. I love that you're giving yourself the gift of Sundays off. Enjoy, and scratch behind those Kelpie ears for me.

  16. Keep us posted on Howe that washer and new dryer works for you’uns (a western nc term for ya’ll).
    I have a small galley kitchen and wanted a stackable. I’ve never had a Front loader, nor have I ever wanted one because I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about them. I’ve been debating on purchasing one like you just got but I was afraid that the load capacity and dry capacity would not accommodate a quilt etc. so I’m very interested to hear how this works out. I’m in obsession kind of girl who doesn’t have Facebook Twitter Instagram tweet blah blah blah and like my old fashion washing machines but yet do you need space for it being in a small galley kitchen since I only live in 700 ft.²

  17. So glad you are taking a day off. Hope you can unwind, breathe deeply, and take a nap! Can't wait to see the surprises you have in store for us-you are the best!

  18. I was just thinking of asking my LQS if they would be able to order this book. I didn't know a reprint was in the works. Yay! I will miss reading your blog on Sundays, but I can use the time to catch up on reading all the comments that will come on today's blog. I hope you have a nice relaxing day off. Give Lola, Ivy and Zoey extra scritches. Hope you can spend the day tomorrow doing what you want to do, not what you have to do.

  19. I have a copy of the original paper version. I don't know if I can justify getting the new edition, but maybe I'll win it. :-)

  20. Enjoy the new washer dryer combo! I think that is the way I am going when one or the other of mine give up the ghost. It will likely be the washer as they crap out faster and mine is over 15 years old. Also very excited for the new encyclopedia. I almost bought the PDF of the last version but decided to wait for the full color new version. Was thinking about springing for the new BlockBase too but I really enjoy figuring out and then drafting blocks myself.

  21. Best thoughts for taking Sundays off from all you already do.Counting blessings,large and small, help me focus on the present.

  22. Support your decision for family Sunday, no blog required. We all need to embrace the peacefulness of a day off. Proud of you being comfortable in this decision. Relax and enjoy from beautiful sunrise to sunset, breathing the cool air and changing season with your family.

  23. I so love Zoey Jo. I am very happy that the 2 of you found each other. A match made in heaven

  24. Bonnie I could't agree with you more about front loaders. Nope! Not falling for the hype and paying an arm & leg when I can stay with my trusty top loader.

    Well dang! I'll miss you tomorrow but otherwise have a great weekend yourself!! Cheers! ~M

  25. Congratulations on the new washer/dryer. My daughter just got a stackable set, too, so that her master bath could have her laundry equipment AND a shower. Also, thank you for taking care of yourself by taking Sundays off. Good plan. God bless!

  26. Hi Bonnie:
    I Loved today's Quote! I have looked at the ads for the encyclopedia of quilt blocks, and have been undecided about getting it. I Also understand that EQ is working on a new digital version to go w/ EQ8. I CAN'T wait to get that!

    Today we had a quilt guild zoom meeting for our annual "Getting Ready for Christmas" get together that we can't have in person. I Just love all three of this years projects and can't wait to make them!

    It is snowing here, hard now. We get a storm today and tomorrow, then it is to warm up.

    Kasilof, AK

  27. When we were in need of a new washer against my wishes we got a front load. The sales gal said I could do a load of 18 towels. Great, it was just the 2 of us and I didn't even own 18 towels. So happy the day that thing quit spinning for good and I got my beloved top load washer with water settings I can choose. Enjoy your stackable unit.

  28. I would surly love to have this book.

    1. Subee, great to hear words from you and know that you are still ticking! I miss your posts and hope you are well!

  29. Good to slow down and take time away from all the craziness. Pamper yourself a bit. Enjoy the rest of fall as our temps begin to get colder letting us know winter is on the way.

    Can't wait for the suprises to be revealed to us. The green and red creation has me intrigued after seeing the little bits you shared.

    DD and grandson took me out for breakfast and coffee this morning. What a wonderful treat! Even found a couple fat quarters to add to the mystery quilt collection.

  30. I woul dlove and use a hard copy!

  31. We have had several beautiful days in a row that Had to be enjoyed!Thursday I did a little retail therapy at one of my LQSs on Thursday and then went for a picnic with the hubby. Friday I went to another LQS with hubby and drank in the ambiance and invested in their future :) We also took a drive and did another picnic at a State Park. Today we were just sitting after doing the laundry and hubby says"Would you like to take a little drive over to Rochester?" The big draw is another quilt shop that is owned by one of the ladies who owns the first one I went to on Thursday, but is about an hour away. I was quite shy on grays so that was mainly what I bought. They may be a little dark, but I also have some that are quite light. Planning on string piecing so all will be well. I did buy some Tula Pink for my newly converted quilter-daughter. Tomorrow I will wash and iron it all and then I will post a picture of what I have pulled so far for the mystery. It has been such a glorious week of days in the 70's that one Must get out and enjoy the sunshine! I'm hoping you follow through with Sunday off!!!!! And you mentioned Cleaning House the other day. You meant it in another way but I am cleaning house room by room. I can breeze through most of the house, but I am going to declutter the Linen Closets and our bed rooom closets. Wish me luck! I'm very much enjoying 70 degree days in November!

  32. I love my top-loader; I had one in my previous house and it stayed when we sold it, so I bought the same brand top loader for the home I have now and it has been faithfully performing without a glitch for 15 years now. The paperback book looks wonderful!

  33. Never again a front loader...only because of Molly the cat. Shortly after we purchased our new front loader I started a load of towels one morning. Five minutes later walking down the hallway to my horror there was Molly being tossed around with the wet towels! I was able to stop the machine, but of course the machine with water in it it locked. In a panic I grab the instruction manual for instructions to overriding. Finally I am able to do that, drain the water and open the door to rescue my poor cat who surprisingly wasn’t dead, but scared out of her little mind. She never jumped into the washer after that, nor did I ever start it again without looking for her! No more front loaders!!

    1. I have 2 6-month old kittens, and they love to jump into the dryer. I'm terrified I'll spin them some day! My replacement would be a stackable like Bonnie got. I used on in a vacation rental in Hawaii, and also had one when I spent 9 months in an apartment in Seattle while my husband had a stem-cell transplant (in 2000).

  34. Oh, I’ll have to look into this new edition of Brackman’s Quilt Encyclopedia! I have the original edition too (still packed away from a move from AK)! It’s an essential resource for every Quilter’s library!

  35. Oh how I envy those with top loading machines - and your tumble driers are fantastic too. Apart from being a small child when everyone had top loaders and then twin tubs to front loaders everyone knew top loading machines cleaned better. Even launderettes have top loading machines! So when I stayed with my Canadian relatives I was treated to North American cleanliness!
    Barbara Brackman has done a cracking job with her books and the EQ software. Wonderful giveaway.

  36. I love seeing glimpses of Barbara Brackman's new book! You are so right about how much fun it is to look through a quilt block encyclopedia and imagine the different color variations and quilt possibilities. I'm trying to decide whether I can afford it, and each time I get a peek I am inching closer to pushing "Buy"--it looks great!

  37. I always start each day by reading your blog. It's always so positive and gets my quilting juices flowing. Thank you very much.

  38. I have the printed version of BB's book. Having it in electronic format would be fantastic.

  39. Looks like something to put on my Xmas wish list!

  40. Good for you! You deserve a day off!
    Bonnie CA

  41. I despise HE washers, all of them top loading and side loading! They are the reason why products like Downy Unstoppables were invented. Dirty clothes stink! Now people have started soaking their clothes in the tub and are amazed at how much dirt and grime are still in them after being washed! I don't live in an area where there is a water shortage. I understand the need for them in the desert areas, but not here! By December we will have just over 100 inches of rain this year! I want an old clunker that fills up completely and washes the clothes with an agitator! There is no use wasting money on detergent and water if they come out dirty! We need to start a revolt ladies! ha!

  42. I am so excited for the new release of Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia Of Pieced Quilt Patterns; it's a staple for all quilters!

  43. Would love to win the encyclopedia. So sorry to hear about your facebook troubles. Looking forward to your mystery.

  44. Love the idea of a media free day. More time to read a real book!

  45. Love the idea of a media free day. More time to read a real book!

  46. I'd love to win that book! And BTW, I'd follow you most anywhere. :)

  47. I’ve never seen a top loader machine like this in the uk, I must admit to being fed up with door seals that come loose and lead to flooding. I will look into this thank you for the tip.
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xx

  48. I Love-Love my 1st Edition Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia in black/white ... I'm too late to enter, but want to thank you for posting the information on the new one! I'm going to tell my DD it's the only thing I want for Christmas. I'm a bit late on catching up on the Blogs ... I have been piecing, quilting, and binding - it's what we do, more so in 2020 than I have in the past few years.


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