
Saturday, July 04, 2020

Independence Day, 2020!

Long may our flag wave -

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about “independence” and what it truly means to be an American.

Watching things unfold over the past few months – I have really felt more hurt, confusion, fear, disgust, anger, sadness, hopelessness over our current situation than I have ever felt in my entire life.

WHY?  Because that is all that the news channels promote. 

I believe the American spirit – the fearlessness, pride, happiness, hopefulness – all of the positive opposites of the things I first listed above are still present in this country.

But I also believe if we constantly seek out the worst stories amongst us – that is exactly what we will find.

We need to focus on the POSITIVES.  To celebrate all of those freedoms that we still enjoy.  To feel proud of our nation and our communities for things that ARE going right.

The other evening we social distanced on the deck with some friends who brought their drone for some photo fun.  Trevor at the controls!

The Hubster at the Blackstone for another round of Japanese hibachi -

Filet mignon, shrimp, broccoli, fried rice – topped off with a salad, way too much food really – but what fun!

We spend as much time out here as we can.

LED Edison style porch lights can be found in the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store in the On the Porch category – along with the blue fire pit rocks you asked about yesterday:

And the rocks come in other colors too!

The Blackstone grill is also found on Amazon (same category) while the fire pit came from Lowes. 

Dusk falling -

I had let myself become upset that the cashier at Walmart was wearing her mask under her chin, and when I asked about it told me “There is no pandemic, and these things don’t protect you anyway…..” which sent my heart in a tailspin over the sheer hopelessness of this situation again.

North Carolina is listed as one of the states where numbers are rising significantly.

I had ALLOWED her response to make me feel that hopelessness, and had to talk myself back out of it.

Search for the positive stories – even in the midst of so much unrest.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.”

The cry of “Last I heard, this is a free country!” does not apply when your own actions cause harm to other people. 

And therein lies the problem. Rights and privileges come with consequences and responsibilities.

And all of these thoughts are lost on Lola -

Who just wants her belly tickled.

The masks I sent off this week have arrived that their destinations.  I told the folks that there were sanitized hugs and kisses included in each package as well and I hoped they could feel them.

As soon as Kelly lets me know what adjustments I need to make for his masks to fit over his N95s I’ll get those done.

It’s not what I thought I’d be doing over 4th of July weekend, but – with all of the freedoms we enjoy comes the happiness of being able to do something that helps someone else down the road.

Our 4th will be a quiet day – in fact, I’m going to be taking the rest of the weekend off-grid.

There will be no blog post tomorrow, July 5th. 

I’m making this a REAL holiday weekend and just enjoying the peace the mountains bring – and doing whatever my own freedoms allow me, while still respecting everyone else’s right to live happily as they see fit.

I’ll be wearing my mask should I be out in public.

I hope you will too.

This portrait is made with the pics of all the doctors and nurses who passed away in this pandemic so far.

Will we continue to add more because we won’t do our part to slow this disease?

I can’t talk about my own rights and freedoms without thinking of what impact my choices have on their lives and the lives of their families and loved ones.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Happy Independence Day, USA -

However you spend your day in celebration, remember to reflect on those who gave so much that we may live with "Liberty and Justice for ALL."

Do what is right and wear a mask while out in public!

It's a small sacrifice to protect others’ rights to the same freedoms you claim as your own.

I’ll see you back here on Monday -


  1. YOU ARE SO RIGHT about the new and media in general; happy 4th & 5th.. Cats in Carlsbad, CA PS: I even canceled the newspaper!!! Blessings and health to you and yours.

  2. Focus on the positive! Do what is right! Good words. Enjoy your “unplugged” couple of days!

  3. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Amen. And pray for us teachers. All the talk about students Needing to go back to school and nothing about the dangers to the teachers and adults! Someone even said it’s acceptable to have some of us get sick! I wish more common sense with masks. I’m now making to sell- my summer job- set up a separate mask sewing area downstairs away from my studio. It got stressful and worrying when I was sewing for Project Mask WS. just sent out a families worth to someone who needed them. Still working on my unity quilt. Slowly but surely. This pandemic has messed with my quilty and vacation plans. But Sew on. Create on. I had just bought a Cricut Joy days before we shutdown. I’ve learned how to design and create during this pandemic in a new way. Sew on. Create on. As I celebrate 15 years being stage 4 cancer free this year my old mantra-Just Live!

    1. Congratulations on being a survivor! Celebrate Every Day!

    2. Bonnie, I am so glad you wrote these words down and shared them with us. This is EXACTLY how I feel and tears are streaming down my cheek at this moment. I want to shout this out to the world and my loved ones. People, please take this seriously and be reminded when looking at the photo sweet Bonnie posted above. Thank you to all the doctors and nurses putting their own lives at great risk !!

  5. Well said, Bonnie. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Enjoy your time off-grid. I'll be at home or, if I do go out, I'll be masked and social distancing.

  7. excellent quote from peter marshall...

    1. I love that quote also. The picture made from the photos of deceased doctors and nurses made me gasp! I had no idea.

  8. Have a peace filled weekend. Thank you for encouraging doing the right thing and think of others. We need to seek those things that will build us up and work at not taking in the negative, and clinging tightly to the truth. We need to look higher.

  9. Well written tribute!! Enjoy your weekend. Rub Lola's tummy and enjoy each other. :)

  10. Have a blessed 4th weekend while you are unplugged. You have a beautiful home, a wonderful husband and friends and wearing a mask may help to keep all of them safe. I got back Wednesday from a small (10 people) retreat in Texas and have quarantined myself, even to sleeping in the guest room for a few days. Keep thinking positive thoughts and pray.

  11. Wishing you peace and happiness this weekend. Relax and enjoy some quiet time.

  12. Happy 4th! But just WOW, when you zoom in on the collage of healthcare workers deceased during this pandemic. I could have easily been one of them as I was sent to work I. ICU for 4 weeks in March/April, being 61 with several co morbidities, I'm very thankful I did not succumb to this illness. Taking early retirement in March 2021 because of it.

  13. Who is the manager at Walmart allowing this to be gotten away with?

    1. Exactly my thought too, Kathy!!!!!!

  14. I believe it’s imperative for us to stay informed of all the happenings in the world, even tho it can become so depressing and seemingly hopeless at times, while embracing the FACT that the majority of people care deeply for their families and neighbors, follow the law, donate to charities and volunteer as well, and overall, are sensible and do what is right. The maskless cashier is the exception rather than the rule and all the rest of us can do is protect ourselves from her carelessness. I make masks for others because it’s the right thing to do and it makes me feel good to be part of helping conquer Covid-19. Stay safe, everyone, and enjoy the weekend however you spend it.

  15. Hello All I agree with Bonnie too & I will also be sorting fabric scraps and cutting Bonnie Hunter style.

  16. Even though I'm 77 years old I still remember my 1st grade teacher teaching Civics. She taught that even though we are free to do as we want we must remember the second half. As long as what we do does not harm someone else. I have lived that way my entire life and taught my kids the same. Wearing my mask proudly.

  17. All the negativity...this is why years ago I turned off my television and will NOT invite those people into my home. My home is my refuge and a place for my family to feel safe. Yes I read headlines on my iPad news app, and occasionally go on and read the story. But that's only in my head, not out there in the atmosphere of my home. Have a peaceful wonderful Independence Day holiday Bonnie! You continue to inspire me.

  18. I don't know if it is at your wal-mart too or not but I was told by one of the employees that if they are caught without a mask properly on they are given a warning - the second time they are caught they are fired - we must report all that do not wear their mask if we want the store to stay safe - or I guess tell the employee ourselves to give them that extra warning

  19. You said it perfectly, Bonnie. The area where you live is gorgeous! Thank you for all that you do for the quilters of the world.
    I hardly ever watch the news any more, just too much doom and gloom.

  20. I just put that Peter Marshall post on the back of my little freedom quilt.
    Regardless of anythign...I'm happy to be an American!!

  21. Great post! Enjoy your weekend. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️

  22. Happy July 4th to our American neighbours. Stay safe. Have heaps of scrappy fun :)

  23. Blessings to you and yours. Thanks for all you do. I pray we may all find peace.

  24. Well said Bonnie! Enjoy your weekend off-grid! ❤

  25. I spent the morning reading Frederick Douglass's 5th of July speech. I don't remember ever hearing his name in any civics or history class while growing up in Oklahoma not a big surprise. I'm 77 and I was familiar with his name but that was about all. After reading a New York Times article this morning I decided it was time to learn more.

    After reading I'm conflicted about whether or not we should even celebrate the 4th until every person in this country is treated as equal. I'm not preaching, this is just my own feeling. If you are so inclined here is a link to his speech: https://rbscp.lib.rochester.edu/2945

    I too do not watch TV news, but I do skim headlines because it is important to me to at least know what is happening with the doofus in the White House and to encourage all to vote him out come Nov.

    And yes, I am a quilter, one who lost her mojo in the last few months. It is slowing coming back, I mostly do art quilting but when I lose focus for that I do make patterns. Right now I'm working on a whale quilt for my next door neighbor 3 yr old. It began well enough but I can't leave well enough (well you know), so the whales became Orcas instear of the linear whale pattern on the original.

    1. Thank you for sharing this speech.

  26. There us no pandemic - what an ignorant, selfish comment. Makes you want to slap the people who say things like this. But you can't fix stupid. You can love yourself, your family and friends enough to continue to do the right things - wash hands, wear masks amd watch your distance.
    My 82 year old father is in ICU with COVID pneumonia and several comorbidities. We did everything right for months. I constantly reminded them to stay home and stay safe. Then my brother decided to have a Father's Day gathering at his house, small but crossing households and Bam, Dad got sick. My husband and I did not attend. We're taking it 1 day at a time. Staying positive.
    Enjoy your weekend. Breathe the mountain air. Stay unplugged. Thank you for sharing a part of your life and adventures with us.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Cherry. I too am a cancer survivor with a compromised immune system. My surgery was 8 months ago. I'm on the way to recovery, but a little hesitant to go out in public too much. My current dilemma is that my granddaughter is getting married in Colorado in 3 weeks. I want to go SO bad, but am not sure if I should take the risk. Am still trying to decide, but your comments gave me inspiration to stay home and be safe. I know she would understand. It's a 10-hour trip by car, and even that will be stressful! Thank you for sharing.

    2. I'm sure she will understand and more than anything she would want you in her life healthy and happy when this is all past us.

  27. I live in a small town and it's more "they are our neighbors " here

  28. As an essential company we still wear our mask for our customers. Not because we have to (still mandatory here), because we want too. At least in my store anyway. Thank you to all the folks who wear them for us.

  29. As always, well said! I really wish you'd run for president. I know you'd have a whole army of quilters who'd vote for you! You seem to be one of the few who still has common sense.

  30. Amen! Enjoy you weekend without outside influences. This is mine too.

  31. As a nearly 9 year cancer survivor who has a compromised immune system, I have really taken this pandemic seriously since the first part of March, going out to pick up the mail once a week and groceries once every two weeks. I think too many are starting to relax about the pandemic and don't think it will hit them. Have heard of several holiday celebrations in my neighborhood today. I for one will be staying home. Better to be smart than sorry.

    Wishing you, Bonnie and all those who read your blog a wonderful Fourth of July. Everyone please take care and stay well.

  32. Bonnie,Thank you for the mask pattern. I have made 100+mask but the nicest thank you was from my friend who has an autistic son.I was unsure if he would use one so I made several bright colours Then he was in his room trying them on, and telling his mum, I can go shopping (which he never wants to do)and which one he would use when in a public space. Thank you for the pattern you made a young man very happy to wear a mask. Thank you Bonnie

  33. The collage of doctors & nurses lost so far makes my heart ache and I remember what it was like to be a nurse during SARS! Now retired, I can only do my part to protect others! Happy 4th Bonnie from Canada!

  34. I rarely post on FB and when I do it means something to me! I shared your doctor and nurse photo...we wear a mask in public always! Thanks for your blog Bonnie, it is as wonderful to read every day as you are to meet in person. BTW I finished my Jared takes a wife quilt!!! <3

  35. I wish every one like the maskless cashier would have to spend a day in the ICU. Wearing a mask has become a political statement when it should really be a public health issue. Enjoy your weekend, Bonnie and be refreshed.

  36. When you found that cabin in the woods on the side of a mountain at the end of a driveway that would terrify a lot of drivers, you found THE.BEST.SPOT!! Enjoy your unplugged July 4th weekend!

  37. I saw a news piece that a recent study of masks and their effectiveness found that the type that "particles" penetrated the LEAST were "homemade with two layers of quilting fabric." Score one for those that sew and care!

  38. Enjoy your holiday to a lovely and busy person. Thanks for all you do for all of us. On another note, the program we happened to catch in South Dakota last night was very positive, encouraging, enlightening, and hopeful for the future of our country. Loved all the fireworks--so beautiful and well done with the music! We live in Texas and enjoyed it all. Sometimes the technology of being able to see what is happening in positive ways is worth it all, and we are grateful to know we do have positive people doing positive things for the good of our country. June

  39. Thank you Bonnie for your thoughtful and intelligent remarks. The Peter Marshall quote is so true, this needs to be put on a Cross Stitch Sampler! Eleanor Roosevelt's thoughts are also noteworthy, thank you for everything in this blog post. Very well said and needs to be remembered by every one of us not only today but every day! Have a wonderful, restful time away from everything. Never stop being Bonnie.

  40. Well said, Bonnie. Thank you for the positive comments and for you positive attitude. This country could use a lot more people like you! Or maybe if the positives were heard as much as the negatives are, this country could begin to heal. I love your house, especially the deck. I'm afraid I would spend ALL my time out there! Your blog is always so encouraging and uplifting. I enjoy all the Quiltville quotes. Have a happy and blessed 4th. Your friend, Sue Tate

  41. Great post, so many truthful words. I have been disheartened by Americans and our leadership. It seems like we have squandered our orginal lockdown time. I decided to visit the UK (virtually) and am happily sewing with folks that are not wishing me a Happy 4th. The retreat is being run by The Thread House and it is their 3rd (my first). They normally run retreats in person. Right now, is their cocktail time....and I will continue sewing until it is time for mine!

  42. You speak for so many of us, which is why I search out your blog every morning. Our Flag is important to us, and our Freedoms are important. Your blog post says what so many of us a thinking right now! Continue to be positive when so many are negative!
    I would love to have a poster of the collage' you posted of the Doctors who have sacrificed and lost their own lives while doing what they were called to do! The inconsiderate persons who refuse to wear masks should see it enlarged and on every billboard, so they could see the effect of what their "Freedom" and lack of common sense has cost so many!

  43. Amen! Your positive attitude and common sense is always perfect. You always know what to say. Thanks for sharing your wisdom

  44. Your home is beautiful and in a lovely setting. Enjoy your mini, very mini, stay-cation.

  45. I wonder if that cashier will think Covid-19 is fake when she gets it?

    Happy July 4th.

  46. Happy 4th! You deserve a day OFF! Enjoy it, no matter what you do.

  47. Agree - I stopped reading the news as it was sensationalising the worst things and it is too depressing. The Walmart employee should be wearing her mask - it might not prevent her from catching the virus, but it would help to reduce the spread of particles if she was a carrier.

  48. Well said Bonnie, so glad to come upon your post .. Enjoy your weekend away

  49. Your comments about masks and responsibility are right on target. There will always be irresponsible people in the world. We have to concentrate on those who are responsible and doing their best to be responsible, caring members of society. I have a friend in Hawaii who has made well over 700 masks. She has donated them to nursery schools, a restaurant owner who has donated food to people who needs it, and many, many others. Her island has a minimum of cases because they have been very strict quarantining anyone coming from off the island. She carries extra with her so if she sees people who need them, she offers them. We have to concentrate on those who do good to others and just pray the numbskulls will come to their senses. But, as someone else has already stated, you just can't fix stupid.

  50. I think that many people forget that their rights end where mine begin, and that responsibilities are for the good of all.
    Take care and enjoy your down time from Australia ����!

  51. Wonderful post Bonnie, I hope you and Dave have a wonderful weekend off grid. You bothe deserve your quality time together. Hope you had a lovely 4th of July.
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  52. Good morning Bonnie. I’m a Canadian who generally spends my winters in Florida. We hurriedly drove home in early March. Most places in the US were still open then, but as soon as we crossed the border most things were closed. I’m afraid for my American friends because I feel you closed too late and opened too early, and unfortunately the numbers support my thoughts. We haven’t had a new case in my province of Newfoundland in over a month, although Canada as a whole still has 200-400 new cases daily. We are now starting to open up, and I openly admit that I am scared. I wear a mask, and I hope that most of the 380 other masks I gave to community members and family are also being worn. I love your cabin! It is similar to ours, except we are beside the ocean instead of in the mountains. Like you, my sewing studio is in the basement, but unlike you I have moved all my fabric stash. The only thing left at our house, 160 miles away, is my long arm. If we sell the house I’m not sure where I will put it. I guess we don’t really need a kitchen table do we? I’ve been reading your blog fairly regularly since I retired 4 years ago. You are generally so upbeat, but not this spring. I sense your frustration and fear, and I feel for you. I’ve gone through several periods of ‘funk’ since COVID started, the last one started this past week as we spent a beautiful Canada Day on our deck, alone. But this morning my husband and father have gone fishing, and I’m going to go downstairs and finally put those borders on Frolic, which is leftover from when we left for Florida in January. Unity is complete, Hunter’s String Star is complete, as are 5 others since we came home in March. Every time we go to our house I have 2 more quilts for the long arm! I have no where left to put them so I might have to start selling them. I don’t mind gifting to family because I can visit them, but the idea of selling my work hurts! Take care. This too will pass, but not quickly.

  53. My feelings exactly (except that I would have gone home, called the manager and said that I wouldn't be back until/unless s/he could give me assurances that ALL employees would be masked properly. Money talks both ways . . . .

  54. We have quit watching any news other than the weather report. There is nothing but hopelessness on the news. I wonder what would have happened if you had called the manager at Walmart.

  55. Enjoy your days off. My hubby and I have stopped watching the news. I watch old westerns instead.

  56. What an awesome but sad picture of our health care workers who have given their lives to serve us. May they rest in peace. Thanks for the Peter Marshall quote. Everyone needs to remember that "to those who more is given, more is expected". Sorry I don't know the exact location of that statement.

  57. Amen you are so right! Happy 4th to you and your family, you

  58. Wonderful blog. You couldn't have said it better! THANK YOU!

  59. Well said. It is horrifying to me the way some people just blow this off.

  60. What a beautiful spot to decompress! I also avoid the news. It’s the actions of a few that are affecting the lives of many....

  61. I know you won’t print this but I have to say it. Everyone wants to make money again. ( not in a bad way) The media sells papers with negative news. By not buying a paper they will fold but you will hear it on radio and tv and computer and cell.
    We need to know what this President is doing.

  62. Who made the portrait quilt?-really touched me as a nurse

  63. When I encounter people who refuse to accept the pandemic environment, my reply is "Well, good luck with that" Then under my breath I say "you dumbas*". Ha!

  64. Although I received this on the 5th, I hope you had a wonderful 4th!

    I have 2 thoughts about the Walmart cashier: first, her boss should have sent her home; second, you really can't fix stupid!

  65. Can you tell me who did the collage of faces that make up the healthcare worker lost during pandemic? I have seen this photo twice now with no credit to the artist or where it came from.

  66. Well said. I applaud you for taking the 5th "off" regarding your blog. I make reading your blog a priority every morning. I love your style of writing, and your choice of words, and share your philosophies. And, needless to say, I enjoy your tips, tricks, and patterns that you offer us quilters. Thank you!

  67. Great post Bonnie!Totally agree! Enjoy your holiday week-end!!!

  68. It made my heart hurt to think of your moment in Walmart with the foolish checker. I'm glad you were able to push forward and remind yourself of your values that strengthen and restore your peace. I avoid going out as much as I can but when I have to, I'm working at not saying anything to people that are by their actions obviously not respectful as their response isn't going to reveal any improvement in their thinking. It will just upset me more. It is hard to restrain but I hate that worse upset feeling that comes if I ignore it. I learned I have to pray before I enter a store.
    You are right. There are a lot of Americans still grateful for their freedoms and willing to respect the needs of their fellow people. We just don't make the news!

  69. I love your quote. It is so appropriate with what our country is going through. I really enjoy your blog.

  70. What a beautiful home...
    I would like to repost the photo you showed of the Doctors and nurses lost.

  71. Little Lola put a smile on my face. Want to give her a belly rub in return. She made my day so much brighter. Thank you Lola!

  72. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Bonnie. It takes a lot of courage to do so these days. I especially love the quote from Peter Marshall.

  73. Thank you Bonnie for everything you do. Good thoughts to inspire us to live by. Thank you for your inspiration.

  74. What a beautifully written post. Thank you Bonnie. Happy 4th of July!

  75. Bonnie, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I rarely listen to the news .. enough to stay informed, but it just is not good to listen to all the negativity! I agree so whole-heartedly, we need the POSITIVE -- the gratefulness -- kindness -- empathy and LOVE!

  76. Bonnie I agree whole heatedly with your post. My sister (71) was so scared at first. Her 'friends' talked her into 'it's politics' and this past weekend she traveled to another state to go DANCING, at a music FESTIVAL! I was so upset I had to tell her, I can't believe she is being so careless. Because my husband and I have been staying home since March her reply was, " I don't know what you're going to do when your honeymoon is over Nov 4th!" How can ANYONE be so stupid. It makes me ashamed of her because I don't think anyone who lost loved ones with this virus, or seen their friends and family sick, would say it's been a honeymoon! There are more and more positive cases in our small village in Louisiana. My sister is in Missouri & went to Oklahoma dancing. My life and anyone else is worth more than a dance!

  77. I have been reading your recent posts with great interest. You have stated what I have been unable to put into words. Several times I have shared your words with others. Thank you.
    Joyce, went on Safari with you in Kenya

  78. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are Clara David I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to make search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady called peter Lizzy she was testifying  to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the roots and herbs to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man @herbalist_sakura for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact dr.sakuraspellalter@gmail.com or whats app him +2348110114739  you can follow him up on Instagram @herbalist_sakura for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me davidclara223@gmail.com 


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