
Thursday, October 03, 2019

Nov/Dec ‘19 Quiltmaker Gift-Away!

Here I am, on the road again – flying coast to coast to sunshine filled California, to teach for Alex Anderson’s Fall Retreat in Livermore!

Oh, someone pinch me, this is just a dream come true.  I love Alex to bits, it’s been too long since we’ve been in the same place at the same time, and I am going to be spending the weekend with 40+ quilters deep into the string piecing of Punkin Patch from String Frenzy!

And since my flight leaves extra extra early and I was in the need of writing a post ahead of time, what better time is there to offer up this fun Gift-Away, and draw for our winner when I return on Monday.

I have to tell you, that I really did – honestly did – have to fight with my inner autumn lover when I saw that there was CHRISTMAS on the cover of the November/December issue. 

I kind of knew it would be.  I’m just NOT ready for it.  But you know what, the days and weeks fly so quickly by and if we are going to have these wonderful seasonal quilts and and other quilty items made in time for this holiday, we can’t wait for December to give ourselves permission to begin.

And there are so many good things in this issue!

There are so many beautiful Christmas projects in here!

Starting with the cover quilt -
Nine-Patch Wreaths by my friend Abigail Dolinger!
Aby, I am so excited to see your quilt on the cover!

Beautiful vintage Christmas Cactus.

I love when magazines will showcase a vintage quilt – there are so many times that the vintage ones just call to me.  Jennifer Strauser acquired this vintage quilt top through an online estate sale and then made it her own with beautiful quilting. Learn more about this quilt and the process of quilting vintage tops in this issue.

Holiday Windmills!

Another friend, Diane Harris made this beautiful contemporary Holiday Windmills quilt.

She used fabrics from her stash – what would you use to make yours?

How about a Polar Bear Tree Skirt?

Designed and made by Mary Hertel.

This would also be an adorable table topper if you didn’t put the center hole in – I love it!  The paper piecing pattern for the bears are included in this issue.

How super cute are these!

Sheri Cifoldi-Morrill made these with small bits of scraps, and you can too.  The paper piecing pattern is included.  These would make SUCH great gifts for friends and neighbors, and for your own home as well.

And let’s not forget this month’s Addicted to Scraps column block:

Every Which Way!

I had so much fun with this block made from Flying Geese and Hour Glass units. I also think this block would make a great alternate block due to the blank corners – so much motion in this one.  And the pattern is included in this issue.  Table runner?  Wall hanging? Table Topper?  Hot pads? Pillows?  Full bed quilt?  What would you make with this pattern – what colors do you see these blocks happening in?

Let’s make it a BUNDLE!

Since it is still BARELY October – along with the Nov/Dec ‘19 Quiltmaker issue, I’m going to throw in a 2017 Sept/Oct issue featuring my Punkin Patch pattern.  Our winner will be making string pieced pumpkins in no time!

And since seasonal entertaining is also close at hand, I’m including Quilts & Cocktails by GE Designs, a Clover hera marker, a quilty emery board (I love these as a straight edge when drawing lines as they don’t move on the fabric!) and one of my 2 1/2’’ x 6 1/2’’ Quiltville rulers by Creative Grids.

Who wants this bundle?

To be entered to win, click the blue "add your link" button below! .

You do NOT need a blog or a URL to enter.  Just add your name and email address.  Leave all other fields blank. 

Your email address will NOT be visible to anyone but me, but you MUST include an email address to be entered.

Do NOT leave your entry in the comments section.

Ready, Set, Enter!!

4656 entries so far!!

(Linkup closed)

We will draw for our winner on Monday morning, October 7th after my return from California. Good luck, everyone!

This is also a reminder that it isn’t too late to jump in on our 1/2 price Punkin Patch Table Runner pattern sale.  This PDF pattern is priced low low low at only $4.00 and found in the digital pattern category in the Quiltville Store.  

The sale price is only good through October (and you don't need a code!) so grab your copy now.  You can be stitching string pumpkins right along with the gals at the Alex Anderson retrea!

And with that, I’m off to board a plane!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Let this one bring about some contemplation. I've been reading (and chuckling at) a lot of negativity in my own Facebook news feed, mostly from those who are impatient and judgmental over what other people are posting to their own pages and personal profiles, adding to the discord. There are many pots calling kettles black out there! Some of it's political, some of its not - but ALL of us have the ability to scroll on by. 

It helps to remember that people are only posting things that resonate to them personally, it's not an attack on you. Disengage. No one needs to comment back with a rebuttal on their own wall just to state their own disdain for what other people post. It just adds to the cacophony. Scroll on by and go sew something!

I will see you soon Alex Anderson retreat folks!

Have a lovely Thursday, everyone!


  1. I love you--:-) Such inspiration you bring to all of us--not only in quilting, but also life acceptance

  2. Enjoy your California time! I love Alex. She's one I started watching on PBS in the late 1970's. Thanks for the reminder to keep on scrolling! I caught you on Quiltcam while driving home from a family visit. So I couldn't email. Loved seeing you digging in the scrap bins.

  3. Every time you have a giveaway I always enter. I love all of them! My question: is is OK to enter daily or should I just enter once. I know you put up the link daily, but I don’t want to be a hog and enter when I shouldn’t. Clarify this for me, please.

  4. I definitely need to make that pumpkin table runner with the scraps from my Good Fortune quilt!!!!

  5. Im a little jealous.. I have loved watching Alex, enjoy!

  6. Another wonderful giveaway. I'm with you I scroll the "junk" most of the time. There are enough real life stressors, so no need to add those unrelated to me. I also use the "hide post" often, so the "junk" doesn't keep showing up. Of course there is more to replace it. Focusing on the positive is so much better. Have fun in CA with Alex and the other retreaters.

  7. Who wants this bundle? I do!! I do!! That's who! Have fun in CA. Can't wait to see all the little pumpkins!!!!

  8. I totally agree with the thought of scroll on by. As I've heard many times - opinions are like noses, everybody has one!

    1. Yep, and it seems that everyone wants to stick their nose in other people's business. I'm an admin in a couple of groups on FB... so I get it, seriously, one faith-based, the other political. In spades, because not only do I deal with the complaints, but I have to moderate posts. Fortunately, in both groups, we have rules to go by, and the admins/moderators stick to them. We have pretty good results as we're considered one of the best groups to be in.

  9. Looks like some great stuff in the holiday magazine issue - I really like Diane Harris' Holiday Windmills. I'm also eyeballing your fun Every Which Way block and thinking of my shirt stash.

    That vintage block w your quote - hoo boy that's a complex old block, but it's really cool. Any readers out there have a guess as to the name, or was it maybe a maker original? I'm sitting here squinting at it, thinking about the math via our handy modern HST and QST rulers. Need more coffee......

  10. Have a blast in California! And count me "in" the group that so misses QuiltCam. That is how I first was introduced to you, Bonnie. Looking for quilting how-to on YouTube and there you were. I have learned most of my quilting knowledge from you. You will find a way when the time is right.

  11. OMG! I WANT this bundle!!! Very much enjoying your posts Bonnie, they are a welcome little treat when work has gotten a little stressful. Wishing you a fabulous trip! I love that vintage quilt that Jen Strauser quilted, it's lovely!

  12. I've chosen not to belong to Facebook (for several reasons) so I don't have to contend with all the negativity. Yes, I miss some quilt related stuff, but I find enough of that elsewhere. Have a great trip to CA and enjoy the sunshine and warmth (hopefully). We're expecting frost on Friday night. Ugh.

  13. Safe travels and have fun in CA. Love this post!!

  14. too cute! the every which way block has got my mind moving every which way with all the possibilities! you go girl!

  15. Have fun , you know Livermore sing to far away from me! Is there any room available?

  16. Loving this issue of Quiltmaker mine arrived yesterday and of course my first stop was your addicted to scraps column. Just love the every which way block will have to try a few of these.
    Have a fabulous weekend at the retreat and safe journeys.
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  17. envy your time in Livermore... always wanted to go to that retreat when I still lived in Mountain View. Lucky attendees all around! Spending time together with both you and Alex and all the creative vibes that will be generated by everyone working and having fun together

  18. Good advice Bonnie! Too bad more people can’t follow it. I really have a difficult time comprehending how people can make such rude ugly comments and think it’s ok. When did this become acceptable? It’s not! Safe travels to California and hope the class has a great fun time!

  19. Sounds like a great weekend. Wish I could go.

  20. Safe travels & enjoy them. Life is an adventure!

    1. Not sure why I've been unable to reply before, but trying again. . . I so enjoy your posts, & Alex Anderson was my first sighting on TV as a beginning quilter. I was so sad when our area PBS station stopped that positive, encouraging show. Now we get Fons & Porter (without Fons or Porter!). Maybe I'll be lucky & win on my first post! If not, I'll survive & try again! Best to you. . . Jennie

  21. One of these days I hope I can come to one of your retreats! Love your work and you do so much for all of us in the quilting world.

  22. Padgetts21@gmail.com, love reading your blog, safe travelers, hope the fall an winters are kind to everyone. Someday I might get lucky and actually meet you.


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