
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Quilting Mends the Soul -


This quilt dates back to …well, quite a while ago.

It was from my love of blended quilts phase.  Florals and busy backgrounds with some stripes, plaids and other parts pieced together strippy fashion for ME as the only female in a house full of men-folk.

This was long before quilt patterns and book writing and magazine columns and world wide travel for teaching and lecturing.  Times were so much simpler then.

Though, as I really examine what was going on in my life during the making of this quilt I am brought back to the time when both of my boys (one in middle school and the other in high school) were both suspended on the SAME DAY from two different schools for two different offenses and I didn’t think I could survive being a parent either!

That year we canceled Christmas – all the presents went back, what couldn’t go back was donated – and instead we kept the food, the holiday music and other traditions such as family movie night of Holiday Inn and White Christmas with popcorn, cheer, togetherness and all that went with it.

Lessons were learned.  And Joy was found through Simplicity.

It was likely the BEST Christmas ever, and ever since that fateful year, Christmas has continued to be kept on the minimal scale around here.  I really do wish that Christmas were more like Thanksgiving – with family, friends, food, fun and togetherness, instead of every other commercial on TV being a car with a bow on it as if that is the ultimate gift one can give or receive at Christmas.

No, the commercialism and outrageousness of holiday hubbub turning people into angry raging crank pots, driving like idiots, showing the very worst of themselves – this is not what Christmas was ever intended to be, and I am one year at a time – boycotting it more and more.


Close up of very girly fabrics -

Simple piecing, and room for free-hand feathers in setting triangles and borders.

This was long before computerized long arm quilting entered my life and I became the edge-to-edge queen just to get it done.

Why am I sharing this quilt?  Because for the past 2 weeks I’ve been trying to find ways to put into words what is going on in the periphery of my family.

You all know that my brother Mark passed in September after a 5 year fight with glioblastoma- brain cancer.  He fought valiantly. And yet for 5 years of clean scans we dealt with wondering if it would return - the dread of disease, the spread of the disease, the possibility that this would take his life.  

This sword hung heavily over our family for 5 years. And it was heaviest on my sister in law, Sharolyn.

And it was mostly a good 5 years. We thought that he had won that fight.  If anyone could win it, Mark could.  But you know the rest of the story.


My favorite pink fabric with the leaves (big pink triangle)


Attaching a label.

We received a message from Mark’s sweet wife that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

When I read the message through our “sibling hotline” group – I felt thrown against the wall.  I can’t imagine her going through this without Mark by her side, after just losing him.  I can’t.  I can’t find the words.

And to find this out during Christmastime when the season is already so difficult so soon after losing him – I just can’t imagine.

I don’t have time to make her a new quilt, and yet as she goes through upcoming surgery and many treatments to rid her body of this disease, I can’t imagine her going to appointments with the quilt I made Mark.  It has too many memories, many good ones, but many difficult ones as well.  That quilt was comforting him to the last minute when he passed.  Now he is gone, the quilt remains.

No, she needs her own.

And I’ve been signing books and shipping orders like crazy since Halloween when the ruler orders started with the release of our first Good Fortune introduction post.

In going through all of the quilts in the Quilt Vault, this one, that has virtually sat for years unused spoke to me.  I have washed it, fluffed it up, removed any stray threads.


Today I am shipping a quilt.

I hope it brings comfort.

And with it the knowledge that arms are surrounding her.

That we will lift her up.

That though she is weary to the bone

 of living with the word CANCER in her home -

She can make it through this.

We will be there for her.

In every way we can.


Thank heavens for Priority mail – it should be there in 2 days.

So once again, I’m almost afraid to ask – to burden anyone else with this – but if you are of the praying kind, please pray for Sharolyn and her family.  She and Mark are expecting a grandson in the spring. May that be her focus – new life.

If you are of the “sending positive vibes out to the universe” kind – please continue with the mantras, the love, the positive thoughts and energy -

However you express positive emotion – may the ripples reach her in waves of comfort and healing.

And if a little bit of it lands on me, I’d be grateful too.

December 17, 2018 at 10_37PM

Holiday fun with some great gals at my friend Lisa's studio!

They welcomed me into their quilting bee when I moved to North Carolina 11 years ago.

We don't see each other as often as I'd like because I am usually on the road when they meet, but they always leave a place for me at the yearly Christmas get together!

Nothing like great food, wonderful conversation and a good old fashioned round of Dirty Santa! Thanks ladies!


Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If anyone needs me - I've been placed in a self-induced time out in my studio!

It's for my own good!

Maybe you should give it a try today, too?


  1. My heart breaks for you all! Praying for comfort and healing. Your quote is spot on today!

  2. Oh, Bonnie, my heart aches for you, for your extended family, and especially for Sharolyn. I will indeed lift up all of you in prayer in the coming months.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM EST

    My thoughts and prayers for your family. That is a beautiful quilt that you are sending Sharolyn. May it comfort her in her journey to beat that dreaded disease. I wish I could join you for a time out, but I'm already at work. Maybe tomorrow. :)

  4. As I read thru this post and got to the end, it said "no comments". I have no words for the distress in your heart, only able to lift up in faith you, your family, and those with stories like you. Have a healing day with your machine and fabric Bonnie

  5. I sit here with tears in my eyes, praying for healing and good outcomes! Keeping you, too, in my prayers! I’m pinning your quilt quote today!

  6. May God bless you and your family Bonnie! I’m so sorry that your year has been so rough.

  7. So sorry for you and all your family. I know your quilt will bring comfort to Sharolyn. And, by the way, I love it! Wonder if it is on your free patterns page?

  8. Prayers and positive energy for your entire family!

  9. Praying for your family! This can be such a hard season, but building each other up -- even just a tiny bit -- makes the troubles much less.

  10. I'm praying for grace for the day for you and your family. I pray for courage, strength, and peace for the days ahead.

  11. Such a terrible time gor Sharolyn and your family.. I will pray for you all! And hope that God will restore her health and be with her every step of the way.
    Love to you all!! ❤❤

  12. Praying for Sharolyn and the rest of her family. Praying for you, too, Bonnie. It's the least I can do at this holiday time of the year.....

  13. Sending peace and 'good vibes' to you and yours. Life is tough. WE have your back. Take whatever time you need for you. Sending quilty hugs! too!

  14. I send my prayers for comfort and healing and strength as you all navigate this season with troubled hearts. May you find joy in family and friends.

  15. My prefers and good thoughts are with you and your sister in law. On my worst days your blog cheers me and inspires me! Thanks for giving so much of yourself to us! Julia

  16. Prayers for you and your family and special prayers for yourSIL. Remember to breathe... this is what I have to remind myself.

  17. So many prayers are going out to you, your entire family and all those suffering during the holidays. I can't imagine how difficult this fight will be for her. Love and comfort to all of you!

  18. Thoughts and prayers Bonnie at this time with your family. My heart breaks for you all. I know the quilt will bring Sharolyn so much comfort at this time as its made with love and she will know your arms are wrapped around her giving her comfort.

  19. Sending love and prayers for Sharolyn and your whole family. I’m sure the quilt will be a great comfort to her. Although you can’t be there in person she will still feel your loving arms around her.

  20. Prayers for both you and Sharolyn and your family... May you all find the comfort you seek.

  21. Prayers will be said by our entire congregation weekly for your sister-in-law and your entire family just as they were during Mark's illness. There is strength in the power of prayer. May our prayers give you all strength, hope and peace.

  22. I will send all I have in my heart, out into the cosmos, for you and your family. I believe in the power of will, of unity, of love. And permission to take care of you and let others be. Put yourself and family first and your quiltville family will be behind you, holding you up. Much love during this time.

  23. I am the praying kind and I am praying for you and your family. In all of life’s struggles we can deal with them best when we know the family and friends we hold dear are there for us. I know this quilt will comfort her. I like your idea of Christmas being like thanksgiving. A time to hold close those who we love.

  24. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your time sewing. Trying to get adult stuff done today, so I can put myself in time out too! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  25. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998. I had a radical mastectomy and because it was "in situ", did not have to have chemo or radiation. I was very lucky and my husband was a champ. I hope someone will step up for Sharolyn to be her breast buddy and please tell her that she has to remain positive and have the surgery - that breast is not important anymore. Don't just get a lumpectomy and hope you got it all. Prayers for both of you!!

  26. I am sadden to hear this news. It comes at such a heartbreaking time on so many levels. In my home she, and your family will be prayed for.

  27. Buckets of thoughts & prayers for your sister-in-law, her family, & you & yours! That is a beautiful quilt that will be her very own warm hug in the days of surgery, treatments & recovery. Sending you a virtual hug!

  28. I lost my baby brother in 2004 to pancreatic cancer. He was 47, and smack dab in the middle of building his dream house. I still can’t believe how much I miss him. He is part of my foundation, and is a part of every childhood memory. And so I understand d a little of your loss. Time takes the rough edges of the ache away, and that has helped.

    Please know that you are not alone. I am so sorry to hear that your sister-in-law is ill. Seems so unfair. Your quilt is lovely. And I will add her to my prayers.

  29. Absolutely sending up prayers and good vibes. So sorry to hear this. The quilt will be a comfort, for sure and bless priority mail for the speed. Blessings to you too Bonnie.

  30. I think receiving a quilt that she knows brought you comfort in the past is just that much more special. A wonderful thing to share.

  31. Praying for Sharolyn and you too dear, sweet Bonnie. I also agree with you about the commercialization of Christmas. Don’t even want to go near the stores and the mobs. When did it all get so nuts? Thank you, Bonnie, for all that you share with us. Take your time and get some much deserved rest and quilting. It soothes the soul. We will be here when you want to come back.

  32. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. So sorry for what you and family are going through.
    My thoughts exactly about Christmas, way too much commercialism. I see it with my small great grandkids, way too many'things' and not enough about the real reason of Christmas.
    Enjoy your time for you! 💕

  33. Oh my, Bonnie. My heart and prayers go out to Sharolyn and the whole family. My granddaughter's middle name is Sharolyn as is one of my great-granddaughters so I will remember Your Sharolyn as well. What a sweet memory quilt that you are sending to her. We also simplified Christmas a few years ago. I truly get annoyed at the crass commercialism that abounds in the name of "love." Being there for each other, supporting loved ones no matter what, accepting that we all make mistakes and that's okay, that's love. Going into debt to provide things people don't even truly need--not so much. Hugs to you all. I know this is a tough Christmas.

  34. Prayers for Sharolyn, who is on a journey that she never asked to be part of. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family also. XOXOXO

  35. Prayers and good wishes for your SIL and your family.

  36. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. A beautiful quilt that will be loved beyond measure. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas season.
    Take time for you, your heart and soul.

  37. Praying for comfort for all the family and sending lots of hugs for you all as well.

  38. I am so sorry to hear your news about Sharolyn. But I know that God is in control of all things, and will pray for her healing, for all of you to feel His love as she goes through this, and comfort for you all as you are still grieving Mark.

  39. just too much - for her, for you, for the whole family. hugs.

  40. Oh my dear, so much sorry this year and now another challenge. Sending you all prayers and hugs through this universe.

  41. Yes, definitely praying for you and for Sharolyn. Just last year my sister was diagnosed with an ugly rare uterine cancer about the same time as my sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer and my dog was diagnosed with a soft tissue cancer. My pup did well except for pain from one of the tumors and I had to say good bye to her last January. That about killed me. But my SIL did great and my sister's ugly thing was defeated so far. She is doing great and even had knee replacement surgery. Her cancer markers that they follow are like zero.
    I would have great hope for your sister's full recovery. We will pray for her healing and strength through treatment. The new grand little will be a wonderful reward!

  42. My friend went through the same thing. She had no time to grieve before she had to face her Cancer journey. I know everybody is different but please watch over your SIL. After my friend finished her treatment she is now dealing with everything at once. Emotions are raw and days of depression are endured with no spouse to lean on. Family and friends have surrounded her to help her cope. Your SIL will need that as well, I think.

  43. I am so sorry. Beyond explainable.

  44. Sending you and your family love and prayers!

  45. Praying for u and yours.

  46. By inviting us into your life every day, believe that you make so much difference to those struggling to juggle all life throws at us. I have lost three family members in the last 12 months, your blog, quilting and youtube archives while I sew have helped to get me through. Know that hundreds of us are there to prop you up if we can when life gets manic, just as you do for us by all that you do and share xxx It works both ways girl xx💞

  47. You see, we need blogs much to the current pronouncement that no one reads them anymore. Prayers for Sharolyn and you. This is why I never stop making comfort quilts, as soon as one heads out the door, I get another request. Quilts are a great comforter and I am thrilled to be a part of it- a lot by your help and perseverance. Christmas was the simplest of profound historical events in the simplest of places, but commerce thinks it knows better. We are all in this together, you are not alone.

  48. So much sadness, but there has been good, there is good, there will always be good in the world. Prayers for Sharolyn, and Bonnie, all of us. Keep sewing, friends.

  49. I am the praying kind as I have witnessed firsthand the power of God working in and through tough life situations. When all seems hopeless, He gives hope and peace, even when the outcome isn’t what we pray for. He is my ROCK and I pray the same for you and your family....but especially for your beloved sister-in-law. Wen family hurts, we hurt.

    I applaud your wise parenting skills......not many parents would take the tough love approach in returning/donating those Christmas gifts, but it was, no doubt, the best Christmas gift you could have given them. I agree, We, as a people have forgotten the real REASON we celebrate Christmas in the first place....the Birth of our Savior....the one who brings us comfort and peace in the midst of the crazy turmoil that is life this side of heaven. My prayer is that God will bless you and your family with HIS peace this Christmas.

  50. Cancer is a bully and a beast... I am 69 years old and at age 43, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast. I fought it with chemo and radiation. At age 57, I was diagnosed with a different kind of breast cancer on the other breast, and had two surgeries and radiation once again. I am here over 27 years later. Cancer started me on my quilting journey.. it is my therapy and my meditation. I thought,,, what am I waiting for?? You were a huge part of this journey and I want to thank you. Keeping you all in my thought and prayers and may your quilts give her much comfort through her journey. Nel from Nebraska

  51. 22 year breast cancer survivor chiming in here. Your idea of focusing on a new life coming in the spring is spot-on. The treatments, regardless of the stage of the cancer, are not fun. What helped me the most was keeping my eye on the prize and thinking of the spring when I could sit again in the yard and enjoy nature. I, too, was diagnosed at this time of year. There have been great strides made in the past twenty-two years and many new treatment options. The hardest thing about cancer is not having control. So however one is able to deal with that aspect, is the way to go. Whether it's praying or healing mantras. The quilt that you are sending is beautiful and I am sure will be a tactile reminder that she is loved. Sending good vibes your way.

  52. You have my prayers. Your brothers wife will love that quilt! It is so hard to Celebrate when sadness is in your heart. Christmas is Love. I make most of my gifts, so I stay away from the crazies. Amazing how many things that I can resist buying. Quilting does calm my heart and soul! Bless you Bonnie for your kind heart!

  53. I understand and agree with your thoughts re Christmas celebration. Once upon a time, many years back, that was the norm. But now it seems to have gotten out of hand. However, we will continue to enjoy our simple celebration, focusing on the real reason for it.
    Such shocking news, Bonnie. My heart goes out to you. But better yet, my prayers go out for Sharolyn and for you and all of the family. Draw near, sharing the Hope of the season together.

  54. Sending much love, hugs and many prayers to you and your family.

  55. Bonnie, I’m adding my prayers and good thoughts too. Our family has also walked various parts of the cancer road, too. Loving support means so much. We’ve never met but I want you to know I care!

  56. Yes, prayers to the Universe, that you may find peace and restoration and your Sharolyn as well. The struggle is real and we need to give ourselves restoration to help the immune system remain strong. Especially, when we allow ourselves to give the last ounce of strength to others. As Mother Theresa knew and practices... she fed herself first to be able to take care of others... go to your happy place and allow it to fill up the small chunks of empty heart, play some happy music, to further lift that tired spirit... i was in tears reading your latest news, and i'm betting i wasn't the only one. Thank you for your courage to share yourself, your life, your pain as well as your joy! Thank you for your contribution to my life in countless ways, it's my joy to contribute to yours and your family, by sending those healing and positive thoughts to the Universe for the good of you and yours, Love, Prayers & Blessings, from cats in carlsbad, ca

  57. I am so sorry to hear this, Bonnie. My oncologist says this is the best time in history to have breast cancer. I am stage 4 now, but I have had 12 wonderful years since my original diagnosis. I wish the best for your sister-in-law and know she will love the quilt.

  58. Sending prayers and gentle hugs to you and yours. Gifting her this quilt will keep her wrapped in your love. Your love for one another will be strengthened during this season.

  59. I read your blog every day. I rarely comment because you get so many, I don't want to add one more thing for you "to do". But today I am sending you a hug! I hope 2019 will be a good year for you and your family!

  60. Praying in Grants Pass, Oregon

  61. Praying for you and your family.

  62. Bonnie, I'm so sorry to hear the news but will pray for you and your family. May you have a comforting holiday with our thoughts and prayers for you.

  63. I have no words to say that has not already been said. Just know you and your family and especially your sister in law are in my thought. Sending positive vibes your way.

    I can’t agree with you more on Christmas I do love to gift but have learned it’s time to be more mindful in choicing of them. Let them have more live and meaning to them. I have come to the mindset that the gift of time you spend with those you love are the greatest of gifts

  64. When my mom was diagnosed at 78 and again at 80 for the other breast we as a family decided to only be positive. both times she had a mastectomy and didn't have to have radiation or chemo. She is 86 and doing fine.. She buys her breasts now and is happy with that. Postive thoughts and prayers for all ...

  65. Prayers for healing, peace, strength and comfort for Sharolyn and your entire family.

  66. Prayers for peace and healing to you and your entire family. God bless you all. Linda

  67. Prayers being lifted on behalf of you and your family.

  68. Prayers for your sister-in-law, you, and your family. I understand the use of a quilt to send love and support to those battling cancer. I've sent quilts to three of my cousins who have valiantly fought cancer battles. God bless you all!!

  69. Sending you a hug and a prayer for sending a quilty hug and a prayer to your sis-in-love! The perfect Christmas is good food, friends and family visiting. No malls, no gifts, just games, fun and togetherness.

  70. Praying for you and the whole family. A studio time out is a good place to be. I love to go in my creative room cut on WBFJ (Christian radio station) cut, piece and sew. I tell everyone it is the Lord, fabric and me. It allows me to feel His arms circle me to give me comfort. May God bless you and the family with a healthy Sharon and the new baby.

  71. Bonnie, may God hold you and your entire family in the palm of His hand. A beautiful quilt, a beautiful sentiment. Peace!

  72. With such a loving family, she can get through this horrible time in her life. Sending positive thoughts her way, Bonnie.

  73. Love and hugs and prayers for Sharolyn and your whole extended family. Bless you all during the Christmas season and through the new year.

  74. Lo siento. Deseo que todo vaya bien.

  75. So very sorry to hear this news. Prayers and good thoughts are on their way to all of your family.

  76. Bonnie, my prayers and good thoughts are being sent to your sister-in-law, you, and all your family.

  77. Terrible terrible news, so sad for your SIL and family. Sending your all prayers and hope for the miracles that new babies and modern medicine can bring.

  78. Sending a hug and every positive thought I can muster to your sister-in-law, you and the whole family. Cancer sucks! I'm sure the quilt you are sending to her will be so precious to her and comfort her through whatever comes.

  79. So sorry to hear about Sharolyn. I'm sure the lovely quilt will bring her some comfort. Thinking of her and of you all at this difficult time. Liz.x

  80. Sharolyn is in my prayers and wishing her and all who love God's blessing throughout the holiday season and for wisdom of her doctors in healing her. Time to make a very special baby quilt so she can snuggle that grandbaby.

  81. Nineteen years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a very poor diagnosis, as I was young, and it was stage 3b. I am here to tell you that I made it, and so will your sister-in-law. Just do exactly what the doctor says. My prayers are with you and your family.

  82. Prayers, Angels & Hugs coming your way for you & your family.

  83. So sorry to hear this news. Will be praying for your sister-in-law and the rest of your family. Please take care of yourself also.

  84. Prayers from Whidbey Island,Wa. You are so blessed to have so many surrounding you and your family with love and prayers. What a testimony to the world that you can share so much of your life with us, and in doing so we see the strength, love, bond, and such that holds you all together. Makes me think of the verse from the Bible that says, "from whence comes my strength, my strength comes the Lord". May His strength now get you, your SIL, and all your family through the coming days. And yes, the day the new little one arrives will be pure joy. What a blessing to look forward to.

  85. So sorry to hear about the breast cancer. I certainly will keep her and her family as well as you in my prayers. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  86. Prayers a plenty coming your way. Cancer sucks!! I lost my best friend to it 4 years ago and now my mother in law is fighting stomach cancer after beating ovarian cancer. There's so much of it, and my heart goes out to all people fighting this nasty disease. I will be praying for all cancer victims and their families... May God provide peace and comfort to all!!!

  87. Praying for Sharolyn - I'm so sorry. I've been down this road & praise God for my healing. May He heal her as well. & yes, I'm praying for you & your family. Firsts are hard after a loved one has passed on. Love you, Bonnie.

  88. You've got it Bonnie, prayers for you and your dear Sis-in-law.

  89. Oh, Bonnie, my heart is feeling so heavy for you today. I will be wrapping you and your dear family in a prayer hug for healing of Sharolyn's cancer. SO many advancements have happened recently, and I'm hoping some of them will be just what she needs to win this fight.

  90. So sorry to hear yet more sad news. All the best wishes in the world for her to get well soon for you all. Such a beautiful quilt.
    I agree - Christmas has become far too commercial - the early start doesn't make it feel like Christmas - the magic is wiped out long before it arrives.

  91. There are no words to say except, I will be praying for you all. We also simplified Christmas long ago, it's not about the gifts, just the LOVE!!!!

  92. I prayed for Mark and will now pray for Sharolyn. May her children and family surround her with love as she goes through her journey to good health again. As a cancer survivor I know that God hears and answers our prayers.

  93. My prayers have been sent for you and your SIL. You give to us on the internet so freely I wish I could give a teeny tiny amount of peace that you give to all of us on your site.
    Quilting is so peaceful and rests my soul. I hope my prayers are answered for you and yours.

  94. Prayers for you & all your family at this time & for the times & trials ahead. May you find some ease & peace in sewing. Simone in Australia

  95. I pray for you and yours every day. Will add extra for this.

  96. My heart goes out to you and your family. My, you have all been through a lot this year. My prayer is that you all find some peace and joy this holiday season and in the new year to come. Blessings to you all! You deserve a day of sewing and taking care of YOU. Hugs!!!

  97. My heart aches for you and your sister-in-law. You are all in my prayers.
    I am one and a half year clean from my own bout with breast cancer. It was a difficult journey but blessed on the other end.

  98. Praying for Sharolyn, her whole family, and you. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it pours, but this year has been a deluge for your family. My heart goes out to you all. Lord, we need a deluge of blessings!!!

  99. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the money wasted on election campaigns was spent on cancer research instead? Bonnie, may both you and Sharolyn be surrounded by the love of your family. You can see that your quilting family is with you all the way.

  100. Praying for you and your family. Florida

  101. Prayers for Sharonlyn, her family and you Bonnie. The quilt is beautiful💕

  102. Praying in Alaska...

  103. I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. Prayers are with you and your family during these days to come. When I think of all the stress in my own life now and I know that I forget sometimes that others out there are struggling and having life issues too. Often they are more worse than my problems.

  104. As a 13 year survivor I know the fear she is feeling. I am sending prayers for Sharolyn and her family as she walks this journey. I am sending prayers for you and your family, Bonnie, as well. My prayer is that she feels Gods arms surround her with love, comfort and healing and for you to find strength to walk this walk with her. The quilt will bring her much comfort knowing you chose it for her. Love and hugs to all.

  105. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet SIL but praying for you, her and your family as you stand strong with each other. May God give you comfort during this, another trial. Hugs from Arkansas

  106. God wrap His loving arms around Sherolyn! She is in my thoughts and prayers. She can totally beat this and I too believe the focus on the birth can help her! What a blessing!

    I too believe Mark WILL be with her and my hope is that she uses this quilt as a loving comfort knowing that He is with her!

    Merry Christmas and a very Blessed New Year!🙏💕

  107. Sending you and your family lots of love and quilted prayers (which are the best kind!)

  108. So sorry for what your family is going through. Breast cancer is very treatable these days; lets plan on a good outcome. And may I ask, what is Dirty Santa? Never heard of it. It may be around and I’ve just missed it.

  109. That is a very beautiful quilt, and it will carry lots of good wishes and prayers with it - may it arrive very soon!

  110. Prayers are the easy part. May the Lord be with Sharolyn and the whole family, too.

  111. Sending healing thoughts to your SIL and your family. Your quilt is beautiful and full of love. She will feel it, for sure.

  112. Sharolyn is blessed to have you in her extended family. The quilt is beautiful and she will feel your love as it is wrapped around her.

  113. Keeping you all in my prayers. The quilt is beautiful. The colors are calming colors to me.

  114. Thoughts are with you and family. I have been there. Lost my dad brother and sister all to cancer. She will be strong for the new little one coming.

  115. I’m so sorry to hear the news about your sister in law. I will be praying for her and all of your wonderful family!
    God bless all of you and may you enjoy your family for Christmas!
    I totally agree with you about Christmas and what it has become. We really have Christmas every day! ❤️

  116. Wish you, Sharolyn and all involved the best in these turbulent and unsure times. Think of you all.wish you all the best.

  117. Tears. My gosh Bonnie! Your poor family and most of all your poor sister in love. My best wishes go out to the universe to help hold Sharonlyn up and give her strength to fight this beast. I know your brother is up there making sure she feels the love. My thoughts are with you as well, because I know how much you love your entire family. The quilt will hug her when you can't.

  118. Sometimes the gods have no sense of proportion! I'm so sorry that Sharolyn and your whole family have to go through another cancer journey. You and yours are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!

  119. Im so sorry to learn this. It has been a very rough year. I’m also sending my prayers and thoughts to you, Sharolyn and the whole family.

  120. Dear Bonne,
    I am so sad for the news about your sister-in-law's cancer and for all of the pain that you have gone through with the loss of your brother as well. I am a strong believer in the power of prayer, and please know that I will add Sherolyn to my prayer list. Praying for wisdom for her medical team and strength for her battle and for grace that she will be around for not just the birth of her grandchild, but for her to see his grandchild as well. blessings for Christmas and New Year. maggie

  121. When I read your post, I cried. How awful for your sister-in-law. I've been through some bad times myself, including the loss of my daughter, so I can somewhat understand what she, and you, and the rest of your family, are going through. My heart goes out to all of you. I'm not a praying person, but I'm sending sincere best wishes for a successful conclusion to this terrible battle. Love and peace to you and yours.

  122. Omigosh, Bonnie, I can't even imagine what your sis-in-law is facing now, after all she has been through! And the rest of the family, as well (which includes you). You know I will keep you all in my prayers!
    (Fun to see Debbie's V.'s smiling face in your guild photo.)

  123. Christmas is hard for me too. I take a step back each year just as you explained. I have no words to help other than to say, I get it. I also get the SLAM that cancer can be. One step in front of the other...one step in front of the other it's the only way I've found through it.

  124. Praying for you and your family. I have been through lots in the past years and I have realized the important of the holidays, family and friends. Not material or petty things. Some people do not have a clue! We do not do presents or try to keep up with people and there latest gadgets or sewing machines! My daughter is on Hospice at 21 and I lost my husband 6 years ago, but I don't want pity or attention, I was prayer and understanding. I want people to realize what they have and live everyday like it is their last. Enjoy life! Spend time with loved one whether it is family or just friends. Not get upset because their free pattern is not in their inbox! It's not the end of the world. I appreciate all you do and know how hard you work and how many hours it takes. Yes, you make some money and yes, you enjoy it but it is a lot to do. Thank you for all the wonderful patterns and thank you for giving me something beautiful to do. It fills my endless days at home and takes my mind off of worries. And though my daughter is no verbal, I know she would say Thank you Miss Bonnie for teaching my mommy how to make me a beautiful En Provence Quilt for my bed! Xoxoxox

  125. Praying for you and your family. I think self-imposed exile is wonderful. If I come home grumpy my beloved husband tells me, "go upstairs and pet fabric; it will make you feel better." And it alway does.

  126. Keeping you and your family in my prayers - You are very special to many people, please be sure to take care of yourself too.

  127. Praying for all of you.

  128. As many other have said, I will be lifting Sharolyn, her family, you and your family in prayer as well as the medical staff that will be caring for her.

  129. Such a hard time for Sharolyn and your family I will keep her and you all in my prayers. I love your girly quilt and I’m sure it will bring her comfort at this time whilst she is going through he4 treatment.
    May god bless you all at this time
    Love prayers and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  130. Oh Bonnie... Oh Sharolyn... I send you love. oh my...

  131. Bonnie...my heart, love and prayers go out to you and your family. Just three years ago, my strong brother and sister-in-law faced cancer, first with him (he survived stage 4 colon and liver cancer), then when they thought things were getting back to some kind of normalcy, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Prayers and love got them through, along with their internal strength, and we are thankful for every cancer free day. {{Hugs}}

  132. My prayers for complete healing and strength are with Sharolyn, as well as prayers for comfort and strength for you and your whole family as you all go through this together. What a pretty quilt for Sharolyn, it is beautiful.

  133. Oh Bonnie. My love, thoughts and prayers are for you. Please enjoy the miracle that is Christmas and hope that it will extend to you and your family.

  134. I am sending prayers and I can't explain the feelings I have about this for you and your family. Bless your hearts.

  135. I am praying for you and your sister-in-law. My heart goes out to you both.

  136. With you all, through it all.

  137. Praying for your sister-in-law and your whole family. Her grandchild will surely be a healing balm for her heart.

  138. Wishing peace and comfort for you and your family.

    You don't "have to" do anything at christmas. Really. Make it what you want.

    Thank you so very much for all the patterns, mysteries, and sharing your quilts and your life with us. You bring joy to a lot of people, and that is something special.

  139. Sending prayers AND positive vibes to the Universe (I'm of both kinds) for your "heart sister" and you. LOVE to both of you and your entire family. And now to find out what "Dirty Santa" is!?!?! : ) big smile

  140. Bonnie, I will be praying for your sister in law, as well as the rest of your family. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.

  141. Your dear SIL, you and your family are in my prayers. May the Almighty grant her complete healing and you and your family strength to help her in her battle.

  142. Bonnie my heart breaks for you and for me. I lost my Mom 10 days ago and my infant granddaughter 17 years ago. Christmas is not my favourite season at all. I will keep you and yours in my heart as I fumble my way through this darkest month.

  143. Prayers and multitudes of blessings be yours and for your family.

  144. Dear Bonnie, my heart breaks for you and your family. You will be in my prayers and thoughts. Just as you simplified Christmas that year, maybe you should simplify your life as well. Take a year long break from the hustle and bustle of your busy life to focus on your family and healing of your own heart. My dear lady you have been through a tremendous amount of grief. Take some time for yourself. We will all be here for you when you return. Quilters stick together with more than stitches. Bless you and your family.

  145. Bonnie, I will definitely keep your dear SIL in my prayers as well as the entire family. If you need to pm me, I am an oncology nurse..... my bff fought breast cancer and is doing well. We will hope and pray she will do well. Sending hugs

  146. My thoughts are with you and your extended family and I truly believe the love and strength that went into making that quilt is interwoven in the threads and will sustain her during this time
    I am a beginner quikter, but to me, giving someone a quikt, is giving that person a hug from me, that they can have any time of the day or night

  147. Oh, Bonnie, with so many commenting, will you even get to mine? I had a partial breast mastectomy on Nov 14. Breast cancer, are you kidding? Me? Always in control but it happens. One in 8 women will get it. If there is nothing else you can do, advise women to get a mammogram and dont wait. Dont put it off. I went from nothing in May 2018 to a big lump in October 2018. It happens fast. But know there is hope. There is so much improvement in breast cancer treatment the last few years. Now there is a gene test which Im undergoing right now to determine whether I need chemo or not. HOping not. I much prefer breast cancer to any other sort of cancer. There is hope, there is new treatment, there is love in your family. Hold tight! And thank you for all you do.

  148. Prayers offered as my tears flow. Thank God for your tender heart, Bonnie. God will stand strong for your family. His Grace will encompass your SIL for He is merciful.

  149. Love & prayers to you & your family. Your gift of a quilt to your SIL at this time is the perfect Christmas present even if it is the only gift given. Maybe this is the way all gifts should be - only heartfelt with no commercial things. You give so much daily that you don't realize what a gift you are to everyone.

  150. Loads of prayers, hugs and love coming your way. You couldn't have chosen a better quilt to give to your SIL. It will wrap her in your love, family memories, and hope for the future and she will be able to cuddle her future grandchildren in it with her.

  151. Life is not easy! When you love someone you feel their pain and loss so acutely. Prayers for Sharolyn and for you my friend.

  152. I will pray for you and your sister-in-law.

  153. Much love to you and all your extended family as you each struggle with the things life has thrown at you this year. A quilt is perfect for her, since hospital blankets are not warming at all! This will add color and loving hugs, which you sewed into it, to her environment as she goes through this.

  154. Praying for your sister-in-law and you, too! May God grant her healing and give you both His peace.

  155. From Beth Holcombe: Do I spy Shelby there? Please send my love to all these wonderful friends I knew in Winston. And prayers for your heart sister!

  156. I am so sorry to hear of Sharolyn's challenge. So many of my friends have faced losses over the past year, myself included. It is a time when we need to focus on our relationship with God as well as our relationships to each other. We get through this by caring and supporting each other. Many of us are praying for you and your family. And, yes, sewing helps. It is a physical way we can show our concern and love as well Asa way for us to pour out the gifts God has blessed us with. Blessings. Keep calm and sew on. ❤️

  157. Oh Bonnie, I am so sorry that your heart is heavy with grief. Life sucks some days. There were many a day when my heart was heavy with grief that I would simply ask, Why? If one more person said, God gives only what you can bear or this will make you stronger, I would have gladly smacked them! Of course that did not happen. I send prayers for you, Sharolyn and the rest of your family. May you and yours receive healing now. (Marilyn L.)

  158. Sending hugs and prayers to all of you!

  159. NEVER be afraid to ask for prayer dear lady. Adding you and Sharolyn and the rest of your family to my daily prayers. May you find peace in your scraps and in sending fabric under the needle.

  160. God Bless You Bonnie and Sharolyn! I will keep you and the whole family in my prayers. Quilts are great during this time. I was doing the same thing for my little Sister a couple years ago. Now those quilts will go to her son and daughter, as she is gone from our earthly life. That quilt of yours has now found who it was meant to be for, you just didn't know it at the time! Bless you, Your Family during this Christmas season and always!

    Donna E.
    Kasilof, AK

  161. Oh Bonnie, I understand your pain. My SIL has been given her last days. We are just waiting for the last breath. It is such a hard time. It is the 3rd family death since July. I am sending you my heart most feelings and wishes for Sharolyn.... keep strong and don't forget about your health

  162. Wow just wow. I am happy to pray for you and your family(and Sharolyn's heath care providers.Take care of yourself. We appreciate you so much.

  163. Feeling your pain as last year about this same time my best friend and quilt enabler learned she had breast cancer as well. She was lucky it was found early. Prayers for your sister-in-law and you as well. Surrounding my computer screen are these 'bonnie-isms'. "God doesn't give us what we can handle, He helps us handle what we have been given." and "Be gentle with yourself-you're doing the best you can. Love to you.

  164. Praying for Sharolyn and her family. Thank you for that post. I also prayed for you and your family.

  165. Prays going up for Sharolyn and your family. Tears are in the way of typing. The best kind of sleep from heaven above is under a quilt homemade with love. Bless you and bless her...

  166. I just prayed for Sharolyn. Here I was feeling sorry for us since hubby's job was eliminated in October, but, at least we have good health. I pray that the surgery is a complete success and that she has many good years with that new grandbaby, when it arrives.


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