There are days when I wish I could be learning to quilt NOW instead of 30+ years ago when little of machine quilting had even appeared on the scene.
I am a self taught quilter, learning through magazines and books and I never even took a quilting class until the early 2000’s --- and it was on APPLIQUE by hand, nothing to do with machine work at all.
Those first days of machine quilting were totally by trial and error.
Leave it to Pat Sloan to write a fabulous book for those who are just wanting to get started in the joy of machine quilting projects!
I am happy that you have stopped here on my blog today as one of your stops along the way. There will be many, and each site will be sharing with you what they most loved about the book, Teach me to Machine Quilt, published by Martingale and That Patchwork Place.
There’s that irresistible smile!
I actually had to wait until I arrived in Utah to hold this copy in my hot little hands – Pat contacted me just before I left for Utah and I was afraid it wouldn’t get to my home address in time so we sent it on to my sister Joy instead and it was there waiting for me to arrive. I ripped that envelope open and started thumbing through pages.
What I found was section after section of KEEP IT SIMPLE and start where you are. There are projects included so that you have something to practice the different aspects of machine quilting on, from straight walking foot quilting, to specialty stitches, to free motion and more.
Let’s start with thread!
I LOVED that there are actual photos of stitching samples so you can gauge when you might WANT to use a heavier thread versus a finer one. There are even great photos of things like BAD tension and how to fix it. I found myself looking at those oops photos and giggling to myself thinking “Oh yeah, been there –done that LOTS!”
Another thing I love sprinkled through the pages are words of encouragement to keep you going – don’t give up!
Thank you, Albert! I’ve always loved this one.
Wisdom from Pat on changing needles!
I just saw Pat at Quilt Market in Houston, and I’d know her voice anywhere because I listen to her podcasts. I can HEAR her speaking these words of wisdom in my ear – time to buy needles by the 100 pack and change them more often.
She even shows how to bury thread ends!
Pull the threads to the top when you start quilting, and use a self-threading needle to pull those puppies into the inside of the quilt sandwich.
I thought this was very cool. Once you have reached this point for free-motion quilting, and want to see how Pat draws out her designs on paper to learn the motion with her hands and her brain before actually trying it on fabric, there are VIDEOS you can watch. I’m a visual learner, so the ability to see Pat in action is an absolute bonus. Thanks for thinking of this and including it in your book, Pat!
We had too much fun at Quilt Market!
Instead of entering on MY blog to win a copy of Pat’s book, I’m going to send you over to HER BLOG to leave your entry there.
Winners drawn from outside of the USA will receive a digital copy. Be sure to enter by Midnight Dec 1st. But why wait? Now is better!
Visit the following folks below on their day of Pat’s Mega Fun Tour to learn more about Pat's book. Some have interviewed Pat, a few might have a giveaway, or have made a project... it's all listed on Pat's page!
Nov 18
- Bonnie Hunter
- Pam Vieira-McGinnis
- Alyce Blyth
- Kimberly Einmo
- American Patchwork & Quilting Magazine
- Mathew Boudreaux and
- Moda – Carrie Nelson
- Amy Smart with an Interview
- Katja Marek of visit and
- Lee Monroe
- Jacquelynne Steves
- Stephanie Palmer
- Mary Abreu
- Sarah Maxwell of Visit with a Giveaway!
- Debby Brown
- Jane Davidson
- Linda Thielfoldt
- Janet Clare
- Baby Lock and
- Cheryl Brickey
- Helen Stubbings
- Kimberly Jolly of visit and
- Sherri McConnell
- Julie Karasek of visit
- Ebony Love
- Martingale
- Scott Hansen
- Victoria findlay Wolfe
- Amy Friend
- Heather Valentine
- Melissa Corry
- Amy Ellis
- Aurifil Erin Sampson
- Christa Watson
- Nancy Zieman - Sharing a project
- Amanda Niederhauser
- Kim Niedzwiecki
- Karen Miller
- Wendy Sheppard
- Brenda M. Ratliff of Pink Castle Fabrics visit
Quiltville Quote of the Day
Via Pat Sloan and Alice Walker!
If you are new to my page, I’d love to invite you to take a look around. You’ll find tips & techniques, tutorials and free patterns in the tabs at the top of the blog, and also a tab for our Quiltville’s Winter Mystery found under the En Provence Mystery tab. We start with clue one on Nov 25th so there is time to join in if you’d like to!
I'm also participating in Quiltmaker Magazine's 100 blocks vol 14 blog tour. My day was just YESTERDAY and there is a super mega giveaway happening ON THAT POST. Don't miss it!
I'm also participating in Quiltmaker Magazine's 100 blocks vol 14 blog tour. My day was just YESTERDAY and there is a super mega giveaway happening ON THAT POST. Don't miss it!
Have a great Friday, everyone!

It was so great to see you!! Thank you for being part of my book tour.. hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bonnie for your review of Pat Sloan's book. I love that the "PRO'S" in the quilting world are supportive of each other, instead of ultra competitive. I have taken classes from both of you, attended lectures by both of you and admire you both greatly. You might say I am a Pat & Bonnie fan, and am thrilled to have learned from you both. You each have a unique style that I love!
ReplyDeleteMary /
I recently ordered a book from Martingale and they sent me Pat Sloan's book by mistake. One loon at it convinced me that it was the right book for me at the right time. Nothing, I am more and more convinced every day, happens by accident.
ReplyDeleteOk, so there wasn't supposed to be a 'loon' in my previous comment. It was supposed to be a 'look'. The book is super great and I'm looking forward to diving into it after the holidays.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Bonnie for more reasons for me to need Pat's book. I'm excited to get started learning more about machine quilting.
ReplyDeletelove the machine quilting helps available nowadays also. Also got my Essential Tool yesterday. Yeah to both ladies!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bonnie for all you do! I've got to get Pat's new book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the book review. Just a few more reasons to compliment a great biokk
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bonnie for your inspiration and opportunity to win Pat Sloan's new book. It sounds like a winner.