I forget what it’s like to have little ones.
It seems like a life time since I had two little boys, 6 years apart.
But memories come flooding back of rushing to get one out the door to school, hopefully before the youngest wakes up needing a diaper change, breakfast, dressing and settling into my day.
Monday’s were always my favorite and still are. They set the tone for the whole week ahead.
On the heels of a busy and bustling family weekend, Joy and I used the “down to one child” opportunity to put on our running shoes, put 2 1/2 year old Emory into the stroller (Boy do they make strollers nice now..cup holders and speakers for your iPod and everything!! I was actually jealous!) and we put over 3 1/2 miles on our fitbits as we walked the neighborhood, kept the conversation going, and ended up at the park to let Emmie play a bit before heading back home.
It felt GREAT to be outside, and pretty soon sweatshirts weren’t needed at all.
This is fairly rare for Utah in mid-November, But we’ll take it, this beautiful weather and gorgeous blue skies surrounded by mountains. The cold will come soon enough. It’s as if we’ve been handed a gift of good weather for travel and to enjoy the outdoors before winter arrives on the doorstep here. Today it is supposed to reach 70 degrees. By Thursday it could be snowing!
Slide, Emmie, Slide!
I’m liking this color combo, aren’t you?
Wheels are turning!
Riding in style!
Plans are jelling as we walk along on how to spend this day. On Saturday I picked a boat-load of tomatoes from Joy’s garden. We texted up Mary over in Tooele and let her know that there would be BLTs for lunch – we were bringing everything, and oh, by the way – we were staying for dinner too! We hadn’t seen Mary’s new house yet, and mom and my step dad were staying over there, so off we went.
Photo ops of the Great Salt Lake!
Such rugged country!
Selfie Sisters!
Burgers and Hotdogs from the grill!
All the kids’ favorites!
There WILL be a serious diet happening really soon. I have never seen so much food in my life as has been served up with love on this trip. But there is time for that later. There is no way I would NOT share in the desserts my mom has made, especially her pumpkin cobbler. Paper plates were easy to clean up, leaving the table ready for another fun family round of “Burn” this time with 4 decks of cards to make it more exciting.
Life doesn’t have to be anything more than simply happy to keep me content. To be here with my family, to spend time with my two sisters and their children, to watch them grow – and to see all of the quilts I have made them with love displayed proudly at the end of every bed just does my heart good.
Speaking of quilts ---
I’m crashing a guild meeting!
This message came in from Sarah:
"I am writing to let you know that the Utah Valley Quilt Guild has used your Scrappy Trips pattern as their guild challenge this year and will be displaying their creations at their afternoon meeting on Wednesday Nov. 16."
She has invited me to come crash the guild meeting and I am happy to do so!
Her reply upon receiving my YES message cracked me up and made my day:
WoW ! I am so Thrilled!
Do you remember that Brady Bunch episode where Marsha tries to get Davy Jones to sing at her prom? That is how I feel!
I do get the reference! I’m tickled! Maybe no cheek kisses, but hugs all around will do!
Except Davy is actually Singing at My prom, No kiss on the cheek needed…. Sorry if you don’t get the reference….
My sister Joy has never been to a guild meeting, so this will be fun. We’ll be there with bells on, and anyone near by is welcome to come too. I won’t be speaking, I’ll just be in the audience, and I’m looking forward to it.
If you are part of the Utah Valley quilt Guild, or nearby and would like to visit I look forward to meeting you!
There may be a stop at a quilt shop along the way as I feel the need to pet some fabric. I’m slightly going through withdrawals. Mom was stitching hexies when I showed up at Mary’s and I nearly tackled her to the floor, grabbing them to get my fix. Oh boy!
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Give love and forget that you gave it, don't keep score!

Vintage quilt seen at Quilt Market in Houston.
Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday, everyone!

My older daughter and her family just moved to Salt Lake City from our home state of Alabama, so we will have many opportunities to explore. We were there for a week in September when it was still summer hot. I discovered several wonderful quilt shops there. She sent me a screenshot of their weather forecast for snow on Thursday. I know my two grandsons are excited.i can picture them cuddling under grandma made quilts this winter.
ReplyDeleteI'm so enjoying your family adventures in Utah. Yes, the jungle gym color way is awesome with its blues and greens. Hope your find a quilt shop soon to pet fabric. Don't want you tackling you Mom for her hexies!! LOL Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA
ReplyDeleteI hope Orem has a large senior center for the crowd that will show up! I am half tempted to make the two hour drive down myself. : )
ReplyDeletePumpkin cobbler. Please share that recipe!
ReplyDeleteLooking at your sister selfie...Bonnie, You look refreshed!!!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that you are getting some personal family down time! Enjoy. And as for those colors on the play equipment...OMG...LOVE them especially the aqua and lime green; and the fact that Emmie's jacket matches with that touch of pink from the star....yes ma'am I'm seeing a quilt in the making! OH, and calories don't count during the holidays or is that just don't count calories during the holidays? Works either way. :-)
ReplyDeleteLooking lovely and fun ♥
ReplyDeleteLove that you get to "crash" and be part of the audience. Take your pen, as I am sure there will be some requests for book signings if the word gets out you are going to be there! Shhhh...I won't tell. Mary / stitchinggrandma.wordpress.com
ReplyDeleteJust meeting you is so much fun and I got to sit across from you for lunch and next to you for dinner, so I know how she feels. You watching them show what they made with your pattern = priceless in my mind.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear you are having "you time" with special people, family!
Please, please ask your sister, Joy for her bread recipe and share it with us. I make bread too, but her bread looks so spectacular.
Thank you! Liz
Bonnie what a wonderful time you are having! Emmie is adorable in her shades! I wish I could crash the Guild meeting with you! Love to see people's faces when they see you! How much fun! Maybe you could take some pictures of the meeting! Keep having fun! You look so rested!🤗🌻🐝
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your time with your beautiful family. Joy, contentment and revitalisation is so evident in your writing. It is a blessing to have a family to love and replenish your spirit.
ReplyDeleteSure wish I could attend the guild meeting tomorrow... such fun! I'm thinking it will be jam packed!
ReplyDeleteHave a great time... I will have to live vicariously... there are lots of quilt shops between SLC and Orem... (I know cause I have shop hopped a bunch of them... lol) so have fun "petting" the fabric!
Jean in Clinton, Utah
Bonnie, loving the stories of your family reunion. You mention more than once "Burn".
ReplyDeleteNow, I have to know if you can explain the game "Burn". I play cards in a group of 6. We like to try new games and we've been playing "Hand and Foot" almost every time we gather.
Help please.
Thanks for sharing, Bonnie. Your situation is a lot like mine. I grew up in New Mexico where my "tribe" still lives, my son lives in Salt Lake City, and my daughter is in Denver. My husband and I are still living in the Washington DC area. I retired a few months ago from my federal government job. My husband isn't sure when he is retiring. But you can bet when we are ready, we will pack up our bags (and my sewing and quilting machines) and head out west to be near family. We miss the big family celebrations too!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your family visits!💕 and wanting to tackle your mom.....HILARIOUS! 😂😅