Yesterday, I posted about love.
I opened my heart about how it feels to be living in North Carolina where the KKK is marching. And how Nazi salutes caused fitful sleep. No matter “which side” you are on, these are real events and they disturb me. It is NOT a political statement.
I simply expressed how I felt and that we need to reach out with love to those who are different than us. Love conquers fear. And that quilting joins us together.
NOTHING I said was political. If you don’t believe me you can read yesterday’s post.
But today I am hurt, and really have no words for the kinds of ugly comments….DIATRIBES paragraphs long - bashing me for political views that I NEVER EXPRESSED.
I never expected this from you, my readers.
These comments have been deleted. Those who have found their comments deleted? I would appreciate it if you would never leave another comment on this blog. I didn’t deserve this, and I am done.
You can find somewhere else to go, because the views you expressed – the way you lashed out at me, or tried to tell me what I can or can’t do with my blog? That was as if I had invited you into my home, into my life –and you shouted those things to my face.
Some said “there is no place for this on a quilting blog.” This is NOT a quilting blog. Quilting is part of my life, but it is not all of my life. I share EVERYTHING here, it is my journal. You are here as my guest.
And if I am concerned about something, I will write about it.
And I will turn OFF the commenting.
While you were busy slamming me --
I was doing this.
Box #16 is out the door.
I am headed to Florida late this afternoon where I will be spending Thanksgiving.
There may or may not be a blog post.
I’ve lost my faith in people’s ability to chose kindness. To chose respect for others’ opinions. To hold their own views silent while they allow someone else to express a different opinion.
I’m asking myself WHY I’ve been doing this day in and day out for years and years and offering all I do for free ---when this is how I am treated for simply stating that we need to see each other as individuals and love each other.
This isn’t worth it to me anymore.
Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Wishing you a peaceful Thanksgiving, Bonnie. Prayers for the hurt you're feeling, and for those who hurt thoughtlessly.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you had to deal with that Bonnie. I hope in spite of the ugliness you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for all you do and share. Have a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteI am so sad and sorry you are hurt. I share your feelings and I do not mean that as a political statement. You give us so much and there are many who do appreciate it. We don't tell you often enough.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that this happened. I can't believe a quilter would do this either, but please know that you are appreciated by so many! It hurts when we realize that there are people in our world who choose hate over love or stupidity over understanding. Enjoy your day in whatever you choose to do with it! Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to read what I've just read on your blog. I can't believe this. Please don't let this ruin your journal. I enjoy reading it!
ReplyDeleteI would like to say I am surprised people would do this to you Bonnie, but , unfortunately in this "brave new world" people are apparently openly angry, racist and horrid. Peace to you and your gentle soul. Enjoy the holiday with your beautiful family and doggie.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, my heart breaks for you and other bloggers who have been treated in such a manner. We Quilters know you to be a kind person, please try and disregard hate, just absorb the love.
ReplyDeleteI loved your post & shared it. I think people can say whatever they want on their page, but if they say something mean on my page, I delete it with no apology. We have lost a politeness & genteelness in our society. It is heartbreaking. 😢 Thanks for all you do!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and your family. God Bless you for all that you do and share with us quilters. I am sorry that you had to experience the rudeness of others. If they don't like what you say they should just quit following you and move on. We are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs and we have to learn to live together in peace and harmony. Keep up what you are doing....I love to read your post, sharing your experiences....
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry Bonnie that you are being treated this way. You so deserve better than this. You are such a giving selfless person and I for one am proud to call you friend and fellow quilting sister. Please keep doing what you are doing. there are so many more of us that love you than those who bash you. Have a happy turkey day!
ReplyDeleteLots of Hugs to you!
Lovely quote today!
ReplyDeleteLovely quote today!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry- you don't deserve that! Remember it's just those few individuals who were so terrible, not the tens of thousands who truly read what you wrote.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that people can be so cruel. I for one, appreciate all you do and I agreed with your post yesterday. Please try not to let those people hurt you. You have a right to express your views. I look forward to reading your Blog every day.
ReplyDeleteIt is disappointing not to be able to express a statement as positive and simple as you did and have people turn it around to see it through their negative view finders. I know that love always wins, and hope that those of us that believe that will continue to be inspired to do so. Very sorry that you were assulted in your domain.
ReplyDeleteIHave a great Thanksgiving.!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Bonnie, my heard aches for you. I feel your pain and I wish I could help it go away.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time in Florida. I hope your husband enjoys his time in the water at Key Largo. The best snorkeling I ever had was there. The reef there is a magical place. If the water is calm, I urge you to experience it as well.
I am looking forward to the mystery quilt even though I won't be making it. I am also excited about your trip to Birmingham in April as I will be taking one of your classes.
Please don't quit blogging. I do love all your quotes laid on top of old quilts.
Wishing you peace and calm today and always.
Bonnie, there are just some evil minded people out there and social media gives them a false bravery. I taught middle school art and the cruelty I endured from some students broke my heart. However, there are many people who would walk over hot coals for you. That is also a reality. Choose the reality of the many who are grateful for you. Ignore the miserable twisted souls that would destroy any goodness. Thank you for all you do!!
ReplyDeleteBravo Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am so sorry you have to deal with nastiness after all you do out of the kindness of your heart. I love your blog posts and patterns and appreciate all the work it takes for you to send them out to us. I also love that your blog is your journal because I appreciate getting to know you, the amazing, normal, wonder-woman behind the scrap quilts. Keep that delete button oiled, and know you are loved.
ReplyDeletehave a great vacation Bonnie you deserve it!! Florida should be pretty - hope for no storms. so enjoy your blog and looking at all that you offer - your quilting tips are the best and while I do not have my stash organized as you do I have been using my scraps constantly this year and it might not look like progress but when you get several queen size quilts and baby quilts out of so many pieces of scraps you know you have made progress!!
ReplyDeleteTake some time off, rest and rejuvenate. Remember words are only words and they only hurt us if we let them. There are so many people out there who are emboldened by the ability to "say" things in comments they would never have the nerve to say to you in person. No matter what you decide to do I am in your corner. You are a great person and you give so freely of yourself and your talents and it is your right to express your feelings on your blog whenever you choose. Take heart, you are beloved. I will pray for those who hurt you that they might see the error of their ways.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family, have a happy and loving Thanksgiving
ReplyDeletePlease continue to voice and express what bothers you - and please trust and understand that we are thousands of quilters around the world who worries with you and love you for all you do.
ReplyDeleteYour voice matters ❤️
My heart goes out to you, my fellow North Carolinian. My heart breaks every day at all I am seeing all around us. Please know that you are not alone. There are many of us who understand, and those who don't can go to their hate groups. I believe that right will prevail. Don't ever remain silent. Sending love and hugs.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you, my fellow North Carolinian. My heart breaks every day at all I am seeing all around us. Please know that you are not alone. There are many of us who understand, and those who don't can go to their hate groups. I believe that right will prevail. Don't ever remain silent. Sending love and hugs.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you were attacked on your own blog. I believe that if people disagree with your views and feel a need to respond, they should do so on their own blogs, not in your comment section! Didn't their mother's teach them 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all'?
ReplyDeleteI hold similar views to your: fear of all the hate groups gaining ground. I also hate to see the coarsening of our culture. Why can't we be civil in our disagreements?
Thank you Bonnie for your blog post yesterday, as I was reading it I thought, surely no one can disagree with you? And yet, they did, lashing and bashing and in general being cruel. This is YOUR blog and you graciously share your love of quilting and your humanity with US. You do what you need to do and I will continue to enjoy your patterns, blog and the Facebook community YOU have created. Let love be your guide this Thanksgiving season and don't let the haters get the better of you. We have your back!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you were subjected to this. I am so puzzled over why do many people think that kind of posting is ok? I am so sorry this happened.
ReplyDeletePlease know that I read your blog almost daily and am uplifted by your inspiration. You amaze me at the energy, creativity and generosity that you have! I love seeing pictures of your beautiful mountains, watching you on quiltcam, and I especially enjoyed your posts about your family reuion!
I hope that you decide to continue sharing your life with us and won't let the negativity and hate from others stop that.
Please know that you are loved and respected by thousands of people...not only for quilting, but also for being you! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving. Ignore the rude folks who posted nasty things without understanding what they read. Be thankful for the rest of us who value you and your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for the cruel words from some of your followers. They must not understand how a blog works. You do not deserve that type of response from anyone. You do so much from your heart for so many... May you feel peace as you unwind in Florida.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Thanksgiving weekend.
People just seem to like to "hear" their own voice, all of the time. Unfortunately, social media allows people to make nasty comments and remain anonymous. Remember that their are so many more who want to express our love for you and each other. Have a great Thanksgiving, a good time in FL, and time to rest and refresh. I am one of the MANY who love and appreciate you!
ReplyDeleteIt is very sad people seem to be so one sided these days. I have enjoyed your blog and patterns and mystery so much. Our world is so different now compared to ten years ago and in many ways your web site and all connected efforts have been my one constant. I cannot tell you how often just reading your blog has put my world back to normal. Three years ago hubby had a massive stroke and if it hadn't been for your fall mystery I would have fallen apart. I am telling you this so you realize some of us out here REALLY care about you as a special person so please don't let a few bullies upset you so they are simply not worth it. I hope your Thanksgiving provides you some peace and returns your joy.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately there are a lot of mean people in this country. Know that there are more who love you and what you stand for.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm gonna say is I love the different ways you share what order numbers you are working on today. Your poor kitty cat looks put out having a post it note on her fur :). Hang in there and have a great Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeletePlease don't let those who have more arguments than reading comprehension get you down. The pumpkins look so cute.
ReplyDeleteRemember, with all the hate and angry people out there, there are also so many good, loving, caring people that are so grateful for you and what you provide. Don't let the hate and anger overwhelm the good - hate shouts, while love speaks calmly and quietly. This is such a difficult medium to share things on - there is always an element behind the monitor that is looking for trouble and something to be offended about when reading their screen. God bless you -hang in there.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am a quilting Uber driver, I have had a couple of passengers go nuts and become very nasty while in my cat about politics. Oneven I pulled over and invited them to GET OUT of my car after only a couple of minutes. One thing that I have learned is there is so much hate out there and people are accepting it.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who has left you a nasty message is just part of the hate and should be ignored, don't give them any acknowledgement.
《3 《3 《3
ReplyDeleteI woke up this morning to head rightto your blog, which starts my day out each day, to read how hurtful others were to you. I am so sorry. Whoever took it as political put their own spin on it. I took it simply we need to all love to need to stop the hate and the fighting.
You can't fix stupid. Your blog, your mystery quilt, facebook are a part of my life. It is my way to find love and peace and lock myself into my own world. It is a way to shelter myself from the hate and fighting. It is a way to get away for a few hours from the fear of watching my Mom with dementia. I could go on and on of what you have done for me. Of the happy escape you give me. The fun the love.
May you have a safe trip and blessed Thanksgiving. Please don't let the ignorance others change who you are, what you believe and how you think or feel. You are so very much loved and I am hurting for you this morning.
Dear Bonnie - I'm so sorry for the pain some have caused you. You do so much for so many. This is a very trying time for our country and those of us who truly try to live good, caring lives need to stay strong. This time of hate may last for a while and we can't give in to it, but rather stay true to our values. Easier said than done for sure! Please remember all of the good people who support and love you and your wonderful work.
ReplyDeletePeace of mind and heart and blessings to you and yours. Enjoy your family time and know that you are loved and admired by thousands of us. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog and hope you find it in you to continue it. Ignore, please, the people who lashed out at you. They are in the minority by far! There are WAY more of us than them. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI just read your post from yesterday. If people objected so vociferously to what you said, you are better off without them. Hatred was stirred up this past year during the political process. It's a very scary thing and I think you are right to be concerned. The KKK and people who promulgate hatred rather than seeing their neighbors as neighbors are very scary. I hope you don't let a few fear and hate mongers stop your voice crying in the wilderness that is current day America. I enjoy your musings and love your quilts. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteDon't let them get to you dear Bonnie, concentrate on the good ones instead.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful, peaceful Thanksgiving.
Oh my goodness, you surely do not deserve such. We love you and are forever grateful.
ReplyDeleteYou bring so much healing and joy. Thank you for giving of your heart.
It's so shocking to hear that people lashed out to you. I love what you do here and how much of yourself you give to all of us. Please know that with over 50K members there are bound to be bad apples out there and they don't reflect most of the rest of your members. Please have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you are able to let go those hateful words. Social media brings out the best and worst of people. You are one of the best and the worst need to be ignored.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I rarely comment on your blog, but I am a faithful reader and looking forward to travelling to take a class with you in April. I read yesterday's blog post when it was fresh (and before any nasty comments), and only recalled your bonding with your sewing machine. I had to re-read it today to even understand what all the hubbub was about. Please know that those people are FAR outnumbered by those of us who are grateful for what you share with us. I enjoy all of your posts (and everything in them). I'm glad you deleted the negative comments, and hope that you don't waste another minute worrying about them. There is far more support here for you than you'll ever know. I am thankful for you. And your blog. ALL of it, especially the classy response you posted today. Please let it go, and count your many fans among your blessings this holiday.
ReplyDeleteOH Bonnie! I'm so sorry you have had to deal with this senseless anger and uncivil behavior. If we can't listen to. each other how can we hope to live together. I too, am very concerned by some of the expressions I have seen and read. Please remember that these people are often fearful and thus lashing out. We must remember our American values and always be true to them.
ReplyDeleteI hope you won't stop blogging. Reading your daily posts is one of the highlights of my morning ! I truly love reading about what you are doing, even if it is filling mail orders. You energy and optimism energize me! You are so generous with your time and creativity. Take a break if ou need one but I hope you won't make it permanent.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving and relax in the warmth and sunshine. I pray it will give you the perspective to continue your life as you choose to lead it!
Ellie Lively
Oh Bonnie. I'm so sorry you were the target of that. Of course this is your blog and quilting is something you share about your life. Please see all of these comments, realistically by Republican and Democratic voters alike, as just a small sample of people who appreciate you and stand by you against the jerks.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, hugs to you from Kville. Unfortunately, people learn what they live. If you live in love, you give love. If you live in hate and anger, well you get the drift. Have a blessed Thanksgiving in the glorious blue waters of the Keys. You will be refreshed and renewed as you experience the Glory of our beautiful planet. Peace and love to you and all other kind folks on this blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing what you do! You can't listen to the negative, get rid of it! Love and compassion are the only way to go. I read your post but didn't pay attention to the comments. I'm glad. I'm a first grade teacher and I've heard my sweet little guys saying crazy stuff lately and it really hurts my heart. Just keep doing what you do because I love it. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteDear one, if you stop posting, they win! Don't let that happen. Forgive them, that will in turn, free you. Don't lose sight that you are loved!
ReplyDeleteIgnorance is just that. Keep the faith and continue your mission of spreading kindness, acceptance and love. I would block the haters.
ReplyDeleteYou are a blessing to so many💕❤️
Hang in there Bonnie and don't let the negative comments get you down. People are so inconsiderate of others and I hope that those who wrote those comments are permanently deleted from your blog. Hugs and have a super Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to the clues on the mystery quilt but won't be making it this year even though those are definitely my colors.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry this has happened to you, someone who does so much to help us quilters. Haters will always be haters - so sad but true. Have faith in the majority of us who really appreciate what you do. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteWay to stand up for yourself. Too many people today think that what they think and experience is the only way. I have enjoyed your blog and thoughts for many years. I am sorry those who are intolerant of others are messing it up.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am so sorry for the actions of others. I hope you can understand that they do not represent the feelings of the majority, and clearly not my feelings. I am thankful for you and all you do. I hope your heart and soul are able to heal. Sending hugs and prayers.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Bonnie! I hope our temps warm up and stay warmed up for your visit to Florida!! Only good blessings wished for you!
ReplyDeleteAll I want to say is " Thank you " Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day - :)
ReplyDeleteI have learned so much from you. Your kindness is genuine, your love is overflowing, your spirit is alive. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Your blog is yours to do and say what you want. If some don't like it, they don't need to read it. For the rest of us, keep up the good work, and I know that it is work! I for one am thankful that I stumbled upon this blog as I feel I have another friend. Your friends are here to support you. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteWow just wow I am so sorry Bonnie that you were a victim of so much venom on a post about love truly sad have a very happy Thanksgiving give your family a big hug and enjoy your time away and thank you for all the encouraging inspiring things that you do And share
ReplyDeleteHugs. I have no words. ❤️
ReplyDeleteSo sorry this has happened to you. There are too any people out there who are emboldened to post hate and hateful comments. Seems to be the political climate right now. Stand your ground and don't let them get to you.
ReplyDeleteBonnie - I am so sorry for what you were subjected to - so unfair. But please know that there are more of us that love you and what you do than the ones who feel that it is only their opinions that matter and that they have the right to berate you for their perceived "slights". I did not read yesterday's blog but do not need to to know that what you said was well thought out from the heart, not written to hurt anyone or cause the inflammatory remarks that it obviously did.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do for us - your generosity is beyond measure! Safe travels over this Thanksgiving weekend and enjoy your time with family and friends. And, take the day off - you deserve it. Love and hugs from Canada
I don't post, anywhere, often but, I want to say, don't let the negative, hatefilled, people get you. Think of all the loving people you know in real life and through your blog. They will outnumber the others everytime. I try to treat the bullies and negative Nellies with kindness and compassion, if nothing else, it confuses them😊. Keep doing what you do and let the bad stuff slide down the drain.
ReplyDeleteLove and caring to you. I read your blog each morning, and like another poster above, I saw it before comments were made yesterday. I'm sorry you had to spend the day with such ugliness.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time away--please know that so many of us enjoy your words. Turn off the comments if you need to--we will still read and love your blog.
Well said Bonnie. Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, you are in my prayers! People can be so hurtful and cruel. I pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, and that your heart can be settled. There are many of us who do love you and love what you do! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI for one love to read your post. I feel as though I am getting to know you as a person and not just as a quilter.
ReplyDeletePlease take time for yourself and your family. Prayers for you to heal from the hurtful words.
Please know most of us love you and the work that you do
Enjoy the holidays with you family.
Please don't let the voice of a few silence the joy of the many!
ReplyDeleteKeep the Faith Bonnie. There are almost 91,000 fans on your FB page. Don't let those few rotten apples spoil all your fun, and ours too. You are amazing, and you do a fantastic job. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving with your family and let the negativity go. It will eat you alive inside. Concentrate on all the good. Because the rest of us all love you.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the diatribes against you that people have posted. I love reading your blog post and doing your mystery quilts. I wish you a relaxing time over the Thanksgiving holidays. I hope you continue to post but understand if you do not. Hugs to you for all you do for us, Mary Ann Harpe
ReplyDeleteSo sorry that people have been nasty to you. A lot of people just don't think before they make a comment.
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying your blog and patterns forever. I have all your books too. I wish you a fabulous weekend with your family
I read you every single day first thing. I will really miss you if you aren't here but I completely understand. I have had to make a tough decision along these lines recently and as I commented a day or two ago, your adage "if it costs your peace of mind, it's too expensive" helped a lot. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bonnie for sharing a part of your life with us. You may never know how much joining with you in these moments have given us a sense of balance in our lives. Sorry you have been attacked by some mean spirited bullys. Some of us have also felt their barbs. They are not easily shook off! But I encourage you to step back, breath deep, and keep on with what you need to do. I look forward to many, many more blogs. I have learned so much from you and look forward to much more! Bless you and your family this Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI have learned so much from you. Your kindness is genuine, your love is overflowing, your spirit is alive. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Your blog is yours to do and say what you want. If some don't like it, they don't need to read it. For the rest of us, keep up the good work, and I know that it is work! I for one am thankful that I stumbled upon this blog as I feel I have another friend. Your friends are here to support you. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI've only been part of your wonderful community for a short time, but in this time I have come to have a deep respect for your kind heart, and your passion for empowering people to share the same love and kindness. Don't allow these negative people to change you. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones <3
ReplyDeleteUgh. I'm assuming you have the ability to block people? Use it as you need, just as you would decline to invite someone into your home you didn't want there. I wish even that weren't necessary, but it seems some people are better at public discourse than others. I'm hoping your trip will be a welcome break for you in many ways.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteHoping the words of some can be put aside and that your tender heart heals.
I read your blog almost every day and sometimes I read it aloud to my husband. Today was one of those days.
Thanks for all that you do for our quilting community.
Yours in Quilting,
Mary in New Mexico
Keep going, Bonnie. Thank you for sharing your kind heart, even if it is aching today. We all lift each other up.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I wish you and your family a wonderful, peaceful Thanksgiving. And I want you to know that I appreciate what you do and share with us.
ReplyDeleteEverything you write is respectful and I'm sure that's what you expect in return without it having to be emphasized. Not all are brought up with the same rules of civility and many never get past playground brawling in maturity. That is very sad for all of us who come in contact with them and for them because they truly never take the time to understand. They are reactionary to everything.
You are doing the right thing to limit and control what goes on here on YOUR blog. Please try to get past the questioning of what you do. There are many more of us who truly want to share not only our love of quilting but a piece of our lives. We just often keep silent when we disagree.
Peace and Love. -Nancee Jo
Please do not read the negative things, just delete them. I am am so sorry that people say things like that to you, we LOVE you and APPRECIATE all you do for us. Thank
My heart is hurting after reading today's FB post. Know that you are loved by so many, and greatly appreciated for sharing your talent, your patterns, and so much more; for letting us into your home and sharing so much. Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI don't comment often on blog posts (and certainly have never left a negative comment on ANY blog)--but I want you to know that I've been reading your posts since Celtic Solstice was the MQ, and appreciate ALL that you do for quilters around the world! You give, give, give of yourself, and I just want you to know that I'm a much better quilter now thanks to you.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy Florida!
When I saw your blog yesterday I predicted to my husband that it might turn out well for you. Unfortunately people write things that they would never say to your face. Hopefully you can rise above negativity and forget it. Looking forward to Friday!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your family and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I reread yesterday's post to see what caused all the hubbub and I simply can't believe people. Really???? They should be blocked, That type of behavior should not be allowed here. I L.O.V.E. Your blog and generosity.
ReplyDeleteHave a Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie, most of us love you, your talented and very giving of yourself. Your inspiring and make me want to do more. Thanks for all you do. So sorry for the ones that do not honor your talent and giving ways.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and happiness for your Thanksgiving holiday. I appreciate you and all that you do for us. Slow down and breathe, but first post the mystery clue, then be silent the rest of the holiday and enjoy the family!!
ReplyDeletePrayers for you Bonnie to heal the hurt in your heart. The majority of us love all you do for us. I pray for the world and peace and kindness for one another. Thank you for all you share with us, as I truly enjoy reading your blog, and all the bits of wisdom you share with us, and patterns and love of quilting. Thank you for allowing us into your life and home via the internet and webcams. Have a wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving!!
ReplyDeleteWe cannot let hate win in our state, North Carolina, in our country, and in our world. I believe in the power of kindness to help reverse the waves of anger and hatred that were encouraged during this divisive campaign. Please continue being the creative, generous, and kind person that you are.
First off, let me wish you a very happy and peaceful Thanksgiving. I know how you feel about the backlash of rude and undeserved comments. I have done the same. Posting something that worries me, not being political, and being raked over the coals and people taking it politically. Just keep being you. We love you as you are. Mary Kunna in Wa.
ReplyDeletePraying for a love-filled, restful Thanksgiving for you and your family, Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am grateful for your generosity and the spirit of kindness and acceptance that graces all of your communications. Please know that there are many more of us who wish to love our neighbors and live in peace. Sending you many healing thoughts, and hope you have a wonderful vacation. God bless.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be tough going in many families coming together this year. I'm praying for more wisdom about what they say to each other and more focus on the love they share. I'm so sorry these posts came to you. I am so grateful for your generous and inspiring heart. I hope some kind words and time away can soothe you and help you tap into the peace and joy you know. Many of us are facing the same challenges. But grateful hearts can win out! Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie! You are treasured.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, please don't let the negative opinions of a few people overshadow all your good work and contributions to the world. We need more people like you to show us the beauty in the work we do and remind us of why we are all here which is to take care of each other. Have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. As my wonderful Dad used to tell me, "don't let the bastards get you down."
ReplyDeleteBonnie, even though we have not friend, I feel you are a dear friend. I truly enjoy your posts. Negative comments need to be deleted. There are so many more of us that love you and what you do. We love hearing about you and what projects you are working on. Please continue for us. I look forward to hearing from you daily. Happy Thanksgiving and recharge your faith in the quilting community. Most of us are caring and sorry that you were hurt.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all. It is your blog and you can write whatever you want!!!! If someone doesn't like it they need to move on. I did not find your comments political. Just a statement about how you feel. Happy Thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time with your family this week-end. It sure will be well deserved for both of you work so hard. I love your blog,you are thee most down to earth , generous quilter and blogger I know. Don't ever stop doing what you love. I didn't see one political thing in that post. Your a trooper don't let them get you down, I know its difficult because you are such a giving person.
ReplyDeleteLOVE YOU
Have a great time in Florida and don't waste ANY of that or future time on the negative.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I have often heard that what someone says is a reflection of them, not the person they are speaking to or about.
ReplyDeleteAs a Canadian, I have been alternately bemused, amused, alarmed, puzzled, disgusted, frightened, astonished by what has been happening in the US. It is as if Pandora's box has been opened. Suddenly it is ok to let loose with all the ugly things that have been brewing beneath the surface. But I refuse to believe that is true of most Americans. I believe most people are good decent caring human beings who love their families & go about their lives. Those people are too busy doing what they do to spew vitriol. Like you. Please don't let the actions of a few trolls change the way you choose to live your life. If you do, they win. The world needs more Bonnie Hunters. Keep your head high, don't step in the muck. As has often been quoted of late, when they go low .... go high.
I agree with all the others today. I'm sorry you were going through this. I have experienced something similar from parents. (I recently retired from teaching.) It is truly depressing and takes all the joy out of things. I pray that the hurt will lessen every day for you, and your joy comes back! I've only been following you a short while, since I started quilting again after I retired, but I love your patterns and quilts and your blog. And I don't care if that's a run-on sentence! 😊
ReplyDeleteI would truly miss your blog if it went away, I love reading about your travels, the boys, all those shipments being sent and the lovely walks with Daisy. Please don't leave us out here alone. I think our country has become less inclusive and its painful for a lot of us to watch. Stay with us, the quilting soul in me finds a love that crosses boundaries with all those other readers of your blog. Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels, cant wait to hear about the snorkeling adventure.
ReplyDeleteReading this broke my heart and I rarely post things in groups because of the exact reasons of which you spoke. I do thank you for sharing all things...and much more than the quilting because some days it brings me small joy and peace to read it or look at the beautiful pictures. I hope your Thanksgiving brings you back some peace and harmony and is another fantastic step in your life journey. Cindy living in Illinois, heart in Michigan.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am so sorry for the thoughtless comments that were posted on "YOUR" blog. I pray that you will enjoy your Thanksgiving trip with your family. You are an inspiration to so many world wide and not having your blog to look forward to would be so sad.
ReplyDeleteThe personal IS political. Trying to spread love & joy in the world is just as political as spreading hate.
ReplyDeleteI know on which side of the fence I want to live.
This is your blog & these people are using intimidation & abuse to try to silence your voice.
Don't let them! We all need to shine the light into the darkness.
I think you can be assured that there are many many more people who read your blog & are grateful for all that you do. It is just time that we all started to speak up & be heard.
Wishing you all the best & thanking you for all that you do.
I am so sorry to hear people were so terrible to you. I agree with today's comments, most of us love and appreciate all that you do for us with so much heart and generosity. Delete the haters and don't be afraid to share your feelings on your own blog. Love > hate.
ReplyDeleteRemember that the majority of us adore you and appreciate you, I'm glad you deleted them forever. They should know better. Old Chinese proverb..."The emptiest can makes the loudest noise." You are full of love and I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now, as the song says...."let it go, let it Go......"?
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I just have to add my positive voice to this multitude. You make a difference in so many lives, including mine. Please ignore the rudeness and ignorance of others, even when they thrust it right under your nose. You have the love and respect of so many people, me included. Please have a happy Thanksgiving away. I'm sorry you had to endure those inappropriate comments. Love, from Donna in Tallahassee
ReplyDeleteWishing you a” Happy Thanksgiving” and fun in Florida.
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray that you find your faith in people again. There are always those whose words engage before their brains but I still have to believe that there are more good than the evil, ones that wrote comments anonymously. I have to believe that or I will really think that our world will crash before my very eyes.
I will not stop smiling, giving or walking forth because of a few. No one ever promised us the road will be smooth, there will be bumps or even large ruts but walking through it or around will get us to the end.
Please know that I, for one, appreciate what you do. Yes, I come here for the quilting(my therapy for the bad in the world)but also understand that this is your personal blog and so enjoy keeping up with your life, your family and your travels and this is a way to document that.
Unfortunately, when you put yourself out there, you are open to the not so good parts of humanity. Being a follower of yours for years, I can see that you have brought much more joy to the world than you have attracted negative. I hope you can see that as a small price for the joy!
Don’t let those few ruin your joy. I once heard a quote “You were created to make a difference” and even though it does not show in all things, you have a made a difference in many people’s lives. Please remember that and do what you do best. Sharing, caring and living life to the fullest.
Sending hugs, thoughts and prayers that hopefully will see you through this,
You wrote yesterday about finding the elusive rectangle. Made me smile since I had looked and looked for my smallest 6 inch narrow ruler - really wanted to use it. Finally, yesterday, when I picked up a bigger ruler, it had adhered itself to the back of that one because of the slightly sticky stuff I had put along the edges of the larger one. FOUND... just when I thought it was gone for good. Thanksgiving in Florida sounds like a good thing happening for you right now. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie! This is my first time reading your blog and I'm so sorry to read about the ugliness you had to endure. As I read your comments all I can think about is the quote about those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It seems to be a malaise that is spreading across the globe. People are scared and they are lashing out. But if individuals like yourself continue to fight for love and kindness, maybe the tide will begin to turn. Continue to fight the good fight my friend and compassion will one day prevail. Much love and peace on your Thanksgiving day. - Jo
ReplyDeleteOh I am wishing you peace and relaxation ( and pie) Don't let those people ruin your joy and your heart ;-) Happy Thanksgiving!!
ReplyDeleteEvidently not all the turkeys are to be found in the frozen section! Wishing you a time of healing, renewal, and refreshment during your Thanksgiving break. You are part of those for whom I am grateful this year. Thank you for all you do.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family, Bonnie. I am thankful for all you do and share! I know it's hard, but please don't let the rudeness steal your joy. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteIt takes courage to be so publicly open with your quilting, your life, and your most personal stories. Thank you for being willing to share so much with your readers. You bring heartfelt sincerity to everything that you do. I love reading about all of your adventures, both the light and the heavy ones. Wishing you a warm and peaceful Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, so sorry this happened to you. Please remember you are a ray of sunshine for us in an otherwise dull world that seems to be increasingly foreign right now. Sending you some quilty LOVE. Have a peaceful holiday.
ReplyDeleteThere are many more decent folks out here...just not as vocal as the bad apples...I don't know what happens to people who chosen to be negative and hateful...I just know that it is not the way to go....we all have bad things happen to us and we can chose how we deal with it...I choose as much as possible to treat all people with respect even when they make it very difficult...I admit sometimes I fail...but it is a goal I strife for....Bonnie, take some time for yourself...enjoy your family...get out enjoy nature...I love to do that when things get bad...I am really trying to enjoy the snow right now...OK, I am...the little chickadees, nut hatches, woodpeckers, and little unidentified brown birds are enjoying my bird feeder....take time for you ...I really respect you and love what you do...but...really take some time for you...we all need to be selfish sometimes...and it actually isn't being is just taking time to recharge and love life again....lin
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDearest Bonnie
ReplyDeleteIt saddens me that people can be so cruel . We don't have thanksgiving in the UK but I would like you to know that I am thankful for all that you do . If it were not for you I would not be quilting . You give so much and it really does sadden me that you are upset .Like me you are honest heartfelt and wear your heart on your sleeve and sadly it gets you heart . People forget how much you give for free , I am grateful because I cannot afford to go to expensive classes . Sending hugs to you from the Uk Bonnie . Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you xxx
I am so sorry people did that. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I have followed your blog for several years now and I look forward to reading it every day. You have been such a source of inspiration for me not only for quilting ideas, but also for your energy and enthusiasm in all aspects of life. It is truly unfortunate that there are so many angry and hurtful people out there and that they feel so free to spread the hate. The haters always seem to be more vocal, but please remember that for every one of "them" there are hundreds of "us" that truly do care for you.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie, so sorry that the uglies got to you. I loved your blog post yesterday, as I do all of them. I thank you so much for putting your joy snd talent into the world, into MY world through your blog, your teaching, your sharing. Take some time for yourself snd your fsmiky this Thsnksgiving and remember there are many many of us here who appreciate everything you do. Love snd hugs...and respect!
ReplyDeleteBonnie the world has all kinds of people in it. Feel free to express your opinion any time. This is your site. If someone takes exception to what you post, then delete them. We want a group of ladies/men that are LOVING and SUPPORTIVE of each other. Look forward!!!! Consider the great things that you have done and the terrific people you have met. We love you!!! Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your sun filled Thanksgiving and try not to dwell on all the hatred. I can only hope and pray that things get better from here but my gut keeps telling me this is only the beginning. Let's just hope that love and reason win out. I thought this country was well past all this hate and open bigotry but I guess I was wrong. So I will go bury myself in my studio amongst my fabrics and machines that sing love to me and try to avoid the news. That's something hard for me to do as I'm usually a news junkie. Blessings of peace and thanksgiving to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI am always amazed at how easy it is for people to feel it is open season for anyone with a differing opinion on the internet. We were always taught tolerance and I try to practice that even through all this hate and dissension fallout from the recent political nastiness. I am amazed and discouraged that so many felt the need to flame you over what should upset us all and remind us to tolerate and maybe even embrace our American differences. I swear some people just sit at the computer looking for prey to pounce upon! Hang in there and don't let a few over the edge people spoil your day and great upbeat blog!
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, and at a time where we reflect on the good things in our lives. I'm with you, let's share love! Forget those who are close-minded and hateful. Let's just enjoy those who love! Thank you for all you do, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones, fur kids included!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, we are in Florida visiting from Nova Scotia. For six weeks we will share our lives with our southern neighbours. This morning I visited a Jo Ann's shop to round out what I wanted to use for this year's mystery. I'm never the fastest nor the best sewist, but I love to be part of a large group who join together sharing their love of quilting through your generosity. Thank you Bonnie for bringing us together in this way. At the shop this morning I was able to introduce your site and blog to a Kissimmee resident who has not quilted for a long time. It is my hope that she will get the same joy I do from being a part of the community.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter teaches restorative practices in her classroom. Her students learn in the classroom to think and to respect both themselves and others. Once they have developed a safe classroom environment, they go on to reach wonderful academic heights. I've watched this process, and have seen the difficulties and at times heartache she and some students suffer, but, at the end of the school year, the group of kids who move to their next academic challenge are far better prepared and carry themselves with pride and gentleness. I mention this as I believe as adults we can learn much from the activities of these classrooms. Hate in all its fprms and faces, wrinkles all of our hearts. Never let those forms or faces destroy who we are , nor what we have. I pick love every time.
Thank you, thank you so much for promoting love, respect and tolerance for all.
ReplyDeleteWishing you and your family a loving and peaceful Thanksgiving!
I'm so sorry that you had to hear all the tirades that people spewed at you. As I tell my husband, please do not let a few BAD apples spoil what you do. I know how hurtful it can be and makes you want to give up.but please take this Thanksgiving break to rest, enjoy the sun and family and don't give all this nastiness any thought. You are such a generous, kind woman and it's so hard to believe that people can be so cruel. It's just an indicator of what society is growing into and it's so sad. Please be assured that the vast majority think you are wonderful and agree that more kindness and tolerance is needed in this world. In fact, those rants just proved it! I hope you come back, refreshed and ready to face the world again.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry the trolls decided they needed to voice their opinions as if it's the only one that matters. I cannot understand why or when it became acceptable to rant against someone or something you have no personal knowledge about. They must have very empty lives.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your blog and all the hard work you do to keep us smiling. I love reading about your day and hope you continue to share with us.
Enjoy the holiday.
It is very hard to be on the receiving end of someone lashing out, I spent 33 years in public service and have heard my share of harsh words. The only thing that helps me figure out what happened is to realize it is not about you, it is about them, it is all about them. Do not give them too much of your energy or they have won and they are certainly not worth it. Chin up, let the negativity go, and move on, there are more good people out there, and you are seeing that daily in your blog comments.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful that you share a little bit of you with all of us, every day. Keep your head up and be who you are. Cyber trolls/bullies can mask themselves as anything (even quilters). Ignore what you can, delete what you cannot. Thank you BH for all that you do.
ReplyDeleteI check into your blog almost every day because it always makes me feel good. Your post didn't upset me in anyway. It's just a reminder that we need to show more love to others. Like Tim McGraw sings, "always be humble and kind". I have recently separated myself from situations/things in my life that are draining of my good energy because life is short. Thank you for your positivity and all the wonderful things you share with us! Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, many of us feel the same way. You happen to express it in a very concise, personal way. This political season has destroyed families and friendships. Some of mine also. It is hurtful and painful. As Americans we have the right to express those feelings. It is too bad some people don't understand that. Your blog to me is like two friends sitting at your kitchen table have coffee and conversation. I have my coffee everyday with you, and it is the bright spot of my day. Do I always agree? No, but I respect your insight and thoughts. You also have the right to block people that are disrespectful and hurtful. Do what you need to to do to clear your mind of this, and carry on dear friend. Yes, I'll have another cup of coffee, and tell us about Fla! Happy Thanksgiving. Jan
ReplyDeleteWishing you a wonderful thanksgiving, with gratitude and blessings for what you do and share. Sorry for people's ignorance.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I, too, have been distressed that the people who do this kind of attack seem to feel that it is now acceptable. You make an easy target. So sad if these are quilters!
ReplyDeleteI support your response. They do seem to be so angry and unhappy. Your words of tolerance and love and kindness make them uncomfortable about themselves and it is easier to attack someone else than deal with their own feelings. These are only my personal thoughts. Remember all your great thoughts/quotes. It is a really difficult
time. You are loved and appreciated by many, many people. We love you.
Please never change! Your heart, your words, your beliefs. Your love shines through all this darknest. We need more people like you in this world. Love your blog, love you sharing your life and talents with me. Wish I could be your neighbor. Don't let this hard world change you. Life is tough. Please continue to spread the love and kindness like one of your beautiful scrappy quilts where every tiny, different peice of kindness can change into something much better, greater and more lovely than anyone could have imagined...that benefits the world. ((HUGS)) Block the hate, and spread the kindness. Happy Thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteSHAME on those who would choose to denigrate you publicly (and on your own blog) for sharing your feelings of the heart!!! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of us who appreciate whole heartedly your giving of yourself to us in so many ways!! Take heart, dear one, I've lived long enough to know that "what goes around, comes around".....and, "the greatest of these IS love"!!! (((())))
ReplyDeleteThank you for your timely and observant words yesterday and your courage and strength today. Humans have always needed to look upon each other with love and always will. It is our challenge in life, generation upon generation, to see beyond the few differences we have to the many similarities we share. As a northern neighbour, we do share the concern as to what is happening in this world. Bravo to you and all you do for us all. You are a gem in this world. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from Canada.
ReplyDeleteMiss Bonnie, I am so sorry you're having to deal with this. You are such a loving and kind person, and I hope these nasty folks won't push you out of our lives. I truly enjoy coming to you blog and reading the craziness of your life and seeing the lovely quilts and learning so much about this passion for quilting and life.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, though--it's sad and scary what's going on here in NC (and in many other parts of our country), and you have every right to say what you feel and call on us to spread love and truth and acceptance of all people. I applaud your courage and your love for folks. Praying that your time with family will be healing and restful. :) sdo
Blessings upon you and your family at this holiday of Thanksgiving. May your time be filled with family, friends and food!!!
ReplyDeletePat D
Bonnie, I hope this outpouring of love and support ease the pain that your heartfelt words brought yesterday. Those loud-mouthed rude people are not your real fans. Your real fans wish you peace, joy, and a wonderful Thanksgiving. We thank you for sharing your daily life with us, as well as all the quilty goodness. God bless, and take care...
ReplyDeleteI missed yesterday's hoopla. For what it's worth, I would be upset seeing the KKK March in my hometown as well. When I was younger, they were a secret organization that you knew about, but never saw. But everyone is "in your face" with their opinions these days, even if their opinion is bigoted hate. I'm sorry some of your readers got in your face. I agree that nothing you said should have even been controversial, and of course, it's your blog even if it was.
ReplyDeleteI didn't read your blog yesterday and I had no idea that people were hating on you. I am sorry you had to endure that kind of treatment. Please don't stop teaching the rest of us. I hope over the weekend, you are able to refresh and relax with your family. Hugs to you from Wichita.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog-- I love reading about your travels and your family and your dog! I am going to try the mystery quilt and I am sooo looking forward to it! Don't let the nasty people get you down!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog-- I love reading about your travels and your family and your dog! I am going to try the mystery quilt and I am sooo looking forward to it! Don't let the nasty people get you down!
ReplyDeleteHang in there, Bonnie! Your blog is my very favorite of all blogs and I look for it first in my feed each day! My hope is that for every one disparaging remark, there are a thousand or more people with good things to say! I love seeming all that you post whether it is quilting or not. In my senior years, my life has gone off kilter. My husband passed. My kids are scattered across the country and my one sibling is a hermit and doesn't socialize. Mom has also passed and dad is in poor health and can't travel. I sometimes live vicariously through others, like yourself, and it gives me faith and hope to see the family values and love that you express. May you have a blessed holiday time in Florida! Don't let a few make you give up on the many who appreciate all that you do! Big hugs!
ReplyDeletePlease don't let the mean people stop you from blogging. This is the only blog that I read daily, but maybe you could just do a couple posts a week to save yourself some time. Remember many people love you and what you do. Don't let the bullies win in your own life. Rest over Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteThere are people who troll sites using tools that show when certain words come up and then they purposely try to bomb and derail the site. It happened to me on a prayer site. Protect your heart and let this go as quickly as you can return to love so that you will remain healthy and on target with your life's beautiful passions. You are such a joy. Lovelight and Blessings in around and through all you do.
ReplyDeleteI've followed you for a long time, but I don't think I've ever commented, but today I feel compelled. You are an amazing person and offer so much to so many people. But beyond that, in a free country, everyone has the right to share their opinion without being attacked by others. Discussion is one thing; self-righteous judgment is quite another. Regardless of one's beliefs, we should all be able to voice our fears and our concerns. And for many of us, there are plenty of those. I admire you for what you said and the tone in which you said it. Those who don't agree can go elsewhere. But this is your space and those of us who consider you part of our lives, even if vicariously, appreciate you and will continue to support you. Wishing you healing and a blessed Thanksgiving! Fortunately, even in the midst of the scariness, we do have many people in our lives to be thankful for. And for many, you are one of those people.
ReplyDeleteI am not a big poster. I enjoy reading your blog and am inspired by it daily. I admire your dedication and brilliance. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving
ReplyDeletetracinecharest at Gmail dot com
More people need to follow your kind words. Although very hurtful and the animosity is truly scary, you said the right thing. My response is "My page, my delete button"
ReplyDeleteI Love your hard work, and best wishes to you and your family.
I am so sorry that you were treated this way. Please believe that 99% of the people who read your blog do so realizing that we are being given a gift - a peek into your world. And I for one, really appreciate it. If someone doesn't agree with something you wrote, they don't have to read it. I saw a cute post on Facebook the other day. It said something along the lines of "believe it or not, if you read something online that you don't agree with, you can just ignore it, you don't have to react"!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is the only one I follow. I truly enjoy your passion for quilting and life and how they intertwine. Words can be hurtful but remember "stick and stones". I have never commented before and I may never again. I just want you to know the few should not ruin the pleasure of your blog for the many. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your husband and your quilt and heal! Then come back to us!
ReplyDeleteHugs to you and your family, and a hearty thanks for all you do to make the world a better place. We have to keep believing that love and caring are stronger than hatred.
ReplyDeleteBonnie. As a great grandmother that has experienced ugly from my own family and some friends I feel your hurt. My unsolicited advice is take your holiday and relax and enjoy your family.......this is a hurtful time in our history.....many harsh words are being thrown around. Sending you peaceful hugs!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your hurt Bonnie. No one should be able to take away your joy! Ever! You are loved more than you will ever know. Peace, love and kindness will always win. I think you are fantastic!
We all have moments where our kindness isn't all that it should be. I ask that I learn to be more kind and try to practice every day. It is hard for me to understand either side of the political issues, so I am doing what I can to just be nicer. Help the gentleman who is having trouble juggling stuff in his wheeled motorized cart, reach stuff the older lady can't reach or actually get my husband to reach it, smile at someone who is having a bad day, engage the baby whose mom is near the end of her patience as she checks out at the grocery - these are things I can do and did yesterday. They added a tiny bit of kindness and weren't based on any parameters other than I thought these people needed help. Sadly I lost patience with the lady who was teaching her daughter to use a credit card in a packed grocery store. The first transaction took long enough and then after it was complete her son brought something else and instead of mom taking over to save time ... I left the line and found another. Patience would have been nicer, but like I said I am trying not perfect.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, negativity seems to be the standard in this day and age. Please know that we love you and all that you share with us. I hope that your time in Florida will put that sweet smile back on tour face and the twinkle in your eyes. I'm so looking forward to Clue #1 of this years mystery. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you!
I am so sorry for the bitterness. You are kind and generous and do not deserve this. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Love always wins and it will win this time again.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, don't let the rude people of this world harm your soul. You have so many people who love and admire you. You are the most giving quilter I know and it would be a shame if we couldn't share this wonderful craft with you. I think all of us love to travel with you and live vicariously through your posts. Don't let the haters change that. I hope you have a fantastic weekend in Florida and safe travels to and from. Hugs and love to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteYou do this for the people who would never behave that way. I pray there are far more of those than the ones who would behave so poorly. Ever notice that the jerks of the world are the loudest? Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. May all the good people in this world say a prayer for peace today.
ReplyDeleteHi, I just found your Quilt Cam videos this week and started watching them late at night while I find hand work to do or just sit and rest and enjoy them. I'm sorry that you received comments that were hurtful. Please keep on quilting and ignore them, although I'm sure the hurt you feel is very real, and I don't blame you. I see it all around, on social media, mostly, where people do not respect each other re political opinions, etc., and it's getting crazy. I'm sad because of these things and pray for change. I appreciate your input into the quilting world, you are generous, kind, and cheerful. I wish you only the best.
ReplyDeleteIt makes my heart hurt that you were verbally attacked on your own blog.
ReplyDeleteIt makes my heart hurt that some people take the idea of striving to see each person as the precious individual they are as something to be offend by.
I share your concerns. And I thank you for all you do and share with us! I wish you a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and your family. I believe the world works better when we reach out in love. You do make the world a better place. Thank you for your generous gifts to us all
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Bonnie that you have had to deal with such nastiness and unpleasantness. I love reading your blog and you are such an inspiration to many, many people around the world whom have such gratitude and love for you. Please have a good Thanksgiving with your family and friends. We admire you. With lots of love and hugs from Lisa B. In South Africa.
ReplyDeletePlease don't let others' inability to find compassion and kindness ruin your holiday or the things you enjoy. Hang in there. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, filled with love. Thank you so much for sharing your life and your talents with us. Hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteBig hugs to you, Bonnie! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your hubby! We love you!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving. Try to forget the hurtful comments that have come your way. Know that most of us look forward to your positivity and very giving self. Looking forward to your new mystery quilt.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you! I choose kindness & love. Always. Don't let hate win. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteBonnie I am so sorry you were hit hard yesterday. I went to make a positive comment to your post and your upcoming time in Florida and saw comments were closed. Me, I thought you just didn't have time to read them, and I don't read all the comments. Bonnie you are a part of each of my days and I hope that this is just a temporary discouragement. You ask why you do this? You do it for the love you spoke about. Not everyone will agree with you all the time, but that is THEIR problem not yours. Have a wonderful trip to Florida. I am looking forward to my family being here tomorrow. Quilting has been put aside for a few days for memories with the grandchildren. There are 3 and they are growing so fast that I cherish the time with them Happy Thanksgiving!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Bonnie - don't let the few who are negative stop you from doing the wonderful work you do. That is what the delete button is for - delete the negative! You do a fabulous job with sharing your life on your blog. Not just quilting - your life. If people don't like it they don't have to read it. I enjoy your blog everyday. Thank you for sharing. Have a fabulous thanksgiving! I hope hubby enjoys is lessons. I look forward to the first clue on Friday! At whatever times is shows up!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that happened to you yesterday. I look forward to reading your blog, you are so open and honest I feel like you are my friend. Thank you for all you share with us quilting and otherwise. I love the mysteries, quilt cam, the tidbits about your life and all the ways you inspire and encourage me to create quilts. I own most of your books and some day I hope to take a class with you in person. Praying that time with family this weekend will make yesterday's hurtful words fade and that you will be refreshed and renewed. Thank you for your unselfish service to the quilting community.
ReplyDeleteHave a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving. I appreciate all you do and feel for those who just do not understand.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you were subjected to this. I've met you and I think you are a wonderful, talented, caring person. Some say the commenters may be trolls or may not have meant to sound like they did. I think they are down-right mean, miserable people. This political season has brought out the worst in some people on both sides of the race. They've shown their true colors and they aren't pretty.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, your true colors are pure and beautiful.You have a good soul and I hope you'll continue sharing with those of us who appreciate you and all you do.
Wishing you a peaceful Thanksgiving!
Myrna in KY
I'm so sorry. So much hate in today's world. I've been called every evil name because I disagree with one "side". It always hurts because I care about people. You do too. Love you, Bonnie! ❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteBonnie, no one especially you deserve the hurtfulness lashed out at you. I have not met you but you are the most kind, loving person I have met. You give freely of yourself to all of us. Be true to yourself. You are an inspiration to me as I go through difficult family issues right now. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and know that you are loved.
ReplyDeleteSo, so very sorry someone made hurtful comments. You did right to block them and bann them off your blog. Your fans adore you. Have a wonderful turkey day with your family.
ReplyDeleteI Love your daily blog, all of it - everyday. Sometimes it's my therapy, my break. I hope with all my being that you will continue. I appreciate you everyday.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to give you a hug, Bonnie. Have a wonderful trip and holiday.
ReplyDeleteLove you Bonnie. Keep on keeping on. I love reading about your life, travels, quilting, opinions and the like. We don't have to agree with each other, but certainly respect is deserved. Please don't let a few loud apples spoil your basket of goodness. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and I am so looking forward to the mystery. It will be my 5th mystery and every one has been an adventure. Peace to you and your family this holiday season. Val Haggstrom
ReplyDeleteNothing you said was political. That is absolutely correct. For what it is worth, I agreed with and can relate to the sentiments in your original post. It is a shame that you felt hurt by the unnecessary and inappropriate backlash. In this season where there is heightened awareness of the things we are grateful for, I am grateful for all that you do on this blog and for the quilting world (quilting, recipes, life stories, travel info ... all of it). Please enjoy your Thanksgiving and do what feels right for you going forward.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am so sorry you have had to deal with haters. Please know that there are still those of us out here who love you and enjoy reading about your life, I will now go read your previous blog and laugh at the haters out there. My Mom always said if you can't say something nice don't say anything. My big mouth stays shut a lot lately! I don't know that I could handle haters as graciously. Have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family , Can't wait for Friday and our first clue! God bless. Sydney
ReplyDeleteOh Bonnie, how this breaks my heart and it hurts that these attitudes of hate are not exclusive to North Carolina, the actions of the KKK or of Nazi supporters. I wish people could look at themselves and see how even if they do not align themselves with those groups, their hatred and the spewing of hate speech is just as harmful as if they did. I know my little corner of Idaho used to feel so isolated and now I don't feel safe in my own community among my own friends, people I have known for years, fellow quilters, teachers, parents. Huge hugs. What you give is so important to those of us seeking the solice of peace and love. I hope your vacation brings you the comfort you need in these harsh times.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I read yesterday's comments, and replied, and I read today's too. People, Bonnie is a grown woman with a great deal of wisdom and experience. Let's not tell her what to do, what to say, what to think, how to feel. She has a great gift and she shares it with us; and I, for one, need the solace sewing brings in these dark days.
ReplyDeleteLove to you and yours, Bonnie. I hope you will be back blogging, but I am not going to presume to tell you what to do. You know what's right for you.
I am sorry you had to deal with the "hate". Just remember you are making a positive difference in so many lives. We appreciate you. Continue to choose love and we will continue to support you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, knowing so many of us count you as one of our my blessings.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited! My confirmation email came, my rulers are shipped! Today is to be spent cooking, cleaning and "getting ready". Thursday we host dinner then Sunday we drive to Denver to meet up with our daughter and her son. It will just be Mom, Dad, and our 2 kids. Looking forward to that. Keep posting all your thoughts and ideas. This is your blog and we all must be able to speak our mind, without the fear of repercussion. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving in warm and sunny Florida!
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I really hate to hear this. Unfortunately I've learned that there are so many narrow-minded people out there. Why can't people agree to disagree AND keep their toxic opinions to themselves? "Judge not, lest ye not be judged" is my favorite bible verse and how I choose to live. Please accept a cyber hug from me and enjoy some Florida weather. I hope you will be able to enjoy your mystery, truly the best time of the year for me because of you.
ReplyDeleteOh Bonnie, I am so sorry that some small minded, hateful people chose to attack you on your own blog! I read your post and found it to the point and pointing to love and family, not hate. It breaks my heart and damages my spirit to know, without any doubt, that our country still has these battles to fight.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if you quit blogging and stopped all the free stuff and just quilted and lived your life. But I hope you know that there are thousands of us,worldwide, that appreciate all you do for us and the quilting world. We have your back!
Enjoy your holiday with your husband, get some rest and sunshine, and come back home with a renewed spirit. Love to you from another quilt maniac!
Thank you for reminding your followers that words have power and consequences! Yes, we all have freedom of speech, but we also have the freedom to not be vile, nasty and mean-spirited.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best!
Bonnie, I am so sorry for how you were treated. No, you do not deserve to be treated badly. I hope & pray, you enjoy the love of your husband and adventure, during this holiday of thanks. I for one am very thankful for you. Donna <3
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I am so sorry you had this happen to you. I agree fully with you, it is a scarey mess in our nation. Praying for you to have a peaceful, blessed Thanksgiving. Prayers for those who don't understand and can only see things one way.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving!❤❤❤❤ enjoy! Relax and don't worry about the uglies of the world.
ReplyDeleteYou are loved, you ARE appreciated by your faithful followers of common sense! 😉 We know you don't have to do the nth of anything you do!!! We value and appreciate you more than words can express. Let go, let God and enjoy your holiday season!!! Do what YOU want and need to do! ❤❤❤❤
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ReplyDeleteHugs, Bonnie, for comfort and support. I just refuse to get sucked into what is going on around us. Whether I agree or not is not important. I offer love and peace of spirit. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and let the world settle down.