
Sunday, April 05, 2020

Scraps are a Thing of Beauty!

Red, Glorious Red!

Back in January over my birthday week, the quilters of Ashe County came to Quiltville Inn for a Sew Day.

This was just after I had scrounged for red scraps during some very snowy weather to finish up a holiday table runner.  (Yeah, yeah, yeah, there is much pattern writing to be done in due time!)

As I work to get this next round on our Unity Quilt Along, I have dug into this treasure trove of pieces, thanking each quilter within my heart for the gift of friendship and fabric.  Little did we know how much this red bag would be needed, and how quickly it would find its way into a quilt.

There are even some smaller pieces that are perfect!

And the variety is just wonderful –every shade of red under the sun.  Just wait until you see where this will be used TOMORROW!  (Are you excited yet?)

I have ZERO plans today other than work on Unity.  The graphics have “mostly” been done – the step out photos have been taken along the way.  If I can get the round on by noon, I can get the post written and the PDF copy made hopefully by bed time.

It’s going to be a full day.

“Oh there’s a dog here? I couldn’t care less.” Dresden.

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day, and Zoey and I headed to the river for a walk after Quiltville Store orders will filled and ready for posting on Monday.

She loves it down here!

There are so many smells!

And there are no people, really – along this stretch of dirt road.  We were passed by 2 cars (both with windows rolled up and more than 6 feet from us) and that was it.

She LOVES the sun, it must feel so good as it warms her coat.  And that rolling in the grass thing?  It’s all a dog could wish for.

In Zoey’s own words:

Mom said it was a beautiful day and that I had done enough lolly-gagging around and it was time to get out and get some exercise.

Supposedly I got fixed on Wednesday, but I never knew I was broken?

We went to my favorite place down along the river where all the smells and goose poop live. Today I didn't eat any! Mom said I was a very good girl.

I love the water, and I went in up to my knees after a frog had plopped in and got myself a drink.

I never did find where the frog went, evidently he is also following that social distancing protocol.

The most exciting thing - a deer ran across the road not far in front of us. I got soooo excited that I began to run (my herding instinct is very strong) and over extended my retractable leash which now won't go back in again.

Mom says not to worry about it, that there is this amazing place called Amazon and that we should probably order 3 more to replace the broken one just in case.

We saw pretty flowers in the woods.

I watched a creek burble and flow down beneath a bridge. 

Mom thought I was admiring the view, but really I was on the lookout for squirrels.

All of this fresh air, exercise and something called vitamin D made mom extra sleepy so we snuggled down for a long afternoon nap.

I like to “herd” my babies everywhere I go and Emmy Lou doesn’t like it when I put my feet on her cat mat.  Sometimes I do it just to make her hissy.

Our nap time was followed by some sewing time.

Naps are another thing I am extremely good at.

Sewing? Not so much.

(Zoey, you are a hoot!!)

We watched the Grand Ole Opry last night -

Watching the Grand Ole Opry televised and it is so sad to see these wonderful performers in an empty theater that is usually packed to the gills. They are doing a great job which can't be easy with no audience feedback.

No applause. 

One of the performers mentioned that the Grand Ole Opry has only been closed on one occasion and that was when Martin Luther King was assassinated - due to Nashville being on curfew.

And so the Opry plays on as we continue to social distance and connect to each other through music.

Today is proving to be another beauty weather-wise.  There may have to be another afternoon walk for some more vitamin D and endorphins.

Another nap wouldn’t be bad, either -

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

One thing is for sure and for certain. My quilty life is never boring!

I am so grateful and so excited to wake up every morning doing what I love to do - especially during pandemic times like these!

How has sewing saved your sanity over the past couple of weeks?

Have a lovely Sunday, folks!


  1. I sure do enjoy your blog and look forward to reading it!! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. SO so thankful to be a quilter these days... don't know what I would do to survive the isolation!
    Can't wait for tomorrow!

  3. Wish I could take a walk with you and Zoey along that river road.

  4. Good morning! Loved Zoey's commentary today 😊 Thank you for continuing to reach out to your readers. Stay safe and thank you for all you do.

  5. wondering if she was taken from mom too early...why she snuggles with all those stuffed toys...missing her sibs maybe?

  6. My sewing room is my happy place for sure. I have so many projects finished and ready to send to my longarmer when I safely can. So glad to have this creative outlet..take care and thank you for being here. From an Iowan.

  7. I have been working on a custom long arm project for myself. It is a BOM from 2012 and I have been intimidated by its beauty and afraid to put it on my frame. I have very limited free motion and ruler skills.
    I have 50 hours in it and have finally reached the middle! I’m slow but am enjoying the process.
    Staying focused on it and other Quilty things is healthy for me in times like these.

  8. some little while ago, you mentioned a ruler you used to 'tame your scraps' -- could use more info regarding this tool! Thanks for all you do, glad Zoey is healing well… Cats in Carlsbad, CA

  9. As an introvert I'm loving all the time at how with no pressure to go do stuff. Lots of sewing being done!

  10. Anonymous10:11 AM EDT

    Looking forward to more Unity QAL! Thank goodness I have a fabric library (stash) in the colors you chose! I am grateful for your efforts to create, write, sew, photograph and make step outs for Unity. Hope you and ZJ can get a little rest today.

  11. As we look at “silver linings” during this pandemic, Joey is such a blessing to come in to your life when she did.

  12. I am grateful to be here and be able to quilt. Sewing is therapeutic and choosing colors and then fabrics is a great creative oulet. The end results are beautiful, practical and can be useful (masks) or snuggly (quilts of all sizes). The world is definitely a bit crazy these days but we are still blessed to be here. Technology allows us to be with family and friends (real and virtual). Thank you Bonnie and all the people that share with us daily via Blogs, Instagram Facetime and email!

  13. Sewing when my children were growing was 'My Time'. I have always love to be creative. Sleeping under a Quilt is the best. I love the whole process from choosing colors, cutting the fabric, stitching, pressing, trimming, then taking a picture to share. The Quilting and binding takes more time. Time is what we have in abundance right now.
    Thank you for bringing us together virtually for the Unity Sew-Along.

  14. Zoey should have her own blog. She's so adventurous and tells her stories so well. What a good puppy she is.

  15. Oh yes so thankful my mom took the time to teach me how to sew. Don't know how I would survive, sew everyday for the last 70 years. Taking the time to teach my grands this great craft. Thank you Bonnie for all you do, you are TOPS with me. Hugs ann

  16. I love Zoey! And you too, Bonnie!

  17. I don't know what folks are doing with all this time on their hands that don't sew or quilt. Your Unity quilt is helping. Thank You

  18. Who knew Zoey would be such a gifted writer? Never change Bonnie, you are a delight and very much appreciated for all you do. I'm going to work on getting the backing on Frolic today to make more room in my area to spread out Unity. It's kind of hard working in a 9x11 room that has two machines and stash!

  19. Bonnie...love your blogs and now Zoey has a "voice" as well. Here's an idea (as if you need more ideas)...give Zoey a voice a'la Hogan on FB. Have you seen him? Hilarious!!! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=893295104363620

  20. Sewing is great! So is Zoey's part of the blog. Love your new pal, she is a sweetie.

  21. Zoey might have some blue heeler in her based on her actions with her toys!

  22. Reading your posts each day is such a treat. Zoey is adding such fun. Glad the cats are tolerating her. We're having some nice days here, and I'm going for a short walk each day (hoping to avoid dreaded allergies kicking in if I keep them short). Mask making is my sewing today, and probably off and on all week. Enjoy a wonderful Sunday.

  23. Sewing has ‘been there’ for me all of my life. So for these last few weeks, it has been an anchor to normality. With the added modern bonus of being connected to other sewers via Facebook and this blog. 😊 Thank you Bonnie! 🧵❤️

  24. Loving the Zoey blog! She is so adorable! Getting my puppy fix through you. Thank you...I don’t have any desire to really have a dog again. But, I can enjoy yours. Thanks you for writing your thoughts down for us each day.

  25. Looking forward to tomorrow's UNITY QAL instructions!!

  26. Thank the Good Lord everyday for a quilting passion. Those walks of yours & Zoey look like fiddlehead sites. Do you get those in your area. I am from New Brunswick, Canada and spring is our fh time, sooo good can't wait.

  27. Your quote today reminded me of my mom. She used to tell us when we were children that there was no excuse for being bored. We could always find something to do. I even used to tell my 3rd graders who complained "There's nothing to do," that they should 'read a book, draw a picture, write a letter!' Some of them took me up on it.

  28. They are house cleaning and de cluttering. I'm sewing, as awful as this sounds. It's a quilters dream. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Thank you everyone.

  29. So excited for the next round of Unity, what a great bag of reds such fun and such a thoughtful gift.
    Love to see ZoeyJo and read her mini blogs, great to see her adventures
    Thank you for sharing her with us
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  30. Zoey will be collecting Dresden in her basket for the next cuddly toy in her stash!

  31. Very fortunate to be able to sew. Made some masks and now doing another Monkey wrench - enjoyed your pattern so much the first time. Zoey is wonderful. Thank goodness we can exercise too. Look forward to seeing your next instructions and photos.

  32. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your blog. I love it and love hearing from Zoey.

  33. Zoey is so precious. Our pets can bring comfort & release tension and then just want to be loved in return. It is so cute how she has to be surrounded by her toys! I am currently making masks for our local VA center which is making me feel very useful. I am grateful for my husband presence. I have the center block finished - whew! Doing lots of baking and flour is hard to find in our area. Stay healthy & be blessed.

  34. The excited dog rarely gives warning on a lunge run! I have found a few raps on the side of the leash handle may dislodge the return brake. Also to encourage the strap to return I have pushed and wiggled small amounts of strapping into the slot often releashing the brake. Good luck, she is so cute so having the extra leashes will be good. and now to print out the 2nd round!

  35. Thank you and Zoey for sharing a day with us! It's such a lift to read yours (and Zoey's) thoughts. It cracked me up when Zoey said she was "really scanning for squirrels" while you thought she was enjoying the view. She's such a lucky puppy, and WE are lucky to have the opportunity to get to know you better through your blog. Oh, and THANK YOU FOR THE UNITY PATTERN! This will be my first "Bonnie" quilt and I'm very excited.

  36. Hi Bonnie. Love your blog and really enjoy Sobey's commentary. As a fellow quilter and business owner I am so thankful that I have something I truly love doing to take my mind off the fact that I may not have any income this entire year. I own a small RV Park and motel and it is not considered an essential service so we can't open. I look forward to the possibility of doing little else than my quilting for a whole summer! True bliss!


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