
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Update.

The Shippenstitchers have been such Troopers as hurricane Helene trampled Southwestern Virginia, North carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and surrounding areas.

I was finally able to get to everyone yesterday and the Generac did just what it should have done for them - it kicked on and they were able to continue stitching and retreating through the severity of the storm. I am so glad!

We checked the amount of propane left in the huge tank that was running the generator in the house and it was at 30% by that time.

The decision was made to pack everyone up and send them safely on their ways home as the power situation here is so bad that we may be out of power until Wednesday morning. If that.

They would have surely run out of propane by today and found themselves in the dark anyhow.

We snapped this photo just before bugging everyone out. I have photos of projects and some over the porch real photos that I will be able to post after I have power back. I am posting this by phone and there is no way to edit photos well or to fix formatting so please bear with me.

Breakfast by Blackstone.

We have several portable propane tanks and we can run the grill and the camp stove. 

We have kerosene camping lanterns. We also keep some cash on hand for things like this if credit card purchases aren'tbeing accepted. The problem is that the gas stations are running out of fuel.

We keep several gas cans full at all times so we've got that to top things off as far as cars go. 

My van is at a full tank right now and the Subaru is at half tank and we're not going anywhere because we don't want to add to the problem on the road.

We have plenty of food and the propane we have in our huge propane tank is still at enough that we can run the big generator in the evening to charge all the things that we need charged and it will run the well pump so that we can shower, flush toilets and fill up water containers. And then when we go to bed we turn it all off again and wait till we need to turn it on again.

Looks like we were raised well and are very well prepared although this came on suddenly and we didn't know we would need to be THIS prepared.

We are now making lists of things to give each other for Christmas so that when this happens the next time we will be even better prepared..

Cell service is minimal but I'm happy that I can get text messages and email messages through. That really helps.

As far as projects go I have hexies out on the porch and really, all is well here. I know there are so many other folks that are worse off than we are and I'm just really grateful for the helps we received while in such a dire situation with Dave's injuries.

I will check in tomorrow with any further updates if I have them.

Regular blog posts will of course resume once we have power.

Until then - Go sew something!



  1. Patricia Christinson12:38 PM EDT

    So glad everyone is safe and on their way home.

  2. So glad you and Dave were rescued, and returned home safely to. That you are now safe and cozy in your cabin is good to hear. Will be watching for updates. My friend in NC is in similar situation!

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM EDT

    nobody really cares ...just your bombastic ego

    1. Bonnie, I am so sorry this Person wrote this to you. What a hateful comment. The rest of us care about you, your family and all the others affected by this storm. I wonder about the creek behind the retreat house. Did it fill up? Are the cows okay? Hope all your other animals are okay also. Again, best wishes to you and yours. Polly Blank, Pensacola FL that didn't get hit by Helene. We are 14 miles from the Alabama state line to our west.

  4. Having a Hexie project is always a good thing. Hope your hubbies injuries mend well and you get power back soon.

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM EDT

    Do you have guests arriving on Wednesday? How will you handle that? So glad you are safe and sound.

  6. Thank you for the update! Put hardhat on Dave's Christmas List! Sending you good thoughts.

  7. Thanks for the update, so worried and heartsick at all the destruction. Be safe and take good care of Dave as he heals and recovers from his trauma.

  8. Anonymous1:55 PM EDT

    Best of luck to you over the next few days. We are thinking of you and all of those affected by this hurricane. I do hope your hubby is feeling better.

  9. Anonymous2:01 PM EDT

    So very glad all is well!
    The Inn visitors sure will have a story to tell for years! I hope they get home with as little hassle as possible.
    You and the hubs have done well to prepare for trials as you are experiencing now. Thoughts and prayers for all in the region as they, too navigate what's ahead.
    Near Pensacola, FL

  10. Anonymous2:06 PM EDT

    Bonnie, thank you or letting us know how you are. You and your hubby have been on my mind. So glad you are doing ok. Keep safe, sending hugs. Frances from Ontario, Canada

  11. Bonnie, what a "welcome home"! I am sure glad that all are safe. Just like the flight attendants tell us, "take care of yourself first then assist everyone else!" I am so sure that we all would understand if you spent some self time with all of your recent issues! Hugs and positive thoughts for you.

  12. Anonymous2:30 PM EDT

    Thank you for the update! I love how positive you are. You obviously are someone counting their blessings!

  13. Anonymous2:43 PM EDT

    Bless you Bonnie and prayers for everyone!!! 🙏💜🦋

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM EDT

    Thanks for the update. Take care.

  15. We live pretty rural so when the power goes out,we are not a priority. One of my most used items is a butane stove. It comes in a small box and sets up easy. It is safe to use inside and just one burner. We have a generator too but the butane stove is great for simple heating and cooking. We do run the generator for the well ,freezer and frig but hate to listen to it for too many hours. Hope your power comes back soon, I sympathize,I’ve been out for multiple days.

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM EDT

    Glad to know y’all are ok!

  17. Anonymous3:39 PM EDT

    I’m so glad to see Dave working at his Blackstone It’s good to know that things are calm at your home. Wishing you well, while things are slowly returned to normal. Stay safe Rosemary McGuire

  18. Anonymous4:24 PM EDT

    Living in rural areas teaches survival skills -- and hurricane prep. There are so many people in our area whining and complaining because their power is off. They have no clue how lucky they were! We old timers remember when power outages were pretty frequent, and we knew how to prepare and make do. Events like this focus on the good in people, but also bring out the huge amount of self-absorption in our world today. So glad you were prepared and everyone is safe! Prayers for all who will be recovering from this storm for a long time coming. I know your residents will never forget this retreat!

  19. We understand all too well, having just survived Hurricane Beryl, which was kind enough to leave behind our neighbor's very large pine tree across our whole back yard.
    So glad you and Dave are so well supplied. Really glad he was not more badly injured and that you got the help he needed quickly.

  20. from what i see on the news you are way more fortunate than so very many...no power is a nuisance but sounds like you were well prepared...

  21. Anonymous6:42 PM EDT

    Hi Bonnie, Thank you for the update. I just heard that people affected by the hurricane have put satellite texting to use. I am guessing it is available on iPhones 15 and above? In your particular location I am hopeful it might be available to you in case of emergency.

  22. Health and wellbeing are priceless. Thank you God for sending the help to care for Dave and the rescuers who drove them home.

  23. Anonymous10:17 PM EDT

    So glad you are all OK. I'm in Australia and have been seeing all the devastation on the news. Take care, and thank you for your updates.

  24. I've seen the flooding on the news! It's so destructive. Glad you were able to see the Retreat ladies before they had to leave. Nice you were prepared with fuel stored to keep the generator going.

  25. Anonymous6:04 AM EDT

    Glad to see Dave up and cooking. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Thank goodness for neighbors helping neighbors…the magic of small town living.

    Amy in NJ

  26. Bonnie, I can only imagine what you and Dave have experienced. It's a miracle that you arrived home from your trip to be with Dave. You are truly loved and I can't imagine anyone being critical. We quilters are a loving and caring group. I'm praying!!


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