
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Helene On Wheels

Remember the Paul McCartney song Hell On Wheels? This is a play on that song title.

We got hit by the storm really bad. Our generator didn't kick in. Still no power at home. Couldn't get to the inn due to downed trees and flooding. The generator at the inn is working and I hope to make it there today. ⁣I'm posting this by cell phone. 
It was an awful day. Dave got hit by a falling tree as he was trying to clear one across the road. Fractured clavicle and 31 staples in his scalp. Took the ambulance 4 hrs to finally get us to the hospital. ⁣

Photo from where I was sitting in the back of the ambulance.
There is more. We were stranded between two fallen trees and no way for people to get to us And no way for us to move And we were just praying for someone to come so we could send them to get help.⁣

Meanwhile other trees were falling all around us and I have never been so scared.
That help came as a pickup truck bringing back nurse Wanda who jumped right in to address the situation and see what we could do to get Dave stable while road crews came to clear the trees so that we could get to where the ambulance could come get to us.⁣
She waited with us In the parking lot at Corner Market for two hours until an ambulance could get through closed roads to get to us.⁣
The ambulance folks were fantastic. But the journey was harrowing as we first tried to get to the hospital in Merion and after we had made it quite a ways they heard over the radio that Sugar Grove was closed due to flooding and no one could get through so we had to turn around.⁣
We waited in long lines of traffic while road crews cleared debris and downed trees and we waited for flooding in high areas to recede.
I finally breathed a sigh of relief when we were able to head down highway 16 to Jefferson NC and get Dave to the hospital there.⁣
We are home thanks to some folks we met in the hospital ER waiting room..wife had tripped and broken her foot. They live near us and brought us home or i don't know how else we would have gotten home. ⁣
When we were pulling into our drive there was another tree across the drive and thankfully, Lynn had his chainsaw with him. He cleared the drive so they could get us home. ⁣
Forever thanks to those who helped us get Dave the help that he needed. He's going to have a doozy of a scar on his scalp, but he is whole and we are home.⁣


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Dave's injury! Hoping he heals well, the power comes back on soon, and you get some peace to recover from this stressful experience!

  2. Oh Bonnie! How harrowing, and head wounds bleed SO much! Glad y'all are safe.

  3. So thankful you are home and safe now. I have watched news reports about Helene but your first person accounts really made it real.

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM EDT

    Oh, Bonnie! What an experience for you guys! I’m so glad that many people helped and that you are home and safe now. I cannot imagine how hard this storm has been for all of the states and people in its path. Sending love your way, from Lynn in Hallsville, Missouri

  5. What a terrible, awful day. I'm so glad that Dave will be ok and that you were not hurt too. That day could have been so much worse, even as bad as it was. I hope he heals well and is back his old self again soon.

  6. Jackie Bloom9:58 AM EDT

    Please take care and send our thoughts to all in trouble. Please rest and hope your generator is running soon

  7. Sally Warren10:00 AM EDT

    Wow, Bonnie! I know you are counting your blessings. So thankful y’all made it through and are safely home. But wow. I can’t imagine how scary the whole ordeal was for you both. I hope you have what you need at home for a few days. I am sure the retreaters will be fine. Thankfully, they usually come with all the food they need for the week and can be self sufficient, especially with their generator working. Hard to believe you just got home from your trip! Another thing to be thankful for…..that you were home to help get Dave out of there! God bless you both…..and all the people who helped you. Take care!

  8. As I sat in my senior residence in Winter Park, Florida watching Helene TV coverage and making my preparations after massive impacts from previous Hurricane Ian--the Orlando area was lucky this time...outer bands produced tornado watches, some rain and strong wind but no flooding incidents for us . Having lived in Northern Virginia for 40 years (during the time I took your classes and traveled with you to Europe) I have followed your home and Quiltville Inn purchases on your Blog. I continued watching the storm coverage and when they mentioned Wytheville and then Grayson County I have been so concerned for you and Dave in your home and also the guests at Quiltville Inn. I am familiar with the New River and googled that last night and saw some coverage...frightening. What a harrowing experience you have had..thankful for the kindness of so many people to finally be able to help you..I will keep you all in my prayers and healing for Dave. I moved to Florida in 2016 so I was not able to experience coming to your wonderful Quiltville Inn.

  9. Oh Bonnie, I'm tearing up reading this. I'm so sorry, but thankful you and Dave are ok. Kudos to ambulance workers, Nurse Wanda, and neighbors who were able to get you guys home. Sorry about neighbors foot. I hope today is a better day and that your power comes back on soon. **hugs** Jenny

  10. Anonymous10:24 AM EDT

    Oh Bonnie- my heart is with you and with all of the helpers making a bad situation better for all of those involved. Hugs

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM EDT

    praying for you, Bonnie, and Dave. that must have been so scary. i am so sorry you had to endure this awful hurricane. God bless you both. i can't even imagine. here in California we have to deal with an earthquake every now and then. Thank God we never have been smack dab in the middle of one. my sister has in San Francisco and they are not fun either. Blessings for a better day. stay healthy and stay inside where you are safe.
    Debra Broyles

  12. Sorry for all the storm related problems and Dave's injury. Glad there were helpers available to aid you. Prayers for all.

  13. Such a painful injury, it takes months for the clavicle to heal because there is no way to "set it" Hopefully your super strong Dave will heal quickly but he has to be careful with that fracture, time to "baby it". What a terrifying experience for you both, thank goodness for neighbors that look out for each other. So relieved you are home and safe your area was hit hard! Prayers for you both as Dave heals.

  14. Prayers for all in Helene's path. Flooding and downed trees are no fun! Glad you had living angels to help get him to a hospital. Soft hugs and wishes for a swift recovery!

  15. Prayers for you and all who are impacted by Helene.

  16. Prayers for you and Dave. Glad you are both safe and home. May all in the Inn and your county (really all who were in the path of Helene) remain safe.


  17. Oh my goodness that is so scary! What an ordeal... so thankful you both survived!

  18. So very sorry to hear of Dave's accident & all the destruction you've had. Who would have thought it would take 4 hrs to get him to the hospital! I hope your generator powers up soon! This has been one really devastating storm! My daughter lives near Charlotte, NC & luckily she's safe! Praying trees & limbs are cleared soon so you'll be able to get out & check on the retreaters at the Inn! Take care!

  19. How scary - glad you are both OK. Sending healing vibes.

  20. I'm so sorry to hear about Dave - I hope his head injury is just stitches and not worse. I've been thinking of you all week as I saw the storm gain strength, glad you are home, safe and sound, now.

  21. Bonnie, I'm so sorry for the horrific experience you and Dave had yesterday! So glad to hear he got good care and you're back home now. Kudos to nurse Wanda also. May Dave heal quickly, and may your heart heal quickly also, as I know this was traumatic. -Kathy

  22. When I heard the New River was badly flooded I immediately thought of you and the Inn. So sorry Dave was so severely injured and the long wait for help. Not a fun day. I am grateful for you that it wasn't even worse. I read of many deaths due to trees falling on people's homes and vehicles during this raging storm. Hug Dave close when he's healed enough to handle it.

  23. So sorry for the trauma of the storm, it sounds awful. Sending prayers that Dave and you can get back to a normal state soon.

  24. patti in florida6:11 PM EDT

    i am so sorry you two have dealt with so much with this hurricane. hopefully dave will heal quickly and isn't in too much pain. i feel badly as i live in florida and i thought i would have issues. never realized this storm would cause so much damage so far away from the coast. prayers for all. patti in florida

  25. Major Ouch! That is one of the most painful breaks. Glad it wasn't worse, and glad there were several people who could help. Stay safe!

  26. Anonymous8:10 PM EDT

    Bonnie, so sorry to hear about Dave. Hope he heals fast. Glad you are safe at home. Sending a big hug and wishing the storm ends soon. Frances

  27. Anonymous2:40 AM EDT

    So sorry to hear about Dave and everything that you went through to get treatment. I’m glad that you are home. Stay safe. The news from the whole area is so scary. So many people in need. Please let us know how we can best help you and your community in the aftermath of this storm.

  28. Anonymous4:11 AM EDT

    So glad for a good result, many years ago myself, husband and two young sons set off on a long journey north - a huge storm started so we changed course - mistake - we ended up with a tree across the road in front of us and one then fell behind. There were 3 cars with us - all done the same thing - and to our left was a house on fire because a tree had gone through the electricity cable and it was the tree was burning towards us, whipped up by the wind. It was a time when the fire service was on strike and we all got out of our cars and through a ditch, into the fields and waited until the army came to our rescue, along with an ancient fire tender to deal with the house situation. So scary, your dreadful event brought back memories of our real fear - I do hope all is well with you and Dave, what a blessing to have Wanda with you and to have a lift home too - someone was looking after you.Love and hugs, Elaine in UK

  29. Anonymous7:55 AM EDT

    Bonnie, thank you for keeping us updated. I always think about you when I see the forecast calling for bad weather in your area. What an awful experience for you and your husband. Sendings hugs to you and warm wishes for a speedy recovery. Fran in Pa

  30. Anonymous8:52 AM EDT

    So glad you are safe.and thanks to all of the helpful people who show up when we need them.

  31. Karen Wolf8:54 AM EDT

    So glad you are all safe and thanks for all of the people who step up to help when you need them.

  32. Worried about you guys. Hope things are improving and the power is back on soon. Hope Dave is healing fast and you guys are hanging in there! Sending all my love!

  33. So sorry to hear about Dave's accident--what a total nightmare day you had--good for that nurse who jumped right in and was able to keep your DH stable until you finally got to the hospital!! So scarey!! Hugs and good thoughts for you and Dh's recovery Julierose

  34. Anonymous11:31 AM EDT

    Praying for your continued safety 🙏
    Carolyn S

  35. Oh, I'm so glad he's essentially fine--but in great pain, I'm sure, and a long way to go to heal completely. What a harrowing experience you both had, and what wonderful people showed up to help you on the journey. ❤️

  36. Anonymous5:26 PM EDT

    Prayers for your family as you emerge from the storm and its aftermath. Wishing fast healing for Dave.

  37. Wishing a speedy recovery to Dave. An injury like that affects the whole family. Bonnie, i know you have the strength to get therough this. Take good care of Dave AND YOURSELF.


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