
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Greetings, 2020!

Happy Easter, everyone!

It feels kind of like the Grinch Stole Easter around here – but Easter is in our hearts, not in the hubbub of outside activity and gatherings. 

Perhaps a quiet Easter is just what our souls need to silence the “too much noise” that has been a symbol of our lives up to this point?

It’s something I keep reflecting on over and over –And now that we’ve been sequestered for a month, do I really want to go back to the way things were BEFORE we stepped away from the world?

And I’m sure I’m not the only one who has found themselves back in tune with who they really are, because they were forced to step away from what the world wanted them to be.

Once I finished the units needed for tomorrow’s Unity Quilt Along Part 3 release, I started using the kitted up tulip blocks that had taken a way back seat in their place as leaders & enders while mask making. 

Masks arrived in Arizona!

My friend Jules said that a folded coffee filter fits perfectly inside the filter pocket.

Local friends Jean & Gordon sporting their fruity Farmer’s Market masks!

And the making continues.  Not as fast as many, but doing what I can.

Casden’s new bed!

The Hubster did the grocery run yesterday morning when he met up in the store parking lot with son Jeff to hand him masks – one each for Jeff, Ashlyn and Casden, extra pots and pans for their new house, and the bed I had cleaned up from the basement at Quiltville Inn.  Dave cut some new slats for the bed while I wiped it down and polished it up before taking it to Sparta where they were meeting for the hand off of goods.

He said that close to half the folks in the store were now wearing masks. This is a positive improvement from last week's trip to the store.

My mask protects you, your mask protects me. Don't worry about looking ridiculous, or what other people think. We need to do this to slow the spread of Covid 19.

And if we have to wear home made masks, know that they are made with love, and they are bright and cheery to keep our spirits high.

See someone without a mask that could use one? Keep an extra with you and gift it.

When you meet someone wearing a mask give them a thumbs up to let them know you are smiling behind yours and thanking them for keeping you safe from unseen germs.

It takes ALL of us to follow through and make this work.

I have finally remembered to add Thursday’s Mask Tutorial to the Free Patterns Tab at the top of the blog, placing it at the top of the list of freebies for easy access, no searching.  

Beneath the entry I also linked to the guidelines for fabric mask safety – click the link to get to the image, right click on the image to save it to your computer.  Print it to include with every mask you hand out.

While we wait for slow-eating bowls -

Spreading Zoey’s kibble out on the rug has slowed her down considerably and she is now taking time to pick up one piece and chew it before picking up another – instead of wolfing the whole thing down from the bowl in gulps.

I also started feeding her a few tablespoons of pureed pumpkin yesterday to settle her tummy and regulate things.  We aren’t quite 24 hours out on that yet, but we are hoping that it will calm her digestion and help.

She still loves her giant plushy peep!

And was VERY interested in my root beer float!

Sorry Bubby!  Root beer is not for dogs -

And with your tummy upsets we are not feeding you dairy!

Our Easter plans today?  We are supposed to get rain later this afternoon, so we may hop in the car in a bit and drive up to the State Park for a morning hike to see if we can find the ponies while social distancing.  A first time up there for Zoey, so it should be interesting – and fun.

Leaves are starting to emerge on the trees -

There is a faint bit of green unfurling.

I bet within a couple of weeks I won’t be able to see that view in the distance – This will all fill in like a wonderful lush green curtain.

We’ve planned a simple dinner of lasagna and salad which will leave us leftovers for a couple more meals down the road.  I kind of like cooking big batches and then making good use of the leftovers for other meals.  it keeps things simple.

Perhaps a lovely Sunday nap is in store?

And more mask making and working on tomorrow’s post and PDF copy for our Unity Quilt Along, Part 3.

Did you see that we have a Quiltmaker May/June ‘20 bundle Gift-Away happening in Yesterday’s Post?  Head on over and get your entry in there.

How are you spending your Easter Holiday?  Passover Weekend?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

From my home of quarantine to yours - Happy Easter, everyone! We may be apart, but our hearts are together.

Much love to you -


  1. Happy Easter to you Bonnie, Dave and the rest of the family. Hugs to Zoey Jo and and the kitties.

  2. Easter is different this year. I live next to a beautiful church so at Sunrise I went to the church (just the yard) and had my own private Easter Service. I sang, read aloud scripture and prayed. God is bigger than anything we face. Peace to you and yours.

    1. This is beautiful. I love stories like this, people sharing moments of joy unspeakable, of the human heart reaching up to our Lord and Savior. And yes, I see signs of another Great Revival. God bless.

  3. Happy Easter! It is going to be a good day. I found 7 4-leaf clovers this morning while waiting for Rudy to take his poo. That makes 8. I am aiming for 19 and going to put them in a Corona bottle! LOL Anything to liven things up. Thank you for the beautiful pictures this morning. I also had to get Rudy a slow down bowl. Stay safe and well, everyone! pam

  4. Happy Easter to you and everyone. The bed is super cute, and so glad you had some extra things for them. We are going on day 4 with no power, big snowstorm and winds thursday. Thankful for our generator, which is running off and on. Thankful for friends and family and a warm house.

  5. While you wait for the slow feeder for Zoey - a mini muffin pan works for dogs that rush- also feeding a 1/4 cup at a time may be helpful. Good luck and Happy Easter

  6. Happy Easter and thank you Bonnie for helping people to stay grounded, providing projects to keep hands busy and minds calm and reminding us that family is what is really most important and staying home will help us all be together sooner.

  7. We went thru the fast eating thing with our dog. You can also use a cupcake tin to portion out food while you wait for the bowls you ordered. Happy Easter and thanks for the happiness you spread all year!

  8. We are on video church services, yet it was a beautiful service as they taped quite a bit of it where we normally do our Easter Sunrise Service. The backdrop this morning was 3 crosses. One of our associate members Doug Goodman wrote a song several years ago The Son Rise. It is on you tube and a beautiful song. Back to making mask for my family and other quilt projects on this stormy Easter Sunday.

  9. Happy Easter to you! My daughter has a doggy ball with holes in it and she feeds her tummy-sensitive dog this way. The dog rolls the ball around and eats as the food drops out. She loves it and it has helped her.

  10. Happy Easter everyone! Continue to stay safe in this time. We are now wearing masks and gloves at work. Prayers for all. 🙏🏻💕

  11. Love the photos of Zoey! I enjoyed your post in the quiltville groups. I have marveled at the quietness of everything. We live on Main St. in a small town and our fire and police sirens have dropped from probably 10 a day to maybe one. Amazing. But I hadn't quite got the love out of it. Your quote was perfect! I can feel the love now in our staying apart.

  12. Happy Easter to you and your family! I just love reading your posts! You have a gift for writing as well as quilting! Enjoy your day!

  13. We are hunkered down because of weather. So far so good! Marilyn Marks

  14. Happy Easter to you & the family!
    Easter Breakfast was pancakes with fresh raspberries. Dinner will be garlic stuffed ribeye steaks. In between those two meals is quiet time with hobbies. DH is rearranging his wood working area. For me: Stitching on Unity Part 2 and making masks (THANK YOU for the video tutorial - your pattern rocks!) for others. Cats & dog hanging out with us as we Have a quiet Sunday.

  15. Happy Easter Wishes to You and Dave. We are extra grateful for the slow down sequester. We're planting a large garden, taking care of the to do lists around home and reflecting. Slowing down is balm for my soul. It has made me super clean my sewing spot and get projects towards finishing. These are all positive things! I love your idea of having a few finished face masks to share. Thank you, Bonnie, for the Unity qal and all that you share with us.

  16. Happy Easter to you and yours. Hope you got to go on that morning hike. Lasagne for dinner sounds good. Roast pork loin, roasted potatoes, asparagus and Sour Cream Blueberry pie here. Will probably do some sewing this afternoon. I've been working on Garden Party off and on.

  17. Oh yes, we're having a wonderful snowstorm here...as if being quarantined wasn't enough!

  18. Do you have a chew toy or Kong thingy for Zoey?? Put that in her dog dish to slow down her food gobbling. Works with my dog better than the purchased one. And cheaper....

  19. Happy Easter Bonnie - thanks for all that you do.

  20. We had "drive-in Car Church" this morning. It was glorious!!

  21. Happy Easter from Czech republic!

  22. What a cute picture of Zoey! Finally able to work on my first part of the quilt-a-long this weekend. Happy Easter!

  23. Happy Easter!

    For Zoey's tummy I highly recommend the Love Bugs from https://market.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/collections/digestive-support/products/love-bugs

    All of their supplements are wonderful. It could also be the kibble you are feeding her. You might look at a food such as Grandma Lucy's or www.onlynaturalpet.com Only Natural Pet has their brand food and other brand. If you want to stay with a kibble type food, look at theirs.

    another site that has great organic whole food supplements is www.biostarus.com I give my horses and dogs their supplements.

    Hopefully Zoey's tummy will be better soon. My rescue, Lola, also gulped her food when I first got her. She has since settled to eat slowly. I think she figured out that she was going to get fed everyday, twice a day. I now have to watch that the weiner dog doesn't steal her food as sometimes she leaves her bowl for a bit!

    Happy Stitching!

  24. Happy Easter everyone. Those of you in the Minnesota metro area, we are dreaming (and living) of a White Easter. Let's hear it for a Minnesota spring!

    1. Yep looks like I have at least 4 to 5 inches in my back yard. Makes being "grounded" not so bad.

  25. My Easter was spent at work 6 am to 6 pm. I had 2 juveniles sewing masks for the community. We have completed about 50 to date. We have another 15 to complete on Wednesday - the next day that I am at work. They are doing this and making quilts for an elective credit for high school. School looks different already for our juveniles here in detention and with school being cancelled in the traditional setting, detention officers are now becoming the "teachers". I do hold a teaching certificate in another state and the juveniles are still making great progress on their classes. I have even had one juvenile ask if I could work everyday so that his reading skills can continue to build.

    It is a different Easter here. I will try to video chat with my children later tonight after my brother's family and I have Easter Sunday services around the kitchen table.

    Wishing you all the best,
    Alison S.

  26. After seeing Zoey's pink peeps, it made me hungry for the real thing so I helped the economy while I was out and bought some!Alice Woodring

  27. I tried a puzzle bowl for my boy, he loved it all he had to do was turn it upside down and shake it, all the food comes out, wolf that down then play with bowl. I bought a treat ball instead, worked a treat. Good luck with Zoe, she will most probably slow down when she has finished growing. Keep safe and well. Love your blog it is keeping me sane at this mad time. love from Australia.

  28. I tried to leave a comment a few days ago but not sure it "took", so here again I will say THANK YOU for the mask tutorial. I had not made any yet, so can't compare it to other methods, but I found yours to be easy and they fit nicely. Thanks again for all you do. Gina in Missouri

  29. Happy Easter - and yes it's a quiet day here - mask making, a bit of laundry, and chocolate cake for our treat. I did enjoy listening to Bocelli today - so beautiful. Love the sleepy face pic of Zoey.

  30. My daughter puts three golf balls in her dog's food bowl to slow down her dog's eating.

    1. Great tip and avoids having to pay for a special bowl.

  31. Our four legged girl also had tummy troubles. We started her on probiotic tabs which helped a lot. Not all better, but much better. This has been going on four years now.

  32. Anonymous6:54 AM EDT

    Puzzle bowls, and pumpkin... also try to "float" her food in water. It is one thing we do for our dalmatian and great dane/lab that help with food guzzling!

  33. Got together with my Bolognesi cousins...... my first Zoom meeting..... and we relived the "old" days and caught up on current news. Just like Easter's past at our Nonna's house.

  34. I'm confused on your tulip leader/enders. Do you cut from scraps every piece for the blocks & keep each block together until it gets sewn? Happy Easter! Our love to Zoey! (and you)

  35. Thank You Bonnie for your Unity quit along. I am just starting. Where do I find the pattern for the tulip block leader & ender. Thanks

  36. Where do I find the leader & ender tulip pattern?

  37. You are so generous with your ideas and designs. Thank you for sharing free patterns for quilts and things like masks. You have made this difficult time easier. You rock, Bonnie!

  38. I enjoyed reading this daily blog this morning.. I am glad you are well, we are so fortunate to live in a safe country with good people.
    I love your tulip blocks, sweet
    Zoey, I hope she feels better too. Pets, I just love my kitties. Princess used to be a gobbler. spreading the food out does help. -- and I have turned both kitties into grazers, so they do not eat so much at each meal.
    I love Zoey.
    You are right about some inward reflections. I think this quarantine is a wake up call (in some sort) for all of us. First, we need to stay healthier, manage our bodies better, and secondly, we need to be mindful of and to others. I have a hubby that is slated for heart surgery in the future (it was planned for May 15th but ?) and I am taking care of my 96 year old daddy. He lives 4 miles away in a very fancy wonderful Erickson community.
    I am so happy you gathered some good household things for your son and his new wife and child.
    Stay happy, we are all so very blessed.
    I love the less air traffic noise from Dulles Airport

  39. May we all see miracles in the coming days. You might want to try feeding Zoey hamburger (browned) and white rice (cooked). That seems to calm down doggy tummies around here.

  40. Look up DIY Snuffle Mat to slow down Zoey's eating. It works great for our dogs!

  41. I had a dog that wolfed his food down too. I saw a pinterest post that really worked - turn a cupcake or muffin pan upside down and sprinkle the food in the 'valleys'. It can't be turned over like the puzzle bowls, and it actually took him a few minutes to eat instead of seconds. I am trying the Unity quilt along, it is my first 'real' quilt to try, I am really enjoying it!!!

  42. Our dog has tummy issues and we went to the canned Natural Balance Sweet Potato & Venison. When she started having problems the vet recommended this. When she had issues she was very picky about her dog food. (Of course, she would have eaten any type of human food if we would have allowed it.) She really took to this flavor. She did have to train me to slightly heat the food after refrigeration as she is small and does not eat a full can at a time. :)

  43. My kids have a dog that looks exactly like yours. They got her from a rescue. Do you know what breeds yours is? We always talk about what she is. They were told there was chihuahua in her, but I doubt that (I have always owned chihuahua myself)


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