
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Braving the Grocery Wilderness

Food Lion, Jefferson North Carolina.

Do you notice the one way signs?  I thought this was BRILLIANT!

I haven’t been to any sizable town in weeks, preferring the tiny Independence Food City market – a quick in and out and no masses of people.  Less population in the area means, well – less population.

But last night we needed to head to Jefferson to pick up the new washer/dryer that are replacing the 23 year old ones at the Cabin.  It was time.  There was a sale.  We ordered online and did curbside pick up. 

Eventually when things get back to ‘normal” (if they ever do.) I needed a larger capacity to be able to handle the Quiltville Inn laundry.

Jeff and Ashlyn have been traveling back and forth to the Wallburg house to do their laundry because they don’t have their own washer/dryer in their new little rental house.

So they will get the older set from the cabin, we’ll have the newer larger capacity ones here for future inn wash, and all will be good.

(That’s a lot way round to get to the above photo – but you know.)

One person at a time in the grocery store.  Meaning – don’t bring your whole family.  Just one of you.

One door is entrance only. The other door on the other side of the breezeway is the exit only.

As you enter the store an employee will sanitize the cart for you (as they are all gloved up and in charge of the wipeys.) and off you go to do your grocery shopping – but only in ONE direction.  No taking the short route.

It reminded me of the grocery store version of IKEA where you follow the arrows on the floor, only these were taped up in the aisles pointing which way you should be moving.

Evidently some people don’t read.  I stood there behind my mask and pointed at the sign until their light bulb went on.

Undoubtedly these were also the folks WITHOUT masks.

Several customers were masked up, as were some store employees.

I quickly made my rounds of produce, dairy. cereal, canned goods – and yes, sometimes it meant I had to go up an UP Aisle before I could come down the next DOWN Aisle to get what was on my list.  But it worked.

Having the aisles be one way only meant that you were at least a cart distance behind the person in front of you and no one was coming face to face.

And yes, it felt weird having the store mostly empty at what is usually the busiest time of the day.


Cinnabon is my favorite creamer and I bought two bottles because it will keep and it has been hard to find!  I didn’t even check the paper products aisle afraid I’d still find it empty, and truthfully we are okay in that department as of now.

Taking the long way home through Grassy Creek, NC.

I found this scene to be so serene with the rows of Christmas trees growing – the leaves just appearing on the shade trees at the front of the house – the winding long dirt drive, the red barn ducked behind.

A slightly different angle.

I like this kind of social distancing.

Replacing lost recipes!

Or lost recipe photos that went BLAMMO with the missing folded fabric face filter posts. (I’m still baffled as to why.)

An email came in yesterday from someone looking for the Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats directions so I thought I would make it for breakfast this morning and post it again, hoping they will stay this time.

And it is so so so simple.  2 cups steel cut oats to 5 cups water  add 1/4 tsp salt and 1 tsp vanilla. 

Cook on manual for 4 minutes and let it self release the pressure for about 20 minutes. 

Then switch the pressure valve from locked to release to finish the job.

It will look watery on top, but simply stir it to blend in the water and serve.

There was enough leftovers for ONE more bowl – someone can have it as a snack later. 

I would say that this recipe is good for 3 servings even though it was supposed to be four.  We like big bowls of oatmeal.

The thing i like most about making steel cut oats this way – is there is no standing there stirring the pot during the whole cooking time.

It was a great breakfast for today – it was 33 degrees when I sat down to this yummy warm bowl.  I’m ready to tackle the rest of what this day brings me.

And yes, it’s this time!

Quiltmaker May/June 2020 Gift-Away!

Who is entry 1118 out of 8233?

SERIOUSLY!  8233 entries!  You would think there is a pandemic going on and no one has anything better to do than enter a blog gift-away! LOL!  
This really IS the most entries I have ever had in any Gift-Away!

Kathie Castricano!

Congrats, Kathie!  Just reply to the email I sent you with your shipping address and I’ll be getting this bundle off to you right away.

Zoey – Dreaming!

This was last night after all was said and done and our big grocery run was put away.

I just love how her canine teeth hang out there when she is so relaxed upside down.  Precious girl.

Spreading her dry food on the mat is definitely slowing her eating down.  There has been no more throwing up from eating too fast and swallowing too much air.  

She loves the canned pumpkin, and I’ve given her a couple of tablespoons twice a day.

And yes – I’ve warmed it in the microwave for her – she loves it warm.  Spoiled rotten little love.

She has been with us a month now.  And I can’t imagine our lives without her.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's a time of turmoil on the outside.

Let the peace begin from within so you can always carry it with you.

This too, shall pass!

Much love to you on this Wednesday -


  1. We had a Corgi - Princess - who had stomach issues. I always kept cans of Chicken and Rice for dogs handy in case she got a stomach upset. The first one was because of a rawhide bone that got stuck in her intestinal tract. She never got one of those again. Sadly she was 10 when she passed away. Princess was a very good girl.

  2. Bonnie, during the Vietnam war, the commissary at FT Bragg in Fayetteville was so crowded that the aisles were one way. I had to memorize the aisles. It was so crowded that there was no turning back. It was cart-to-cart traffic!

    1. A Lot of commissaries still have one way arrows during heavy shopping times of the year, especially the larger ones.

  3. I just love reading your posts...I was in our Food Lion yesterday, following the arrows....and someone, without a mask, was coming the other direction...maddening; Stay safe and happy sewing!

  4. This morning at our Krogers I saw only one person without a mask, and store workers were all gloved and masked. What a difference a week makes here! (Have to get used to the new arrow system too!)

  5. Our local grocery chain has one-way aisles and it is mandatory for the employees to wear masks. I made a mask from your tutorial yesterday, and it is the first one I've tried that turned out decent. I really appreciate your taking the time to make the video, it really helped me!

    1. Yes, I made two masks using Bonnies tutorial yesterday also. I really like this tutorial best. It is simple, straightforward, and the masks look more professionally made.

  6. I wish our stores would do the one way signs! People are still going everywhere, and with trying to keep our distance, it gets difficult when someone stops and is browsing for something for 10 minutes. You just have to stand there and wait, or turn around and go down another isle and come in from the other side to get what you need. It takes me twice as long to get in and out as it usually does, but I try to be patient. That’s all you can do. I love the Zoey pictures! Her sleeping on her back is hysterical! And the kitties are a hoot too. Please keep them coming. They always put a smile on my face.

  7. Anonymous1:48 PM EDT

    The kind thought on my herbal tea bag this morning was "Peace of mind comes piece by piece" and I immediately thought of you and the Unity Quilt Along. So grateful to you and your generous gift of this fun activity! Thank you.

  8. love the pictures of the country side thanks Bonnie

  9. We just love hearing about Zoey Jo...she is a beautiful and lucky girl! I have a question regarding your giveaways...is everyone supposed to enter only once? I have never entered more than once but wondered if it was the same for everyone.

  10. Beautiful, peaceful space on your way home!! The Christmas tree farm looks like a wonderful haven!!

  11. Love the scenery in your area! I'm in So. Ca. and it's green now but will shortly turn yellow and then brown until nest year. That Zoey is adorable. So glad you adopted her and have a fur companion for this pandemic. Wish our grocery stores were that unpopulated. We glove and mask up and distance ourselves as much as possible but there are still those that aren't wearing gloves and some masks hang below their nose. Pray God's protection on everyone. Each day I look forward to reading your words of wisdom across the older quilts. Patty McDonald

  12. Love your coffee mug!

  13. What a lucky dog to have landed in your home! The Grassy Creek photos are so pretty.

  14. I've recently begun reading your blog religiously, and I so enjoy it! I'm also enjoying building the Unity quilt. It's really helped me to re-establish the quilt making practices necessary for accuracy!! Thanks for the challenge!

  15. Love the idea of a one way system in the shops it’s getting scary, I went in the front room last night and could tell the hubs had been crying. So awful just thinking of it brings tears to my eyes. It was the news of a 99 year old man who had just had his hip replaced and decided to walk around his garden 100 time to raise £1000 For the NHS. He has so far raised 7.5 million. Such a heart warming story.
    Love how settled and comfortable ZoeyJo is with you, she really is so precious and I love that she found her forever home with you and Dave
    Stay safe love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  16. Having self isolated since March 11th I had not been to the store. On my first trip I did notice the direction and spacing indicators on the floor. Only they led me to more confusion since they weren't in each isle. Sneeze guards were also installed at the manned checkout lanes. However what impressed me most were hand sanitizer and food vendor gloves placed through out the store. I know these cost extra but because this establishment cared for me during I will definitely support them after.

  17. We've been using our local store also but Tuesday we had to go to Costco as that's where our prescriptions are. They have Senior Citizen hours and this is one time being 65 had it's advantage. Even though there was a very long line waiting to get in, once they let us in, it was very smooth. Everyone stayed their distance and they controlled how many people at a time went in produce area. I went to the Pharmacy while my hubby did the shopping and we were in and out in 25 minutes and we had a very full cart. Never once were we closer than 6 ft. to anyone. Our grocery store has masks (as I made all 27) but as of yet I have not seen anyone wear one. Makes me feel like I wasted my time.

  18. Yes, the NC governor put the one-way in stores order out last week to take effect last Monday. All the grocery stores are doing it. And I agree, it is a great idea. I saw unmasked people not following the signs too, even though there are signs at the ends of the aisles as well as taped arrows on the floor!

  19. I love Zoey. I usually pet all of the dogs at my daddy's retirement palace, Ashby Ponds, when we go for a walk. Now I have to keep my hands to myself.
    I have two kitties, but love doggies too. My dad said "when this corona is out of here (he is 96) Rex (my hubbs) and I will get you a couple of dogs" hahahahahahaha no.
    Walmart here really has their act together. I do like this. Honestly. I think this is a wake up call for us. Besides I am an olden RN and really like the cleanliness going on now.

  20. I also have a furry family member that eats too quickly so I place a tennis ball in the bowl and she does slow down as it gets in her way! Granted, Zoey may just take the ball out and continue to inhale her food but it did work for my girl! Happy quilting!

  21. Spreading food out in a cup cake tin also helps slowing down their eating -- we had that issue with our pup when she was young.

  22. It doesn't seem possible that she has been with you for a month already. She certainly is pretty and very fortunate to have you for adoptive parents. Our daughter has grounded us -- a definite role reversal:) We moved near her almost 7 years ago so that when we do need help, it would be easier for her to give us that help. Never dreamed it would be now. We have one of our granddaughters staying with us because her university closed, and she will stay with us until it is safe to fly home or until it is safe for us to meet her other grandparents half way. Got to go. We are on our way to pick up pipe cleaners from Michaels for making more masks. They have curb side pickup. Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.com


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