
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Getting Bindy With It!

I think I have finally let relaxation catch up with ME.

I slept in, took Sadie for a long 2.25 mile hike, had a late breakfast, and I sewed.

Potato soup was made for lunch.  Our favorite.  Recipe HERE.  Leaving enough for tomorrow’s lunch as well.  Like most things, it is best the next day.

I napped.

I woke up when it was dark.

And most of all I relaxed and sewed when I wanted.

If I am going to sit and hand stitch the binding down on  the Big Boise State Monstrosity  tonight while watching some TV, The binding has to be cut, sewn, pressed and attached before the netflixfest can begin.

Over the past few years my binding techniques have changed.  I’ve grown to like a narrower fuller binding, and went from cutting my strips at 2.5” to then 2.25” to now 2”.  And I’m happy with it.  I don’t lose my points if I am binding the edge of a pieced border, and lets face it, I’m saving 20% over the cost of binding with 2.5” binding strips.  I can bind a big quilt like this one with 1/2 yard of fabric instead of nearly 3/4 a yard of fabric.

But mostly, I like the look of the 1/4” finished binding.  Nice and full, nice and tight.


Strategic photography!

I caught myself in the chrome of my vintage iron!  Press those diagonal seams OPEN and trim the dog ears.


Out comes my vintage walking foot!

This one is for slant machines, and since I’m working on a 301 slant machine, it’s just the ticket.  I’m also using my Greer SewingMates Feathermate table since I am table top sewing, instead of the machine being down in the card table.  I’ve left the table set up for when Mona comes to sew.  I also have a couple friends coming in January to sew….so the card table can stay put away for now.  I love that this little table goes just around the  fromt and left side of my machine giving me more work surface.  The legs are adjustable to fit any vintage machine, and it works great with both my 301s and my featherweights.


New seam guide time!

The sticky had worn off of the back of my old one – and it had been taped in place with blue painters tape to hold it down until I could get some more scotch restickable mounting strips up here to redo the job,

The walking foot is just a bit wider than the 1/4” that I want so I used my seam guide ruler to tell me where to place the sticky seam guide.  It can’t interfere with the foot, so it has to go just in front of the foot.  Find out more about my home-made Best Seam Guide Ever  HERE!


Some room adjustments had to happen!

The denim quilt is HEAVY.  And I wanted to use the ironing board set at table height to the left of my machine to help support the weight, but the table needed to be pushed back away from the window to make room for it.  I slid everything toward the cutting table and got set up and ready to go.


1/4” binding underway!


Binding puddle on the floor.

Okay, this is where I think quilters go crazy.  I just leave my binding next to me and feed it on to the quilt as I go.  I don’t need to BUY a gizmo to have it wrapped on so that it can unwind as I sew.  It’s just not that big of a deal.  It’s binding.  I make it, I sew it on, and its done.

And then there is the thing about rolling it on a toilet paper tube and hanging it around your neck.  What for?  It takes longer to wind the binding  around something than it does to just sit down and sew it on to the quilt.  I’ve never had a problem with it.

But then I don’t have a cat that would come and attack the binding as I was attaching it either….just my observation.  Make the binding.  Sew it on.  Be  done.  End of story.

((Buy a gizmo to wind it?  Really???  I’d rather buy fabric!))


And Sadie watches on!

The binding is only partially sewn on, but I was just informed we have to run to town to get some electrical wire at Lowes.  At 7:36pm at night.  OK.  I’ll go.

But there better be ice cream involved!

Have a great evening, everyone!

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  1. Tracey Honig8:28 PM EST

    Well it sounds like you've had a nice day!! I have discovered a technique for binding that I stumbled upon the other day. I measured it out to make sure that I have enough for the quilt, then safety pin it to the quilt and then just leave it on as I am sewing it on... makes life a little easier! Hope that helps!! (p.s. right there with you on buying fabric rather than tools!!) :)

  2. I love that you said it. That you don't need a gizmo to deal with the binding while you are sewing it on. I never understood that preoccupation with the binding either. I do exactly as you do and have never had a problem AND I have three cats.

  3. I'm with you, Bonnie, when it comes to binding. I just let it lay there and don't worry about it! Easy, peasy!! Thanks for all you do for us!!

  4. I'm with you. Just get that binding on. Why muck around. Ice cream sounds good. What a nice break

  5. I'm with you on binding Bonnie - I just drop it on the floor out of my way and go at it.

  6. I tried the toilet paper roll technique and found it extremely frustrating. I went back to just letting the binding lay in a puddle.

  7. Best walking foot ever. I'm sure there will be ice cream somewhere near Lowes.

  8. I always love seeing Sadie Mae... that patient little sweetheart! (Please clip her toenails, Mom.)

  9. Anonymous10:22 PM EST

    Bonnie, I place my binding on the table behind my sewing machine and feed it through the throat of machine. No mess on floor and easy access.

  10. I have a Singer 301 but have not been able to find a slant walking foot. Are they still available, Bonnie? I love piecing on the machine, but I would like to have one to sew on binding and do some quilting.

  11. Binding I do like you Bonnie and I also roll it up. For me it depends on if I have a fabric I want for the binding I'll make it roll it and save until I do the binding. Just a suggestion if you roll your binding I does work better to feed it from a fixed "something" because if you just drop it down the binding twists and it's difficult to feed it on to the quilt.
    Colleen in finally rainy Northern California

  12. I'm one of those people who love to do binding! When I'm sewing mine on, I just flip it over my left shoulder. Can pull it while sewing and it works great for me. As always, love reading your blog,and you enjoy your down time and have a
    Merry Christmas with your family!

  13. I usually let the binding puddle rest on my lap, as the floor around the machine is usually full of lint. My strips are also 2".

  14. For those of you with extension tables, if you loosely coil your binding into a large circle loop and put it around the front leg of your table. It feeds nicely, and you can pull off as much as you like to hang down but it doesn't touch the floor.

  15. I find that most 'time saving gizmos' dont save time. If is just quicker to bite the bullet and do it. Wished for years for a dish washer. I can do it faster.


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