This is my can see much strippy-ness is going on! Remember those umpteen million gazillion 3" 9 patches that were OVERKILL!? Let's just say that a piano key border has become mandatory to this quilt to use up the pre-sewn strip sets.
Of course...THIS BAG couldn't possibly be enough to go all the way around the outside of a quilt could it? NO INDEEDY! We must sew..MORE!! (Yes, echoes of Karen and Lisa saying "Sew Bonnie Sew!!" Are still floating through my head)
I dug into my big ole bag of oldies and oddities...1.5" strips are sewn to pairs....recycled fabrics mixed with scraps, no attention paid to color, just including as much variety as possible, and doing my best to annihilate all the shorter pieces...
Twosies were sewn into foursies....
I'm cutting the foursies into 5" subsections....but what do you do when you can't get another 5" section and there are leftovers? Cut them 1.5" of course!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these little stacks of 4-squares, but I could do 16 patches and use them as the center of stars or something...for now they are baggied up!
Sewing sewing more I have enough yet? I'm not sure, I better sew some more, there are still strips left in the bag, keep going...get rid of the uglies...
By the time I finally stopped, and went to iron this lovely piano key border...there was more than enough to encircle TWO quilts...LOL!!!! SO..I see a Chinese Coins quilt in my future, or some strippy thing somewhere...
And there are still old ugly 1.5" strips in the bag I would like to see go away!
SO....tomorrow! (Saturday) is the BIG SHOW in Sisters. We are leaving here at 7:15 to get there early enough to be able to get decent parking for the car, and hit the antique booth first FIRST! It's a tradition. And we love to watch the quilts going up on the side of the buildings. The mornings are the best!
I'm meeting up with a bus full of Ladies from the HGTV message boards at the park at 1pm...I can't wait, it will be so fun!
After that, we'll finish seeing anything we somehow missed, and we are usually out of town by the time the heat of the day has hit it's peak.
The week is flying by..We've been taking long walks every morning..I've finished writing the directions to 4 quilts so's been a good good place to be!
Enjoy the show Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteI think my developing sickness of saving every little scrap started with reading your webpage. I can't throw anything bigger than 1 inch in width away. There's no hope of ever using all of that up...
ReplyDeleteLove to see you sew!
Ooo, I love the strippy border!
ReplyDeleteI swear those scraps multiply whenever I go through a container. Cannot seem to use them up.
ReplyDeleteDid you bring "Shotgun" with you on your trip????
Have a great time and stay safe.
wheee, have a blast! love seeing your process!
ReplyDeleteWow! You are such an inspiration! I hope you hit the jackpot at the antique booth!
ReplyDeleteSew! Bonnie, sew!
ReplyDeletehee heee!!
Be sure and do some stretching between long hours at the machine.
ReplyDeleteFrom one who knows ... 8-)))
you are being so productive these days. Enjoy the show, can't wait to see your pictures.
ReplyDeleteSew Bonnie sew... love it. Keep stitchin