After reading my statue of liberty post, Debbie sent me a link where I can put my face into the statue of liberty. How funny!!!
I really did enjoy wandering around NYC by myself. If I had had more than just a few hours, I would have contacted some of you to meet me for lunch, but it was such a spur of the moment impromptu day, that I just didn't think of doing it.
Walking up Broadway gave me all sorts of opportunities to watch people and admire the flowers everywhere..just look at these!

I had to take a pic through the iron fence at the church yard of Trinity Church near Ground Zero. Look at that color!

These trees were blooming on Liberty Island. it was such a beautiful day to take a ferry ride. I'm glad I chose to do this instead of stay inside in a museum all day. If the weather had been bad, or hot and muggy, I may have chosen the museum route! But after this long winter, I've really been longing to just BE OUTSIDE.

These tulips around this fountain were even more orange and vibrant than you see in the photo. SO happy to the eyes. Yes. I am drawn to orange, even in my quilts. I know a little goes a long way, and I sometimes think I add too much, but I just love orange!!

This floor is INSIDE the building at Ellis Island. Wouldn't it make a great border? It's amazing to me that even though the place was dilapidated and fell into disrepair for many years before it was restored, that they were able to keep details like this in tact for us to see. I wonder how many children who stood in line traced these designs with feet or fingers while they tried to occupy themselves.

This is the ceiling in the "great hall" where immigrants had to wait for hours to present themselves for entry in to the USA. I love the herringbone pattern of it. A lot of beautiful workmanship went into this building, and I'm sure it made a statement to those who waited so long to enter.

This is the front of the building at Ellis Island...quite a foreboding structure isn't it? And yet full of so much hope for so many at the same time.

I've spent 2 days now trying to get my ducks in a row. I had a killer workout with my trainer this morning. Mostly arms and legs...arms are my weak spot...I never really cared about having buff arms! *LOL* By the time we were done I felt so wobbly, it was like they had surgically removed all my bones. Needless to say that today's activities (after bank and post office duties)involved a long NAP! I need it!

I keep beating myself up for time I'm NOT spending at the machine. I want to be in the mood to piece..I really do...I've got the rows all ready to join together into a center..maybe tonight? If I don't fall asleep first...
yes bonnie it's a gorgeous building, i have been there also. i loved the suitcase displays, so interesting. imagine the cacaphony when all the people were there speaking all different languages! what chaos it must have been and so frightening for so many in a strange land. i went in november and the temp was a balmy 72 degrees, day before NY marathon, gorgeous ferry ride then too...i have photos someplace i think...thanks for showing and telling!
ReplyDeleteI went to see the some of those places in New York city just 2 months before 9-11, it has been awhile now since we were there and I would love to go back some day.
ReplyDeleteI see quilt designs on floors all the time!
well, a comment on the 'I really want to be piecing" is - the motivation comes in the doing!! Please do not repeat that back to me, when I just can't seem to get myself doing what I know I should be or really want to be doing!! ;-) my friend did say that back to me, when I had said it to her the day before!! lol!
ReplyDeleteThank-you for the pictures!! My friend just got back from a trip to New York, and loved it!! She wanted to just stay - for at least 2 months she said!!
I am really liking your new creation, and I am looking forward t seeing it done!!
Glad you are home,and yes, after a work out like that one, you would feel rubbery!! Good for you getting though it, and living to tell us about it!!! Here is to flowers everywhere and being able to just be outdoors!!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. You sure are gutsy sightseeing in NY City by yourself. I was born and raised in Yonkers which is the next city N of NYC. As a teenager I went to the city often with friends on the subway but it sure has changed. As i grew on in years the desire to go there became less & less because of the many problems, but all in all its still the Greatest City in the World
ReplyDeleteI had begun to believe that you never tired and wondered where all that energy came from. But you get more done than any 10 women I know so I guess you have earned a little down time. Get some rest and then you will be up and running again.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tour. Did you say trainer??Where do I get one of those??
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie,
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great pictures. I love the one of the tile border. I just did a post on Monday about quilt inspiration from tile floors.
Your cornerstones... :o) (I know I have them in red & blue - not so sure about green...)
ReplyDeleteYour quilt top is lovely. The architectural elements are everywhere, if we train ourselves to look for them. You really did have yourself quite a grand NYC adventure!
ReplyDeleteThat statue of "bonnie" cracked me up! I love how quilt designs can be found in the oddest places...
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the machine...let your body have a rest for a moment!
I've never been there. Always wanted to go but it never happened when I lived in PA. Amazing place. It is wonderful to know my grandparents were there more than 120 years ago.
ReplyDeleteAh Bonnie...thanks for those pics of Ellis Island!! I haven't made it there yet but very much want to. Both grandparents on my mom's side came over through there. You've made me good and homesick!! lol
ReplyDelete-a Long Island girl living in "exile" in VA, it's lovely but it isn't my first home.
Lori in VA
OH!!! and you did the right thing choosing to go there instead of the museum. If you've only got the one day, you'll only see a piece of one of those wonderful places and it can be frustrating. But this way you got a nice overview of the city as well as visiting "the lady" and Ellis Island.
ReplyDeleteLori in VA