
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just A Quickie!

I am headed out today to travel up to Burnsville, NC to teach a workshop tomorrow! I am being hosted by the Mountain Piecemakers, and it should be a terrific day! I love driving up into NC and catching the blue ridge mountains outside of Asheville.

There is a "quilt art" project going on in the county up there, putting quilt designs on old barns and historic buildings! It is so fun to drive through and see these in the beautiful mountain setting. Here are just a few for your perusal :c)

Have a great Sunday/Monday everyone!


  1. What a beautiful post, Bonnie. I'd love to see these up close and personal. Have a safe and fun trip.

  2. Oooooo. What a great way to dress up my sheds! :)

  3. Ditto what Nancy wrote!

  4. I saw one near W. Jefferson, NC. It is such a treat to happen by one of these, enjoy the drive!

  5. Have fun. We will be here when you get back.

  6. I just ran across your blog. Wonderful quilts!! What really caught my eye was the photos of the barns near Burnsville. DH and I just came through there on a motorcycle last week and I spotted one of the quilt designs on a barn. I wish I'd known there were more and maybe I could have convinced him to stop so I could take some pictures too!
    Love your blog - I'll have to stop by again!

  7. I just love those barns with the quilt blocks! What fun that is! And the barns are so awesome anyway!

  8. Oh my gosh I love those old barns with the quilt blocks! Wouldn't they make great screen savers!

  9. Anonymous7:38 AM EDT

    Great way to decorate a barn! Just adds to the gorgeous scenery in that part of the country.

  10. Love the Blocks on the Barns!!! That really is a beautiful part of the U.S. I have been to the "Penland School of Crafts" several summers (years ago) and I think Burnsville is in the same area if my memory serves (!?!)It was a real slice of heaven for sure!!!!


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