
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Quiet Remembrances

Sunrises are finally viewable from our cabin on the mountainside.

It's not that sunrises haven't been happening all along, it's just that you can't see them when the trees are full of leafy green.

Somethings are just always there - even through we can't see them.

Like friendships. And family members.

And that is where my thoughts are today.

This is my sweet friend Jennifer.

Those of us who knew her and loved her (And there was no way you could NOT love her!) are mourning her passing.

I had been in contact with Jen's mom Lucille over the past couple of days as we knew the end was coming quicker than we wanted it to - wishing we could keep Jen with us just a bit longer.  How selfish of us! But we couldn't help it - because we are going to miss her so much.

Jen slipped away into eternity yesterday morning while I was talking on the phone with Lucille.

Jen was a consummate selfie pro!

This was the last time I was able to spend time with Jen while teaching in Texas - I took a weekend off in between two venues and joined the girls for a retreat at Brazo's House.

Tiaras present and accounted for!

As I run through the emotions that come with the passing of a friend, I am comforted by the echoes of laughter and all of the good times.  Not enough of them, for sure.

And it is especially hard when due to Covid, traveling to funerals is not an option.  This year as a family we have lost Joe, Shelley, and now Jennifer.  It's like there is no closure without being able to attend a memorial service.

I will cherish this girl forever. She has had such an impact on my life, and I am honored to call her a true friend. 

And in a round about way, this has brought thoughts of my brother Mark to mind.  He and Jen both lost their lives to brain cancer. Such a cruel disease.  But to see both of them power through with positive attitudes, and love those close to them even harder through it all, I can't find the words to express just how I am feeling right now.

Yesterday's take out box.

It had been months since I had enjoyed Chinese food!  The meal of course was delicious - and I admit to comfort binging nearly the whole thing.

But when I got to the cookie and opened it and found this message - so much of 2020 has lead me back to this.

Yes.  This year, my highest priority has been my family.  Followed closely by my friends who are like family.

We never know when someone will leave us.  The time to love them, and to work out differences is now.

And I want to know - Did the fortune cookie company decide to come out with 2020 Covid edition cookies?

Trail Cam shot.

Just because I don't have anything else really to post to wind this up - The hubster went up and retrieved the memory card from the trail cam at the top of our property.

I was delighted with this peaceful scene of several deer nesting in the leaves.  The photo happened when we still HAD green leaves.

Just a reminder that there is ONE DAY LEFT to enter to win our October Quilty Box .  You'll find all of the details on the ORIGINAL POST. Our drawing happens tomorrow morning.

Jan's Punkin Patch quilt!

"Thanks SEW much Bonnie for all you do. I love creating your quilts. Love from snowy Minnesota. Jan R"

I love it Jan!  Oh, the snow - what a perfect photo backdrop!

The pattern for the full sized Punkin Patch quilt is found in my book, String Frenzy!  If you purchase String Frenzy through the Quiltville Store, you will also receive a bonus PDF of my Hunter’s String Star quilt pattern.


I love the striped binding!

(Just a few days left to get the table runner pattern for just $5.00!)

Deanie's Appalachian Autumn top!

"My Appalachian Autumn is now with my longarm quilter/friend. It was fun! Now to finish the last two rows of Unity."

She sounds as busy as I have been with crossing this off the list, and moving right on to that other uncompleted thing! Deanie, sometime we are going to have to slow down and just enjoy the whole process.

(Yes, and I'm saying this as I'm trying to get our mystery introduction post ready to go for Halloween!)

There are some things more important than others. Family, yes, of course. And Friends - both here and gone. We love them just as much.

And some things can just wait - like the studio mess that has crept back upon me.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in Salem, Virginia.

My life will never be totally neat and clean, and neither will my studio. 

Create beauty through chaos!



  1. Those brain tumors are EVIL! Lost DH 8 years ago to a glio. So sorry for the loss of your friend (but you were both enriched having known each other).

  2. Bonnie, I am so very sorry for your (and others) loss of such a special friend. Jen was blessed to have so many wonderful friends from the quilting world. Blessings.

  3. I remember Jen telling me about a retreat that she was going on with you and made me promise not to tell anyone. :) Her love of life, her passion for quilting, her kindness and generosity...Thank you for remembering her in such a wonderful fashion. Jen and I never met in person. We were FB friends. And what a wonderful friendship it was.

  4. Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend! I've "met" her several times over the years visiting different blogs. She sounded like a wonderful friend to many. Sending you hugs!

  5. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Keep those happy memories close.

  6. Sad for the loss of a Quilty friend. Glad you have pictures with her to remember. She lives on in the hearts of those she loved. Great finishes. Autumn leaves are almost done falling. We have bare trees. Cold and clear, keeping just a bit of Snow present. Happy Wednesday. Love the Fortune cookie. Best part of a Chinese meal.

  7. Today would have been my oldest brother in laws 78th birthday. He passed on June 17, two days after being diagnosed with stage 4 large B cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma of the central nervous system. No one was allowed to be with him due to Covid restrictions at the hospital in TN. It is foggy, gloomy and pouring rain here-such a sad day.

  8. What a beautiful tribute to a dear friend! I'm so sorry for your loss.

  9. Good morning Bonnie!

    What a beautiful exchange for the loss of summer leaves,
    if it must be,
    a sunrise every morning for your eyes to see!

    Well, a little rhyme snuck out of my brain, & more thoughts...
    I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend & most likely an avid quilter... the sunrise the next morning reminds me of the remaining glow after a roaring fire dies down... a beautiful person, gone from this world, will leave a warm glow of memories in your heart forever...

    Marci H.

  10. Sending you love & hugs. The loss of anyone close is so hard. Just know she has a head start in the quilting mansion of heaven. Enjoy your good memories in the sunrise.

  11. I am so sorry at the loss of your friend. My sympathies to her family and friends also. Hugs to you all. pam

  12. Dearest Bonnie, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Jen! My precious sister-in-law died of brain cancer ten years ago. I know from experience that the loss is so painful, and my heart goes out to you.

  13. i'm sorry for the loss of your friend. you have such good memories. i lost my youngest sister this year to brain cancer and other cancers. 2020 will go down in history as one of our hardest years. i'm eternally grateful that i learned to quilt so many years ago. i have met and maintained so many friendships. thank goodness we have the internet to stay in touch. this isolate in place is so hard. i hope your memories will keep you warm. thanks for all you do for us. patti in florida

  14. So Sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers for you and for her family during this time...

  15. I am sorry for your lose. Looking back on happier times with friends and family may assist you in your sorrow.

  16. Sorry for your loss of a dear friend..

  17. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Jen. All the photos you have are frame worthy, they are so beautiful. She has the warmest smile. I also lost my brother to brain cancer and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. Prayers being sent for you and the rest of Jen's friends and family.

  18. Posted by Christine Adams. Bonnie I lost a dear quilting friend four years ago from breast cancer in her mid forties, she had many cancers from the age of three. She left me her stash which I gifted to many quilters . The fabric I kept goes into every quilt I make that way I keep her stitching. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Hugs from England. X

  19. So sorry to hear that you have suffered another loss. Friends are special and they will always be missed and remembered. In the last few years I have lost my dear friends who were my companions on many trips and adventures during the years. Memories are so precious.

  20. So sorry for the loss of a special friend and fellow quilter. This year we’ve lost so many wonderful people, and yes it’s especially hard since we can’t attend funerals and wakes. Just remember the good times and know that this is all part of the circle of life.

  21. So sorry for the loss of a special friend and fellow quilter. This year we’ve lost so many wonderful people, and yes it’s especially hard since we can’t attend funerals and wakes. Just remember the good times and know that this is all part of the circle of life.

  22. Thanks, Bonnie, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  23. So sorry for the loss of your friend. So glad that you have many happy memories to warm your heart.

  24. I am so very sorry for your loss Bonnie. You will always remember and a quiet service from your heart while you are walking might be the best way to forget Covid 19 for a time and remember your friends.

  25. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Jen. Friends are the family we choose and from the joy radiating from her face, she was a good choice.

  26. So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, and especially someone who was so extraordinary. It's a terrible loss at any time, but made worse at covid times and lack of physical contact for those who are grieving. Sending you big quilty hugs

  27. Bonnie, may the many happy memories you have of times shared with Jen, in some way, provide you with comfort and a virtual hug at this sad time.

  28. Precious memories, and photos always keep our loved ones close to us after we lose them from this life. My condolences to you in the loss of your friend, and to her family.

  29. I am so sorry for your loss of your dear friend. Such sad news! But what a lovely friendship you enjoyed and will carry with you forever. Hugs!!!

  30. Well I can to read your blog and post a comment that I love to read about your regular day to day life on your blog nothing special is special for me to read
    Then you send me in to tears just by sharing what is happening in your life

    It’s good keeping it real a good cry a good laugh a sweet smile we need all the emotions

    Thank you for sharing
    Colleen on the left coast

  31. Bonnie, my thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Friends are special gifts to enrich our lives. May you have a peaceful day with memories.

  32. So sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers for you and yours.

  33. Bonnie, I am so sorry for your loss of your dear friend. I also, have 2 brain tumours, that the surgeon is watching closely, but, I am trying to make sure that my family will have lots of quilts to remember me by or to sell, whichever, they decide when I cross that happy place. Happy memories are our best gift we can leave.

    1. What a heartfelt message Janie. Your love of life and quilting shows thru. What a remarkable attitude. Bless you dear one and hoping things will turn out beautifully for you and yours.

    2. Bless you Bonnie and all those you hold dear. I'm so grateful for you and your blog and all the writing you share. Heart tugs today and tears of emotion. Love you. Thanks for the encouragement and daily recording of your life, it is priceless.

    3. One more thing, my Dad died of brain cancer 12 years ago. His shirts live on in quilts made and given to my children and me. Love the quilts and the memories they give. Thanks to you Bonnie I was able to make the quilts.

  34. Bonnie,I am so sorry your the loss of your friend. This last month I too have lost too many people. We mourn our losses and smile at our memories. Stay strong.

  35. Bless you Bonnie.
    You bring so much to our lives each day.
    Thank you.

  36. So sorry to hear of the passing of your friend. Our 26 yr old son passed away from a brain tumor that held three different cancers in it. We lost our son in June 2006. There is not a day or hour that goes by that I don't think of him. He did leave us with a grandson who was not even two (and is now 16) that we cherish. Try to remember the good times as the greif will sneak up on you when you least expect it.

  37. My deepest condolences for your loss. Losing three people in a year must be very tough especially when it is on top of other recent deaths in the family.

  38. so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Hold those happy memories close to your heart and she will always be with you.

  39. Anonymous5:39 AM EDT

    Bonnie, I am so sorry for your loss. As I read your words, they are comforting me in the sudden loss of my cousin...one of the most vibrant, loving souls I have ever met. Please know that in your grief, you helped mine.

  40. So sorry about the sad news. Condolences to you and to her family.

  41. Sorry to hear about your loss. I too had a friend Jonah who died last week at the age of 12. He too had brain cancer,and had been fighting it for several years.

  42. Bonnie, please pass my condolences on to her family. Today your blog has brought tears to my eyes, I understand the pain of loss . But the joy of knowing good people has to be so much meow powerful than never having the opportunity.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Donna Senters

  43. So sorry for your loss. I too lost a wonderful cousin to brain cancer. Praying for you and her family.

  44. Thinking of you...

  45. Jenn was my roommate at a retreat last year. She was working on a Bonnie quilt then and I marveled at both the lady and the quilt. Since then I got to know her a bit better. She was loved by many.

  46. I never met her in person, but we were Facebook buddies for years. She introduced me to your blog, and talked me into driing from Nevada up to Oregon to meet you. She used to send me beautiful pictures of the blue bonnets in Texas and all of the gorgeous quilts that she made. I am just heartbroken over losing her.

  47. I am so sorry for your loss Bonnie. I, too, have lost friends lately. From covid though. I pray for God to heal the sick and protect those who are not. Amen

  48. Our friends and family have a piece of our heart that no one else can have. We willingly give it to them. As they move on, our memories are precious. Thinking of you getting used to the new you with not the friend but with the memories. She was evidently an exceptional person and will be missed.

  49. Bonnie I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend! As we age this is starting to become a sad reality.

    Since moving to my house 3 yrs ago I've befriended the 77 yr old gentleman across the street and call him my bud. Well Alzheimer's is kicking in hard and he's days away from moving to a memory facility but with covid happening I fear I won't be able to visit until it's lifted and by then it might be too late. I'm preparing for a possible final goodbye and it just sucks!

    I'm hoping mystery quilt-along will preoccupy my time and mind while we sit in this holding pattern. Hugs for both of us! ~M

  50. So sorry for the loss of your dear dear friend! Hugs to you ❤️

  51. What a beautiful woman. Her smile glows in her photos. You were so blessed to have her in your life. God chose her for you and you for her. That is something to feel joy about. So many people file through our lives, some for a moment and others to take deep root in our hearts. I have lost several very close women friends. They are still speaking to me many years after they left this earth. .

  52. So sorry for the loss of your special friend, but so nice that you have such wonderful memories of her.
    Stay safe
    Prayers love and quilty hugs
    Anne xx

  53. Sorry for your loss. I understand the closure thing, since I've also lost people and some haven't even had a service yet (some are waiting until Covid is over to have a memorial service).


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