
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

From the Show!

It's a beautiful drive to Sisters from Sun River. Very high desert....lots of sage brush! I like seeing the ranches out in the middle of nowhere and imagine what it is like for that person living there, what they see as the seasons change and life goes on.

We arrived in Sisters early! Friday night, we kidnapped a very special guest (who will be revealed later) and she spent the night with us while we left her 4 kids and hubby back in Bend at the RV park. It was good to catch up because I hadn't seen her in person in a year, and she hadn't met my other friends, though they knew about her by how much I talk about how wonderful she is :c)

Oregon is COLD in the mornings...and there we were with our sweaters and sweatshirts leaving Sun River at 7:15am.....and by the time we got to Sisters, it was warming up and we could leave the jackets in the car.

The first thing we did was hit the BEST antique vendor there. The photo ops were wonderful! I'm setting these on "small" format, so be sure to click each one and enlarge them to really sewe the brilliant colors and patterns.

I've decided that I get as excited about fabric as a kid dose about a new box of crayons....open the lid...see all those wonderful colors....it's the SAME feeling! I think it's the "possibilities" of what we can do with all this color and pattern that just makes me feel like a kid in a candy store (Or with a new box of crayons!)

We spent a LONG time in the antique vendor's spot! They had racks and racks...boxes of pieces and parts, tables piled high, and two antique bed frames for us to lay things out on to get the FULL effect.

Take a close look at the two ladies looking at the quilts on the rack! The one with the short blond hair is my friend Lori. She lives in Madras, not far from Bend. But wait....who's that bending over looking closely at the stitching on that quilted beauty?? Does she resemble anyone you know?!

If you don't recognize her, I can confess to you that someone ELSE did! It's our LUCY! :cD In fact, a complete total stranger came up and asked her right out....are you LUCY!?? And you should have seen Lucy crack up. Here she thought she was so incognito! It was so fun. Lucy and her Family came to the states to visit, and we were able to work out seeing each other for the Sisters show. We had a lovely time! I'll get some more pics as soon as I can get copies from someone else's camera....

I was also blown away by people who walked up to me and said things like "Aren't you Bonnie Hunter?" Boy does that feel weird! Randy was such a ham, she'd ask people if they wanted to have their picture taken with me and she'd be the photographer. Pfffttt...Silly girl! She also said later "sheesh, we can't take YOU anywhere!" What a kick, huh? It would only happen in a group of quilters. Anywhere else, I blend in fine,believe me. (and I like it that way) This is randy with the gorgeous curly hair, the tan, and the tank top! She's digging through the quilts! I am extra lucky because Randy is going to join me in Colorado next week for the Colorado Quilting Council retreat thingy I'm doing there. She's my helper and partner in crime! We are going to hit the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum while there, and we also have a lunch date with one of my editors from Quiltmaker magazine along with a tour of CKMedia. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone IN PERSON!

There were SO MANY PEOPLE!! I even got calls from some friends from SC who were up there, but we never did run into each other. We missed phone calls and left messages, but by the time they caught me, we were shopped and showed out and ready to head back to Sun River.

I took close ups of lots of antiques. I want to show you them, but I'm going to do it more slowly so you don't get overload. Believe me, I still feel overloaded! As for the quilt show showing me new trends? I'm not a new trend girl. I'm just happy playing with my scraps and shirts, didn't see a lot else that really intrigued me other than the antiques. That ought to tell me something :c) I didn't even buy anything at the Stitching Post. It was too cram packed, and I really didn't need anything. That was probably good because I found these two goodies in quilt shops HERE in Winston Salem!! (trying the camera video again,it's like a new toy!)

Look at this little machine! Isn't it SEW cute?! I saw the little case with the singer logo buried under a bunch of stuff in a booth in the antique mall. I lifted it and it was HEAVY! I had to put down my other stuff to see what was inside. I snatched it up quickly...what a find!

I also snatched up this gorgeous Christmas Rose Applique....and have found that it is better to upload videos to You Tube..the size is better, and it doesn't take as long as blogger to upload. Plus it doesn't hog my picasa album space because they are BIG files. Just in case you wanted to know! Plus all my videos will be in one place for me instead of spread out willy nilly through my blog. Not that I'm sure what I'm going to do with them yet!Okay. It's 11pm. I'm still on west coast time zone....I need to TRY to get to bed at a decent hour....NIGHT!


  1. Very nice video and the pictures are fabulous!

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM EDT

    It was nice meeting you and Lucy at the show! Maybe you are referring to my sister-in-law, she came up and nabbed you guys to take the picture with us. LOL Small world!

  3. Linda knew who Lucy was cause we had seen you guys earlier and told her. She was just being silly.
    It is a small world isnt it?

  4. Anonymous12:34 AM EDT

    Wow, looks like a great trip and a terrific show. Thanks for all the pictures. Sort of like being there. Well, not really, but quilt pictures are always a treat.

  5. Great show! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM EDT

    Love the pics and the movies! You're a QNN in the making..
    All those antique's are awesome and there are so many!Your country is close to a quilters heaven; no wonder Lucy went overseas again. (btw: the first thing I said to her was: I know you, you're Lucy! after recognizing her at a quiltshow. A silly thing to say, but it just popped out:) When I would meet you I would take your picture too. You're a celeb in quiltersland! Dûh!

  7. Cher,Doni, and I (Michele, from Salem,Oregon)had a running commentary on making a 'Bonnie' sighting. We looked for you, we looked for Lucy, and we almost yelled out 'Quiltville' at various spots but finally gave up and had ice cream. I was at those antique booths, several times, but with 15,000 people and 1,200 quilts...you were our quilting needle in an Oregon haystack!

  8. I am so glad you and Lucy were able to spend some time together in such a gorgeous place. I love the Christmas Rose applique quilt, especially the border.

  9. I loved your video of the little Singer--do you know what model it is? It looks like a toy version of the Singer 500a "Rocketeer" crossed with the 301. I have a 301 that is my main piecing machine and adore it--don't give up your search! Actually, I have 3 301s, a black, a tan and a two tone--I sort of got the vintage machine bug a few years back....look out, it can become addictive!

  10. love the video, bonnie; and crayons? well, isn't fabric just crayons that are flat and soft? I'd say...amazed at how your life has changed since we first "met" on stashbusters; wow, what a transformation, girl! you inspire us all for certain.


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